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Dr. Auday S.K AL-Jubori
Lecture ( 12 )
Bacterial diseases
F – Bacterial disease .
1 – Tuberculosis .
It's infection and chronic disease infected most animals and human , this disease
characterize by ( Tubercles ) in the different viscera of body .
Causative agent .
Mycobecteria tuberculous and M. bovis
This bacteria acid- fast- stain . And it's bacilli prefer
dark places .
Judgment .
In case infected carcass of cattle .
a- Must be cut the carcass to equal size and inspection of the vertebras, ribs, sternum
bone, spinal cord, brain, and kidneys .
b- Inspection the lymph nods in the all organs specially the udder in cows which may be
infected by this disease .
c- When the T.B localized , it's infected the organ only fund in the ( cortex or medulla )
or inter lymph node , which found in that organ. That meaning the T.B ( bacteria ) not
found in the blood vessels or blood circulation of the body .
 Total condemnation of carcass in case found localized tubercles in the organ or more .
And emaciation of carcass and in case of general infection ( miliary tuberculosis ) .
 Partial condemnation of the carcass in case found localized T.B and the carcass in good
condition .
2 – Johe's disease ( paratuberculosis ) .
It's infection disease infected of cattle, sheep and goat characterize by continues or
chronic diarrhea lead to emaciation and not infected of human .
Causative agent .
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis
Judgment .
In case sever emaciation whith oedema total condemnation of the carcass .
3 – Chronic caseous lymphadenitis in sheep .
It's infectious disease infected of sheep lead to sever emaciation and it's infected of the
lymph nodes .
Causative agent .
Corynebacterium ovis
Judgment .
Condemnation of infected parts and use for human consumption in case localized infected
and total condemnation of carcass with ( Acuteness ) or infected of many lymph nodes .
4 – Actinobacillosis ( Wooden tongue ) .
It's infectious disease infected of cattle, sheep and goat . rear in horse and human . The
organ which infected tongue and mouth .
Causative agent .
Actinobacillus ligniersi
Judgment .
 In acute case with high fever total condemnation of carcass .
 In chronic case condemnation of head and infected parts such as head, tongue, lungs
and rumen .
5 – Anthrax ( Splenic fever ) .
It's acute or per acute septicaemic disease infected of human and animals .
Causative agent .
Bacillus antherces
This G positive bacteria and spore formation and capsule formation aerobic .
Judgment .
When found this disease and diagnosed and see the clinical signs must be don’t slaughter
of animal or open of it's skin or abdomen and must be isolated this animal and
condemnation of it by burn . If the animal slaughter or opened any part of it's body by
Wrong must be condemnation of all the carcass which found near from the infected
carcass . And step slaughtering procedures inter slaughter house . And must be disinfected all
parts of slaughter house and disinfected all instruments e.g. knives and saws in boiling water
to 30 minute with disinfected by NaOH 5% or formalin 10% . And disinfected of clothes of
workers with formalin 10% . And must burring all instruments, which can not disinfected.
5 – White scour collibacillosis ( Joint-ill poly arthritis ) .
It's infectious disease see in small animals specially feeding with colestrum . And it's
found as :a- Septicaemia
sadin death .
b- Enterotoxins
sadin death .
c- Enteric form
diarrhea .
Causative agent .
Judgment .
Total condemnation of carcass .
6 – Contagious Bovine PleuroPenumonia ( CBPP ) .
It's contagious disease infected of cattle characterized by pneumonia ( chronic form )
include lungs and pleura of respiratory system .
Causative agent .
Mycoplasma mycoides
Judgment .
This disease not infected of human but in acute case must be total condemnation of
carcass or in chronic form removed of lungs and pleura or other infected parts near from
them and condemnation of it .
7 – Contagious Cprine PleuroPenumonia ( CCPP ) .
It's contagious disease infected of goat and sheep it's like ( CBPP ) .
Causative agent .
Mycoplasma agalactia
Judgment .
This disease not infected of human but in acute case must be total condemnation of
carcass or in chronic form removed of lungs and pleura or other infected parts near from
them and condemnation of it .
8 – Foot root of cattle .
It's infectious disease occur due to high moisture or found of water in the earth of farm .
Caused bovine interdigital dermatitis This disease infected of cattle in all ages .
Causative agent .
Sphaerophorus nodosus
Judgment .
Condemnation of all infected parts and use for human consumption . But in case have
toxaemia or pyaemia or emaciation must be total condemnation of carcass .
9 – Foot abscess of sheep .
It's infectious disease of sheep caused ovine interdigital dermatitis called ( Scald ) .
Causative agent .
Sphaerophorus nodosus with Corynebacterium pyogenes or E.coli
Judgment .
Condemnation of all infected parts and use for human consumption . But in case have
toxaemia or pyaemia or emaciation must be total condemnation of carcass .
10 – Undulant fever ( Brucellosis or Contagious abortion or Bang's disease ) .
It's contagious disease specially of cattle, sheep, goat, pigs, horse and human .
Characterized by orchitis ( infertilization ) in male and abortion in female .
Causative agent .
Brucilla abortus or B.melitensis
Judgment .
This bacteria stay in the muscles but it's breakdown by lactic acid . In case of local
infection parts or organs must be condemnation . And must be isolated between the infected
animals and carrier animals . And must be condemnation of congenital organs and udder
with lymph node of udder ( supra mammary lymph node ) .And use for human consumption
After keep it to 24 hour .When found of B.melitensis must be total condemnation of
carcass or use therminal processes .
11 – Listeriosis ( Circling or listerellosis ) .
It's infectious disease caused meningitis in chickens and abortion and meningitis in cattle,
sheep, gout and human .
Causative agent .
Listeria monocytogenes
It's G positive bacteria found in the fermented food commonly in spring season .
Judgment .
Must be condemnation of carcass . And keep of workers in slaughter house from infected
by this disease .
12 – Pasteurellosis ( Shipping disease or fever ) .
It's infectious disease of animals farm e.g. Cattle, sheep, gout,…etc .
Causative agent .
Pasterulla haemolytica
and P. multocida
Judgment .
 In acute cases total condemnation of carcass and treated as Anthrax disease .
 In chronic cases condemnation of lungs only and use the meat for human consumption
13 – Salmonellosis .
It's contagious disease in the world infected deferent type of animals and human .
Causative agent .
Salmonell Spp.
Judgment .
Must be inspection of animal before slaughtering specially when infected by diarrhea or
enteritis and may be done bacterial test and total condemnation of the carcass .