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Our Approach to Stewardship
Michael Cohen
Capital Group
Private ownership fosters stability and a long-term focus
• We are stable: being a privately held company allows us
to make decisions with a long-term focus, yet we have
the rigorous accountability of a publicly held company.
• We are focused: investment management is our
only business.
Why it matters: We are able to focus on the long-term
interests of our clients.
Capital Group
by the numbers
US$ 1.4 trillion
assets under management
US$ 1.2 trillion
equity assets managed
US$ 224 billion
fixed-income assets managed
US$ 93 billion
Institutional assets managed
Data as at 31 December 2014
Our heritage
Jonathan Bell Lovelace founded a small company based on the belief that fundamental
research is essential to achieving superior, long-term investment results.
Capital Group’s private ownership and focus on delivering consistent, positive results
for long-term investors has made us one of the largest asset managers in the world.
Top 5 active asset managers1
Capital Group
assets under
fixed income
assets under
1. Based on percentage share of active assets under management for funds. As at 30 September 2014. Source: Morningstar.
2. As at 31 December 2014. Source: Capital Group.
Built to last
As a private firm with an independent charter and robust balance sheet, we invest
in improving our capabilities through good markets and bad. With one of the
highest retention rates in the industry,1 we have some of the most experienced
investment professionals and a commitment to sustaining our investment process
over generations.
1. Source: Morningstar, for the American Funds, as at 31 December 2013. Based on percentage of portfolio managers who have stayed
with the firm during the past five calendar years.
Aligned with investor success
Long-term perspective
• We are privately owned and base our decisions on a long-term perspective,
which we believe aligns our goals with the interests of our clients.
• Achieving superior, long-term returns is our only goal, so managers are
rewarded for their results, not the level of assets they manage.
A long-term perspective on behalf of clients
Average holding period (years)1
1.7 Comparable equity funds
4.5 Capital Group2
Compensation basis (years)
1 Short-term emphasis
1. Source: Morningstar, for the American Funds, as at 31 December 2013. Based on percentage of portfolio managers who have
stayed with the firm during the past five calendar years.
2. For the American Funds only, as at 31 December 2012.
Average holding periods as of the most recent fiscal year-end periods available through 31 December 2012.
Source for comparable equity funds: Lipper.
8 Capital Group emphasis
The Capital System is at the core of our sustained results
• Portfolios are divided into
segments that are managed
independently by individual
portfolio managers.
• The portfolios are built from
the bottom up, security by
security, based on extensive
Why it matters: The blend of
managers (portfolio managers and
analysts) is designed to lower
volatility while striving for
consistently superior long-term
Portfolio managers
The graphic shown above right is for illustration purposes only and does not represent the exact composition of a portfolio.
An extensive global research effort is the
backbone of our system
Few firms can match our scale and scope
• We combine on-the-ground research
with comprehensive macro analysis
around the world.
Local knowledge around the world
Our research offices1
• Equity and fixed-income analysts work
together, pooling research.
Fundamental, global research is crucial
for identifying investment opportunities
and risks.
1. Beijing: limited to macroeconomic research. Mumbai: Capital Group International, Inc (CGII) only.
2. As at 31 December 2013. All other data to 31 December 2014.
The Capital Group companies manage equities through three investment divisions that make investment and proxy voting decisions independently.
Fixed-income investment professionals provide fixed-income research and investment management across the Capital organisation; however, for
securities with equity characteristics, they act solely on behalf of one of the three equity investment groups.
Responsible investing is integrated into our investment process
Our philosophy
Capital Group1 is a
discretionary investment
manager with a bottom-up
investment process
focused on delivering
long-term results.
Our approach is to fully
integrate environmental,
social and governance
(ESG) issues into our
research process, rather
than treating them as the
responsibility of a separate
Our approach for effective integration of responsible investing
We are long-term investors underpinned by our own strong culture
and code of ethics and private ownership
We invest in companies we believe have a sustainable business model
and good growth prospects
Fundamental research capabilities with depth and breadth of experience
Trust, built on long-term relationships with companies
Access and credibility to engage and have a dialogue with companies
Coordinating with industry associations and other investors
on corporate governance regulatory developments
1. Capital Group (Capital) refers to Capital International Limited, Capital International Sàrl , Capital International, Inc., Capital International K.K.
