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Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science http://www.kimia.um.edu.my Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (CHEMISTRY) SESSION 2014/2015 (126 CREDITS) 1. UNIVERSITY COURSES (23 CREDITS) # Please refer to program Structure of Bachelor of Science 2. PROGRAM CORE COURSES (103 CREDITS) (I) DEPARTMENTAL CORE COURSES (63 CREDITS)[TJ] LEVEL 1 (14 Credits) Course Code Course Name Pre-Requisite(s) Chemistry and Mathematic STPM or SCES1101 Basic Mathematics for Chemistry equivalent SCES1200 Principles Chemistry Chemistry STPM or equivalent SCES1210 Inorganic Chemistry l Chemistry STPM or equivalent SCES1220 Organic Chemistry I Chemistry STPM or equivalent SCES1230 Physical Chemistry I Chemistry STPM or equivalent LEVEL 2 (29 Credits) SCES2210 Inorganic Chemistry II SCES1200 and SCES1210 SCES1200, SCES1210,SCES1220 and SCES2211 Analytical Chemistry l SCES1230 SCES2220 Organic Chemistry II SCES1200 and SCES1220 SCES2230 Physical Chemistry II SCES1101, SCES1200 and SCES1230 SCES2242 Polymer Chemistry SCES1220 and SCES1230 SCES2243 General Environmental Chemistry SCES1210 and SCES1220 SCES1101, SCES1200, SCES1210, SCES2250 Molecular Spectroscopy and Interpretation SCES1220 and SCES1230 SCES1220 Spectroscopic Methods in Organic SCES2260 This course is taken together with Chemistry SCES2220 SCES2261 Heterocyclic Chemistry SCES1220 SCES2262 Biomolecules Chemistry SCES1220 LEVEL 3 (20 Credits) SCES3110 Inorganic Chemistry III SCES2210 SCES3120 Organic Chemistry III SCES2220 SCES3130 Physical Chemistry III SCES2230 SCES2210, SCES2220, SCES2230 and ** SCES3181 Project SCES2250 (II) DEPARTMENTAL ELECTIVES COURSES (30 CREDIT)[EJ] LEVEL 2 (At least 10 Credits) SCES2312 General Industrial Chemistry SCES1200 SCES2313 Nuclear Chemistry SCES1200 and SCES1210 SCES2323 Medicinal Chemistry SCES1220 SCES2338 Solid State Chemistry SCES1210 and SCES1230 SCES2432 Basic Colloid Chemistry SCES1230 SCES2433 Electrochemistry SCES1200 and SCES1230 SCES2437 Computational Chemistry I SCES1230 LEVEL 3 (At least 20 Credits) SCES3310 Environmental Chemistry II SCES2211 and SCES2243 SCES3311 Analytical Chemistry II SCES2211 SCES3314 Materials Chemistry SCES2210, SCES2220 and SCES2230 SCES3317 Biomimetic and Bioinorganic Chemistry SCES2210 SCES3319 Electrosynthesis SCES2433 SCES3321 Biosynthesis SCES2220 SCES3324 Natural Product Chemistry SCES2220 SCES3327 Synthesis Organic SCES2220 SCES3328 Organic Mechanism Chemistry SCES2220 SCES3329 Physical Organic Chemistry SCES2220 SCES3332 Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy SCES2230 and SCES2250 SCES3334 Polymer Chemistry II SCES2242 SCES3335 Advanced Colloid Chemistry SCES2432 SCES3336 Liquid Crystal SCES2230 SCES3337 Computational Chemistry II SCES2230 and SCES2437 SCES3340 Catalysis SCES2210, SCES2220 and SCES2230 1 Credit 3* 2 3* 3* 3* 4* 3* 4* 4* 3* 2 3 2 2 2 4* 4* 4* 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2* 3* 3* 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3* 3* 2 2* 2 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 SCES3352 Polymer Composite Materials SCES2242 SCES3362 Instrumental Techniques in Chemistry SCES2210, SCES2220 and SCES2230 SCES3363 Special Topics in Chemistry SCES2210, SCES2220 and SCES2230 Note: * With practical component. ** Project must be conducted continuously in maximum 2 semesters. (III) FACULTY ELECTIVES COURSES (10 CREDIT)[EF] *Courses offered by Institutes/Departments in Faculty of Science. (Please refer Faculty Electives Courses other than the Department of Chemistry within the Faculty of Science. 3* 2 2 PROGRAM GOAL To produce graduates that have critical thinking and could apply the knowledge of chemistry and the latest scientific technology efficiently to analyze and solve problems in the industry, environment, health and safety sectors PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOME At the end of the program, graduates with a Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) are able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Master knowledge related to the field of chemistry. Perform chemistry laboratory procedures, to solve problems, to record and to analyze data and to present experimental results effectively. Demonstrate social expertise for environmental sustainable development in the practice of chemistry and management of the flow of activities and tasks with the highest sense of responsibility. Practice ethical values and professionalism in chemistry practice and to prioritize the importance of client, field of work and society. Communicate effectively and confidently, both orally and in writing and to be able to work independently and in group and as a leader. Use scientific expertise in the practice of chemistry and problem solving in all the tasks given effectively. Plan research projects using information technology in the practice of chemistry, time and resource management efficiently. Use entrepreneurship expertise and efficient management skills in implementing chemistry research projects. 2 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 LIST OF COURSES ACCORDING TO SEMESTER (PLANNING OF COURSES) COMPONENT SEMESTER 1 COURSE SEMESTER 2 CREDIT GXEX1412 Basic Entrepreneurship Culture GTEE1100/10/11/12/1 3 English Courses COURSE CREDIT 2 GXEX1411 Ethnic Relations 2 3 GXEX1414 Islamic and Asian Civilisation 2 3 SXEX1102 Statistics 18 University Courses SXEX1411 Introduction to Science & Technology Studies 3 GXEX1401 Information Skills 1 GXEX1417 Social Engagement SCES1200 Principles of Chemistry Program Core Courses Departmental Core Courses 2 SCES1210 Inorganic Chemistry I 3 SCES1101 Basic Mathematics in Chemistry 3 TOTAL CREDIT SCES1220 Organic Chemistry I 3 SCES1230 Physical Chemistry I 3 14 2 2 18 34 CREDIT TOTAL CREDIT 16 SEMESTER 3 COURSE Program Core Courses 2 Departmental Electives Courses within the Faculty of Science (other than Department of Chemistry) Faculty Electives Courses COMPONENT Departmental Core Courses SEMESTER 4 CREDIT SCES2220 Organic Chemistry II 4 SCES2230 Physical Chemistry II 4 SCES2211 Analytical Chemistry 1 3 SCES2261 Heterocyclic Chemistry 2 SCES2260 Spectroscopic Methods In Organic Chemistry Departmental Electives Courses TOTAL CREDIT Departmental Electives Courses TOTAL CREDIT SCES2210 Inorganic Chemistry II 4 SCES2250 Molecular Spectroscopy and Interpretation 3 SCES2242 Polymer Chemistry 3 SCES2243 General Environmental Chemistry 29 2 2 SCES2262 Biomolecules Chemistry 2 5 Departmental Electives Courses 5 20 3 COURSE 19 10 39 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 COMPONENT University Courses Program Core Courses Departmental Core Courses Departmental Electives Courses SEMESTER 5 COURSE SEMESTER 6 CREDIT GTEE1100/10/11/ 12/13 English Courses 3 SCES3120 Organic Chemistry III 4 SCES3110 Inorganic Chemistry III 4 SCES3181 Project 4 Departmental Electives Courses 3 TOTAL CREDIT CREDIT TOTAL CREDIT 2 5 Co-Curriculum SCES3130 Physical Chemistry III 4 4 Departmental Electives Courses 7 10 17 35 Departmental Electives Courses Faculty Electives Courses SEMESTER 7 COURSE Departmental Electives Courses Departmental Electives Courses within the Faculty Of Science (Other Than Department Of Chemistry) TOTAL CREDIT 4 20 SCES3181 Project 18 COMPONENT Program Core Courses COURSE CREDIT TOTAL CREDIT 10 10 8 8 18 18 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (APPLIED CHEMISTRY) SESSION 2014/2015 (126 CREDITS) 1. UNIVERSITY COURSES (23 CREDIT) # Please refer to program Structure of Bachelor of Science 2. PROGRAM CORE COURSES (103 CREDITS) (I) DEPARTMENTAL CORE COURSES (62 CREDITS)[TJ] LEVEL 1 (14 Credits) Course Code Course Name SCES1101 Basic Mathematics in Chemistry SCES1200 SCES1210 SCES1220 SCES1230 Principles Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry l Organic Chemistry I Physical Chemistry I Pre-Requisite(s) Chemistry and Mathematic STPM or equivalent Chemistry STPM or equivalent Chemistry STPM or equivalent Chemistry STPM or equivalent Chemistry STPM or equivalent LEVEL 2 (24 Credits) SCES2210 Inorganic Chemistry II SCES2220 Organic Chemistry II SCES2230 Physical Chemistry II SCES2240 Industrial Chemistry I SCES2241 Basic Analytical Chemistry SCES2243 General Environmental Chemistry SCES2250 Molecular Spectroscopy and Interpretation SCES2260 Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry LEVEL 3 (24 Credits) SCES3110 Inorganic Chemistry III SCES3120 Organic Chemistry III SCES3130 Physical Chemistry III SCES3140 Industrial Chemistry II SCES3141 Advanced Analytical Chemistry SCES3190 Industrial Training** (II) DEPARTMENTAL ELECTIVES COURSE (31 CREDITS)[EJ] LEVEL 2 (At least 12 Credits) SCES2313 Nuclear Chemistry SCES2320 Food Chemistry SCES2323 Medicinal Chemistry SCES2324 Petrochemistry SCES2338 Solid State Chemistry SCES2339 Industrial Organic Chemistry SCES2415 Industrial Inorganic Chemistry SCES2432 Basic Colloid Chemistry SCES2433 Electrochemistry SCES2434 Polymer Chemistry I SCES2437 Computational Chemistry I LEVEL 3 (At least 19 Credits) SCES3310 Environmental Chemistry II SCES3314 Materials Chemistry SCES3324 Natural Product Chemistry SCES3327 Organic Synthesis SCES3328 Mechanistic Organic Chemistry SCES3332 Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy SCES3333 Applied Electrochemistry SCES3334 Polymer Chemistry II SCES3335 Advanced Colloid Chemistry SCES3336 Liquid Crystal SCES3337 Computational Chemistry II SCES3340 Catalysis SCES3352 Polymer Composite Materials 5 Credit 3* 2 3* 3* 3* SCES1200 and SCES1210 SCES1200 and SCES1220 SCES1101, SCES1200 and SCES1230 SCES1200 and SCES1210 SCES1200, SCES1210, SCES1220 and SCES1230 SCES1210 and SCES1220 SCES1101, SCES1200, SCES1210, SCES1220 and SCES1230 SCES1220 This course is taken together with SCES2220 4* 4* 4* 2 SCES2210 SCES2220 SCES2230 SCES2240 SCES2241 Already taken SCES2210, SCES2220, SCES2230, SCES2240 and SCES2250 4* 4* 4* 3 3* SCES1200 and SCES1210 SCES1220 SCES1220 SCES1210 and SCES1220 SCES1210 and SCES1230 SCES1220 SCES1200 and SCES1210 SCES1230 SCES1200 and SCES1230 SCES1220 and SCES1230 SCES1230 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3* 2* SCES2241 and SCES2243 SCES2210, SCES2220 and SCES2230 SCES2220 SCES2220 SCES2220 SCES2230 and SCES2250 SCES2433 SCES2434 SCES2432 SCES2230 SCES2230 and SCES2437 SCES2210, SCES2220 and SCES2230 SCES2434 3* 2 2 2 2 2 2 3* 3* 2 2* 2 3* 3* 2 3 2 6 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 SCES3355 Applied Organometallic Chemistry SCES2210 and SCES2220 SCES3363 Special Topic in Chemistry SCES2210, SCES2220 and SCES2230 Note: * With practical component. ** Please refer to Industrial Training Handbook for details. (III) FACULTY ELECTIVES COURSES (10 CREDITS)[EF] *Courses offered by Institutes/Departments in Faculty of Science. (Please refer Faculty Electives Courses other than the Department of Chemistry within the Faculty of Science. 2 2 PROGRAM GOAL To produce graduates that have critical thinking and could apply the knowledge of chemistry and the latest scientific technology efficiently to analyze and solve problems in the industry, environment, health and safety sectors. PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOME At the end of the program, graduates with a Bachelor of Science (Applied Chemistry) are able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Master knowledge related to the field of chemistry. Perform chemistry laboratory procedures, to solve problems, to record and to analyze data and to present experimental results effectively. Demonstrate social expertise for environmental sustainable development in the practice of chemistry and management of the flow activities and tasks with the highest sense of responsibility. Practice ethical values and professionalism in chemistry practice and to prioritize the importance of client, field of work and society. Communicate effectively and confidently, both orally and in writing and to be able to work independently and in group and as a leader. Use scientific expertise in the practice of chemistry and problem solving in all the tasks given effectively. Plan research projects using information technology in the practice of chemistry, time and resource management efficiently. Use entrepreneurship expertise and efficient management skills in implementing chemistry research projects. 