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Exploration Study Guide
What country did he sail from?
Bartholomeu Dias
Vasco da Gama
Christopher Columbus
Ferdinand Magellan
Where did he go?
What did he discover?
1488: First European to round the Cape of
Good Hope (the southern tip of Africa)
1497-1498: First European to sail to India and
open a new water route for trade between
Europe and Asia (returned to Portugal with a
cargo of spices)
1492: First European to discover the Americas
(believed until his death that he had reached
the Indies in Asia by sailing west)
1519-1522: His crew were the first Europeans
to circumnavigate the globe (sail around the
world); Magellan died in the East Indies but
his crew continued on and returned to Spain
1521: Conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico
(at Tenochtitlan)
1532: Conquered the Inca Empire in Peru (at
1535: Claimed the area he discovered (present
day Canada) for France
Hernan Cortez
Francisco Pizarro
Jacques Cartier
Sir Francis Drake
1577-1580: First English navigator to sail
around the world; his fleets destroyed the
Spanish Armada
Directions: Answer each of the following questions:
Triangular Trade
The Slave Trade
Europeans began to view slaves as the most important
item of African trade. Africans were immune to the diseases
that had killed so many Native Americans.
West Africa
The Middle Passage
Caribbean islands
North & South
Ships departed
from Europe with
manufactured goods
(e.g., knives, swords,
guns, cloth & rum).
Ships, next sailed across the Atlantic to various Caribbean islands or to
North & South America. The slave ‘cargo’ was sold. Money derived from
the sale of slaves was used to buy sugar, molasses, cotton, and tobacco to be resold in Europe.
Economic Results
The journey from Africa to America was called
the Middle Passage because it was the 2nd leg of
a trade route known as the Triangular Trade.
Once purchased, Africans were packed below the
decks of slave ships. Up to half died. Many
chose to commit suicide. Others seized control
of the ship and returned to Africa.
In West Africa,
European items
were traded for
slaves --- most of
whom were war
Economic Results
– An economic practice that encouraged countries to
1. Acquire large amounts of gold and silver
– So they could build a strong army and navy
2. Export more than they import
– This was known as a “favorable balance of trade”
Joint Stock Companies
– Groups of individual investors that pooled their money
together to finance voyages of exploration
– Lets investors share risk AND profits of business
– These companies helped fund colonies in America
3. Conquer overseas colonies to get cheap raw
– “Mother” countries in Europe can then use those materials to
make goods to sell back to the colonies
The Columbian Exchange
Guided Notes
Essential Understanding
The discovery of the Americas by Europeans resulted in an exchange of products and resources
between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
The Columbian Exchange is defined as: the widespread exchange of crops, animals, diseases,
culture, and ideas between the Eastern (Old World) and Western (New World) hemispheres.
*Old World = Europe, Africa, and Asia
*New World = North and South America
Items with the Most Significant Impact
1. Horses because they allowed for faster transportation (made conquest easier for
Europeans and provided the indigenous people of the Americas with a more effective
way to hunt buffalo).
2. Potatoes because they became a staple (basic element) of diets worldwide and helped
feed rapidly growing populations.
3. Corn for the same reason as potatoes.
4. Disease because scholars estimate that almost 95% of Native American populations were
wiped out from European diseases.
5. Sugar because it is used EVERYWHERE!
Impact of the Columbian Exchange between Europeans and Indigenous Cultures
1. Sparked the migration of millions of people.
2. Diseases depopulated many cultures; however, contact between the two hemispheres
circulated a wide variety of new crops and livestock that, in the long term, increased the
world population.
3. The exchange transformed ways of life (e.g., new foods became staples of human diets).
4. Europeans needed labor to farm land, which led to the encomienda system and slavery.
Section 1: Spain Claims an Empire
Spain and Portugal argue over the Line of Demarcation. The Treaty of Tordesillas decides
Portugal gets most of eastern South America – present day Brazil. Spain becomes the most
powerful country.