and Capital Guardian Trust Company each of which is a subsidiary of Capital Group International, Inc. (CGII)
Facilitating responsible investing
Integrated approach
Research based
Front line
• Our investment analysts have a
deep knowledge and understanding
of companies
• Analysts evaluate factors which could
affect a company's long-term growth
prospects including ESG issues, where
they believe they are relevant to
long-term value
• Around 100 in-house analysts covering
equity and fixed income
• With their in-depth knowledge of
industry sectors, analysts can factor in
the circumstances of each company
rather than using a box-ticking
• Our analysts and portfolio managers
make thousands of company visits
annually, and regularly meet with the
management of companies
• Capital generally prefers to engage
privately with companies
• We will engage more broadly with
governments, regulators and
stakeholders relevant to our investments
A consistent process supported by dedicated resources
Our process
In-house decision making
• Proxy and corporate action decisions
are made in-house
• Analysts are responsible for making
proxy voting and corporate action
• We do not allow stock lending in
our funds
Corporate Governance team
• Provides dedicated expertise and
consistent set of policies and procedures
applied globally
• Aims to vote every share of every
company we hold
• Works with the Investment Group on
company engagement and voting decisions
• Provides global consistency with regional
flexibility and the capacity to meet
growing demands
Review and
Regional proxy committees
• Associates from the Investment Group
and Legal form our regional proxy voting
• Analysts covering companies provide
the committees with a recommendation
on voting decisions
• These committees review selected
proxy decisions
Our Global Model
• Truly integrated approach to stewardship
• Key themes identified by investment professionals during discussion facilitated by
the Governance team (GAP) before and after proxy season
• Proxy policy
• Engagements
• GAP works alongside investment professionals in voting and engagement process
which allows a joined-up approach
• Investors make final decisions
• Additional global resource provided by GAP complements analyst research on key
themes including remuneration, proxy voting and ESG issues, e.g. climate change
Approach to Stewardship
Principle 1: Stewardship
• Strong, long-term relationships our investment professionals develop with a company board and management enable
us to maintain an active approach to stewardship of the companies in which we invest
Principle 2: Conflicts of Interest
• Not part of a diversified financial services company that also provides investment banking, consulting or custodial services
• Associates must adhere to the Capital Group Code of Ethics
Principle 3: Monitoring
• Monitoring and engagement with companies are natural aspects to our investment process
• Analysts are responsible for making voting and corporate action decisions, ensuring our stewardship activity is aligned
with our investment theses
Principle 4: Intervention
• Intervention would be a natural extension of engagement where there are issues of concern
• Alternatively, if we believe it is in the best financial interests of the client, we may sell the shares or bonds of a company
Approach to Stewardship
Principle 5: Acting Collectively
• May work with other investors where we believe this will increase value for shareholders or creditors
• May join other investors in engagement activity at an industry level
Principle 6: Voting
• Aim to vote all proxies on behalf of clients in accounts for which it has proxy voting authority
• Voting decisions are made according to our internal voting policy and analyst recommendations
Principle 7: Reporting
• Publish quarterly reports which provide an overview of our engagement activities
• Provide quarterly proxy voting reports to clients that have authorised Capital to vote on their behalf and wish to
receive them
Climate change survey and impact on investing
• Surveyed our London based equity and fixed income investment groups to
gather views on climate change
• Results showed that this is a very relevant topic with broad impacts,
creating risks and opportunities across sectors
• Analysts and portfolio managers integrate the consideration of climate
change into the investment process and decisions
• Portfolio manager Michael Cohen: “Climate change touches every aspect
of our portfolios”
Observations and focus areas in Stewardship
• Engagement: is there a better way to engage with the Chair and Boards
of companies?
• Investment horizon: conflicts in the market with focus on short term results
• Regulation: shift in the environment with too many differing agendas,
potential to create negative consequences for investors
Regulatory information
This marketing communication is issued by Capital International Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority. It is intended for professional clients only and should not be relied upon by retail clients. While Capital Group uses reasonable
efforts to obtain information from sources which it believes to be reliable, Capital Group makes no representation or warranty as to the
accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information. This marketing communication is intended merely to highlight issues, and not to be
comprehensive or to provide investment, tax or other advice. Should you have any queries on the issues reported here, please contact one of
your regular contacts at Capital Group.