6 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 LIST OF COURSES ACCORDING TO SEMESTER (PLANNING OF COURSES) SEMESTER 1 COMPONENT COURSE CREDIT GXEX1412 Basic Entrepreneurship Culture GTEE1100/10/11/12/13 English Courses University Courses SXEX1411 Introduction to Science & Technology Studies SCES1200 Principles of Chemistry Program Core Courses Department al Core Courses SEMESTER 2 SCES1210 Inorganic Chemistry I SCES1101 Basic Mathematics in Chemistry COURSE 2 GXEX1411 Ethnic Relations 2 3 GXEX1414 Islamic and Asian Civilisation 2 3 SXEX1102 Statistic 3 GXEX1401 Information Skills 1 GXEX1417 Social Engagement 2 SCES1220 Organic Chemistry I SCES1230 Physical Chemistry I 2 3 16 COMPONENT Departmental Core Courses SEMESTER 3 COURSE 3 14 2 2 18 34 SEMESTER 4 CREDIT COURSE CREDIT SCES2220 Organic Chemistry II 4 SCES2210 Inorganic Chemistry II 4 SCES2230 Physical Chemistry II 4 SCES2241 Basic Analytical Chemistry SCES2260 Spectroscopic Methods In Organic Chemistry Departmental Electives Courses 18 3 Departmental Electives Courses within the Faculty of Science TOTAL CREDIT TOTAL CREDIT 3 Faculty Electives Courses Program Core Courses CREDIT Departmental Electives Courses TOTAL CREDIT 3 24 3 SCES2240 Industrial Chemistry I 2 2 SCES2243 General Environmental Chemistry 2 6 Departmental Electives Courses 6 12 17 36 19 7 SCES2250 Molecular Spectroscopy And Interpretation TOTAL CREDIT Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 TOTAL CREDIT COMPONENT COURSE University Courses Departmental Core Courses Program Core Courses Departmental Electives Courses CREDIT Program Core Courses Departmental Core Courses CREDIT GTEE1100 /10/11/12/13 English Courses 3 Co-curriculum 2 SCES3120 Organic Chemistry III 4 SCES3130 Physical Chemistry III 4 SCES3110 Inorganic Chemistry III 4 SCES3140 Industrial Chemistry II 3 Departmental Electives Courses 3 TOTAL CREDIT COMPONENT COURSE SCES3141 Advanced Analytical Chemistry SHORT SEMESTER COURSE 18 6 9 15 32 SEVENTH SEMESTER CREDIT Industrial Training 3 Departmental Electives Courses 17 COURSE CREDIT Departmental Electives Courses Departmental Electives Courses within the Faculty Of Science Faculty Electives Courses TOTAL CREDIT 6 8 TOTAL CREDIT 6 6 Departmental Electives Courses 5 10 10 8 8 18 24 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 EMERITUS PROFESSOR Dr. Ng Soon, B.Chem.Eng, MS (OSU, Ohio), PhD (UC Berkeley), CChem, FRSC, FMIC, FASc DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry is the largest department in the Faculty of Science. The Department started operation in the academic year 1959/1960 and is one of the oldest departments in the faculty. The Department is the first institution of higher learning in Malaysia to receive the prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry, UK accreditation for its BSc (Chemistry) and BSc (Applied Chemistry) programme since August 2012. One of the objectives of the Department is to provide a centre of excellence in chemical education and research in Malaysia. Students from the department are trained to develop their critical, creative and innovative thinking. The Department is proud to produce graduates who are highly regarded and much sought after in the work force market. Presently, the Department has 63 academic staff, several of whom are from abroad and 1 emeritus professor. Apart from teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate degree levels, the staffs also conduct quality research in fundamental and applied chemistry. Although the academic staffs have different research interests, they adhere to the same philosophy in solving chemical-related problems and in the development of expertise in chemistry. In addition to the undergraduate Program, the department also offers MSc by research and coursework; and PhD programs. Since her establishment, the department has produced many MSc and PhD graduates who assume high positions in both government and private organisation locally and internationally. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Dr. Azhar Arifin, BSc (Mal), PhD (Nottingham) Dr. Khoo Siow Kian, BSc, MSc, PhD (S'ton) Dr. Lo Kong Mun, BSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Norbani Abdullah, BSc, PhD (London) Dr. Nor Kartini Abu Bakar, BSc (Mal), PhD (Wales), MRSC, CChem Dr. Thorsten Heidelberg, Dipl Chem, PhD (Hamburg) Dr. Zaharah Aiyub, BSc (Indiana), MSc (Marshall), Dphil (Sussex) VISITING ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Dr. Vannajan Sanghiran Lee, BSc (Chiang Mai Univ., Thailand), MSc, PhD (Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City) SENIOR LECTURER Dr. Arief Cahyo Wibowo, BSc, MSc (Michigan), PhD (Carolina) Dr. Azizah Mainal, BSc (Michigan), MSc (Mal), PhD (S’ton) Dr Azman Ma’amor, BSc (UKM), MSc (Mal), PhD (Belfast) Dr. Cheng Sit Foon, BSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Choo Yeun Mun, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Desmond Ang Teck Chye, BSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. H. N. M Ekramul Mahmud, BSc, Msc (Dhaka), PhD (UPM) Dr. Hairul Anuar, BSc, MSc (Mal), PhD (Sheff) Dr. Khor Sook Mei, BSc, MSc (UKM), PhD (UNSW) Dr. Lee See Mun, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Lim Siew Huah, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Low Yun Yee, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Low Kah Hin, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Mohammad Noh Daud, BSc (Mal), PhD (Bristol) Dr. Ninie Suhana Abdul Manan, BSc, MSc (Mal), PhD (QUB) Dr. Nor Asrina Sairi, BSc, MSc (UPM), PhD (Mal) Dr. Noraini Ahmad, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Norazilawati Muhamad Sarih, Dip. (LGM), Dip., BSc (UiTM), PhD (Durham) Dr. Nor Mas Mira Abd. Rahman, BSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Phang Sook Wai, BSc, MSc (UKM), PhD (Yamagata Univ., Japan) Dr. Rozie Sarip, BSc (UTM), MSc (UTM), PhD (UCL, London) Dr. Rusnah Syahila Duali Hussen, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Sharifah Mohamad, BSc, MSc (Mal), PhD (UPM) Dr. Siti Nadiah Abd. Halim, BSc, MSc (Mal), PhD (Bristol) Dr. Tan Kong Wai, BSc, MSc (UKM), PhD (Mal) Dr. Tay Kheng Soo, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Teo Yin Yin, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Woi Pei Meng, BSc, MSc (UPM), PhD (Mal) ACADEMIC STAFF HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. Sharifuddin M Zain, BSc (Lond), ARCS, PhD (Lond), DIC PROFESSOR Dr. Abdul Hamid Yahaya, BSc (Mal), MSc, PhD (Salford) Dr. Aziz Hassan, MSc (UMIST), PhD (Brunel) Dr. Christopher Gunaseelan Jesudason, BA, MA (Camb), PhD (Georgia) Dr. Chuah Cheng Hock, BSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Edward R.T. Tiekink, BSc, PhD, DSc (Melbourne) Dr. Gan Seng Neon, BSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Hapipah Mohd Ali, BSc, Dphil (Sus) Dr. Kam Toh Seok, BSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Khalijah Awang, BSc (Waterloo), MSc, PhD (Paris) Dr. Mhd. Radzi Abas, BSc, MSc, PhD (Salf) Dr. Misni Misran, BSc (Flinders), PhD (East Anglia) Dr. Mohamad Niyaz Khan, BSc (S.N. College, Azamgarh, India) MSc, PhD (Aligarh Muslim Univ.) Dato’ Dr. Mohd. Jamil Maah, BSc, MSc, DPhil. (Sussex), CChem, FRSC, AMIC, FASc Dr. Muhammad Mazhar, PhD (Budapest, Hungary) Dr. Ng Seik Weng, BSc (NUS), MSc, PhD (Okla) Dr. Noel F Thomas, BSc (Salf), PhD (UWCC) Dr. Noorsaadah Abd. Rahman, BA (Chico, Cal.), MSc (Irvine, Cal.), PhD (Cambridge), CChem, MRSC Dr. Rauzah Hashim, BSc, PhD (S'ton), MRSC, CChem Dr. Rosiyah Yahya, BSc, PhD (Brunel), MRSC, CChem Dr. Sharifah Bee Abd. Hamid, BSc (OSU,Ohio), MSc (UKM), PhD-DSc (U. Namun, Belgium) Dr. Sharifuddin M Zain, BSc (Lond), ARCS, PhD (Lond), DIC Dr. Tan Guan Huat, BSc, PhD (Duke) Dr. Wan Jefrey Basirun, BSc (Mal), PhD (S’ton) Dr. Wong Chee Seng, Richard, BSc(Dublin), MSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Yatimah Alias, BSc, MSc (Mal) PhD (East Anglia) Dr. Zainudin Arifin, BSc (UMIST), PhD (Lond) Dr. Zanariah Abdullah, BSc, PhD (East Lond) RESEARCH AREAS Research in the department may be divided into 5 main areas; organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry and polymer chemistry. Some active research subareas are natural products, environmental chemistry, colloidal chemistry, computational chemistry, synthesis of organic compounds, organometallics chemistry and electrochemistry. The department possesses sophisticated and up-to-date instrumentation for teaching and conducting leading edge research activities: one FT-NMR 300MHz, one FTNMR 600MHz, three FT-NMR 400MHz, one FT-NMR EX90MHz, Crystal X-ray Diffractometer (single, dual 9 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 wavelength, and powder), Capillary Electrophoresis, Elemental Analyser, Mercury Analyzer, GC, GC-MS, GC-FID, GC-ECD, ICP-MS, LC-MS (QTof high resolution), Injection Moulding Machine, Twin-Screw Extruder, Impact Tester, Tensile Tester, DSC, DMA, TGA,TGA-GCMS,TGA-DTA, FT-IR Imaging, MicroRaman, UV Spectrometer, Fluorescence Spectrophotometer, HPLC, LC-Prep, AAS, Flame Photometer, Rheometer, Optical Polarizing Microscope, Microwave digester, Guoy Balance, Capillary Electrophoresis (CE), Ion Chromatography, X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF), Electroanalytical System and Gel Imager. TOC analyser, densitometer, colour spectrometer, light scattering GPC, thermoconductivity meter, particle size analyser+ FESEM. 4. Cockett, M.C.R. and Doggett, G. (2003) Maths for Chemists Vol. II: Power Series, Complex Numbers and Linear Algebra, RSC 5. Steiner, E. The Chemistry Maths Book. 2nd (2008) Ed. Oxford University Press. SCES1200 PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY Atomic Theory Quantum mechanical model, orbital energy levels, and electronic configurations (aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle and Hund’s rule) Periodic Table and Periodicity Trend in physical properties of elements (atomic size, ionic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity and metallic properties), and trend in chemical properties (acid-base and redox). JOB OPPORTUNITIES Courses offered by the department meet the current requirements to accommodate job and career advancement. Chemistry is recognised as a professional field by Malaysian Institute of Chemistry and to date, our chemistry graduates have filled the job market in both public and private sectors. Job opportunities are available in basic research and development areas in research institutions such as FRIM, SIRIM, MARDI, Petronas, MPOB and IMR. In addition, graduates are employed in the teaching profession in schools, colleges and universities. Career opportunities are also available in the chemical and manufacturing industries, oil and gas industries, petrochemicals, energy and fuel industries, polymer and materials, electronics, sales and marketing, and new growth areas of green and sustainable technologies. Gas The kinetic theory of gas and equation of state for ideal and real gases. Stoichiometry The mole concept, chemical formulas (empirical and molecular), balanced chemical equations (molecular and redox), percentage yield, chemical reactions in aqueous solution, molarity, and analytical chemistry (gravimetry and volumetry). Assessment Methods: Final Examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English COURSE SYNOPSIS Soft skills: CS1, CT2 Note: All level 1 students are required to attend a practical safety class before commencing their practical class. Time of class will be announced on the first week of the teaching session. SCES1101 CHEMISTRY BASIC MATHEMATICS References: 1. Olmsted, J. and William, G. M. (2006). Chemistry. 4th Ed. John Wiley & Sons. 2. Brown, T. L., Lemay, H. E. and Bursten B.E. (2006). Chemistry: The Central Science, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall. 3. Atkins, P. W. (2006). Physical Chemistry. 8th Ed. Oxford Publication. 4. Petrucci, R. H., Harwood, W. S., Herring, G. E. and Madura, J. (2007). General Chemistry, Principles & Modern Applications. 9th edition. Pearson. 5. Kotz, J. C., Treichel, P. M. and Townsend, J. (2009). Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity. 7th edition. Thomson Brooks/Cole. IN Functions and operators, calculus – differentiation and integration. Differential equations, vector analysis, matrices and determinants, expansion of functions. Basic statistical techniques and graphics, error analysis, use of EXCEL in solving chemical calculations. Assessment Methods: Final Examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: 60% 30% 10% SCES1210 Medium of instruction: English INORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Types of chemical bonding (electronegativity, ionic bond, covalent bond), orbital overlap, Lewis structure, valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR), orbital hybridisation, molecular orbital theory, bond order, metallic bond, intermolecular forces and hydrogen bonding. Soft skills: CS3, CT1 References: 1. Monk, P. and Munro, J. (2010) Maths for Chemistry: A chemist's toolkit of calculations, 2nd Ed. Oxford. 