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Mr. Baskin
Sam Knight
Period 1/2
the Renaissance Mini- Chapter
rm. 110
Friday, May 05, 2017
In this mini- chapter I’ll be talking about the Renaissance, Reformation, and Exploration.
You should know what Reformation and Exploration means, but Renaissance is a French word
that means rebirth. The Renaissance was a time period when difference spread from Rome, all
across Europe. The time period the Renaissance took place was between 1350 and 1600. There is
another French word, renaitre, means to be revived. The Renaissance started in a rich city in
Rome named Florence, in which a roll of banking and trade took place. Traders from Florence
brought silks and spices to Europe from Asia and Africa. The DeMedici family made an especial
help to Florence because of Lorenzo DeMedici. Lorenzo was a patron, an art supporter.
Humanism was also important to Florence because it was an idea important to the Renaissance
that focused on human values and what people can achieve. In the first body paragraph, I’ll be
talking about art and artists. In the second body paragraph, I’ll be talking about protestant
reformation. And in the third body paragraph, I’ll be talking about reformation and renaissance
in England.
Like I said in the first paragraph, a patron is a supporter of art. Leonardo da Vinci was an
amazing artist in the Renaissance. He lived from 1452 to 1519. His patron was Lorenzo
DeMedici. The greatest paintings he made were the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, and the
Vitruvian Man. Besides painting, he was known for sculpting, inventor, painting, writing,
musician and scientist. There was a type of painting called a three-dimensional perspective,
which made paintings in the Renaissance look more realistic on a flat surface. Michelangelo was
another great painter of the Renaissance. He lived from 1475 to1564. He was best known for
famous paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome that show scenes from the bible.
He also sculpted a statue of David, a hero from the bible.
This paragraph explains the Protestant Reformation. The word Protestant originated from
the Catholic Church calling the reformers protester for protesting against the Pope and the
Church. Reform means to form or revive into a better state therefore Reformation is the
movement that lead to the changes in Christianity and how people worship. The Protestant
Reformation began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church by Europeans who
opposed the sale of indulgences and the systemic corruption of the Church's Roman hierarchy,
which included the Pope. The Protestant Reformation began in 1517, when Martin Luther wrote
the 95 Theses criticized the Church and the Pope about the selling of indulgences and policies
about purgatory, devotion to Mary and the saints, celibacy, etc. An indulgence is a pardon or
forgiveness of sins and sold by the church. Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. And
it helped speed the spread of ideas by making books cheaper and quicker. Before the printing
press it took one year to copy a book. Other religious reformers soon followed Martin Luther’s
example. The reformers soon disagreed among themselves and divided their movement. Martin
Luther forms the Lutheran church in Germany.
The English Reformation began when King Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife
because she couldn’t bare him a child. He went to the Pope and asked for a divorce so that he can
remarry but the Pope refused him. King Henry decided to remove the Church of England from
the authority of the Pope and form his own church called the Anglican Church. He also seized all
church land and property in England, which also made him wealthy. Queen Elizabeth, the
daughter of Henry VIII, defeated a Spanish armada, and she created the British empires. A
famous writer of the Renaissance was William Shakespeare. He was an actor, poet and a
playwright. He wrote 37 poems and 154 poems.
Thus, there were many great artists, poets and writers in the Renaissance such as
Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Shakespeare. You should know what Reformation and
Exploration means, but Renaissance is a French word that means rebirth. The Renaissance was a
time period when difference spread from Rome, all across Europe. The time period the
Renaissance took place was between 1350 and 1600. There is another French word, renaitre,
means to be revived.