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Name: ________________________________________ Homeroom: ____________
Chapter 7 – Earth’s Rocks
Essential Question: How Are Minerals Identified?
Properties of Minerals
A _____________ is a natural, solid substance with a definite chemical
composition and _________________________________.
Minerals are identified by using many different _____________________.
_______________ - color of the powder left behind when a mineral is rubbed on a piece
of ______________________________. The streak is most often the ___________
color as the ________________.
A mineral that _____________ under ultraviolet light is said to show
A mineral is always a _______________, with its atoms arranged in a certain
repeating pattern. A result of this patter is the mineral’s _________________________.
Minerals tend to break along a plane, also known as a ____________________,
along flat surfaces _______________________ to the crystal faces.
Mineral Hardness and Uses
Hardness measures the mineral’s ability to _____________________________.
The ___________ hardness scale ranks minerals from 1 to 10, 1 being the __________
and 10 being the _____________. A mineral with a higher number has the ability to
_______________ a mineral with a _____________ number on the Mohs scale.
Diamonds are the hardest mineral; therefore they are a ______ on the Mohs scale and
no other mineral can _________________ a diamond.
Every mineral has a specific ________________ that can then be compared with
a different _________________. Therefore hardness is the most useful for
_________________ the majority of minerals.
Minerals have many _______________ uses. The part of your pencil that writes
on paper is _______________, which is a very ___________ mineral. Minerals are
also important sources of _______________; such as copper for _________________,
iron which is used to make _______________________ and even rock salt which we
How Minerals Form
Minerals form only in ______________, from materials that were ____________
alive. Most minerals are ________________ of several elements, but can also form
from a ____________ element.
Minerals form in many places such as __________________, the Earth’s _____,
deep within Earth in the ________________, as ____________ evaporates in
________________ caves, in ________________________ water from Earth’s crust,
and in geodes.
Essential Question: How is Rock Classified?
____________ is a natural solid made up of one or more ________________.
Rock makes up ______________________ everywhere on earth.
Igneous Rock
The rock that forms when melted rock hardens is called ____________________
rock. Igneous rock is the result when melted rock within _____________ is pushed up
from the __________________ to the _______________.
This melted rock within the Earth is called ________________. Once it is
pushed to the crust the ______________ temperatures of the crust cause the magma to
harden into ________________.
Upon reaching Earth’s surface magma is called ______________. Since the
temperatures are much _____________ on the surface lava cools much more quickly
than magma.
Igneous rock is either _________________ cooling deep inside Earth’s crust, or
__________________ cooling on Earth’s surface.
Sedimentary Rock
Sedimentary rock forms when layers of ________________ - bits of rock carved
by wind, water, or ice – settle over time and bind ____________________. Sedimentary
rock is divided into 2 main groups, determined by how the rock is__________________.
Clastic sedimentary rock forms from rock that is _________________________
Chemical sedimentary rock forms when chemicals in water come out of the
____________________ and form _____________.
Limestone is a very common chemical sedimentary rock that forms when animal
shells or skeletons pile up at the bottom of an ocean or lake and become
________________ together and therefore form _____________.
Sedimentary rock is most likely to exist near Earth’s ____________________.
Metamorphic Rock
Metamorphic rock forms when igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic _________
is changed by pressure, heat, or very hot water. The process of forming metamorphic
rock is known as ___________.
Igneous and metamorphic rock both form where a land plate meets and ocean
plate because of the ___________ and __________________ caused by the collision
of the plates.
Essential Question: What is the Rock Cycle?
The Rock Cycle
All the processes that change rock from one kind to another is the ___________.
Any rock can become a _____________________ kind of rock. The rock cycle is
constantly ___________ Earth’s surface and the ________ that makes up the surface.
The Rock Cycle and Plate Boundaries
The surface of the earth is made up of ________________, it is not a single slab
of ________________________. These plates are very large and extremely ________,
but_______________ on the soft rock that is beneath them. At the _______________
where land and ocean plates meet and sometimes _____________, all _____________
types of rock can form.
Essential Question: How do Soils Form?
How Soil Forms
__________________, the process by which rocks are broken down into smaller
and smaller pieces, is the most important factor in the process of soil formation. There
are ______ types of weathering:
Physical weathering – caused by ______________________________________
Chemical weathering – occurs when _____________ break up rocks, often in
_____________, by dissolving parts of them. This can be compared to a ___________
that holds pieces together.
There are ________ layers of soil.
The very bottom layer of the soil is known as ____________________ and is
mostly solid rock. Bedrock is solid rock underneath loose materials. The
_______________ in bedrock help determine the type of soil that forms. Since much of
the soil in the upper layers forms from _________________.
____________________ is the next and middle layer of the soil. Subsoil is
mostly made of small bits of rock, that are broken up by the help of ________________
changes and ____________________ that force their way up through the soil. The
upper part of the subsoil is rich with ___________. The upper part also contains
_______________ that were dissolved and filtered down from the top of the ground.
__________________, is the top layer of soil. (Imagine that ) Topsoil is much
more _______________ than other soil layers. Topsoil contains bit of __________
__________________________________, and humus. _______________ is the
decayed plant and animal matter. This ___________ mixture of ingredients is good for
growing plants, which need the phosphorus and nitrogen in ________ to grow well. The
layer of ________________ is usually only a few ______________ thick.
Not all ___________ are the same. They vary in __________, in the _________
they contain, and in _____________. One helpful clue in determining the kinds of
minerals and the amount of humus, iron, and oxygen is the soil’s ________________.
Conserving Soil
After the _______________________________, farmers could no longer farm
because there was no _______________ left. It had been blown away in the wind
storms. As a result farmers had to change their farming techniques and think of ways to
_____________________ soil.
In order to save soil farmers now use several methods. They plant in
__________ so that plants with shallow roots are next to plants with __________ roots.
The deep roots can __________ down the soil. They also practice _______________
plowing, where they plow across slopes to prevent water and soil from flowing downhill.
Another important method farmer’s use is the planting of windbreaks. These
windbreaks are lines of ______________ that stop the wind from ____________ away
the soil.
It is important to conserve soil because it can take many _________________ of
years for soil to form naturally; therefore it can not be replaced _______________.