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Our Planets by Gail Van Tatenhove Instruc7ons  
Students, as they study the planets in our solar system, may be asked to describe the ac7ons (rotate, revolve, orbit) and descrip7ve characteris7cs of the planets. Read through the book and talk about the planets. - 
Have the student describe the ac7ons of the planets (e.g., What does it mean to rotate?). Ask open-­‐ended (e.g., Tell me something about Earth?) and applica7on ques7ons (e.g., What would it be like to live on Mars?). Prac7ce describing the planets using the appropriate compara7ve and superla7ve gramma7cal markers. Add subject-­‐specific non-­‐core words only as needed. Make addi7onal materials, using PASS, as needed, to complete any classroom ac7vi7es or assignments. Consider adding these subject-­‐specific non-­‐core words to the science vocabulary set. Some may already be part of the Unity® program you are using.  
solar system  
Mercury  
planet  
Venus  
sun  
Earth  
star  
Mars  
moon  
Jupiter  
Saturn  
Uranus  
Neptune 8
Our solar system has a sun and eight planets. It also has many moons and stars. revolve = go around
another thing
orbit = the way one
thing goes around
The planets all revolve around the sun. Each planet orbits around the sun. rotate = turn around
They rotate as they go around the sun. The sun is the nearest star to all the planets. It is much bigger than they are. 1 - first
Mercury is the nearest, smallest, and ho/est. 2 - second
Venus is the brightest. We can some7mes see it at night. 3 - third
Earth is where we live! It has three 7mes more water than land. It is a very wet place. 4 - fourth
Mars has the most and highest mountains. 5 - fifth
Jupiter is the biggest. 6 - sixth
Saturn is the lightest planet and has rings around it. 7 - seventh
Uranus is different from other planets because it sits and turns on its side. 8 - eighth
Neptune is the most far away from the sun, so it is very cold. It also turns very slowly. Now you know something about the planets in our solar system! Planet Ac7ons with Pixons® revolve = go around another thing orbit = the way one thing goes around another rotate = turn around Target Adjec7ves with Pixons®  
near  
high  
big  
light  
small  
different  
hot  
far  
bright  
cold  
wet  
slow  
most  
er est ly Planet Ac7ons with Unity®45 Sequences Target Adjec7ves with Unity®45 Sequences Planet Ac7ons with Unity®60 Sequences Target Adjec7ves with Unity®60 Sequences Planet Ac7ons with Unity®84 Sequences Target Adjec7ves with Unity®84 Sequences Planet Ac7ons with Unity®144 Sequences Target Adjec7ves with Unity®144 Sequences