Download 2016 Project 2 Building Identity

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Project 2 Building Identity- Giving Your Maniken® A Face
Assorted colors of clay
Wire tool or wooden knife
Colored pencils
Laboratory journal
Body system graphic organizers (Skeletal View)
You have been asked to mark specific bones and structures on your Maniken®. Now
you will focus on the skull. Make sure you have and can identify the following bones on
your manikin and on your graphic organizer.
Zygomatic Process
Frontal Bone
Temporal Bone
Occipital Bone
Parietal Bone
1. Use your book and read the following pages in Chapter 6 The Muscular System,
p196-203. Muscle Movements, Types, and Names
2. Write down the following in your lab journals.
a. Define origin, insertion, prime mover, antagonist, synergist and fixator.
b. What are the FIVE GOLDEN RULES of Skeletal Muscle Activity?
c. Be able to identify or demonstrate 13 different body movements.
d. List seven criteria used in naming muscles.
e. Identify seven fascicle arrangements.
f. What does fascicle arrangement determine about a muscle?
3. Use your book to find the location of the following muscles.
Facial Muscles:
 Frontalis
 Occipitalis
 Orbicularis Oculi
 Orbicularis Oris
 Zygomaticus
 Buccinator
Chewing Muscles:
 Temporalis
 Masseter
Neck Muscle:
 Sternocleidomastoid
4. In your laboratory journal, take notes on the origin, insertion and basic function or
action of each muscle. (p215-217)
5. Obtain another copy of the body system graphic organizer (skeletal view).
6. Sketch the muscles you researched in Step 3 in pencil on the organizer. Label
the top of the diagram “Muscular System.” Label each muscle you add to the
diagram. Make sure to add a brief statement of function. Alternatively, you can
create a key on a separate sheet of paper.
7. Using your knowledge of directional terms, tissues, and the bones and muscles
of the face, follow your teacher’s instructions to build the face of your Maniken®.
FIRST, you will add fat pads and an eye. Then you will use bone landmarks to
apply the muscles listed in #3 to the head, face and neck.
8. Take a look at what you have created. Is your Maniken® going to be male or
female? With your partner, decide on a name for your Maniken®.
9. Answer the conclusion questions.
1. How does the distribution of tissues contribute to our appearance and to our
2. Describe the role of fat in our cheeks and behind our eyes.
3. Think about the action of the muscles you have built on your maniken. Describe
specific motions that you would not be able to complete if you damaged your
temporalis, your orbicularis oculi or your orbicularis oris. How would this affect
your ability to communicate?
4. Reflect on your own identity. What do you think helps make you, you?