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The Hebrew University of Jerusalem School of Engineering and Computer Science Instructor: Jeff Rosenschein (Chapters 5 and 6, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”) Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) Backtracking search for CSPs Problem Structure and Problem Decomposition Local search for CSPs 2 Standard search problem: ◦ state is a “black box” – any data structure that supports successor function, heuristic function, and goal test CSP: ◦ state is defined by variables Xi with values from domain Di ◦ goal test is a set of constraints specifying allowable combinations of values for subsets of variables Simple example of a formal representation language Allows useful general-purpose algorithms with more power than standard search algorithms 3 A CSP is a triplet {X, D, C} X is a finite set of variables { X1, X2, … , XN} Each variable Xi may be assigned a value from a domain Di of values Each member of C is a pair. The first member of each pair is a set of variables. The second element is a set of legal values which that set may take. Example: ◦ X = { X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6} ◦ D = { R, G, B} In this case, all the variables’ domains are the same ◦ C = { (X1, X2) : { (R,G), (R,B), (G,R), (G,B), (B,R) (B,G)}, (X1, X3) : { (R,G), (R,B), (G,R), (G,B), (B,R) (B,G)}, … } Obvious point: Usually C isn’t represented explicitly, but by a function. 4 A state of the problem is defined by an assignment of values to some or all of the variables, {Xi = vi, Xj = vj, …} An assignment that does not violate any constraints is called a consistent or legal assignment A complete assignment is one in which every variable is mentioned, and a solution to a CSP is a complete assignment that satisfies all the constraints Some CSPs also require a solution that maximizes an objective function 5 Variables WA, NT, Q, NSW, V, SA, T Domains Di = {red, green, blue} Constraints: adjacent regions must have different colors e.g., WA ≠ NT (if the language allows stating this so succinctly), or (WA, NT) in {(red,green), (red,blue), (green,red), (green,blue), (blue,red), (blue,green)} 6 This is a solution: complete and consistent assignments (i.e., all variables assigned, all constraints satisfied): e.g., WA = red, NT = green, Q = red, NSW = green, V = red, SA = blue, T = green 7 Binary CSP: each constraint relates two variables Constraint graph: nodes are variables, arcs show constraints General-purpose CSP algorithms use the graph structure to speed up search, e.g., Tasmania is an independent subproblem 8 Discrete variables ◦ finite domains: n variables, domain size d implies O(dn) complete assignments e.g., Boolean CSPs, including Boolean satisfiability (NP-complete) ◦ infinite domains: integers, strings, etc. e.g., job scheduling, variables are start/end days for each job need a constraint language, e.g., StartJob1 + 5 ≤ StartJob3 linear constraints solvable, nonlinear undecidable Continuous variables ◦ e.g., start/end times for Hubble Space Telescope observations ◦ linear constraints solvable in polynomial time by linear programming methods 9 Unary constraints involve a single variable ◦ e.g., SA ≠ green Binary constraints involve pairs of variables ◦ e.g., SA ≠ WA Higher-order constraints involve 3 or more variables ◦ e.g., cryptarithmetic column constraints Preferences (soft constraints), e.g., red is better than green, often representable by a cost for each variable assignment ◦ constrained optimization problems 10 Variables: F T U W R O X1 X2 X3 Domains: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} Constraints: Alldiff (F, T, U, W, R, O) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ O + O = R + 10 · X1 X1 + W + W = U + 10 · X2 X2 + T + T = O + 10 · X3 X3 = F, T ≠ 0, F ≠ 0 11 Assignment problems Timetabling problems ◦ e.g., who teaches what class? ◦ e.g., which class (or exam) is offered when and where? ◦ Ziv Wities’ HUJI Exam Scheduler (on Moodle) Hardware Configuration Spreadsheets Transportation scheduling Factory scheduling Floorplanning Notice that many real-world problems involve real-valued variables 12 How about using a search algorithm? Define: a search state has variables 1…k assigned. Values k+1…n, as yet unassigned Start state: All unassigned Goal state: All assigned, and all constraints satisfied Successors of a state with V1…Vk assigned and rest unassigned are all states (with V1…Vk the same) with Vk+1 assigned a value from D Cost on transitions: 0 or any constant. We don’t care. We just want any solution. 