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Operant Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Operant Conditioning In Your Life
Classical Conditioning
Pairing of stimuli to create a response.
Active Process?
Not Much Control
Operant Conditioning
Behavior changes depending on its
Voluntary behavior
Reinforcers = Increase Behavior Likelihood
Punishers = Decrease Behavior Likelihood
Classic Learning Research
Animal Research
Operant Chamber or Skinner Box
Isolation of variables
Determined the most/
least effective learning
B.F. Skinner
What can be a reinforcer?
Two kinds:
Primary Needs
What are these?
Secondary Motivators
Everything that leads to primary needs.
What are some of the biggies?
Types of Reinforcement/Punishment
Positive = Receiving Something
Negative = Losing Something
That said…
Positive Reinforcement
Negative Reinforcement
Positive Punishment
Negative Punishment
 As a Receiver:
Why do you press the crosswalk button?
Why do you take aspirin?
Why do you obey the speed limit?
Why are you nice to your friends?
Why do you use illegal drugs?
 As an Administrator:
Training a dog
Encouraging a class to read
Losing 10 kilos
Reinforcement Schedules
 When does effective
reinforcement/punishment occur?
Immediately after behavior.
 Continuous
E.g. Skinner Box, Vending Machine
 Partial
E.g. Skinner Box, Slot Machines, Walk Buttons
 Which leads to the fastest Learning?
 Which lasts the longest?