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The Atom:
Niels Bohr (year ______)
Read pp. 112-121 to complete the following notes
-Bohrs model has a positive nucleus (containing protons &
neutrons) surrounded by electrons.
History of the Atom
- The electrons move around the nucleus in
Democritus (year _____ BCE)
____________ _______ with each path a
- called the smallest particle of a substance an _____________ meaning
______ _________ ___ ___ ________.
-An _________ is the basic unit of matter because it is the smallest unit that
has the chemical ________________ of an ________________.
Picture of Bohr’s Atomic Model
__________ _____________ from the nucleus.
James Chadwick (Year ______)
-Discovered that the nucleus contains _________________ particles called
Which is smaller; at atom or the cells in living things? ________________
Current Atomic Theory
John Dalton (year 1808)
-_________________move within an area around the nucleus called the
-Published the ATOMIC THEORY which states:
___________ __________
1. All ______________ is made up of atoms
2. Atoms cannot be _____________, ______________, or _______________
3. All atoms of a certain element are
______________. But they are _________________
from atoms of all other __________________.
4. Atoms _________ with other atoms to make
_______ substances
Draw a picture of Daltons Atomic Model in the box.
Parts of the Atom
Part of the atom
Location IN the atom
Electric Charge
Relative mass
(slightly less massive than a
JJ Thomson (year _______)
-Discovered negatively charged subatomic particles
-The charges of protons and electrons are ________________ but _________
called _________________
-Atoms have a net, or overall, charge of ________
-His model of an atom was a _________________
sphere with the ______________ mixed through it.
-An atom can lose or gain _____________, in which case we refer to the atom
as an _______. (They have a net charge that is NOT ____)
Draw a picture of Thomson’s Atomic Model in the box
Ernest Rutherford (year _______)
-Suggested that atoms have a _________________ (which is a small,
__________ center that has a __________________
charge and is surrounded by moving ____________.
-Later he found that the nucleus contains smaller
positively charged subatomic particles called
Draw a picture of Rutherford’s Atomic Model in the box
-The number of _________ distinguishes the atoms of one element from
-The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is the ____________
-Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of
-The total number of protons and neutrons in an atoms nucleus is its
__________ _______________