13 Let’s start with the straightforward (dumb) approach, then fix it. States are defined by the values assigned so far. Initial state: the empty assignment { } Successor function: assign a value to an unassigned variable that does not conflict with current assignment fail if no legal assignments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Goal test: the current assignment is complete This is the same for all CSPs (good) Every solution appears at depth n with n variables use depth-first search Path is irrelevant, so can also use complete-state formulation b = (n - l )d at depth l, hence n! · dn leaves (bad) b is branching factor, d is size of domain, n is number of variables 14 Let’s say we had 4 variables, each of which could take one of 4 integer values ???? At start, all unassigned 4??? 1??? 2??? 3??? ?1?? ?2?? ?3?? ?4?? 11?? 12?? 13?? 14?? 1?1? 1?2? 1?3? ??1? ??2? ??3? ??4? 1?4? 1??1 1??2 ???1 ???2 ???3 ???4 1??3 1??43 Etc.…terrible branching factor 15 But variable assignments are commutative, i.e., [ WA = red then NT = green ] same as [ NT = green then WA = red ] So only need to consider assignments to a single variable at each node b = d and there are dn leaves Depth-first search for CSPs with singlevariable assignments is called backtracking search Backtracking search is the basic uninformed algorithm for CSPs Can solve n-queens for n ≈ 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~awm/animations/constraint/9d.htm l Tries Blue, then Red, then Black Does not do very well… 22 23 Don’t try successor that causes inconsistency with its neighbors Backtracking still doesn’t look too good http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~awm/animations/c onstraint/9b.html http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~awm/animations/c onstraint/27b.html 24 25 26 27 General-purpose methods can give huge gains in speed: ◦ Which variable should be assigned next? ◦ In what order should its values be tried? ◦ Can we detect inevitable failure early? ◦ Can we take advantage of problem structure? ◦ 28 • Which variable should be assigned next? • In what order should its values be tried? 29 General-purpose methods can give huge gains in speed: ◦ Which variable should be assigned next? - SelectUnassignedVariable ◦ In what order should its values be tried? - OrderDomainVariables ◦ Can we detect inevitable failure early? ◦ Can we take advantage of problem structure? ◦ 30 General-purpose methods can give huge gains in speed: ◦ Which variable should be assigned next? ◦ In what order should its values be tried? ◦ Can we detect inevitable failure early? ◦ Can we take advantage of problem structure? ◦ 31 Minimum remaining values (MRV): choose the variable with the fewest legal values All are the same here Two equivalent ones here Clear choice 32 Tie-breaker among MRV variables Degree heuristic: choose the variable with the most constraints on remaining variables 33 General-purpose methods can give huge gains in speed: ◦ Which variable should be assigned next? – we’ve seen 2 possibilities: Minimum Remaining Values (MRV) Degree Heuristic ◦ ◦ 34 General-purpose methods can give huge gains in speed: ◦ Which variable should be assigned next? ◦ In what order should its values be tried? ◦ Can we detect inevitable failure early? ◦ Can we take advantage of problem structure? ◦ 35 Given a variable, choose the least constraining value: ◦ the one that rules out the fewest values in the remaining variables ◦ Combining the above three heuristics makes 1000 queens feasible 36 General-purpose methods can give huge gains in speed: ◦ Which variable should be assigned next? ◦ In what order should its values be tried? Least Constraining Value 37 General-purpose methods can give huge gains in speed: ◦ Which variable should be assigned next? ◦ In what order should its values be tried? ◦ Can we detect inevitable failure early? ◦ Can we take advantage of problem structure? ◦ 38 Idea: ◦ Keep track of remaining legal values for unassigned variables ◦ Terminate search when any variable has no legal values ◦ 39 Idea: ◦ Keep track of remaining legal values for unassigned variables ◦ Terminate search when any variable has no legal values ◦ 40 Idea: ◦ Keep track of