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Name: __________________________________
Renaissance Notes
The Renaissance began _______________, at different ______________ and in different
________________ in Europe.
Began as early as ______________ in Italy, but didn’t arrive in France until _________________.
England didn’t see the Renaissance until _______________!
Art, music, and literature joined the Renaissance at different times. _____________ historians say the
Renaissance began in painting in the ______________, __________________ historians say Renaissance
poetry began around __________________, and __________________ historians say Renaissance music
does not appear until after the _____________________.
Renaissance is literally translated as ________________ in French. It was a time of
____________________________ in society.
The Music
___________________ and _________________________ began to work together to create
___________________________ on purpose. Dissonant, clashing harmonies were
___________________________. Polyphonic melodies used a technique called __________________,
which means that one melody ________________________ (or imitates) the notes and rhythms of
another for a few _____________________.
Polyphonic Vocal Music
During the Renaissance, vocal music grew to include up to ______________ melodies performed at the
same time. Four-part polyphonic music is called a ________________. Unlike music of the Medieval
Period, words to the motets were __________________ important than the __________________.
Music was considered an _______________ ___________________.
The Protestant Reformation
Around __________________ AD many people broke away from the ____________________
_______________________ _________________________ to form their own congregations. These
churches were called ______________________ Churches. ______________________ Churches used
music meant for singing by the ______________________ congregation, not just the
________________ like the Catholic churches. This type of singing is called _____________________
singing. These _______________________ are the basis for many ____________________ that are still
sung in churches today. They are always sung in the ________________________ language, NOT in
Rise of the Middle Class
During the Renaissance, the _________________ that belonged to the nobles began to
_________________ _________________ to the lower classes. People moved to the
________________ and spent more time seeing _________________ and __________________. Music
was made part of a ____________-_____________________ education!
Invention of the Printing Press
The printing press was invented in _________________ by Johann _____________________. Books and
sheet music could be printed and made ____________________________ to the public. Middle class
citizens learned to play instruments and read music using __________________ for lute, recorder and
Secular Music: Madrigals
Madrigals, or songs for small groups of _______________ without ______________________, became
the most ____________________________ form of secular music during the Renaissance. The subjects
were usually about _______________. They became an important part of _______________________
____________________________. King Henry VIII of England liked them so much he had them sung at
_________________ and _______________________. They often had repeated
______________________ like the popular music of today.
Instrumental Music
During the Renaissance people began writing polyphonic pieces just for _______________________.
They were often written to accompany ______________________ _______________________.
Instruments and ___________________ were sometimes combined for variety.
Medieval vs. Renaissance
Music of the Medieval Period
Music of the Renaissance
 Simple melodies
 Polyphonic music only used two melodies
 Polyphonic music grew to four melodies
 Music became more of an art form