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Name: _______________
Empedocles, who lived about 2500 years ago, stated that matter was made of
four elements, which are:
a. Plants, animals, earth, and air.
b. Earth, fire, water, and air.
c. Protons, neutrons, electrons, and atoms.
d. Land, sea, sky, and cells.
The Industrial Revolution created an explosion of scientific thought and
experimentation. Many new scientific tools for observation and measurement
were invented during this time. Name two of them:
The three main parts of an atom are:
a. Protons, nucleons, and electrons.
b. Protons, neutrons, and negatrons.
c. Protons, neutrons, and electrons.
d. Protons, nucleons, and megatrons.
Fill in the next three questions with the following words (you may use them more
than once): “a positive”, “a negative”, “no”, “outside”, and “inside”
Electrons have _____________ charge and are
found _____________ the nucleus.
Protons have _____________ charge and are
found _____________ the nucleus.
Neutrons have _____________ charge and are
found _____________ the nucleus.
When electrons occupy the orbits, they begin at
the ___________ orbit to the nucleus.
a. Closest
b. Farthest
The first orbit can hold up to ______ electrons.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 18
The second orbit can hold up to ______ electrons.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 18
The third orbit can hold up to ______ electrons.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 18
The atomic number will always equal:
a. The number of protons.
b. The number of neutrons.
c. The number of protons plus neutrons.
The atomic mass will always equal:
a. The number of protons.
b. The number of neutrons.
c. The number of protons plus neutrons.
An atom will always have the same number of:
a. Protons and neutrons.
b. Neutrons and electrons.
c. Protons and electrons.
d. Protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Draw a Bohr atom of Lithium (use a grey circle for the nucleus and smaller
dots for the electrons).
Who discovered that the nucleus is filled with positive charges and called the
number of protons the “atomic number?”
a. Mendeleev.
b. Moseley.
c. Rutherford.
d. Chadwick.
Chadwick and Rutherford discovered that __________________ have about
the same mass.
a. Protons and neutrons.
b. Neutrons and electrons.
c. Protons and electrons.
d. Protons, neutrons, and electrons.
The mass of a(n) ___________ is so small it is considered to be zero.
a. Electron
b. Proton
c. Neutron
d. Atom
The number of electrons in an atom is equal to:
a. The number of neutrons.
b. The number of protons.
c. It’s atomic mass.
Atomic mass is measured in:
a. Atomic mass units (u).
b. Newtons (N).
c. Micrograms (ug).
d. Ounces (oz).
TRUE or FALSE Shells exist whether there is an electron in them or not.
TRUE or FALSE It is possible for electrons to jump to a different shell if
energy is added.
When scientists were first arranging elements, they:
a. Used the atomic numbers.
b. Used the atomic masses.
c. Used the characteristic properties.
d. Used alphabetical order.
Mendeleev’s periodic law went according to:
a. Atomic number.
b. Atomic mass.
c. Alphabetical order.
d. The number of protons.
Mendeleev left gaps in his table because:
a. There were elements that hadn’t been discovered yet.
b. No elements existed to fill these places.
c. His system of organization was wrong.
Moseley fixed Mendeleev’s problem of reversed elements by arranging the
periodic table in order of _______________.
a. atomic number.
b. atomic mass.
c. Number of neutrons.
Elements in the same ___________ have similar characteristic properties.
a. Period (row, from left to right)
b. Family (column, from top to bottom)
c. Area
Arranging elements by ______________ made an almost perfect pattern, but
arranging elements by ______________ made a completely perfect pattern.
a. Atomic mass, atomic number
b. Alphabet, atomic mass
c. Alphabet, atomic number
d. Atomic number, atomic mass
(12 x 0.25 = 3) Complete the chart below:
Atomic mass
Atomic number
Alkaline earth metals, like calcium, _________ outer shell.
a. Require two electrons to complete their
b. Require one electron to complete their
c. Have one electron in their
d. Have two electrons in their
e. Have a full
Noble gases, like argon, have _________ electron(s) in their outer shell.
a. Require two electrons to complete their
b. Require one electron to complete their
c. Have one electron in their
d. Have two electrons in their
e. Have a full
Alkali metals, like lithium and sodium, have _________ electron(s) in their
outer shell.
a. Require two electrons to complete their
b. Require one electron to complete their
c. Have one electron in their
d. Have two electrons in their
e. Have a full
Chalcogens, like oxygen, have _________ electron(s) in their outer shell.
a. Require two electrons to complete their
b. Require one electron to complete their
c. Have one electron in their
d. Have two electrons in their
e. Have a full
Halogens, like chlorine, have _________ electron(s) in their outer shell.
a. Require two electrons to complete their
b. Require one electron to complete their
c. Have one electron in their
d. Have two electrons in their
e. Have a full
Which element is a special case
because it sometimes acts like a metal
and sometimes like a non-metal?
a. Hydrogen
b. Helium
c. Boron
d. Iodine
When elements are arranged
according to atomic number, how
many reversals of elements are
necessary to fit the pattern?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
e. 4
(3) Draw Bohr diagrams of the first 2
alkaline earth metals (the second
family or column) and label them with
their symbol.
If a nitrogen atom has 7 protons and 7 neutrons, its atomic mass would be
(3) Look at the periodic table and try to find 3 elements that you know. List
them and briefly state what they are used for in real life.
a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________
Bonus: Draw a Bohr diagram of a barium atom.