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Discuss the nature of science, scientific
inquiry and problem solving
Analyze cellular design and function in plant,
animal and bacterial cells
Explore the structure of DNA and its
relationship to the cell
Evaluate forensic techniques
Science is basically predictability
It is using what we know today to give us the
ability to predict certain things about the
world around us
Scientists use Critical Thinking
Be Curious – look around and ask questions
about things
Be Skeptical – don’t always believe the first
thing you hear
Be Flexible – even after you have found one
explanation, keep looking, you may find an
even better one later
Scientists use the Scientific Method
Observation –carefully watching something
Hypothesis – an educated guess explaining
around us
what you are observing
Experiment – testing your hypothesis by
designing and carrying out an experiment
Conclusion – judging on the basis of your
experiment if your hypothesis is right or
Experimental – the group in the experiment
Control – the group in the experiment that
that is tested
stays the same
Correlation – two things happen together
Cause Effect - one thing or event actually
causes the other to happen
All living matter is made up of one or more
cells. Also, any cell alive today had its origin
in a preexisting cell
Plant cells have cell walls
Plant cells have chloroplasts that contain
Plant cells have larger vacuoles than Animal
Animal cells contain centrioles
Many animal cells have flagellum to help with
Bacteria are prokaryotes, they do not have a
well-defined nucleus
Bacteria cells contain a single closed DNA
Need a microscope to see them
Bacteria come in three shapes
◦ Cocci (round)
◦ Bacilli (rod-shaped)
◦ Spirilla (spiral-shaped)
A gene is a unit of information that can be
passed on to offspring
They are a powerful influence on physical and
mental characteristics
As powerful as genes are, however, it’s
important to remember that environment also
helps shape organisms
Genes are usually either dominant or
◦ A dominant gene is expressed in the offspring no
matter what gene the other parent contributes
◦ A recessive gene is expressed in the offspring only
if both parents contribute recessive genes
A genome is an organism’s complete set of
Except for mature red blood cells, all human
cells contain a complete genome
DNA contains a phosphate group that attaches to
base pairs
The four base pairs of DNA are:
Adenine (A)
Thymine (T)
Guanine (G)
Cytosine (C)
Remember A only attaches to T and G only
attaches to C!!!
Forensic comes from the Latin word forensis.
Forensic science is science used in public, in
court or in the justice system. Any science, used
for the purposes of the law, is a forensic science.
Firearms and tool marks
Forensic profiling
Document examination
DNA typing
Forensic Anthropology