2. Miller, J. N and Miller J,. C. (2010) Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed. Pearson. 3. Cockett, M.C.R. and Doggett, G. (2003) Maths for Chemists Vol. I: Numbers, Functions and Calculus, RSC. Types of solids, closest packing structure, tetrahedral hole, octahedral hole, NaCl structure, CsCl fluorite, perovskite, diamond, ZnS and copper metal. Bronsted acid, periodic trends in Bronsted acidity, oxoacids, Lewis acids, theory of soft and hard acids, thermodynamic acidity parameter Definition of oxidation and reduction, oxidation number, half-reaction for reduction reaction, balancing redox 10 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 reactions, standard electrode potential, Frost diagram, dependence of reduction potential on pH, extraction of metals from redox reactions. Assessment Methods: Final Examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: 4. Clayden, Greeves, Warren and Worthers (2001). Organic Chemistry. OUP. 5. Smith, J. G. (2008). Organic Chemistry. 2nd Ed. Mcgraw Hill. 60% 15% 25% SCES1230 Data treatment. Symbol and unit. Significance figures and measurements. Accuracy and precision. Uncertainty and errors. Systematic error and random error. Estimation of random error. Combination of errors. Least squares method. Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS1, CT5 This course covers the basis of thermodynamics, terminologies and basic concepts. It describes the zeroth, first, second and third laws of thermodynamics and introduce the concept of enthalpy, Hess’s law, entrophy and thermodynamics potential. Through these basics ideas students will be able to apply how changes in chemical systems may be predicted. References: 1. McMurray, J. and Fay, R. C. (2008). Chemistry. 5th Edition. Prentice Hall International. 2. Brady, J. E., Senese, F. A. and Jesperson, N. D. (2009). Chemistry. 5th Edition. John Wiley. 3. Witten K. W., Davis, R. E., Peck, M. L. and Stanley, G. G. (2007). Chemistry. 8th Edition. Thomson. 4. Catherine, E. Housecroft and Alan, G. Sharpe, (2005) Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd edition Pearson Prentice Hall. 5. Atkins, Overton, Rurke, Weller, and Armstrong. (2009). Inorganic Chemistry. 5th Ed. Oxford press. SCES1220 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I Description of electrolyte solutions, electrochemical cells, Debye-Huckel theory, standard potentials. Nernst equation and thermodynamic information from electrochemical reactions. Descriptions and derivation of rate law and order of reactions of gases and activated complex theory, steady state approximation, kinetics of complex reactions. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Assessment Methods: Final Examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: Lecture Structure and bonding in carbon compounds, classification of organic compounds, functional groups, hybridization, concept of resonance. Medium of instruction: English Use of IR spectroscopy in identifying functional groups. Chemistry of aliphatic hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes, alkadienes and alkynes) and aromatic hydrocarbons – nomenclature, syntheses and reactions. Stereochemistry: conformational analysis – conformations of acyclic alkanes and cycloalkanes. Isomerism and stereoisomers – chirality, optical activity, Cahn-Ingold-Prelog nomenclature, enantiomers, diastereomers, racemates, stereoisomers with two stereogenic centres, meso compounds, stereochemistry of selected reactions Soft skills: CT4, CS2 References: 1. Atkins, P. W., Paula, J.D. (2010). Physical Chemistry. 9th Ed. OUP.. 2. Barrow, G.M. (1996). Physical Chemistry. 6th Ed. McGraw-Hil. 3. Mahan, B. and Myres, R. J. (1987). University Chemistry. 4th Ed. Addison Wesley. 4. Alberty, R. and Silbey, R. (1996). Physical Chemistry. 2nd Ed. John Wiley. 5. Taylor, J. (1997). An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements. 2nd edition, University Science Books. Practical Identification of elements in organic compounds Reactions of functional groups. Basic techniques used in the laboratory – re-crystallisation, distillation and chromatography (column and thin layer). SCES2210 Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: 60% 15% 25% 60% 15% 25% INORGANIC CHEMISTRY II Coordination chemistry: Coordinate bond, types of ligands, coordination number, nomenclature, isomerism and chirality, Werner’s theory, valence bond theory, magnetic properties, crystal field theory, ligand field theory, Jahn-Teller effect, tetrahedral complex, octahedral complex, tetragonal distortion, electronic spectra, Orgel diagram and Tanabe-Sugano diagram. Metal chemistry: Trend in periodic table, existence, methods of isolation, chemical reactions and applications of metals, chemistry of block s, p, d and f metals Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS1, CT5 References: 1. Solomons, G. and Fryhle, C. (2008). Organic Chemistry. 9th Ed. Wiley. 2. Bruice, P. Y. (2006). Organic Chemistry. 5th Ed. Prentice Hall. 3. McMurry, J. (2008). Organic Chemistry, 7th Ed. Brookes/ Cole. Molecular Symmetry: Symmetry elements, symmetry operations, point groups, stereographic projections, group theory, transformation matrices, reducible representation, irreducible representation, character tables, application in IR and Raman spectroscopies and chiral molecules. 11 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: References: 1. Skoog, D. A., West, D. M., Holler, F. J. and Crouch, S. R (2004). Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry. 8th Ed. Thomson, Brooks/ Cole. 2. Rouessac, F. and Roussac, A. (2000). Chemical Analysis-Modern Instrumental Methods and Techniques. 4th Ed. John Wiley & Sons. 3. Christian, G. D. (2004). Analytical Chemistry. 6th Ed. John Wiley & Son. 60% 15% 25% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS2, CT2 SCES2220 References: 1. Shriver, D. F., Atkins, P. W. and Langford, C. H. (1996). Inorganic Chemistry. 2nd Ed. Oxford University Press. 2. Albert, C. F., Wilkinson, G., Murillo, A. C., Bochmann, M. (1999). Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. 6th Ed. John Wiley. 3. Carter, R. L. (1998). Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory. John Wiley. 4. Greenwood, N. N. and Earnshaw, A. (1984). Chemistry of the Element. 2nd Pergamon Press. 5. Meisller, G. L. and Tarr, D. A. (2013). Inorganic Chemistry. 5th Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. SCES2211 Preparation and reactions of alkyl halides (S N1, SN2, E1 and E2). Stereochemical concepts e.g., chirality, enantiomers, racemates, meso compounds, diastereomers (with respect to reactions of alkyl halides) . Preparation and reactions of alcohols, ethers and epoxides. Chemistry of aldehydes and ketones: preparation and reactions (nucleophilic addition); Preparation and reactions of carboxylic acids and derivatives (nucleophilic acyl substitution); amines other nitrogen containing compounds (nitrile, nitro, azo and diazo). The chemistry of phenols, quinones and related natural occurring compounds. The chemistry of difunctional group compounds, including dicarboxylic acids, keto acids, hydroxy acids and lactones. The chemistry of carbanions and enolate ions: Enolate ion– electrophile reactions: acetic ester and malonic ester synthesis; Enolate ion addition/condensation: Aldol, Claisen, Dieckmann, Knoevenagel, etc. Conjugate addition of enolates: Michael addition, Robinson annulation, etc. Enamines in synthesis. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY I Introduction Classical analysis, concentration systems/units, sampling in analysis Data Treatment Precision and accuracy, statistical methods for error analysis, population and sampling, confidence limits, measurement uncertainty, significant figures, test for mean, rejection of analytical data. Quality control and quality assurance. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: Spectrometry Interaction of light energy between atoms and molecules; quantitative aspects of absorption. Molecular spectrometric techniques – UV-Visible, IR, NIR; dispersion, absorption, fluorescence and emission. Spectrophotometric instruments; emission spectroscopy and atomic absorption spectrometry- an introduction, uses of spectrophotometry. 60% 15% 25% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS1, CT5 References: 1. Solomons, T. W. G. (2008). Organic Chemistry.9th Ed. Wiley. 2. McMurry J. (2003). Organic Chemistry. 5th Ed. Brooks/Cole. 3. Clayden, J., Greeves, N., Warren, S. and Wothers, P. (2000). Organic Chemistry. Oxford. 4. Kamaliah Mahmood dan Noorsaadah Abd. Rahman. (1998). Kaedah Kimia dalam Pengenalpastian Sebatian Organik. Penerbit Universiti Malaya. 5. Crews, P., Rodriguez, J. and Jaspars, M (1998). Organic Structure Analysis, Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford. Electroanalytical Chemistry Quantitative analysis – standard addition technique and internal standard technique, Potentiometry – pH glass electrode, solid membrane ion selective electrodes. Polarography, Heyrovsky equation, use of dropping mercury electrode (DME). Separation Methods Introduction to the theory and process of separation in GC and HPLC, ion exchange chromatography, solvent extraction, partition coefficient, multiple extraction, efficiency. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II SCES2230 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II Quantum Mechanics The origin of quantum theory; Postulates and general principles of quantum mechanics: wavefunction, operator, eigenfunction, eigenvalue, probability, average value and Schrodinger equation; Dynamic and motion of simple microscopic systems: translational motion, harmonic oscillator and vibrational motion, angular momentum and rotational motion; Electronic structures of hydrogen like atoms and many-electron atoms: hydrogen atom, atomic orbital, Pauli principle, aufbau principle, Hund's rules, electron configuration, Slater 50% 30% 20% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS2, CT5, TS1 12 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 SCES2241 determinant, angular momentum coupling, atomic terms, spin-orbit and other interactions, symmetry, atomic spectra and selection rules. Introduction Classical analysis, sampling in analysis Chemical Kinetics Introduction to reaction rate theory. Collision between molecules, gas transport phenomenone. Collision theory of uni, bi and trimolecular gas reactions. Complex reactions. concentration systems/units, Data Treatment Precision and accuracy, statistical methods for error analysis, population and sampling, confidence limits, measurement uncertainty, significant figures, test for mean, rejection of analytical data. Quality control and quality assurance. Chemical Thermodynamics Basic equations of chemical thermodynamics. Thermodynamic properties of multi component mixture. Equilibrium of chemical reactions. Phase equilibrium: phase transition and classification; phase rule, phase diagram for multi component system (liquid-vapour, liquid-liquid and liquid-solid) and applications. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: BASIC ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Spectrometry Interaction of light energy between atoms and molecules; quantitative aspects of absorption. Molecular spectrometric techniques – UV-Visible, IR, NIR; dispersion, absorption, fluorescence and emission. Spectrophotometric instruments; emission spectroscopy and atomic absorption spectrometry- an introduction, uses of spectrophotometry. 60% 15% 25% Electroanalytical Chemistry Quantitative analysis – standard addition technique and internal standard technique, Potentiometry – pH glass electrode, solid membrane ion selective electrodes. Polarography, Heyrovsky equation, use of dropping mercury electrode (DME). Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS1, CT3 Separation Methods Introduction to the theory and process of separation in GC and HPLC, ion exchange chromatography, solvent extraction, partition coefficient, multiple extraction, efficiency. References: 1. Atkins, P. W., Paula, J.D. (2010). Physical Chemistry. 9th Ed. OUP. 2. Donald, A. M. (1983). Quantum Chemistry. University Science Book. 3. Bockhoff, F. J. (1976). Elements of Quantum Theory. 2nd edition. Addison-Wesley Pub. Company. 4. Barrow, G. M. (1996). Physical Chemistry. 6th Ed. McGraw-Hill. 5. Alberty, R. A. and Silbey, R. J. (1997). Physical Chemistry. 2nd Ed. John Wiley. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: 50% 20% 30% Medium of instruction: English SCES2240 INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY I Soft skills: CS2, CT5, TS1 Introduction to chemical industries. Two major technologies: chemical process and separation technology. Separation technology covers aspects related to adsorption, chemical extraction, purification, distillation and drying. Chemical process includes natural gas, petroleum and vegetable oil refining. Economic aspect, basic account and management, patent right, examples of industrial chemistry process. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: References: 1. Skoog, D. A., West, D. M., Holler, F. J. and Crouch, S. R. (2004). Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry. 8th Ed. Thomson, Brooks/ Cole. 2. Rouessac, F. and Roussac, A. (2000). Chemical Analysis-Modern Instrumental Methods and Techniques. 4th Ed. John Wiley & Sons. th 3. Christian, G. D. (2004). Analytical Chemistry. 6 Ed. John Wiley & Son. 70% 30% SCES2242 Medium of instruction: English POLYMER CHEMISTRY Fundamental Polymer Chemistry Classification and naming. Processes of polymer synthesis: bulk, solution, suspension and emulsion. Mechanisms of polymerization: condensation, Carothers Equations, radical, ionic (cationic and anionic). Copolymerization:structures and properties of copolymers, reactivity ratios. Thermosets: fenoplast, aminoplast, unsaturated polyesters, polyurethanes epoxy resins. Relationship between structure and properties: structural isomers, stereospecific vinyl polymers, and structures of polymers from diene monomers and ways to overcome or reduce the problems of environmental pollutions. Soft skills: CT1, KK1, EM1, LL1 References: 1. Gunstone, F. D., Harwood, J. L., Djikstra, A. J. (2007). Lipid Handbook. 3rd Ed. CRC Press. 2. Speight, J. G. (2006). The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum. 4th Ed. CRC Press. 3. Gary, J. H and Handwerk, G. E. and Kaiser, M.J (2006). Petroleum Refining: Technology and Economics. 5th Edition. CRC Press. 4. Bauer, K (2001) Common Fragrance and Flavour Materials, 3rd ed. Wiley VCH. 5. Othmer, K (1999-2012) Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons. 13 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 Physical Chemistry of Polymers Simple kinetic of radical polymerization. Introduction to the size and conformation of polymer chain. Polymer in solution– interaction between solvent and polymer molecules. Effect of molecular weights on the physical properties of polymers. Distribution of molecular weights and average molecular weights Mn and Mw. Determination of average molecular weight: (a) endgroup analysis, (b) osmometry, (c) viscometry. topics in the processing of local raw materials to various end-products Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: Soft skills: CT3 Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Medium of instruction: English 50% 20% 30% References: 1. Shreve, R. N. (1984). Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries. 4th Edition McGraw-Hill. 2. Bauer, K. (1985). Common Fragrance and Flavor Materials. Weinheim. 3. Othmer, K. (1995). Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology, 4th Ed. Elsevier. Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CT2, LL1 References: 1. Fried, J. R. (2003). Polymer Science and Technology. 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall International Editions. 2. Harry, R. A. and Frederick, W. L. (1992). Contemporary Polymer Chemistry. 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall. 3. Steven, M. P. (1999). Polymer Chemistry – An Introduction. 3rd Ed. Oxford Univ.Press. 4. Challa, G. (1993). Polymer Chemistry - An Introduction. Ellis Horwood. 5. Stephen, L. R. (1993). Fundamental Principles of Polymeric Materials. John Wiley. SCES2243 GENERAL CHEMISTRY SCES2245 INTRODUCTION CHEMISTRY Introduction Classical analysis, sampling in analysis ANALYTICAL concentration systems/units, ENVIRONMENTAL Spectrometry Interaction of light energy between atoms and molecules; quantitative aspects of absorption. Molecular spectrometric techniques – UV-Visible, IR, NIR; dispersion, absorption, fluorescence and emission. Spectrophotometric instruments; emission spectroscopy and atomic absorption spectrometry- an introduction, uses of spectrophotometry. Human impacts on natural environment – water pollution and air pollution and treatment of pollutants. Electroanalytical Chemistry Quantitative analysis – standard addition technique and internal standard technique, Potentiometry – pH glass electrode, solid membrane ion selective electrodes. Polarography, Heyrovsky equation, use of dropping mercury electrode(DME). 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS1, EM1 Separation Methods Introduction to the theory and process of separation in GC and HPLC, ion exchange chromatography, solvent extraction, partition coefficient, multiple extraction, efficiency. References: 1. Andrews, J. E., Brimblecombe, P., Jickells, T. D. and Liss, P. S. (2004). An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry. Blackwell Science, Oxford. 2. Jackson, A. R. W. and Jackson, J. M. (1996). Environmental Science, Longman, Singapore. 3. Gary W.V. and Stephen J.F. (2005). Environmental Chemistry – A Global Perspective. 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press. SCES2244 TO Data Treatment Precision and accuracy, statistical methods for error analysis, population and sampling, confidence limits, measurement uncertainty, significant figures, test for mean, rejection of analytical data. Quality control and quality assurance. Natural Environment – the earth’s surface, atmosphere, hydrosphere and elemental cycles. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY Soft skills: CT2, CS2, CT5, TS1 Introduction to the background of industrial chemistry. The local raw materials for the chemical industries viz petroleum, tin, rubber, palm oil, coconut oil and fragrances. The manufacture of important inorganic chemicals viz type of concretes, type of paints, pharmaceutical products, oleochemical products, insecticidal chemicals and colouring materials. Special References: 1. Skoog, D. A., West, D. M., Holler, F. J. and Crouch, S. R. (2004). Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry. 8th Ed. Thomson, Brooks/ Cole. 2. Rouessac, F. and Roussac, A. (2000). Chemical Analysis-Modern Instrumental Methods and Techniques. 4th Ed. John Wiley & Sons. 14 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 th 3. Christian, G. D. (2004). Analytical Chemistry. 6 Ed. John Wiley & Son. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: SCES2246 Medium of instruction: English FUNCTIONAL GROUP CHEMISTRY 70% 30% Class of organic compounds and functional groups. Soft skills: CS4, CT3, LL3, LS3 Synthesis of alkyl and aryl halides and reactions (including SN1 and SN2), synthesis and reactions of alcohol dan ether, synthesis of aldehydes and ketones; reaction of aldehydes and ketones (nucleophilic additions, reduction, oxidation and reactions with organometalic reagent), preparation and reactrion of carboxylic acids and derivatives, phenols and amines. Introduction and brief explanation of simple sugar, carbohydrates, amino acids, peptide and proteins. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: References: 1. Banwell, C. N. (1994). Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy. McGraw Hill. 2. Atkins, P. W., Paula, J.D. (2010). Physical Chemistry. 9th Edition. Oxford University Press. 3. Hore, P. J. (1995). Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Oxford University Press. 4. Diem, M. (1993). Modern Vibrational Spectroscopy. John Wiley. 5. Labert and Mazzola (2004). Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Prentice Hall. 6. Silbey, R. J., Alberty, R. A., Bawendi, M.G. (2005) Physical Chemistry 4th Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English SCES 2252 Soft skills: CS1 Basic electrochemistry on electrode reaction, electrode kinetics, Butler-Volmer equation, Tafel anode and cathode equation, over potential, mass transport, diffusion current and Nernst diffusion layer. Background of electrochemical cell, type of electrode, liquid junction potential, concentrations of electrolyte. Techniques for electroanalytical method cover potential step and potential sweep experiment. References: 1. Wade, L. G. (2009). Organic Chemistry. 7th Ed. Prentice/Hall. 2. Solomons, T. W. G. and Fryhle, C. (2008). Organic Chemistry. 9th Ed. Wiley. 3. Bruice, P. Y. (2007). Organic Chemistry. 5th Ed. Pearson. 4. Stoker, H. S. (2010). General, Organic and Biological Chemistry. 5th Ed. Brooks/Cole. SCES2250 MOLECULAR INTERPRETATION SPECTROSCOPY Basic Electrochemistry Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: AND 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Parts of this course need the fundamental understanding of Quantum Chemistry. Students are advised to take this course with SCES2230 or after completing SCES2230. Soft skills: CS1, LL1 References: 1. Bard, A. J and Faulkner, L. R. (2001). Electrochemical Methods Fundamental and Application. 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons. 2. Pletcher, D. and Walsh, F. C. (1993). Industrial Electrochemistry. Blackie Academic and Professional. 3. Monk, P. (2001). Fundamentals of Electroanalytical Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons. 4. Wang, J. (2000). Analytical Electrochemistry. 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons. Basic Spectroscopy, Vibrational, Rotational and Electronic Spectroscopy. Basics of spectroscopy.- electromagnetic spectrum, theoretical and practical aspects of spectroscopy. Rotational and vibrational spectrum of diatomic and polyatomic molecules; interpretative aspects of rotational and vibrational spectroscopy. Raman effect; rotational and vibrational Raman spectroscopy. Atomic electronic spectroscopy; electronic term symbols for atoms. Basics of diatomic and polyatomic electronic spectroscopy. SCES2260 SPECTROSCOPIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Magnetic properties of the electron and nucleus: spin angular momentum and magnetic moment. Behavior of electron and nucleus in magnetic field: space quantization of angular momentum, spin energy, Boltzmann distribution and macroscopic magnetization. Magnetic resonance and experiment. Parameters in the NMR spectrum: chemical shift, spin-spin coupling and nuclear relaxation time (T1 and T2). Advantages of high magnetic field. Double resonance. Effect of nuclear relaxation and double resonance on carbon-13 NMR spectra. Relaxation time T1 and molecular motion. Behavior of quadrupolar nuclei as non-magnetic nuclei, NMR time-scale; effect of exchange phenomena on NMR spectra. Basic principles of solid-state NMR, twodimensional NMR and NMR imaging. METHODS IN IR Spectroscopy Characteristic group frequencies in organic molecules. UV Spectroscopy Electronic transitions and common chromophores in organic compounds; Woodward-Fieser Rules. NMR Spectroscopy Brief theory and origin of the NMR experiment; CW- and modern pulsed FT-NMR; 1H-NMR: the chemical shift: inductive and anisotropic effects; Spin-spin coupling: vicinal coupling, Karplus equation; examples of 1H-1H splitting patterns: AX, AB, AMX, ABX, etc.; allylic and long-range coupling; techniques for improving the NMR 15 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 4. Gilchrist, T. L. (1997). Heterocyclic Chemistry, 3rd Ed. Pearson. spectrum: use of shift reagents; homonucleardecoupling; effect of higher field strengths, etc. 13CNMR: natural abundance of 13C and use of pulsed FT techniques; the 13C NMR spectrum: completely-coupled, completely-decoupled; off-resonance-decoupled; APT and DEPT spectra. Carbon chemical shifts and functional groups; Introduction to 2D-NMR: COSY and HETCOR spectra. SCES2262 Chemistry of carbohydrate: Monosaccharideclassification/naming and reactions, disaccharide – naming and method to determine the structure, polysaccharide. Chemistry of lipid: introduction to fatty acid, triacylglycerol, transformation of triacylglycerol, terpene, terpenoid, steroid and prostaglandins. Protein and amino acids and peptide- structure, synthesis and degradation. Nucleic acids. Mass Spectrometry EIMS – molecular ions, isotope peaks, and fragment ions; HREIMS and determination of molecular formula; principal fragmentation patterns in major classes of organic compounds, McLafferty rearrangement and retro-Diels-Alder processes; CI-, FD-, FAB-, ESI-, and MALDI-MS; GCMS, ESI-LCMS, and MALDITOF-LCMS Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Application of combined techniques in organic structure determination Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Soft skills: CS1, CT2 References: 1. Solomons, T. W. G. and Fryhle, C. (2004). Organic Chemistry, 8th edition, John Wiley & Sons. 2. Stoker, H. S. (2010). General, Organic and Biological Chemistry. 