remaining legal values for unassigned variables ◦ Terminate search when any variable has no legal values ◦ 41 Idea: ◦ Keep track of remaining legal values for unassigned variables ◦ Terminate search when any variable has no legal values ◦ 42 43 44 Forward checking propagates information from assigned to unassigned variables, but doesn’t provide early detection for all failures: NT and SA cannot both be blue! Constraint propagation repeatedly enforces constraints locally 45 Forward checking computes the domain of each variable independently at the start, and then only updates these domains when assignments are made in the DFS that are directly relevant to the current variable. Constraint Propagation carries this further. When you delete a value from your domain, check all variables connected to you. If any of them change, delete all inconsistent values connected to them, etc… 46 47 48 Simplest form of propagation makes each arc consistent X Y is consistent iff for every value x of X there is some allowed y 49 Simplest form of propagation makes each arc consistent X Y is consistent iff for every value x of X there is some allowed y 50 Simplest form of propagation makes each arc consistent X Y is consistent iff for every value x of X there is some allowed y If X loses a value, neighbors of X need to be rechecked 51 Simplest form of propagation makes each arc consistent X Y is consistent iff for every value x of X there is some allowed y If X loses a value, neighbors of X need to be rechecked Arc consistency detects failure earlier than forward checking 52 53 General-purpose methods can give huge gains in speed: ◦ Which variable should be assigned next? ◦ In what order should its values be tried? ◦ Can we detect inevitable failure early? Forward Checking Constraint Propagation Arc Consistency 54 General-purpose methods can give huge gains in speed: ◦ Which variable should be assigned next? ◦ In what order should its values be tried? ◦ Can we detect inevitable failure early? ◦ Can we take advantage of problem structure? ◦ 55 Tasmania and mainland are independent subproblems Subproblems identifiable as connected components of constraint graph 56 Suppose each subproblem has c variables out of n total (d is the size of the domain) Worst-case solution cost is n/c * dc, linear in n E.g., n=80, d=2, c=20 At 10 million nodes/sec, 280 = 4 billion years At 10 million nodes/sec, 4 * 220 = 0.4 seconds 57 Theorem: if the constraint graph has no loops, the CSP can be solved in O(nd2) time Compare to general CSPs, where worst-case time is O(dn) This property also applies to logical and probabilistic reasoning: an important example of the relationship between syntactic restrictions and the complexity of reasoning 58 1. 2. 3. Choose a variable as root, order variables from root to leaves such that every node’s parent precedes it in the ordering For j from n down to 2, check for arc consistency, i.e., apply RemoveInconsistentValues(Parent(Xj), Xj), removing values from the domain of the parent node, as necessary For j from 1 to n, assign Xj consistently with Parent(Xj) In Step 2, going from n down to 2 ensures that deleted values don’t endanger the consistency of already-processed arcs; Step 3 requires no backtracking (the CSP is by then directionally arc consistent). 59 Conditioning: instantiate a variable, prune its neighbors’ domains – now we have a tree Cutset conditioning: instantiate (in all ways – so we don’t miss a solution) a set of variables such that the remaining constraint graph is a tree Cutset size c implies runtime O(dc * (n – c)d2), very fast for small c 60 Hill-climbing, simulated annealing typically work with “complete” states, i.e., all variables assigned To apply to CSPs: ◦ use complete states, but with unsatisfied constraints ◦ operators reassign variable values Variable selection: randomly select any conflicted variable Value selection by min-conflicts heuristic: ◦ choose value that violates the fewest constraints ◦ i.e., hill-climb with h(n) = total number of violated constraints ◦ 61 States: 4 queens in 4 columns (44 = 256 states) Actions: move queen in column Goal test: no attacks Evaluation: h(n) = number of attacks 62 Given random initial state, can solve n-queens in almost constant time for arbitrary n with high probability (e.g., n = 10,000,000) The same appears to be true for any randomly generated CSP except in a narrow range of