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Fracture and Unification: The Qin, Han,
Sui, and Tang Dynasties
200 BCE-900 CE
Let’s Review…
 Shang Dynasty – China’s first Dynasty
 All based around Huang He River (Yellow River) – China’s Sorrow
 King’s – regional administration to family members
 Early Writing (Oracle Bones)
 Government – flood control/irrigation channels
 Zhou Dynasty- 1122BCE
 Mandate of Heaven (Legitimize switch of dynastic family)
 Longest lasting dynasty (600 Years)
 Transformed Warfare (Archery, Horseback)
 Decentralized – local rulers run empire (feudal system)
 The constant competition would undo the Dynasty and lead to the…
 Era of Warring States 480BCE-220BCE (Almost two centuries of turmoil)
Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE)
 Qin (pron. Chin) = 1 of Warring States of period c. 481-
221 BCE
 Conquered others, declaring creation of empire 221
 Qin Shi Huandi (r. 221-210 BCE) = first emperor
 Built Great Wall of China
 Enormous tomb complex
 Economic power of state: goal = increase
 Centralization of administration
 “Bureaucratization”
Ideologies of the Empire
 Confucius (551-479 BCE)
 Moral order
 Emphasis on hierarchy, ritual, arts
 Ideal = the moral leader (Gentleman), shaped by
 Legalism
 Strict laws and enforcement
 Daoism
 Mystical philosophy
 Emphasis on simplicity
 Legalist effort to suppress
Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE)
 Brief civil war accompanied the fall of the Qin dynasty
 Liu Bang established a new dynasty through warfare
 Social/political hierarchy established by privileged scholars
 Emperor Wu (156 B.C.E.–29 March, 87 B.C.E.)
 Centralized Confucianism
A basis for promotion in civil service
 Established as absolute in Tang dynasty
How do we know? The Court Historians
Military Power
“Militarism” - Large-scale expansion of
 Men 20-50 were conscripted into
 Standing army 300,000-1,000,000
 Mandatory one year training & service
 Could be called back during war
 Constant battles w/ Xiongnu (Huns)
 Demanded tribute from enemies
 Technology included the Crossbow and horses from Mongolia
 New technology = economic prosperity
 Paper
 Compass
 Breast strap harness for horses
 Tapping of Natural Gas pockets
 Iron industry and production of steel
 Tight government control over business
 Parthian traders (Intermediaries between Rome/China) c.57
B.C.E. –
 Silk Reaches Rome
Changes in the Han Empire
 Population shift from
north to south
 Population of South
grows by 50%
Natural Disasters –
Yellow River breaks
banks twice
Violence (massacres
and warfare)
Fall of Han Dynasty - 9 C.E.
Temporary fall– No succession followed by 20 yrs of turmoil
Later Han dynasty (23-220 CE)
 Not as powerful as former empire
 Alliances w/ barbarians – Sinicization – absorption by foreign
peoples (like Rome)
 Oppression of peasants
 Increased Taxation – many move under landlords (European
 Government has difficulty controlling these landlords.
Fall of Han Dynasty - 184 C.E.
Fall of Han- New Era in China
 Yellow Turban (Scarves) Revolt
Led by Zhang Jue - Doaist
Onset of more revolts afterwards
Internal political problems - factions (emperor, bureaucrats,
advisors, palace guards, eunuchs, court women)
Empire broken up among warlords
 Feudal life ensues.
Society and Culture
 North-South division upon the fall
Variety of ecological reasons
2. Mix with nomadic peoples
 Several nomadic groups
conquered parts of the north
Tradition of unity remained
 Disintegration period: arts flourished
 Chinese language = unifying
 Buddhism appeared in China
during 1st CE
Sui (581- 618 C.E.) and Tang dynasty (618 - 907 C.E.)
 New centralization
 Grand Canal (1,104 mi)
 Massive economic undertaking
 Connected North & South
 Art/Technology advances
 Block printing
 Porcelain
 Poetry
 Flourishing of Buddhism
Imperial China
1. Assimilation = major theme
2. Great expansion into central Asia
3. Political control short but influence longstanding
 Examples:
Periodic revolts against Chinese domination
Annam = province for 1000 years
Adopted various Chinese customs
ii. Korea
Vassal state
Deep cultural influence
iii. Japan
Cultural influence
Waves of Korean and Chinese immigration
Japanese emperor as figurehead – struggle for