5th Ed. Brooks/Cole. 5th Ed. 3. Smith, J. G. (2010). General, Organic and Biological Chemistry. McGraw Hill. 4. Lindhorst, T. K. (2006). Essentials of Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry. 3rd Ed. Wiley. 5. Zanariah Abdullah, Noorsaadah Abd. Rahman dan Kamaliah Mahmood (2001). Biomolekul Suatu Pengenalan. Penerbit Universiti Malaya. Soft skills: CT1, CT4 References: 1. Silverstein, R.M., Webster, F.X., Kiemle, D.J. (2005) Spectroscopic identification of organic compounds. 7thEd., John Wiley 2. Kamaliah Mahmood dan Noorsaadah Abd Rahman. (1998). Kaedah Kimia dalam pengenalpastian Sebatian Organik. Penerbit University of Malaya. 3. Crews, P., Rodriguez, J., Jaspars, M (2009). Organic structure analysis. 2nd Ed., Oxford University Press, New York. 4. Williams, D., Flemming, I (2007). Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry, 6th Ed., McGraw-Hill. 5. Pavia, D.L., Lampman, G.M., Kritz, G.S., Vyvyan, J.A. (2009). Introduction to spectroscopy. 4th Ed., Cengage. SCES2312 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY Introduction to the background of industrial chemistry. The local raw materials for the chemical industries viz petroleum, tin, rubber, palm oil, coconut oil and fragrances. The manufacture of important inorganic chemicals viz type of concretes, type of paints, pharmaceutical products, oleochemical products, insecticidal chemicals and colouring materials. Special topics in the processing of local raw materials to various endproducts HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY Introduction, classification and nomenclature of Heterocyclic compounds; Three, four, five and sixmembered ring heterocyloalkanes, five-membered ring heteroaromatic compounds with one or two hetero atoms; N , O and S. Six-membered ring, fused ring and heterocyclic bases present in nucleic acids, and selected biologically important heterocyclic compounds. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Medium of instruction: English SCES2261 BIOMOLECULES CHEMISTRY Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English 70% 30% Soft skills: CT3 Medium of instruction: English References: 1. Reuben, B. G. and Burstal, M. L. (1973). The Chemical Economy. Longmans. 2. Shreve, R. N. (1984). Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries. 4th Ed. McGraw-Hill. 3. Bauer, K. (1985). Common Fragrance and Flavor Materials. Weinheim. 4. Hamilton, R. J. (1995). Developments in Oils and Fats, Chapman & Hall. 5. Othmer, K. (1995). Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology. 4th Edition. Elsevier. Soft skills: CT4 References: 1. Kamaliah Mahmood dan A. Hamid A. Hadi (1988). Kimia Heterosiklik. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 2. Joules, J. A., Mills, K. and Smith, G. F. (2000). Heterocyclic Chemistry. 4th Ed. Blackwell Science. 3. Bruice, P. Y. (2010). Organic Chemistry. 6th Ed. Prentice-Hall. 16 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 SCES2313 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Development in nuclear chemistry, nuclei and isotopes, nuclear mass and nuclear stability, nuclear structures and nuclear models, radioactive decay, natural radioactive elements, radiation absorption, effects of radiation on matters, danger of radiation and dosimetry, detection and measurement of radiation, application of radioisotopes. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS2, CT2 References: 1. Patrick, G. L. (2009). An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry. 4th Ed. Oxford University Press. 2. Wilson and Gisvold (2011). Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 12th Ed. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. 3. Burnham, B. S., Hall, I. H. and Gringauz, A. (2007). Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry: How Drugs Act and Why. 2nd Ed. Wiley-VCH, New York. 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CT2, LL1 References: 1. Loveland, W. D., Morrissey, D. J. and Seaborg, G. T. (2006). Modern Nuclear Chemistry. 3rd Edition. John Wiley and Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. 2. Ehmann, W. D. and Vance, D. E. (1991). Radiochemistry and Nuclear Methods of Analysis, John Wiley & Sons Inc. 3. Attrep, M. (2007). Radioanalytical Chemistry Experiments [electronic resource] Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. 4. Choppin, G., Rydberg, J. and Lijenzin, J. O. (2001). Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry. 3rd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann. SCES2320 SCES2324 PETROCHEMISTRY Production of petrochemicals based on gaseous feedstocks: methane, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ammonia, methanol, ethane, ethyne, propene and butadiene. Introduction to the production of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. Production of petrochemicals based on liquid feedstocks: benzene, toluene, xylene and other petrochemicals/feedstocks. ssessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: FOOD CHEMISTRY 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Introduction to food chemistry; history, chemical and biochemical analysis of food, and safety analysis. Brief discussion on carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins in food. Short discussion on important components of foods; carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids, proteins and enzyme. Food additives and case study will be discussed. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Soft skills: CT2, CS1 References: 1. Burdick, D. L. and Leffler, W. L (2001). Petrochemicals in Nontechnical Language, PennWell Publishing Company. 2. Bhaskararao, B. K. (2007). A Text on Petrochemicals. Khanna Publishers. 3. Energy & Fuels, American Chemical Society (ACS Publications) 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English SCES2338 Soft skills: CS1, CT2 Crystal and close-packed structures. Bonding in solids specifically ionic and partial covalent bonding; bonding in metals and band theory. Crystal imperfections, cases of non-stoichiometry in compounds and solid solutions; phase diagrams. References: 1. Belitz, H. D., Grosch, W. and Schieberle, P. (2009). Food Chemistry. 4th Ed. Springer. 2. Damodaran S., Parkin, K. L. and Fennema, O. R. (2007). Fennema’s Food Chemistry.4th Ed. Talor & Francis, Inc. 3. De Man, J. M. (1999). Principles of Food Chemistry. 3rd Ed. Springer. SCES2323 SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY Electrical, magnetic and optical properties. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Introduction and basic principle of medicinal chemistry; drug-receptor model, function and drug synthesis such as analgesic compounds, antibiotics, stimulants. Drug for cardiovascular, -blockers, diuretic, antagonist and others. Drug discovery and design, approaches toward the synthesis of drug compounds. Soft skills: CT2, CS1 References: 1. Smart, L.E. and Moore, E.A. (2005). Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction. 3rd Ed. Taylor & Francis. 17 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 2. Ulmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry (1993) 3. Reuben, B. G. and Burstall, M.L. (1973). The Chemical Economy. Longmans. 4. Austin, G. T. (1977). Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries. McGraw-Hill. 2. West, A. R. (1996). Basic Solid State Chemistry. John Wiley & Sons. 3. Rodgers, G. E. (1994). Introduction to Coordination Solid State and Descriptive Chemistry. 4. Christman, J. R. Fundamentals of Solid State Physics. 5. Ladd, M. F. F. (1979). Structure and Bonding in Solid State Chemistry. Halsted Press. SCES2432 SCES2339 INDUSTRIAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Introduction to colloidal dispersion and types of colloidal dispersions. Particles in the box and colloid chemistry. Brownian motion, Surface charge and colloidal stability. Particle size and fluid deformation. Viscosity, sedimentation and rheology. Self-assembly colloids: micelles, vesicles, emulsions and microemulsions. Instrumentations in Colloidal Chemistry. Colloidal chemistry, nano-science and nanotechnology. Basic Raw Materials Carbon sources, routes based on fats and oils, carbohydrates, coal etc. Alkanes and cycloalkanes: refinery processes: catalytic alkylation, catalytic isomerisation, catalytic reforming, catalytic cracking and hydrocracking. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Industrial Reactions Free radical oxidation: Liquid-phase and gas-phase free radical oxidations. Liquid -phase non -free radical oxidations, such as Wacker Chemie Process, Dow Process and Halcon Process. Heterogeneous-catalysed gas-phase oxidations. Other industrial processes such as chlorination and oxychlorination, aromatic electrophilic substitution, aromatic nucleophilic substitution, hydrolysis, dehydration, esterification, hydrogenation, dehydrogenation hydroformylation, etc. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Soft skills: CS1, CT1 References: 1. Adamson, A. W. and Gast, A.P. (1997). Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. WILEY-INTERSCIENCE. 2. Shaw, D. J. (1992). Introduction to Colloid & Surface Chemistry. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. 3. Israelachvili, J. N. (1992). Intermolecular and Surface Forces. Academic Press, London. 4. Hiemenz, P. C. and Rjagopalan, R. (1997) Principles of Colloid & Surface Chemistry. 3rd Ed. Marcel Dekker. 5. Aveyard, R. and Haydon, D. A. (1973). An Introduction to the Principles of Surface Chemistry. Cambridge University Press. 70% 30% Soft skills: CS1, CT2 References: 1. Weissermel, K. And Arpe, H. J. (2003). Industrial Organic Chemistry. 4th Edition. Wiley-VCH. 2. Wiseman, P. (1987). Industrial Organic Chemistry. 2nd Edition. Elsevier Applied Science. 3. Waddams, A. L. (1978). Chemicals from Petroleum. 4th Edition. John Murray. 4. Journal: Chemistry and Industry. SCES2433 ELECTROCHEMISTRY Basic electrochemistry on electrode reaction, electrode kinetics, Butler-Volmer equation, Tafel anode and cathode equation, overpotential, mass transport, diffusion current and Nernst diffusion layer. Background of electrochemical cell, type of electrode, liquid junction potential, concentrations of electrolyte. Techniques for electroanalytical method cover potential step and potential sweep experiment. INDUSTRIAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Introduction to the modern process in the manufacturing of inorganic materials. The important aspect of economic, R&D, break-even chart and environmental factor will be discussed in relation to the production of inorganic materials. The manufacture of important inorganic chemicals viz acids, bases, belaching materials, pigments, con-cretes, glass, ceramics, electronic and photovolt. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Medium of instruction: English SCES2415 BASIC COLLOID CHEMISTRY Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS1, LL1 70% 30% References: 1. Bard, A. J and Faulkner, L. R. (2001). Electrochemical Methods Fundamental and Application. 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons. 2. Pletcher, D. and Walsh, F. C. (1993). Industrial Electrochemistry. Blackie Academic and Professional. 3. Monk, P. (2001). Fundamentals of Electroanalytical Chemistry. John Wiley & Sons. 4. Wang, J. (2000). Analytical Electrochemistry. 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons. Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CT2, LL1, KK1 References: 1. Moretto, H. H., Woditsch, P., Terrel, D., Terrel, K. H. and Buchel, K. H. (2000). Industrial Inorganic Chemistry. John Wiley. 18 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 SCES2434 Soft skills: CS1, CT2 POLYMER CHEMISTRY I Fundamental Polymer Chemistry Classification and naming. Processes of polymer synthesis: bulk, solution, suspension and emulsion. Mechanisms of polymerization: condensation, Carothers Equations, radical, ionic (cationic and anionic). Copolymerization:structures and properties of copolymers, reactivity ratios. Thermosets: fenoplast, aminoplast, unsaturated polyesters, polyurethanes epoxy resins. Relationship between structure and properties: structural isomers, stereospecific vinyl polymers, and structures of polymers from diene monomers and ways to overcome or reduce the problems of environmental pollutions. References: 1. Hinchliffe, A. (2008). Molecular Modelling for Beginners. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. UK. 2. Leach, A. R. (2001). Molecular Modeling Principles and Applications. 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 3. Grant, G. H. and Richards, W. G. (1995). Computational Chemistry. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 4. Young, David C. (2001). Computational Chemistry: A Practical Guide for Applying Techniques to Real World Problems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 5. Dill, K.A. and Bromberg, S. (2003). Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry & Biology, Garland Science, USA. Physical Chemistry of Polymers Simple kinetic of radical polymerization. Introduction to the size and conformation of polymer chain. Polymer in solution– interaction between solvent and polymer molecules. Effect of molecular weights on the physical properties of polymers. Distribution of molecular weights and average molecular weights Mn and Mw. Determination of average molecular weight: (a) endgroup analysis, (b) osmometry, (c) viscometry. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: SCES3110 Non-metal Chemistry Descriptive chemistry of non metals such as hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, halogens, silicon, boron and inert gases Organometallics Chemistry Identify organometallic complexes of Transition Group metals & some electronic rules. Preparation of carbonyl, olefin, carbene & metallocene complexes, orbitals involved. Structural elucidations by spectroscopic methods and x-ray structural analysis, reactions related to catalytic industry. 50% 20% 30% Medium of instruction: English Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism of Transition Metal Complexes Introduction to inorganic reaction mechanism. Dissociative, associative and interchange mechanisms. Derivation of the rate law based on the above mechanisms. Substitution reactions of octahedral, tetrahedral and 5-coordinate systems. Substitution reactions catalysed by acid and base. Inner-sphere and outer-sphere mechanisms. Soft skills: CT2, LL1 References: 1. Fried, J. R. (1995). Polymer Science and Technology. Prentice Hall International Editions. 2. Harry, R. A. and Frederick, W. L. (1992). Contemporary Polymer Chemistry. 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall. 3. Steven, M. P. (1999). Polymer Chemistry – An Introduction. 3rd Ed. Oxford Univ. Press. 4. Challa, G. (1993). Polymer Chemistry – An Introduction. Ellis Horwood. 5. Stephen, L. R. (1993). Fundamental Principles of Polymeric Materials. John Wiley. SCES2437 Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: 60% 15% 25% Medium of instruction: English COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY Soft skills: CS1, CT5 Introduction to computers – history, elements in computers, operating system. Computers in chemistry, internet. Internet based chemistry – introduction to web technologies useful in chemistry, chemical databases, use of chemical web services. References: 1. Cotton, F. A. and Wilkinson, G. (1972). Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. John Wiley & Sons. 2. Basolo, F. and Pearson, R. G. (1967). Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions. A study of Metal Complexes in Solution. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. 3. Henderson, R. A. (1993). The Mechanisms of Reactions at Transition Metal Sites. Oxford Science Publications. 4. Elschenbroich, C. and Salzer, A. (1992). Organometallics: A Concise Introduction. 2nd Ed. VCH. 5. Spessard, G. O. and Miessler, G. L. (1997). Organometallic Chemistry. Prentice Hall. Introduction to computational chemistry – history and development, techniques, molecular mechanics and molecular stimulation as well as application examples. Practical laboratory – FORTRAN programming or practical computational chemistry (Gaussian). Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY III 50% 10% 40% SCES3120 Medium of instruction: English ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III Introduction to the history and philosophy of organic synthesis; retrosynthetic analysis; protecting groups, 19 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 Statistical Thermodynamics chemoselectivity, and functional group interconversions; advanced application of the chemistry of enolates in organic synthesis. The fundamentals of statistical mechanics from the definitions of molecular interactions giving a set of energy levels for N-molecule systems. Statistical treatment to obtain a distribution of the most probable energy configuration or Boltzmann distribution. Introduction to partition function of molecules containing all the information on N-molecule systems. Ensemble concept, incorporated partition function and its relation to thermodynamic properties. Applications of this method in various chemical problems. Advanced stereochemistry, asymmetric synthesis (diastereoselective dan enantioselective reactions), reagent control; synthesis of one or two important classes of interesting compounds (e.g steroids, prostanoids, macrolides, taxoids etc.). Physical organic concepts and methods in the determination of reaction mechanisms: products, kinetics, stereochemistry, isotope labelling, kinetic isotope effects, linear free energy relationships. Introduction to the conservation of orbital symmetry: the principle of conservation of orbital symmetry in electrocyclic reactions. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: Medium of instruction: English 60% 15% 25% Soft skills: CS1, CT5 Medium of instruction: English References: 1. Engel, T. and Reid,P.(2013) Physical Chemistry, 3rd ed. Pearson International issue. 2. Atkins, P. W., Paula, J.D. (2010). Physical Chemistry, 9th ed. Oxford University Press. 3. Atkins, P. W. (1983). Molecular Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Ed. Oxford University Press. 4. Lowe, J. P. (1993). Quantum Chemistry, 2nd Ed. Academic Press. 5. Deanin, D. (1972). Polymer Structure, Properties and Application. Cahners Books, Boston. 6. Seymour, R. B. and Carraher, C. E. (1992). Polymer Chemistry. 3rd Ed. Marcel Dekker, New York. Soft skills: CT5 References: 1. Carey, F. A. and Sundberg, R. J. (2002). Advanced Organic Chemistry. Part B: Reactions and Synthesis. 4th Ed. Plenum Press, New York & London. 2. Eliel, E. L., Wilen, S. H. and Mander, L. M. (1994). Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds. John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 3. Lowry, T. H. and Richardson, K. S. (1987). Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry. 3rd Ed. Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company. 4. Harris, J. M. and Wamser, C. C. (1976). Fundamentals of Organic Reaction Mechanisms. Wiley & Sons. 5. Isaacs, N. (1996). Physical Organic Chemistry. 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall. SCES3130 60% 15% 25% SCES3140 INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY II Unit operation; principles of mass transfer, heat transfer and different types of reactor design technology. The focus will be on common reactor design such as batch reactor, Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) and continuous fixed bed reactor. Reaction engineering includes conversion, reactor sizing and kinetics. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY III Quantum Mechanics Approximate methods: variational method and timeindependent perturbation theory; Electronic structure of molecules: Born-Oppenheimer approximation, molecular orbital theory, valence-bond theory, Huckel molecular orbital theory, electron configuration, Slater determinant, angular momentum coupling, molecule terms, spinorbit and other interactions, symmetry, molecule spectra and selection rules; Hartree-Fock self-consistent-field method and other ab initio methods. Case study Selected chemical processes for the production of natural gas, oleochemicals, surfactants, detergents, paints, fragrances, lubricants and adhesives. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Macromolecule Introduction and importance of macromolecular study, main differences of macromolecules compared to other molecules based on size and molecular weight and solutions of macromolecules. Molecular mass distribution and methods of determining the molecular mass. Natural rubber and in-situ reactions, uses of natural rubber latex and synthetic latex in industries. 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CT3, LL1. KK1 References: 1. Ertl, G., Konzinger, H. and Weitkamp, J. (1997). Handbook of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Vol 4-5. Wiley-VCH. 2. Field, R. H. (1988). Chemical Engineering: Introductory Aspects. Houndsmills. 3. Hamilton, R. J. (1995). Developments in Oils and Fats. Chapman & Hall. 4. Othmer, K (1999-2012), Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology. 4th Edition. John Wiley and Sons Chemical Kinetics and the Dynamics of Reactions Diffusion controlled reactions. Activated complex theory and reactions in solutions. The dynamics of molecular collisions. The kinetics of fast reactions. The properties of non-equilibrium. 20 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 SCES3141 Assessment Methods: Report writing and presentation ADVANCED ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Trace Analysis Introduction; Techniques and limitations; considerations in implementation of trace analysis Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS3, CT5, LL, EM2 Sample Decomposition Steps in total analysis; dry, wet and microwave sample digestion; Appropriate considerations for decomposition of real samples SCES3190 Spectrometry ICP-AES and ICP-MS techniques; arc-sparc and plasma AES; advanced atomic absorption spectrophotometry; XRF. Assessment Methods: Presentation and report writing: 100% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CT4, CS6, TS5, EM3 Electroanalytical Techniques Pulse techniques in polarography, voltammetry using hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE), platinum electrode, carbon electrode. Stripping analysis; anodic stripping voltammetry, trace analysis. Coulometric analysis, constant potential coulometry, constant current coulometry, applications and advantages. SCES3310 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY II Development and Environment- Introduction, the effects of human activities on the environment. Conflicts between development and environment. Sustainable development. Automation Principles of automation; instrumental analysis, process control; automatic instruments; auto-analyser, microprocessor-controlled instruments; computers in analytical laboratories Environmental Management – History, Environmental Quality Act (1974). Environmental management strategies. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Supporting PROGRAMs and examples of preventive laws applicable in Malaysia and some other developed nations such as U.S.A. Distribution, transport and fate of major pollutants in the environment. Principles of environmental monitoring and sampling, sample storage and pretreatment. Introduction to basic concepts in analytical chemistry and chemical equilibrium. Introduction to major analytical techniques for environmental analysis, including spectroscopic and chromatographic methods. 50% 20% 30% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CT5, TS1, LL1, LS2 Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: References: 1. Daniel C. Harris (2008). Exploring Chemical Analysis, 4th Edition, W.H. Freeman Publ. 2. Christian, G. D. (2008). Analytical Chemistry, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 3. Skoog, D.A., Holler, F.J and Crouch, S.R. (2007). Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6th Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole. 4. David Harvey (2000). Modern Analytical Chemistry, McGraw Hill Publ. 5. Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., Holler, F.J. and Crouch, S.R. (2004). Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 8th Edition, Brooks/Cole Publ. SCES3181 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Industrial training is the course designed for the B.Sc. (Applied Chemistry). Student is required to follow the industrial training program for a minimum of 8 weeks. Industrial training must be related to chemistry and the student is required to prepare a report for evaluation. The training program will be briefed by the industrial training program supervisor. Separation Methods Advanced aspects on the theory and process of separation in GC and HPLC; van Deemter equation, general resolution equation and HETP, types and selection of stationary phases in GC, capillary GC, reversed phase HPLC; effects of mobile phases in HPLC separations; instrumentation in GC and HPLC; detectors in GC and HPLC; hyphenated techniques – GC-MS and LC-MS. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: : 100% 50% 20% 30% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS1, CT3, TS3, EM2 References: 1. Cunningham, W.P., and Cunningham M.A. (2008). Environmental Science: A Global Concern. 10th Ed. McGraw Hill. 2. Georg Schwedt (2001). The Essential Guide to Environmental Chemistry. John Wiley & Son Ltd 3. Sham Sani (1993). Environment and Development in Malaysia: Changing Concerns and Approaches. ISIS. 4. Hester, R. W. (Ed.) (1996). Understanding Our Environment. 2nd Ed. RSC. 5. Harrison, R. M. (Ed.) (1996). Pollution, Cause and Control. 3rd Ed. RSC. PROJECT Students will carry out project works related to the Bachelor of Science Program. This course is to be continued for a maximum of 2 semesters. Detailed information about this course can be downloaded from the Department’s website. 21 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 6. Spiro, T.G. and Stigliani W.M., Chemistry of the Environment, Second Edition 2003, Prentice Hall. microscopy, Thermal analysis (TGA, DTA, DSC), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy. SCES3311 Metal, Glass, Ceramic and Refractory Materials Metal ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY II Introduction to metallic properties, relationship between structure and metallic properties, phase diagram of metals and simple alloys. Glass - Glassy state, types of glass, application. Ceramic and Refractory materials Preparation, properties and application, composites Trace Analysis Introduction; Techniques and limitations; considerations in implementation of trace analysis Sample Decomposition Steps in total analysis; dry, wet and microwave sample digestion; Appropriate considerations for decomposition of real samples. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Spectrometry ICP-AES and ICP-MS techniques; arc-sparc and plasma AES; advanced atomic absorption spectrophotometry; XRF Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS1, CT1 Separation Methods Advanced aspects on the theory and process of separation in GC and HPLC; van Deemter equation, general resolution equation and HETP, types and selection of stationary phases in GC, capillary GC, reversed phase HPLC; effects of mobile phases in HPLC separations; instrumentation in GC and HPLC; detectors in GC and HPLC; hyphenated techniques – GC-MS and LC-MS. References: 1. Callister, W. D. (1997). Material Science & Engineering: An Introduction, 4th edition, John-Wiley & Sons. 2. Willard, H. H., Merritt, L. L., Dean, J.A. and Settle, F.A. (1988). Instrumental Methods of Analysis. 7th edition. Wadsworth Publishing Company. 3. Smith, W. F. (1986). Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, McGraw-Hill 4. Kingery, W. D., Bowen, H. K. and Uhlmann, D. R. (1976). Introduction to Ceramics. 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons. Electroanalytical Techniques Pulse techniques in polarography, voltammetry using hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE), platinum electrode, carbon electrode. Stripping analysis; anodic stripping voltammetry, trace analysis. Coulometric analysis, constant potential coulometry, constant current coulometry, applications and advantages. SCES3317 CHEMISTRY Automation Principles of automation; instrumental analysis, process control; automatic instruments; auto-analyser, microprocessor-controlled instruments; computers in analytical laboratories. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: BIOINORGANIC AND BIOMIEMTIC Importance of metals in biological system. Structure of protein. Phorphyrin as ligand. Zinc enzyme. Electron transfer agents : iron-sulphur protein, molybdo and iron-copper protein. Nitrogen fixation. Photosynthesis, chlorophyll, chain component : Cytocrome-C, plastocyanin, electron transfer mechanism along the chain. Superoxide dismutase. Organometallic complexes as chemotherapheutic drugs. 50% 20% 30% Medium of instruction: English Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Soft skills: CT5, TS1, LL1, LS2 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English References: 1. Harris, C. D. (2008). Exploring Chemical Analysis, 4th Edition, W.H. Freeman Publ. 2. Christian, G. D (2008). Analytical Chemistry, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 3. Skoog, D. A., Holler, F.J. and Crouch, S.R. (2007). Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6th Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole. 4. Harvey, D (2000). Modern Analytical Chemistry, McGraw Hill Publ. 5. Skoog, D. A., West, D. M., Holler, F. J. and Crouch, S. R. (2004). Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 8th Edition, Brooks/Cole Publ. SCES3314 70% 30% Soft skills: CT2 SCES3319 ELECTROSYNTHESIS Electrosynthesis in industry for the synthesis of organic and inorganic chemicals; aluminium extraction, chloralkali process and sodium hydroxide. Laboratory techniques and instrumentation, quantities and qualitative data analysis. The analysis method enables the determination of redox potential in any compound. Cyclic voltammetry method in diagnosis mechanism will be introduced such as E, EC, CE or ECE reactions mechanism. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY Materials Characterisation Techniques Introduction to structural and physical characterisation techniques, X-ray diffraction, Scanning electron 22 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CT3 Soft skills: CS1, CT3 References: 1. Brett C.M. A. and Brett, A. M. O. (1993). Electrochemistry Principles, Methods and Applications, Oxford Uni. Press Inc. 2. Hartmunt W., Helmut V.,Gerhard K., Hubert G., Klaus J., Ulrich G., Helmut S., (2012) Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Electrochemistry, 2. Inorganic Electrochemical Process 3. Pletcher D. and Walsh, F.C. (1993). Industrial Electrochemistry. Blackie Academic and Professional. 4. Hibbert, D. B. (1993). Introduction to Electrochemistry, MacMillan Press Ltd. 5. Oldham, K.B., Myland, J.C., Bond, A.M. (2011). Electrochemical Science and Technology: Fundamentals and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. References: 1. Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry. Vol: 2, Streochemistry and the chemistry of Natural Products. Longman. 2. Bruneton, J. (1995). Pharmacognosie, Phytochimie et plantes Medicinals, Lavoisier 3. Kurt, B. G. Torsel (terjemahan Nordin Lajis) (1992). Kimia hasil semulajadi, pendekatan biosintesis dan mekanisme kepada metabolisme sekunder. DBP. 4. Pavia, L. K. (2001). Introduction to spectroscopy. Harcourt College Publishers. 5. Cannell, R. J. P. (1998). Natural Product Isolation. Hamuna Press. SCES3321 SCES3327 Retrosynthetic analysis and synthesis design. Selectivity in synthesis: chemo-, regio-, and stereoselectivity. Synthesis of acyclic and cyclic compounds. Concept of umpulong; functional group interconversion. Use of organometallic reagents in syntheses. Asymmetric synthesis; selected examples from classical and contemporary syntheses. BIOSYNTHESIS Biosynthesis of natural products. Enzymes and enzymatic processes. Application of isotopes (especially in conjunction with 13C-NMR), in the study of biosynthetic mechanisms. Biosynthesis of polyketides; fatty acids, prostanoids, aromatic compounds and macrocyclic antibiotics. Biosynthesis of terpenes, terpenoids, and natural rubber. Shikimic acid. Selected biosynthesis of several interesting natural product molecules (e.g. terpenoids, aromatic compounds, carbohydrates, etc.) Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS2, CT3 70% 30% References: 1. Warren, S. (1982). Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach. John Wiley and Sons. Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore. 2. Carey, F. A. and Sundberg, R. J. (2002). Advanced Organic Chemistry. Part B: Reactions and Synthesis, 4th Ed. Plenum Press, New York & London. 3. Smith, M. B. (2001). Organic Synthesis. 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill Inc. 4. Smith, M. B. and March, J. (2001). March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure (March's Advanced Organic Chemistry). 5th Ed. Wiley-Interscience. 5. Smith, W. A., Bochkov, A.F. and Caple, R. (1998). Organic Synthesis: The Science Behind the Art, RSC. Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CT3, LL3 References: 1. Stoker, H. S. (2010). General, Organic and Biological Chemistry, 5th Ed. Brooks/Cole. 2. Voet, D. and Voet, J. (2004). Biochemistry. 3rd Ed. Wiley. 3. Bu'Lock and Kurt, B. G. Kimia Hasil Semulajadi. DBP, Kuala Lumpur. 4. Mann, J. (1987). Secondary Metabolism. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press. 5. Mann, J. (1994). Chemical Aspects of Biosynthesis. Oxford University Press. SCES3324 ORGANIC SYNTHESIS SCES3328 CHEMISTRY NATURALPRODUCTS CHEMISTRY MECHANISTIC ORGANIC Reactive intermediates in organic chemistry including carbocations, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, and radical-ions. Chemistry of free radicals: reactions and mechanisms of free radicals including addition, rearrangement, cyclization and fragmentation; applications of radical reactions in organic synthesis; reactions of carbenes, nitrenes, and ion-radicals. Formation, stability, and rearrangements of carbocations. Mechanistic details of selected classes of organic reactions such as nucleophilic substitution, hydrolysis, polar rearrangements, electron-transfer A study of natural products by focusing to their development and application of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, colouring and perfumes. Investigation of selected natural products such as alkaloid, terpenoid, flavonoid, lignan, glycoside compounds and semiochemistry. Selected instruments and spectroscopic methods for separation and structural elucidation of natural products (including 2D NMR method) will be discussed. 23 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 reactions, photochemical reactions. Pericyclic reactions: molecular orbitals; conservation of orbital symmetry in concerted reactions: theory and applications of electrocyclic reactions, sigmatropic rearrangeents and cycloidditions. Applications in organic synthesis. of vibration; introduction to high resolution spectroscopy, electronic spectroscopy, and modern techniques in spectroscopy. Laser techniques and applications of lasers in spectroscopy. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: NMR: Sensitivity and time scale of techniques of spectroscopy; quantum mechanics of two spin system. Nuclear relaxation mechanisms, nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE). Magnetization transfer. NMR of quadrupolar nuclei in the solid and solution states. Solid state NMR, direct dipolar coupling, chemical shift anisotropy, magic angle rotation, and multidimensional NMR, NMR of liquid crystals. 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CT6 Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: References: 1. Woodward, R. B. and Hoffmann, R. (1970). The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry. Academic Press Inc. 2. March, J. and Smith, M. (2007). Advanced Organic Chemistry. 6th Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 3. Lowry, T. H. and Richardson, K. S. (1987). Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry. 3rd Ed. Harper and Row. 4. Bellamy, A. J. (1974). An Introduction to the Conservation of Orbital Symmetry. Longman. 5. Fleming, I. (1976). Frontier Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions. Wiley. SCES3329 Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS3, CT3 References: 1. Hollas, J. M. (1992). Modern Spectroscopy. 2nd Ed. John Wiley. 2. Harris, R. K. (1986). Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Longman. 3. Diem, M. (1993). Modern Vibrational Spectroscopy. John Wiley. 4. Harris, D. C. and Bertolucci, M. D. (1989). Symmetry and Spectroscopy. Dover Publications. 5. Levine, I. N. (1975) Molecular Spectroscopy, Wiley Inter-Science Publications. PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Application of physical organic concepts in the determination of organic reaction mechanisms: kinetics and energetics; stereochemistry; solvent effects; kinetic isotope effects; linear free energy relationships. SCES3333 Catalysis: catalysis in molecules, induced catalysis, covalent catalysis, nucleophilic catalysis, general acidand general-base catalysis, micellar catalysis and enzymatic catalysis. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY Electroplating Describe, define and contrast different types of deposition techniques. Identify and describe advantages and disadvantages of electroplating. 70% 30% Battery and Fuel Cells Describe fundamentals and analyze components of a battery, charge and discharge of battery, types of battery, types of fuel cells. Compare and contrast different types of batteries and fuel cells. Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CT5 Corrosion Describe “corrosion cell”. Describe, define and compare different of types of corrosion in industry. Describe, explain and define types of corrosion protection. References: 1. M. Niyaz Khan (2006). Micellar catalysis, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. 2. Jencks, W. P. (1969). Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology. McGraw-Hill, New York. 3. March, J. (1992). Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure, McGraw-Hill. 4th Ed. 4. Hine, J. (1975). Structural Effects on Equilibria in Organic Chemistry. Wiley. 5. Reichardt, C. (1988). Solvents and Solvent Effects in Organic Chemistry, VCH, New York. Electrochemical Sensors Describe, define, compare and contrast potentiometric and amperometric sensors and the fundamentals underlying them, identify factors for a good electrochemical sensor, describe examples of electrochemical sensors. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: SCES3332 ADVANCED MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY Medium of instruction: English Selections of topics are as follows: Soft skills: CS3, CT1 Basic quantum mechanics and group theory for spectroscopy; vibrational spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules, selection rules and analysis of normal modes 24 70% 30% Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 SCES3335 References: 1. Pletcher, D. and Walsh, F.C. (1990). Industrial Electrochemistry. 2nd Edition. 2. Wang, J. (2000). Analytical Electrochemistry. 3. Skoog, Holler and Nieman (1998). Principles of Instrumental Analysis. SCES3334 ADVANCED COLLOID CHEMISTRY An advanced course for students having some knowledge in colloids chemistry. Students will be taught on some of selected topics in colloid chemistry such as surfactants and monolayers, emulsions, Winsor systems, foams and related topics on surface interfacial instrumentations. POLYMER CHEMISTRY II Discussion on theory of emulsion and microemulsions covering some aspects of Winsor systems and surfactant intermolecular interaction at interface. Application of emulsions and microemulsion in nanomaterial synthesis. Theory on monolayer and monolayer stability will be also be discussed. Characterization of a Polymer System Non-instrumental techniques – (a) density measurements / comparisons, and (b) heating and burning tests. Instrumental techniques - (a) thermal analysis (DSC & TGA), (b) infrared spectroscopy, and (c) NMR spectroscopy. Students will also be taught on some instruments in interfacial analysis and flow behavior of materials. Aspects of the strengths and weaknesses of these techniques in polymer characterization and their applications in research and industry will be introduced. Relevant examples will be discussed and set as assignments. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: Medium of instruction: English Polymer Processing Basic polymer processing – extrusion, pultrusion, injection, compression and blow mouldings, mixing mechanism, etc. Soft skills: CS1, CT3 Principle of compounding polymer – identifying the polymer mixture, microstructure of compound and final properties. References: 1. Adamson, A. W. and Gast, A.P. (1997). Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. WILEY-INTERSCIENCE. 2. Shaw, D. J. (1992). Introduction to Colloid & Surface Chemistry. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. 3. Hiemenz, P. C. and Rjagopalan, R. (1997). Principles of Colloid & Surface Chemistry. 3rd Ed. Marcel Dekker. 4. Aveyard, R. and Haydon, D.A. An Introduction to the Principles of Surface Chemistry. Cambridge University Press. 5. Evans, D. F. and Wennerström, H. (1999). The Colloidal Domain: Where Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Technology Meet. 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons. Extrusion and formation technology using die – analysis and operation of the single screw and the twin screw extruders. Principles of injection moulding – Machine structure and mould design, thermoplastic injections, relationship between processing conditions, microstructure and material properties. Mechanical Properties of Polymer Glassy and crystalline conditions, rheology of polymer, failure phenomena, and yield property. SCES3336 Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: 60% 15% 25% 50% 20% 30% LIQUID CRYSTAL Historical development of liquid crystals. Mesogens and molecular structures. Molecular organisations in nematic, cholesteric, and smectic mesophases. Thermotropic and lyotropic liquid crystals. Polymorphism in liquid crystals. Quantitative description of molecular order and elastic properties of liquid crystals. Effects of magnetic field, electric field and surface forces on liquid crystals. Scientific applications of low-molar mass liquid crystals as anisotropic solvents in NMR. Applications of liquid crystals in electro-optic display devices. Liquid crystal main-chain and liquid crystal side-chain polymers. Technological applications of liquid crystal polymers. Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS1, CT6, LL3, KK1 References: 1. Deanin, D. (1972). Polymer structure, properties and application. Cahners Books, Boston. 2. Seymour, R. B. and Carraher, C.E., Jr. (1992). Polymer Chemistry - an introduction, Marcel Dekker Inc. 3. Stevens, M. P. (1975). Polymer Chemistry - An introduction. Addison-Wesley, 4. Sperling, H. (1992). Introduction to Physical Polymer Sciences. 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. 5. Ward, I. M. and Hadley, D. W. (1993). An Introduction to the Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers. Wiley. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS1, CT3 25 70% 30% Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 References: 1. Collings, P. J. and Hird, M. (1997). Introduction to Liquid Crystals - Chemistry and Physics, Taylor and Francis. 2. Tharwat F. Tadros (2005). Applied Surfactants: Principles and Applications. WILEY-VCH. 3. Emsley, W. and Lindon, J. C. NMR Spectroscopy using Liquid Crystal Solvents. Pergamon Press. 4. Singh, S. and David A Dunmur, (2002). Liquid Crystals: Fundamentals. World Scientific 5. Robert H. Chen, (2011). Liquid Crystal Displays: Fundamental Physics and Technology. John Wiley & Sons. SCES3337 Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CT3 References: 1. Ertl, G., Kozinger, H. dan Weitkamp, J. (Eds) (1997). Handbook of Heterogenous Catalysis, Vol I dan II. Wiley-VCH. 2. Moulijn, J.A., van Leeuwen, P.W.N.M. and van Santen, R.A. (1993). Catalysis: An Integrated Approach to Homogeneous, Heterogeneous and Industrial Catalysis (Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis). Elsevier. COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY II Computational rechniques including the following methods: Orbital molecule method, Hartree Fock selfconsistent-field (SCF) and its solution, ab initio and semiempirical. Post Hatree Fock technique will be discussed as well. Molecular mechanics method, force field. Monte Carlo simulations and molecular dynamics. Reaction dynamics. SCES3352 General Theory of Composites Introduction , origin of reinforcement process, Cox shearlag, prediction of tensile Young modulus, modulus for composites with parallel fibre, calculation of Young modulus of composites with complex fibre arrangement, mechanical properties at high extensions including Kelly-Tyson model, calculation of fracture strength of composite materials. Neural network in chemistry. Practical Applications of computational techniques in solving chemical problems. Employing of computational chemistry packages for this purpose. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: Process of Forming Composite Structure Filament winding, compression moulding, pultrusion, general comparison of properties of composite materials and non-reinforced materials. 50% 10% 40 Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Practical: Medium of instruction: English 50% 20% 30% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CS1, CT3 Soft skills: CT2, CS1 References: 1. Bachrach, S. M., (2007) Computational Organic Chemistry, WILEY. 2. Koch, W. and Holthausen, M.C (2001) A Chemist's Guide to Density Functional Theory, WILEYVCH.. 3. Sholl, D. S, (2009) Density Functional Theory: A Practical Introduction, WILEY. 4. Jensen, F. (1999). Introduction to Computational Chemistry, WILEY. 5. Dronskowski , R. (2006) Computational Chemistry of Solid State Materials: A Guide for Materials Scientists, Chemists, Physicists and others, WILEYVCH. References: 1. Nielsen, L. E. (1993). Mechanical Properties of Polymers and Composites. Marcel Dekker, New York. 2. Hull, D. (1981). An Introduction to Composite Materials. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 3. Harris, B. (1986). Engineering Composite Materials. The Institute of Metals, London. 4. Crawford, R. J. (1998). Plastics Engineering. 3rd Ed. Butterworth-Heinemann. SCES 3355 CHEMISTRY SCES3340 COMPOSITE POLYMER MATERIALS APPLIED ORGANOMELTALLIC CATALYSIS Homogeneous catalysis: the use of transition metal complexes in catalytic cycle. Application of organometallic compounds in organic synthesis. Introduction to catalysis, role and implication of catalyst in a chemical reaction. Concept of catalysis in general in which the catalytic function and structure, catalyst design, synthesis methods, characterisation techniques will be covered. Identify metals used in biological processes & drugs. Definition of cancer cells & treatments. Some metal complexes such as cisplatin, ruthenium and gold in treating cancer. Preparation of these complexes. Structure and activity relationship. Catalyst performance and causes for catalyst deactivation will be also introduced. A few examples in the application of catalyst in chemical industrial processes will be briefly included Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English 26 70% 30% Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 CT4 References 1. Drago, R. S. (1992). Physical Methods for Chemists. 2nd Edition. Saunders College Publishing. 2. Other references. Soft skills: CT2 References: 1. Elschenbroich, C. and Salzer, A. (1989). Organometallics: A Concise Introduction. VCH, 2. Kaim, W. and Schwederski, B. (1995). Bioinorganic Chemistry: Inorganic elements in the Chemistry of Life. John Wiley & Sons. 3. Coordination Chemistry Reviews Journal 4. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry SCES3362 CHEMISTRY INSTRUMENTATION TECHNIQUES IN General introduction to current characterization techniques and detailed discussion in the latest development in any three (3) of the instrumental techniques list below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. X-ray diffractometry Mössbauer spectroscopy Thermal Analysis Raman spectroscopy Radiochemical technique Scanning Electron microscopy Multinuclear Magnetic resonance spectroscopy Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: CT2 References: 1. Drago, R. S. (1992). Physical Methods for Chemists. 2nd Edition. Saunders College Publishing. SCES3363 SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHEMISTRY Topics are chosen from special interests and expertise of lecturers. Topics will be announced at the beginning of each Session. Assessment Methods: Final examination: Continuous Assessment: 70% 30% Medium of instruction: English Soft skills: 27 Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2014/2015 FACULTY ELECTIVES COURSES (7 CREDITS) [EF] For students from institute/departments other than the Department of Chemistry within Faculty of Science. Students may choose any of the following course Course Code SCES1200 SCES1210 SCES1220 SCES1230 SCES2243 SCES2312 SCES2245 SCES2246 SCES2262 SCES2313 SCES2320 SCES2323 SCES2324 SCES2338 SCES2415 SCES2433 Course Name Principles Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry l Organic Chemistry I Physical Chemistry I General Environmental Chemistry General Industrial Chemistry Introduction to Analytical Chemistry Functional Group Chemistry Biomolecules Chemistry Nuclear Chemistry Food Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry Petrochemistry Solid State Chemistry Industrial Inorganic Chemistry Electrochemistry Pre-requisite Chemistry STPM or Equivalent Chemistry STPM or Equivalent Chemistry STPM or Equivalent Chemistry STPM or Equivalent SCES1210 and SCES1220 SCES1200 SCES1200, SCES1210,SCES1220 and SCES1230 SCES1220 SCES1220 SCES 1200 and SCES1210 SCES1220 SCES1220 SCES 1200 and SCES1210 SCES1210 and SCES1230 SCES1200 and SCES1210 SCES1200 and SCES1230 28 Credit 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2