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KEY POINTS Chapter 17
Essential Question: What role did the Europeans play in the developing world market of the
Early Modern Period?
Henry the Navigator – Portuguese prince, directed expeditions along African coast in 1400s; begin W European expansion
Mercantilism – economic theory stress gov’ts promotion of limit imports and int. economies to improve tax revenues
Boers – Dutch settlers in Cape Colony
The West’s First Outreach: Maritime Power
What technological advances were made by the Europeans in the 15th century?
Deep-draft, round-hulled sailing ships able to carry heavy armaments, compass, mapmaking, explosives, metalwork, first guns &
Did the Portuguese have any significant goods to offer for trade?
No, they brought crude goods like iron pots.
Where did the Portuguese sail to in the 15th and 16th centuries?
Around the African coast to India, Indonesia, China, Japan
What territorial claims were made by the Portuguese made by 1550?
Mozambique, Goa (India)
What was significant about these explorers?
- Vasco de Gama – fleet reached India in 1498 w/ help of Hindu pilot, thought Hindu temples were Christian churches
- Christopher Columbus – reached Americas in 1492, thought natives were Indians, thus Native Americans = Indians
- Ferdinand Magellan – passed tip of S America in 1519, reached Indonesia and Philippines 1521
What territories did Spain claim by 1550s?
Philippines, Pacific Islands, Mexico, S America, Florida, California, SW U.S.
Why did the shift in exploration from the Portuguese and Spanish to the Dutch, French, and British occur?
Spain and Portugal were busy digesting their gains and N Europeans were improving ship design, making faster ships than their
Catholic adversaries.
What territories were claimed by the French by the end of the 16th century?
Canada, Great Lakes area, Mississippi River Valley
By the mid 17th century what areas had the Dutch claimed?
SE Asia, Indonesia, S tip of Africa, Australia, N America, Brazil
Why did the Dutch set up a settlement at the tip of Africa?
Relay station for its ships bound for East Indies
Describe how the great trading companies operated.
They were given gov’t monopolies of trade in designated regions, not really supervised by states; had rights to raise armies and coin
own money. They acted almost like independent gov’ts in claimed regions.
Toward a World Economy
What impact did the arrival of Europeans in the Americas have on native populations? Why?
The natives contracted many disease to which they weren’t immune.
What products were exchanged in the “Columbian Exchange”?
Corn, sweet potatoes, crops, agricultural improvements, tobacco, coffee, sugar, domesticated animals, disease
What was significant about the battle at Lepanto in 1571?
Spanish defeat the Ottoman Empire, no successful Muslim rivalry against European naval power
Where were the European ports located?
W coast of Africa, India, SE Asian islands, Constantinople, Russia, Japan
What Chinese port did the Portuguese control?
Explain mercantilism. What purpose did colonies serve in this system?
Refer to definition. Tariff policies discouraged manufacturing in colonial areas and stimulated home-based manufacturing.
Describe how the African trade patterns changed at this time.
Parts of sub-Saharan Africa entered economy mainly as slave suppliers. For slaves and unprocessed goods, Europeans trade
manufactured goods while profiting from control of shipping services.
Why did coercive labor systems expand in this time period?
Dependent economies rely on cheap production of unprocessed goods
Describe China’s role in the international markets of this period.
Renounced large-scale int’l trade in 1400s, avoided involvement w/ int’l trade on someone else’s terms, lost of limited trade was
through Macao
What product was exported to China?
American silver
Describe Japan’s response to Western traders.
At first, they were interested in W advances in gunmaking and shipping. Later, leaders were worried about W influence and its impact
on internal divisions among warring lords and samurai military dominance. So, they went into a period of nearly complete isolation.
What port was left open in Japan to the Dutch only?
Small Dutch enclave near Nagasaki
List the areas of the world that the new world trade had little impact on.
India, M.E., Russia, much of Africa
Describe how the British began to take control in India.
Passed tariffs against import of cotton cloth made in India, use India as market for British-processed goods and source of outright
payments of gold
What was characteristic of the labor used in Eastern Europe and Russia?
Serfs projected to prolonged periods of labor service
What demand was met by these two regions?
East European growers
Colonial Expansion
How were the N American colonies different from those in Latin America?
European guns, horses, & iron weapons advantages
Which group originally settled Canada and what led to the British taking control of that area?
France; lost it to British in Seven Years’ War and Treaty of Paris in 1763
What economic developments distinguished North American colonies from Latin American?
Tobacco, sugar, coffee, wealthy planter class, import luxury products, weak formal govt’s, large estates based on imported slave labor
In what ways were North American colonists more like Europeans than Latin Americans?
Driven by religious dissent, ambition, etc., colonies operated own assemblies provide people w/ political experience
Why were Europeans only able to control small coastal fortresses in Africa?
B/c of climate, disease, and nonnavigable rivers
Explain how/why the Dutch took control of South Africa?
Dutch founded Cape Colony on Cape of Good Hope in 1652 to form another coastal station to supply Dutch ships bound for Asia.
Boers settle there, fan out on large farms, clash w/ local hunting groups, and enslave some natives.
Why did the Portuguese explore Angola?
For slaves
Who were the Boers?
Dutch farmers
Which European country colonized the Philippines?
What two countries began to fight for control of India?
Britain and France
What advantage did the British have in this rivalry?
British East India Company negotiate w/ prince and gained station in Calcutta and had great influence on British gov’t, had excellent
communication on ocean routes through the navy.
What was the “black hole” of Calcutta?
The event where they were attacked by a local prince, placed in their own jail, which became humid and overcrowded and nearly 120
deaths occurred.
Explain how the French power in India was taken by the British.
E India Company recaptured base in Calcutta, seized additional Indian and French territory
What areas of India did the British East India Company control by the late 18 th century?
Bengal region, inland from Calcutta
Where in Asia and Africa were the Europeans able to gain converts to Christianity?
How did colonization affect Europeans back home?
Colonial rivalries and wars added to existing hostilities between key nation-states. England and Holland turned against Spanish
successes; the Dutch and English and French competed.
Describe what affects resulted from the developing world economy.
Loss of many youths to slave trade disrupted population patterns in Africa. Indian manufacturing levels began to decline as a result of
British pressure. New labor systems spread in response to European markets. Missionary efforts didn’t always succeed. When they
did, they didn’t produce full replicas of European Christianity but combined w/ more traditional regional culture. Knowledge of new
foodstuffs and increased trade helped many societies expand their populations and deal w/ problems of scarcity.