the ratio: 63 (The following slides used by permission of Andrew Moore, computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University, now setting up Google’s Pittsburgh office) ◦ http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~awm/tutorials Selecting a move in the game of “minesweeper” 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 Which squares have a bomb? Squares with numbers don’t. Other squares might. Numbers tell how many of the eight adjacent squares have bombs. We want to find out if a given square can possibly have a bomb…. Slide 64 0 0 1 V1 0 0 1 V2 0 0 1 V3 1 1 2 V4 V8 V7 V6 V5 V = { V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 , V5 , V6 , V7 , V8 }, D = { B (bomb) , S (space) } C = { (V1, V2) : { (B,S) , (S,B) }, (V1, V2, V3,) : { (B,S,S) , (S,B,S) , (S,S,B)},…} V1 V2 V8 V3 V7 V6 V4 V5 Slide 65 One of the earliest examples of a computation posed as a CSP. The Waltz algorithm is for interpreting line drawings of solid polyhedra. Look at all intersections. What kind of intersection could this be? A concave intersection of three faces? Or an external convex intersection? Adjacent intersections impose constraints on each other. Use CSP to find a unique set of labelings. Important step to “understanding” the image. 66 Assume all objects: • Have no shadows or cracks • Three-faced vertices • “General position”: no junctions change with small movements of the eye. Then each line on image is one of the following: • Boundary line (edge of an object) (<) with right hand of arrow denoting “solid” and left hand denoting “space” • Interior convex edge (+) • Interior concave edge (-) 67 Given a representation of the diagram, label each junction in one of the above manners. The junctions must be labeled so that lines are labeled consistently at both ends. Can you formulate that as a CSP? FUN FACT: Constraint Propagation always works perfectly. 68 69 70 CSPs are a special kind of search problem: ◦ states defined by values of a fixed set of variables ◦ goal test defined by constraints on variable values Backtracking = depth-first search with one variable assigned per node Variable ordering (MRV, degree heuristic) and value selection (least constraining value) heuristics help significantly Forward checking prevents assignments that guarantee later failure Constraint propagation (e.g., arc consistency) does additional work to constrain values and detect inconsistencies The CSP representation allows analysis of problem structure Tree-structured CSPs can be solved in linear time Iterative min-conflicts is usually effective in practice 71 Chapter 5 Sections 1 – 4, 6 Games Perfect Play ◦ minimax decisions ◦ α-β pruning Resource limits and approximate evaluation Games of chance Games of imperfect information 73 “Unpredictable” opponent solution is a strategy, specifying a move for every possible opponent reply Time limits unlikely to find goal, must approximate Plan of attack: ◦ Computer considers all lines of play (Babbage, 1846) ◦ Algorithm for perfect play (Zermolo, 1912; Von Neumann, 1944) ◦ Finite horizon, approximate evaluation (Zuse, 1945; Wiener, 1948; Shannon, 1950) ◦ First chess program (Turing, 1951) ◦ Machine learning to improve evaluation accuracy (Samuel, 19521957) ◦ Pruning to allow deeper search (McCarthy, 1956) ◦ 74 75 76 Perfect play for deterministic games Idea: choose move to position with highest minimax value = best achievable payoff against best play E.g., 2-ply game: 77 78 Complete? Only if tree is finite (chess has specific rules for this); note that a finite strategy can exist even in an infinite tree Optimal? Yes, against an optimal opponent; otherwise? Time complexity? O(bm) (b = legal moves, m = maximum depth of tree) Space complexity? O(bm) (depth-first exploration ◦ For chess, b ≈ 35, m ≈100 for “reasonable” games exact solution completely infeasible ◦ But do we need to explore every path? 79 80 81 82 83 84 α is the value of the best (i.e., highestvalue) choice found so far at any choice point along the path for max If v is worse than α, max will avoid it prune that branch Define β similarly for min 85 86 Extended example of α-β 87 Pruning does not affect final result Good move ordering improves effectiveness of pruning With “perfect ordering” time complexity=O(bm/2) doubles depth of search (In worst case, there is no improvement) A simple example of the value of reasoning about which