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Paper 1
July/August 2011
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Nakuru District K.C.S.E. Trial Exam Geo. Paper 1 Marking Scheme @ 201
1. (a) What are anabatic winds?
Are cold local winds which blow from valley bottoms up the valley to the hill tops
(b) State any three factors that influence wind direction and speed
Pressure gradient
Coriolis force
Centrifugal force
Effects of friction
(Any 3 )
2. (a) Name the parts labeled .
A-Hydrosphere, Ocean and seas
B. Mantle Asthenosphere
(1 mark each)
(b) Describe any three characteristics of the part labeled C. (outer core)
Composed of very hot molten rock material (temperature upto 3,700oC) Made up of
iron and nickel
Approximately 2,100 km thick
Density of 10.5gms/cc
(Any 3)
(1mk each)
3. (a) What is a landslide?
Is a rapid movement of a large mass of earth and rock down a hill or mountainside
(b) Three factors that may cause soil creep.
Alternate heating and cooling of soil particles
Freezing of soil water (frost heaving)
Removal of soil down slope e.g. by gravity or moisture
Rainwater percolating into the soil
Trampling and burrowing by animals
Shaking by earthquakes or heavy trucks
4. Map of Africa provided
Identify the lakes marked X and Y
X – Lake Chad
Y – Lake Malawi/Nyasa
(b) Formation of lakes due to glacial deposition
(1 mark each)
When a glacier deposits its load, the terminal moraine slowly accumulates at some point
across a glacial trough or at the edge of a depression on the lowland
Water from melting ice, rains, rivers or underground may accumulate behind the
moraine barrier forming a lake
(1 mark each)
5. Diagram representing features produced by wind erosion.
Features D. – resistance rock/Yardang
E - Furrow
(b) Explain the formation of a mushroom block.
Formed from a homogenous rock of uniform hardness and resistance
Wind abrasion from the heavier materials near the ground results in intensive under
cutting at the base of the vertically laid homogenous rock
The top part of the rock undergoes gradual or slow polishing/smoothing (few airborne
*This results in a broad topped rock with a narrow base called a mushroom block
(3 x 1 mark each)
Question 6
6. . (a)(i) Name the province and county in which the area is found
Nyanza Province
South Nyanza county
Direction of Waiga school from Nyakayiemba school
North East
Approximate height of the highest point of the hill at God Omako Koth
4400 feet (between
(b) Rectangle of the area to the west of easting 54.
Accurate rectangle
Ruri Hills
- 1mark
Olambwe Valley N. Reserve – 1mark
Road marked C19
Pump House
6 marks
(c) Two social services offered in the area covered by the map extract
Education evidenced by schools/polytechnic/nursery training
Religion evidenced by church
Health evidenced by hospitals/dispensary/health centers
Administration evidence by DC/Chiefs/AS. Chief
Communication evidenced by post office
(Evidence cannot score alone)
(d) Three types of natural vegetation
Papyrus swamps, marsh and bog vegetation
(e) Factors that favour trading in Homabay municipality
High density of settlement show that there is market/high demand for goods
High densities of roads network/presence of water transport provide means of
transportation therefore encouraging trade.
A variety of economic/agricultural; activities e.g. sisal factory, maize control store show
that the area is productive which encourages trade.
(a)(i) Differentiate between a tide and a wave
A tide is the periodic/twice daily rise and fall of ocean level whereas
A wave is a ridge of moving water /an undulation on the surface of the water
(ii) Describe the process of long shore drift.
Waves surge/move onto a beach at an oblique angle
The swash takes sediments up at an oblique angle
The backwash takes sediments down the beach at a right angle
This process is repeated in subsequent waves
The to and fro movements of sediments along the shore is known as continental drift.
3x 1 =max sequence must be followed
(b)(i) Name three types of submergent coasts
Any 3 x 1 = 3 mks
(ii) Explain five ways in which Kenya benefits from coastal features
Coastal features are a tourist attractions e/g beaches, coral reefs. They bring foreign
exchange used for economic development.
Shallow continental shelf and submerged coasts form important fishing grounds
Coastal inlets are used as harbours e.g. Kilindini harbour
Coastal habitat provides environment for research /education
Mangrove trees provide timber for building and for fuel
Coral limestone is used as a raw material in the manufacture of cement which is used
the construction industry
Coral rocks are used as building materials.
Any 5 well explained x 2 = 10 mks
(c) Students are planning to carry out a field study on coastal landforms.
Give four advantages of studying coastal landforms through field work.
Gives firsthand information on different types of coastal landforms
Application of knowledge gained in the classroom to real life situation Development of
various skills/application of skills learnt
Helps in familiarizing with the environment.
Reduces monotony and boredom in the classroom
Provides in-depth/broader learning
Enables one to appreciate coastal landforms
It enhances visual memory of the landscape better than the theory
other relevant Any 3 x 1 = 3mks
Accept any
What problems are they likely to encounter.
Strong heat/strong winds
Sinking sand
Some coastal strip are not penetrable
Steep cliffs/difficult in climbing or descending steep rocks
Difficult in communication due to strong waves.
Any other relevant
(a) what is Vulcanicity?
Refers to all the various ways in which solid, liquid and gaseous materials are formed into
the earth’s crust or onto the surface of the earth.
