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Molecular Devices
台大化工所 碩二 翁瑩倫
Group5 R90524016
Course : Nanoelectronics, Date:2003.01.14
Nano Devices
Ref. The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors: 2001, Emerging
Research Device
Molecular Devices
 Two terminal devices (報告以此為主)
 Wires
 Rectifying diodes
 Diodes exhibiting Negative
Differential Resistance (NDR)
 Resistor
 Three terminal devices
 Chemical synthesis possible
 Electrical testing is quite difficult
Bottom-up method on the nanometer scale
• Chemical Synthesis
Relatively Easy
Break Junction
Ref. M. A. Reed, C. Zhou, C. J. Muller, T. P.
Burgin, and J.M.Tour, ‘Conductance of a
Molecular Junction’ Science, Vol.278, 10
October 1997, p252~254
• Are single molecular wire conducting?
Ref. L. A. Bumm et al., Science, Vol.271,
22 March 1996, p1705~1707
• Molecular Wire (可以做很長)
Ref. D. Goldhaber-Gordon, M.S. Montemerlo, J. Christopher Love,G.J. Opiteck,
and J.C. Ellenbogen, ‘Overview of Nanoelectronic Devices’ Proceedings of the
IEEE, Vol. 85, NO. 4, April 1997
Quantum-Effect Molecular Electronic Devices:
- Methylene groups create ‘barriers’ along a molecular wire to
control transmission of electrons through a quantum well.
- Molecule can act as resonant tunneling diode.
- Molecules much smaller and every one is exactly alike.
- Easily can be made in vast number(1023 at a time).
Ref. D. Goldhaber-Gordon, M.S. Montemerlo, J. Christopher Love,G.J. Opiteck,
and J.C. Ellenbogen,‘Overview of Nanoelectronic Devices’ Proceedings of the
IEEE, Vol. 85, NO. 4, April 1997
• A novel fabrication technique to
directly measure the conduction
through a small number of
organic molecules.
• These devices consist of a selfassembled monolayer (SAM) of
conjugated molecular wires
sandwiched between top and
bottom metallic contact.
• Using the nanopore process and
4-thioacetylbiphenyl SAM we
constructed a diode.
Ref. C. Zhiu, M.R. Deshpande, M.A.Reed,
L.Jones II, and J.M.Tour,‘Nanoscale
metal/self-assembled monolayer/metal
heterostructures’ Appl. Phys. Lett. 71(5),
4 August 1997
Prominent rectifying
behavior is observed the current
at 1V bias is about 500 times
higher than the current at –1V
While the I-V curve at
negative bias is rather linear, the
I-V curve at positive bias
displays exponential behavior.
Due to the asymmetry in the heterostructure, prominent
rectifying behavior is observed in the I-V characteristics.
Ref. C. Zhiu, M.R. Deshpande,M.A.Reed, L.Jones II, and J.M.Tour,‘Nanoscale
metal/self-assembled monolayer/metal heterostructures’ Appl. Phys. Lett. 71(5), 4
August 1997
Use the nanopore process and
2’-amino-4,4’-di(ethynylphenyl)-5’-nitro-1-benaenthiolate (1a)SAM
→low temperature negative differential resistance(NDR)
Ref. J. Chen, M.A. Reed, A.M. Rawlett and J.M..Tour ‘Large On-Off Ratios
and NDR in a Molecular Electronic Device’ Science, vol. 286, 19 November
• This device work as two terminal switches: at a specific applied
voltage current will flow (device ON) at all other voltage values
current does not flow (device OFF)
Potential mechanism
Ref. J. Chen, M.A. Reed, A.M. Rawlett and J.M..Tour ‘Large On-Off Ratios
and NDR in a Molecular Electronic Device’ Science, vol. 286, 19 November
Use the nanopore process and
4,4’-di(ethynylphenyl)-2’-nitro-1-benaenthiolate (4a) SAM
→room temperature negative differential resistance(NDR)
Ref. J. Chen, W.Wang, M.A. Reed, A.M. Rawlett, D.W.Price, and J.M.Tour,
‘Room-temperature NDR in nanoscale molecular junctions’ Appl. Phys. Lett.
77(8), 21 August 2000
The Switching Mechanism
Memory cell(1)
Use the nanopore process
and molecular (1)~(3) in right
Fig.(a)→room temperature
memory cell which can be
configured as a RAM
Ref. M.A. Reed, J. Chen, A.M. Rawlett, D.W.Price and J.M.Tour, ‘Molecular
random access memory cell’ Appl. Phys. Lett. 78(23), 4 June 2001
Memory cell(2)
Molecular (2) at ambient temperature
The output of device was dropped
across a resistor, sent to a comparator,
and inverted and gated with the read
Ref. M.A. Reed, J. Chen, A.M. Rawlett, D.W.Price and J.M.Tour, ‘Molecular
random access memory cell’ Appl. Phys. Lett. 78(23), 4 June 2001
Other Molecular Devices
Electronics using hybridmolecular and monomolecular devices
Ref.C.Joachim, J.K. Gimzewski and A.
Aviram,’Electronics using hybridmolecular and mono-molecular
devices’ Nature 408,541-548(2000)
• 本次報告大多以James M. Tour 和 Mark A.
molecules containing phenylene and ethynylene
units on either side of a central nitro- amino- or
nitrophenylene moiety。
• Metzger 也寫許多paper有關the molecular
rectifier hexadecylquinolinolinium
Ref. Ron Dagani, ‘Taking Baby Steps to
“Moletronics”’ Jan.3 2000 C&EN.
• 還有一類的分子元件是Electromechanical
Molecular Electronic Devices,本次報告沒有詳
盡介紹,其說明於D. Goldhaber-Gordon et al.
Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 85, NO. 4, April
DNA sequence-specific molecular lithography
 Use molecular lithography and DNA molecular
Ref. Christof M. Niemeyer,’Tools for the Biomolecular Engineer’ Science, Vol.297,
5 July 2002, p62~63
DNA sequence-specific molecular lithography
• Resistor
Schematic of the homologous recombination reaction
and molecular lithography.
Ref. K. Keren et al., Science, Vol.297, 5 July 2002, p72~75
DNA sequence-specific molecular lithography
• Three terminal device
Ref. K. Keren, Science, Vol.297, 5 July 2002, p72~75
Status of molecular components for
Ref. The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors: 2001, Emerging
Research Device
Something interesting---NanoKids
NanoKids™. This new project involves the synthesis of
molecules that resemble people, namely NanoBoy™ and
NanoGirl™. Animated videos featuring these characters and
others from the world of NanoPut™ will be used as educational
tools for outreach projects intended to bring more people into
the sciences. Partial funding of this project is through the NSF
and its funding of the CBEN here at Rice. The concept is
Copyright James M. Tour 2001.
For example,
Chemically synthesized on May, 25, 2001 -- C39H42O2
Mol. Wt.: 542.7496 -- Percentage of C, 86.30; H, 7.80; O, 5.90
• It’s a method to use molecule we can
make nanodevices. But it still have
many challenges. It’s anyone’s guess
how-or even if-molecular electronics
will become a viable, large-scale