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Cold War and Civil Rights
Communism vs Capitalism
Communism: A economic system that is based on common ownership of
all resources. Often communist economies are ran by a dictator who
makes all economic decisions .
Capitalism: A economic system in which individual are allowed own
resources make all choices about how to use resources.
List the advantages and disadvantages of each?
Post World War II goals
Soviets wanted buffer zone of friendly notations (Eastern Europe) between
them and Germany. These nations would be communist and become a part
of the Soviet Union
United States wanted Eastern Europe to hold free and fair elections. US
wanted to influence all government to them from falling into the hands of
US was involved in Greece and South East Asia (Vietnam)
Iron Curtain
Winston Church said An “Iron Curtain” had descended upon Europe, cutting
off Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe from the West”
Explain this quote
US Policy of Containment
 President Truman pledged to contain communism in Europe. This
became know as the Truman Doctrine.
 US supplied military and financial aid to Greece and Turkey to help
them resist communists
 In war-torn Eastern Europe Marshall Plan gave financial aid to
promote rebuilding
How does giving military and financial aid help keep countries democratic?
Cold War and Civil Rights
Berlin Airlift
 First Cold War confrontation
 Soviets blocked West Berlin off from US aid
 Without aid they would have starved to death
 US had to find way to get supplies to West Berlin without starting a
 They used airplane to bring in goods until the Soviets opened up the
road into the city.
 Later the Soviets Build a wall (the Berlin Wall) to separate East and
West Berlin and to keep people from escaping from communists
controlled territories
Why did Berlin create so much tension between the US and the Soviet
Increased Cold War fears 1949
 US formed NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
 Military alliance to work against the Soviet Union.
 Soviets test Atomic Bomb
 Communist win revolution in China
How did these three things increase Cold War fears?
 North Korea (communist ) invaded South Korea (US backed
democracy )
Cold War and Civil Rights
 Truman believed that USSR was behind the invasion and convinced
the UN (United Nations) to get involved in a “police action”
 Most troops and money to fight was is from ( US)
 When US forces near Chines border the Chinese Communist attack
and drive US back to 38th parallel
 American Causalities turns public opinion against the war.
US and Soviet Union fight a cold war
 Soviet Union creates Warsaw Pact-Military alliance of Eastern
European nations
 US join NATO
 Soviet Union launches Sputnik
 US passed National Defense Education act (promoted math and
science skills)
 The US lands the first man on the moon
 Both counties build ICBM
 Americans build bomb shelters
Red Scare (number 2)
 Truman made the cold war a fight between good and evil
 Fall of China to communists
 Soviets had Atomic Bomb
 Korean war
 Anti-Soviet Propaganda
How did these things make the American people feel?
Cold War and Civil Rights
Red Scare and McCarthyism
 Republicans in an effort to win more votes accused Democrats of
being soft on communism
 Joseph McCarthy led the crusade
 He used “the Big Lie” repeating untrue accusation loudly and often to
smear diplomats artist and statesmen.
 McCarthy held a hearing on TV and the public saw what a bully he
was and rejected him.
 McCarthy did find a few spies, but most accusations were false
The Cold War comes to Cuba
 Fidel Castro (communist) overthrew the American backed dictator
 Castro nationalized (took under got control) American owned
properties and built a relationship with the Soviet Union
 CIA trained Cuban Exiles to invades and start a uprising (Bay of Pigs)
The plan failed.
 President Kennedy became more determined to prove his Cold War
credentials (wanted to show he was tough on communist) so he put
more money and time in to fight communism in Vietnam, Cuba, and
Cuban Missile Crisis
 1963 US spy plain photographed nuclear missile sites being built in
 Kennedy placed a naval blockade around Cuba to stop sites from
being armed
 The Soviet Union had ships heading towards the blockade
Cold War and Civil Rights
 How did the blockade put the US in a tight spot?
 After 13 days of escalating fear an agreement was reached
 Soviet ships turned back and the US removed weapons form Turkey
and Italy
Impact of Crisis
 Both nations want to avoid coming so close to nuclear war again
 Hot line phone from White House to Kremlin (Soviet Leader)
 Signing of nuclear test ban treaty (only test under ground and would
work towards disarmament)
Why did the US care so much about Cuba falling to communism?
How did the failure of the Bay of Pigs and the missile crisis make the US
look? How will the US react?
Cold War in the Middle East
 US supported the creation of the State of Israel (Jewish home land)
 The Soviet Union did not. The Soviets tried to influence the Arab
 Eisenhower Doctrine extended the idea of containment of
communism to the Middle East.
 CIA helped the Shah of Iran come to power in the 1950’s
 US Wanted to have a US friendly buffer between the Soviet Union
and the rest of the Middle East.
 The Shaw was overthrow by Islamic fundamentalist how held 150
Americans hostage for a year.
Cold War and Civil Rights
 US and Iran still do not get along
 The importance of OIL to the US economy made the US stay engaged
in Middle East politics.