(b) Giving examples in Kenya, differentiate between extinct and dormant volcanoes
Extinct volcanoes have not shown any signs of volcanic activity in historic times
Example – Mt. Kenya, Mt. Elgon while
Dormant volcanoes are those that are not active but show signs of volcanic activity(likely
to erupt again)
Example – Mt. Longonot, Menengai crater
(difference – 2 mks, example – 2mks)
(c) Describe formation of features
(i) Volcanic plug
Viscous lava may solidify in the vent
If the surrounding rocks are softer, they may be denuded/eroded; leaving a hard
feature standing above the earth surface; known as a volcanic plug
(ii) Basic lava dome
Basic lava/basalt; due to its low viscosity;
before it cools; and hardens;
spreads and flows for a long distance.
When it finally solidifies, it builds up a broad gently sloping volcanic dome which is
very wide in proportion to its height called a basic lava shield/dome
(iii) Geyser
Underground water contact with hot rocks get superheated
The water turns into stream/vapour and expands
This steam is under pressure because of a column of water immediately above it
The pressure forces the steam and water out of the ground explosively; through
cracks/pipes; forming a jet of hot water/steam into the air at intervals
(cooler water flows back into the pipes to replace the lost water and heating begins again)
(d) Explain four negative effects of vulcanicity to human activities
Some volcanic features create barriers making the construction of communication lines
The rugged nature of volcanic landscapes make settlement and agriculture difficult.
Volcanic eruption may produce poisonous gases which pollute the environment, posing
danger to life
Volcanic mountains/range create poorly developed soils which are unsuitable for
* The effect and explanation must be shown to score. Any 4 x 2 marks each(8 mks)
(a) Differentiate between environmental lapse rate and zero lapse rate
Environmental lapse rate is where temperature reduces as altitude increase while zero lapse
rate temperature remain constant as altitude increase
Mark as a whole
(b) What type of climate is experienced in the following regions of Kenya?
Coastal strip
Modified equatorial climate of coast
Lake Victoria basin
modified equatorial climate of lake region
Mt. Kenya region
Modified equatorial climate of highlands
(c) Describe how the following human activities influence climate
(i) Construction of dams or reservoirs
Increases the humidity of surrounding area because of increased
Modifies temperature of surrounding area due to breezes created
Any 1 explained = 2mks
(ii) Industrialization
Emission of chloro-fluoro-carbons (CFC) and other gases changes the composition of
the atmosphere
Smoke, dust and gases released to the atmosphere leads to global warming.
Some gases released by industries destroys the ozone layer.
explained = 2mks
(e) (i) state four characteristics of Mediterranean climatic zone
• High temperature in summer /21oC
Winter temperature are moderate /10o C
Moderate annual temperature range/11oC
Moderate annual rainfall /500mm-800mm per annum
Much of the rain falls in winter
Summers are dry/little rainfall
Rain is cyclonic in nature
Any 1
Strong winds such as sirocco in N. Africa.
Any 4 x 1 = 4mks
(ii) Explain three problems associated with convectional rainfall in the lake region of Kenya (6mks)
Hailstones destroys crops
Torrential rain causes floods which displaces people
Strong winds rip off roofs of house/uproot tress
Lightning strikes causing death of people/animals
Any 3 explained x 2 = 6mks
(f) Some form one students went out for a field study in a weather station.
Give two preparations they made before going out
Assembling writing materials
Asking for permission
Preparing questions to be asked
Dividing themselves into groups
Accept any other relevant point . Any 2 x 1 = 2mks
Which activities were they involved in while in the weather stations
Reading on the topic
Observing the instruments
Identifying the instruments
Listening to the resource persons
Writing down their observations
Answering questions asked by resource person
Consulting each other on weather issues
Accept any other applicable point. Any 4 x 1 = 4mks
(a) Draw a map of Kenya and on it shade the areas that have dominantly volcanic and
(limestone and sandstone) rocks
(b) State two types of metamorphism
Dynamic/kinetic (due to pressure changes)
Thermal/contact metamorphism (due to intense heat)
Thermal dynamic/region (combination of heat and pressure)
Metasomatism (due to hot and molten rocks)
(d) Describe three ways in which sedimentary rocks are formed.
Mechanically formed;
These rocks are formed when eroded rock materials are transported by agent of erosion;
and deposited in layer either on land or in the sea
Organically formed
These rocks are formed when remains of previously existing plants or animals
organisms Are accumulated over a long period of time forming layers
Chemically formed
These are formed when rocks are precipitated;
and particles accumulate in layers.
or when solutions of salt evaporates,
(e) Describe four ways in which mineral deposits found in different types of rocks are useful to
I. Gold is used for making valuable items like jewelry and currency
II. Copper is mainly used for manufacture of electric cables, pipes and coins
III. Lead is used in making batteries, ammunition and insecticides
IV. Tin is mixed with other metals and is used to cover them (prevent rusting) V. Silver is
used for making jewelry, and in photography
VI. Zinc can be mixed with copper to produce brass
VII. Aluminum is used in the manufacture of aircrafts and motor vehicle parts, utensils and
electric cables.
VIII. Manganese is used in the steel industries
IX. Diamond is used in making drill-bits. Jewelry and for cutting glass.
(4 x 2)