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 Red Flag Questions
Pages 134-141
SECTION 2: The Classical Age
By the end of this section, you will be able to answer these questions:
1. What were the characteristics of Athenian democracy?
2. How did the Greeks manage to win the Persian Wars?
3. What advances were made in the golden age of Athens?
4. What led to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War?
The Development of Democracy
Who ruled Athens prior to its becoming a democracy?
Why did Draco reform the laws of Athens?
Describe the structure of Solon’s early democracy.
What sort of leadership did Peisistratus provide?
How did Cleisthenes set the stage for Athenian democracy?
The Nature of Athenian Democracy
Which Athenians could take part in government?
What was the responsibility of the first body – the assembly?
direct democracy
What was the main role of the second body – the council?
2100 BC – 150 BC
What was the third body that made up Athenian democracy?
What could happen if an archon failed to serve the people well?
Causes of the Conflict
Where did the Persian Wars start and why?
What did the Persians do after putting down the revolt?
The First Persian Invasion
When did the Persians invade Greece in the first invasion?
What is a phalanx and how did the Greeks use it to defeat the Persians?
What event inspired the 26-mile marathon that is run today?
Preparations for a Second Invasion
Who planned the second invasion on Greece after Darius died in 486 BC?
What was included in this second army?
How did Athens respond to this second threat from Persia?
Who was in charge of the navy? The army?
The Second Persian Invasion
Describe the battle at Thermopylae?
How were the Persians able to defeat the Spartans?
What did the Persians do after marching to Greece?
How were the Greeks able to defeat the Persians at Salamis?
What were the consequences of the Battle of Salamis?
Why did Athens eventually become the leading city-state?
Increased Influence
What was the Delian League?
How did Athens come to control the Delian League?
What did Athens do to any Delian League member who rebelled?
Rebuilding Athens
Where did Athens get its money to rebuild its city?
What was the Parthenon?
What other improvements did Athens make to its city?
The Age of Pericles
Who was Pericles?
How did Pericles encourage more people to participate in the government?
What did Pericles believe these monuments would prove to the rest of the world?
Life in the Golden Age
How did trade bring great wealth to Athens?
Who was Athens’ greatest rival?
The Peloponnesian League
What was the Peloponnesian League?
What did Athens fear about Sparta? What did Sparta fear of Athens?
What did this mutual fear eventually lead to?
War in Greece
What natural event weakened Athens after years of a stalemate?
Why did Athens surrender to Sparta in 404 BC?
Why was Sparta not able to keep control of Greece?
Who would sweep in and take control of Greece in the 340s BC?