European countries had 3 main goals during the age of exploration: (Gold, Glory, and God)
1. Spread Christianity beyond Europe (Missionaries were sent to convert Natives.)
2. Wanted to expand their empires
3. Wanted to become rich
Mercantilism is an economic system, which describes how Europeans enriched their treasuries.
Colonies helped them to do this. The colonies’ provided good or markets for the country. They
tried to ensure that their imports did not exceed their exports and there was a favorable balance
of trade.
After Columbus’s first voyage there were many explorers to follow.
Amerigo Vespucci – an Italian, who realized that he did not reach Asia but a new continent and
had it named after him by a German mapmaker – America.
Vasco Nunez de Balboa – a Spaniard claimed the Pacific Ocean for Spain.
Ferdinand Magellan – a Portuguese sailor, is credited as the first to sail around the world in 1522.
2 Famous Spanish Conquistadors:
Hernando Cortes – conquers Aztec empire in Mexico. Defeats Aztec emperor Montezuma in
Francisco Pizarro – conquers Incas in Peru and defeats Incan emperor Atahualpa in 1531.
4 Reasons for Spanish Victories:
1. Spread of European diseases kills million of Native Americans
2. Spanish excellent soldiers and have superior weapons
3. Spain made alliances with Native Americans who were enemies of Aztecs and Incas
4. Spanish conquistadors acted brutally toward the Native Americans under their control
Spain then began to explore other parts of North and South America.
Hernando de Soto set out for Florida.
Francisco de Coronado traveled through South Western USA.
Section 2: European Competition in North America
Europeans searching for a water route through North America to Asia – The Northwest Passage.
expeditions but all failed. John Cabot, Jacquire Cartier and Giovanni Verrazano did not find a
Northwest Passage; they found land around present day Canada.
French and English lay claims to land in Americas and angers Spain. Spain responds to the
competition and clashes with England. The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 has two
important effects:
1. England remains independent and Protestant.
2. Spain’s image suffers. The world saw that Spain could be beaten and other nations joined
England in challenging Spain.
France and the Netherlands seek wealth through the fur trade in North America.
Samuel de Champlain – explored the St. Lawrence River and started a fur trading post at Quebec.
This colony was called New France.
Dutch built colony New Netherland located along Hudson River. In 1626 Dutch bought
Manhattan Island from Native Americans and founded colony New Amsterdam.
Section 3: The Spanish and Native Americans
The Church and plantations are central features of Spanish colonial society.
In New Mexico and California the church built missions and the goal of the missions was to
convert Native Americans to Christianity. The mission also increased Spanish control over the
Sugar plantations develop in the Americas and were large and raised much money for Spain.
They forced Native Americans to work on the sugar plantations. These crops were exported to
Europe. The plantations required many workers, Spaniards treated Native Americans terribly.
Columbian Exchange – is the movement of living things between hemispheres. One result of the
Exchange was the transfer of germs from Europe to the Americas. Native Americans had no
immunity to them.
But there were positive changes like the adaptation and domestication of plants and animals.
Section 4: Beginnings of Slavery in the Americas
Slavery arises in the colonies with the increasing demand for workers.
The voyage from Africa to America is known as the middle passage. Some colonies establish
slave codes to prevent rebellion.
By the 1600’s slavery (the practice of holding a person in bondage for labor) was firmly
established in the Americas. When the Spaniards and Portuguese founded their colonies in the
Americas they brought with them the plantation system. They tried to enslave the Native
Americans to work in mines and fields but they quickly died from overworking and disease. In
some cases Native Americans rebelled with help from local allies. They
looked for other sources of labor. They finally enslaved Africans for labor.
4 Basic Reasons Why Europeans Enslaved Africans:
1. Africans are immune to most European diseases.
2. Africans had no friends or family in the America to help them resist or escape enslavement.
3. Africans provided a permanent source of cheap labor; even their children could be held in
4. Many Africans were farmers back in Africa.
Slavery began in the Americas to provide a labor force.
The voyage from Africa to the Americas was called the Middle Passage. It was the leg of the
triangular trade \ route. The triangular trade route refers to the movement of trade ships between
Europe, \Africa, and the Americas.