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Test what you know by supplying the
correct answer for each question below.
1. What is the first law of thermodynamics?
5. How does the body use protein?
A Energy cannot be transferred from one form to
A To remove waste from the bloodstream
B Energy can be transformed from one form to another,
but cannot be destroyed.
C It doesn’t—protein is removed as waste
C Energy is destroyed when it transforms from one
form to another.
D Energy cannot be transferred from one form to
another and cannot be destroyed.
2. What is the path oxygen takes through the
human body?
A Nose and mouth  Trachea  Lungs 
Bloodstream  Heart  Entire body
B Nose and mouth  Trachea  Heart  Lungs 
Bloodstream  Entire body
C Nose and mouth  Lungs  Trachea  Heart 
Bloodstream  Entire body
D Nose and mouth  Lungs  Heart  Trachea 
Bloodstream  Entire Body
3. What is the path food takes through the
digestive system?
A Mouth  Esophagus  Stomach  Large intestine
 Small intestine  Anus
B To make glucose
D To develop cells, tissues, and organs
6. How does the body use micronutrients like
calcium and iron?
A As the building blocks for cells, tissues, and organs
B To serve various functions throughout the body, such
as improve eyesight and strengthen bones
C As an energy source
D It doesn’t—micronutrients are removed as waste
7. Which part of your brain is responsible for
the “fight or flight” response?
A The somatic system
B The central nervous system
C The autonomic response system
D The spinal cord
8. What hormone is produced during shortterm stress?
A Adrenaline
B Mouth  Stomach  Esophagus  Large intestine
 Small intestine  Anus
B Cortisol
C Mouth  Esophagus  Stomach  Small intestine
 Large intestine  Anus
D Estrogen
D Mouth  Stomach  Esophagus  Small intestine
 Large intestine  Anus
4. How are carbohydrates digested in the
A They are broken into monosaccharides and carried
to the liver, where they are converted to glucose.
B They are broken into monosaccharides and carried
to the stomach, where they are converted to glucose.
C They are broken into polysaccharides and carried to
the liver, where they are converted to glycogen.
D They are broken into polysaccharides and carried to
the stomach, where they are converted to glycogen.
C Testosterone
9. What are the two main types of sleep? How
many stages does each type have?
Science QUIZ
10. Describe what is meant by the term
energy balance.
11. What are two differences between
aerobic and anaerobic metabolism?
12. What are bones primarily made of?
13. How does the body use fats?
14. Which micronutrient(s) may help to
heal a cut or wound?
15. What is meant by the term circadian