 Tried to end oil Embargo by OPEC (Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries) in the 1970’s
 Tried to facilitated peace at the Camp David Accords (1978)
 Soviets invade Afghanistan to put a Soviet friend government in
 US supported Afghan resistant movement sending them arms to fight
Soviets. These rebel groups become the Taliban who held al Qaeda
terrorist who attacked the US.
End of Cold War
 End was result of changes within the Soviet Union.
 Finical strain of Arms race
 War in Afghanistan
 Movement of Liberation in Eastern Europe
 Fall of Berlin Wall
Why did the Cold War end?
Life in the US during the cold war
 After WWII US entered a period of prosperity but the fight
against Communism threated many aspects of life.
 Cold War investments in math and science improved education
and narrowed the education gap
Cold War and Civil Rights
 GI bill sent veterans to college and created a more skilled work
force that promoted economic growth
 Baby boom led to more kids in school
Growth of Suburbs
 GI bill allowed veterans to get loans to buy homes or start a
 Wide availability of automobile and expansion of highways
 Baby boom
 How did the GI bill and easy travel help build suburbs?
Cold War Economy
 Pent up demand for goods help crate a consumer culture
 Advertising on TV and bill boards help increase demand
 Credit cards allow consumer debt to rise
 Demand led to an increase in production and more jobs
 Cold War required government to spend a lot of money on
weapons systems and defense
Impact: US had the highest standard of living in the word
Technological Advances
 Medicine
 Science was used to look for new miracle drugs like penicillin
 Vaccines for polio save thousands
 War surgeons developed new techniques
Impact of Cold War
 Pesticides and chemical fertilizers provide more food
 Improved nutrition of food
Cold War and Civil Rights
 Americans became healthier and lived longer
 Small farms were consolidated or had a hard time competing
 Reliance on chemicals had long-term environment impact
 WWII laid the groundwork for the women’s rights movement
 Many women returned to the traditional roles of stay at home
 Consumer culture made women chief consumer of the family
 TV glorified the role of homemaker
 Suburan life left women isolated and unfulfilled
 40% of women did work outside of home but JOB were limited
and pay was a fraction of men
 Book THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE by Betty Freidan helped
launch the modern women’s rights movement
 WWII laid the groundwork for the women’s rights movement
 Many women returned to the traditional roles of stay at home
 Consumer culture made women chief consumer of the family
 TV glorified the role of homemaker
 Suburban life left women isolated and unfulfilled
 40% of women did work outside of home but JOB were limited
and pay was a fraction of men
 Book THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE by Betty Freidan helped
launch the modern women’s rights movement
Explain the positive and negative impact of the Cold War on women.
Cold War and Civil Rights
Civil Rights Movement
A liberal movement that challenged the conservative status quo of
race relations.
What does that mean?
Goals: Full rights of citizenships for African Americans. (equal
treatment and the right to vote)
What promised AA these rights?
Impact of WWII on Civil Rights movement
AA workers demanded and were given more equal treatment
When war ended lost jobs
AA soldiers served in segregated unites, Northern AA soldiers
experienced Jim Crow, some returning AA vets were lynched.
Why would returning vets get lynched?
Impact: Truman establish civil rights commission to support antilynching law and desegregated the military
Holocaust made people revaluate the treatment of AA in the US
Cold War put the US’s ideas and values in the world spot light. A
failure to live up to the values would embarrass the US on the world
How did television new help the Civil Rights Movement?
Civil Rights Movement Strategies
Cold War and Civil Rights
NAACP established judicial precedents (smaller decision in lower
courts that favored the end of segregation) that led to big decision like
Supreme court decision in Brown.
Brown v Board of Education (was made up of 5 different cases, one
form Clarendon County)
In a unanimous (9–0) decision the Supreme Court stated that
"separate educational facilities are inherently unequal”
Decision opened the path for an end to segregation in all areas of life.
How was the Brown decision viewed by conservatives and liberals?
Non-violent Civil Disobedience (Intentional breaking laws, but never
resorting to violence)
Why was Brown v. Board important
Why was Brown v. Board important
Political impact
Martin Luther King Jr. was organizer and spokesperson
Movement was backed by presidents and majority of voting public
Legislation passed to addrsss discrimination
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Changes in the Civil Rights Movement
Black Power Movement (Northern urban AA)
Goals: fight de facto (not by law but by fact) segregation in cities,
advocated and empower AA community and promote ethnic pride
Leadership: Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael
Cold War and Civil Rights
Alienated the general public and undermined support of further
government action
Explain the goals of the Civil Rights Movement and
How they achieved them.
Civil Rights for women 615
NOW (National Organization of Women)
Promoted the rights of women
The Feminie Mystique
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
Roe v Wade
Equal Rights Amendment
Conservative counter movement
Compare and contrast the Women and Latin rights movements