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Chemistry is the basis of life as we know. Everything around you has chemistry
The summarized idea of chemistry is the properties and functions of the smallest
units of matter known as atoms.
Atoms are what make up EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD!!! Even you!!!
Atoms can combine in numerous ways to create compounds that have different
properties than just the atoms simply combined.
The atom is a small unit consisting of three subatomic particles known as
protons, electrons, and neutrons.
These three particles are organized with in the atom in a certain way that results
in the specific atoms characteristics.
In an atom, there are positively charged particles called protons, negatively
charged particles called electrons, and neutral particles called neutrons.
The protons and neutrons are in the middle of the atom while the electrons circle
around this proton/neutron structure called the nucleus.
Every different atom on the periodic table has a differ number of these particles.
Atoms percent weight
The periodic table is what chemists use to show specific types of atoms
It is organized by the properties of the atoms, number of subatomic particles of
the atom, and size of the atom.
Going across the periodic table is going through its groups while going down it is
going across periods.
These atoms that are on the periodic table are called elements; every atom of an
element is the same, but atoms of different elements are different.
Numbers and symbols on the periodic table usually tell a number of properties of
an atom.
The one or two letter symbol tells us the name of the atom Ex: C= Carbon
The atomic number (the number on top of the element) is the number of protons
and electrons in the atom of that element since the elements usually have a
neutral overall charge Ex: Carbon’s is 6 so it has 6 protons and electrons.
The atomic weight (the number below the element symbol) is used by subtracting
the number of protons from it (the atomic number) and equaling the number of
neutrons Ex: Carbon’s is 12 so 12-- 6= 6 so carbon has six neutrons.
The periodic table is not only sorted by increasing numbers of particles but it is
also organized into types of metals and special groups
To the left of the table you will find the metals in groups 1-2A
In groups 3B – 2B is all transition metals
Below a diagonal line from group 3A’s boron to 6A’s Tellurium is where you will
find the metalloids.
Above that line is where the nonmetals are.
All groups except for the ones in the transition metals and metalloids all have
similar characteristics
1A is the alkali metals
2A is the alkali earth metals
6A is the calcogens
7A is the halogens
8A is the noble gases which are
the most stable elements on the
table meaning they do not like
to change
This is what the people in the field of chemistry deal with on a daily basis
The elements are to great importance to us because, everything is made up of
one or more of these elements
Learning these concepts in chemistry may even interest you into a certain career
Doctors, physicians, physical therapist, and etc. all have to know and work with