computations are relevant (a form of metareasoning) Unfortunately, 3550 is still impossible… 88 Standard approach: Use Cutoff test instead of Terminal test: e.g., depth limit (perhaps add quiescence search) Use Eval instead of Utility ◦ i.e., evaluation function that estimates desirability of position Suppose we have 100 seconds, explore 104 nodes/sec 106 nodes per move, approximately 358/2 4-ply lookahead is a hopeless chess player! ◦ 4-ply ≈ human novice ◦ 8-ply ≈ mid-level PC, human master ◦ 12-ply ≈ Deep Blue, Kasparov α-β reaches depth 8, i.e., pretty good chess program 89 For chess, typically linear weighted sum of features Eval(s) = w1 f1(s) + w2 f2(s) + … + wn fn(s) e.g., w1 = 9 with f1(s) = (number of white queens) – (number of black queens), etc. 90 Behavior is preserved under any monotonic transformation of Eval Only the order matters: ◦ Payoff in deterministic games acts as an ordinal utility function 91 Problem: Sometimes there are time limits on a move Solution: Progressive Deepening (like Iterative Deepening Search) A “best move” is always ready; an “anytime algorithm” 92 Problem: Alpha-beta still doesn’t limit tree growth enough Solution: Heuristic pruning ◦ Order moves plausibly and concentrate on better moves ◦ Does not guarantee the quality of our search 93 Problem: The Horizon Effect: Pushing an inevitable loss beyond the field of view Solution: Heuristic continuation Continue search when an otherwise terminal situation is judged to be particularly dynamic — waiting for quiescence 94 Secondary search – check more deeply into a chosen move Book moves – use a “table lookup” – sometimes is feasible (beginning or end of game) Limitations of all these methods: ◦ Need to get a single number to reflect a position ◦ Assumption of opponent’s infallibility 95 Checkers: Chinook ended 40-year-reign of human world champion Marion Tinsley in 1994. Used a precomputed endgame database defining perfect play for all positions involving 8 or fewer pieces on the board, a total of 443,748,401,247 positions. A precomputed endgame database? Would it be possible to extend the “endgame” all the way back to the beginning of the game, essentially “solving” checkers? 96 Originally published in Science Express on 19 July 2007 Science 14 September 2007: Vol. 317, no. 5844, pp. 1518 – 1522 Jonathan Schaeffer (University of Alberta), Neil Burch, Yngvi Björnsson, Akihiro Kishimoto, Martin Müller, Robert Lake, Paul Lu, Steve Sutphen The game of checkers has roughly 500 billion billion possible positions (5 x 1020). The task of solving the game, determining the final result in a game with no mistakes made by either player, is daunting. Since 1989, almost continuously, dozens of computers have been working on solving checkers, applying state-of-the-art artificial intelligence techniques to the proving process. This paper announces that checkers is now solved: Perfect play by both sides leads to a draw. This is the most challenging popular game to be solved to date, roughly one million times as complex as Connect Four. Artificial intelligence technology has been used to generate strong heuristicbased game-playing programs, such as Deep Blue for chess. Solving a game takes this to the next level by replacing the heuristics with perfection. 97 Chess: Deep Blue defeated human world champion Garry Kasparov in a six-game match in 1997. Deep Blue searches 200 million positions per second, uses very sophisticated evaluation, and undisclosed methods for extending some lines of search up to 40 ply. Rybka was the 2008 and 2009 computer chess champion (uses an off-the-shelf 8-core 3.2GHz Intel Xeon processor), but was stripped of its titles for having plagiarized two other programs… Othello: Logistello beats human world champion in 1997; human champions refuse to compete against computers, who are too good Go: human champions refuse to compete against computers, who are too bad. In go, b > 300, so most programs use pattern knowledge bases to suggest plausible moves. 98 Games are fun to work on! They illustrate several important points about AI ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Perfection is unattainable must approximate Good idea to think about what to think about Uncertainty constrains the assignment of values to states Optimal decisions depend on information state, not real state Games are to AI as grand prix racing is to automobile design 99