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Electromagnetic Waves
Chapter Test
Study Guide
Answer Key
Direction: Answer the following questions. Use this study guide to
study for your test.
1. When a room becomes warm when the furnace is turned on.
What is this type of heat transfer called?
Answer: Convection
2. In an electromagnetic wave, the magnetic field and the electric
field are ____perpendicular___________________ to each other
and ______perpendicular____________ to the direction the
wave is traveling.
3. Which type of Electromagnetic wave carries the most energy?
Answer: Gamma Rays
4. What type of waves are in the electromagnetic Spectrum?
Answer: Transverse Waves
5. If someone burns their hand by grabbing a hot cup of coffee,
what type of thermal energy transfer has taken place?
Answer: Conduction
6. What is an optical phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light
to appear in the sky?
Answer: Rainbow
7. What makes up an Electromagnetic Wave?
Answer: Vibrations in a magnetic Field.
Vibrations in an electric Field.
8. What are the 3 ways that heat can be transferred?
Answer: Conduction, Convection, Radiation
9. Name the Electromagnetic Spectrum waves in increasing order
of energy.
Answer: Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared Waves, Visible
Light, Ultraviolet Light, X-Rays, Gamma Rays
10.Why would a worker in an electrical company put on rubber
gloves before working on any power lines?
Answer: Rubber is a poor conductor of heat and electricity.
11. Why are some coffee cups composed of ceramic material?
Answer: Ceramic materials are insulators that limit heat
12. Can we see all the energy given off by the sun with our eyes?
Answer: No
13. Does light, like sound waves, need matter to travel
through?(Yes or No)
Answer: No
14. The longer the wavelength, the less energy the electromagnetic
wave carries. (True or False)
15. How long does it take for light from the sun to reach Earth?
Answer: 8 Minutes
16. Do Electromagnetic waves have crests, troughs, & wavelengths?
(True or False)
Answer: Yes
17. Do all waves need some material to travel through? (Yes or No)
Answer: False
18. What is the part of the EM Spectrum that we can see?
Answer: Visible Light
19. The shorter the wavelength in the EM Spectrum, the higher the
energy. (True or False)
Answer: True
20. What are radio waves used for?
Answer: TV Broadcasting, Cell Phones, Pagers
21. What are the results of prolonged exposure to Ultraviolet
Answer: Causes Cancers, Causes Skin Damage(Wrinkles), Enables
your body to produce Vitamin D.
22. What kind of rays are released by nuclear bombs?
Answer: Gamma Rays
23. Light is energy made by ___the sun, and vibrations of
electrically charged particles______________.
Answer: The sun, and vibrations of electrically charged particles.
24. How does light travel?
Answer: In straight lines.
25. What are some materials that are poor conductors of
Answer: Rubber, Plastic. Glass
26. How much of the sun’s UV Rays does the Ozone Layer protect us
Answer: 95%
27. What is causing the Ozone Layer to become thinner?
Answer: Pollution
28. What is the main function of the Ozone layer?
Answer: The main function is a shield of protection for us.
29. What is the speed of light?
Answer: 186,00 miles per second, 300,000 kilometers per
second, and 670,000 million miles per hour
30. Can light be absorbed? (Yes or No)
Answer: Yes
31. What materials allow light to be transmitted through them very
Answer: Transparent
32. Light is a form of _____energy______________________.
Answer: Energy
33. What is the name of the light that fireflies produce?
Answer: Bioluminescence
34. What name do you need to remember for the colors in the EM
Answer: Roy G BIV----Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
35. Name the 7 categories of the EM Spectrum in order from the
lowest frequency to the highest frequency.
Radio, Microwaves, infrared, visible, UV, X-rays, gamma rays
Roman Men Invented Very Unusual X-Ray Guns.
36. What is Conduction? Give some examples.
Answer: Energy that is transferred by direct contact. An example is
touching a hot frying pan.
37. How are EM Waves light Ocean Waves? How are EM Waves
different from Ocean Waves?
Answer: EM Waves & Ocean Waves are alike because they both
have crests, troughs, and wavelengths. They both move energy
from place to place.
EM & Ocean Waves are different in that ocean waves move
across water. Ocean Waves also need a medium to travel
through. EM Waves do not need a medium to move through.
They can move across the emptiness of outer space. EM Waves
travel through things.
38. Draw the EM Spectrum.