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Present simple tense:
Uses :
1- talk about things in general.
2- To say how often we do things.
3-Something is true.
4-Something happens all the time or repeatedly.
5- When we talk about timetable ,programs,... E.T.C.
We use Do/Does to make a Question and negative sentence.
‫أفعال تستخدم مع المضارع البسيط و غالبا ال تستخدم مع المستقبل المستمر‬
Hate-Mean-Relaise-– Understand-Hear-See-Smell-Taste-Like-Love-Know-Prefer-Need-Want
Past simple tense:
Uses :
1-Past habit
2-Past time
4- The action is finished
5-One thing happen after another
Construction :
‫التصريف الثاني للفعل‬
Words :
Last-Ago-Yesterday-Once-In the past
Present continuous tense :
Uses :
1-The action is not finished ,the action is happening now.
2-We used it when we talk about things happening in a period around now.
The action is not finished.
Construction :
(Am-Is-Are) + Verb + Ing
Words :
Today -This week -This evening -Look - Listen - Now
* Use ... I am doing = Means you have already arranged to do .
Past continuous tense :
Uses :
1- Somebody was in the middle of doing something at a certain time.
2-The action started before this time but the action had not finished .
Construction :
( I - He - She - It ) + Was +Ing
( You - We - They ) + Were + Ing
Words :
As - While
AS / While
Past continuos
Past Simple
I start doing
Future simple tense :
Construction :
Words :
Future perfect tense :
Uses :
Construction :
before–Words :
I was doing
I finished doing
Will + Inf.
Tomorrow - Next - In the future
To say that something will already be completed.
Will + Have + P.P
By the time - By then – Tomorrow - when
Will + Have (As soon as - After - Before - When - Till - Until - The moment )
‫ يتم استخدام هذاا الذنمن مذع الحذدث اوول الحذدث اوول ينذفي فذي‬/ ‫يستخدم ليعبر عن حدث سيتم و ينتهي قبل حدث أخر في المستقبل‬
) ‫ أما الحدث اوخر فينفي في زمن المضارع ويسبق الجنء الثاني بإحدى كلمات هاا النمن‬Future perfect tense ‫زمن‬
Event (1)
Will have left
Evevnt (2)
Ex . they will have left before he arrives .
Future perfect progressive tense :
Construction :
will + have + been + verb + ing.
‫) ولننه يقفم بالتاكيد علي الفترة النمنية التي يتم فيها الحدث‬future perfect ‫مثل‬
Present Perfect tense:
Uses : 1-When we talk about a period of time ( from past to now ).
2-Give new information or to announce ancient happening.
3-The action in the past but has a result now .
4- First time to do something .
I have done (period until now)
Construction :
( He - She - It ) + Has + P. P.
( I - We - You - They ) +Have + P. P.
Words :
Just = Short time ago - Recently - Never - Since - For - Ever - In the last few days Today
This morning - This evening - Already = action happening sooner than expect
Yet = Until now ( use in question ).
Past present
present perfect
‫ ال يستخدم مع حدثين بدأ في نفس التفقيت و لنن يستخدم مع حدثين أحدهما تم وانتهي و الحدث اوخر لم يبدأ بعد أو بدأ بعد أنتها‬
. ‫الحدث اوول و لم ينتهي بعد‬
Past perfect tense :
Uses : 1- Talk about something that happened in the past.
2- Talk about something that happened before this time.
I have done Past
Construction :
( I - He - She - It -You - We - They ) + Had + P. P.
Words :
After -Before - As soon as - Until - When - No sooner
( Before - By the time )
Past simple
Past perfect
(After-As soon as -No sooner - Until)
Past perfect
Past simple
Past perfect continuous:
Something had been happening for a period of time before something else happened.
Construction :
Sub. + Had + Been + Verb + Ing
I Have Been Doing
I Had Been Doing
Present perfect continuous :
1-Used for an activity just stopped.
2-When we use (how long ,for , since) means the action is still happening or has just
3-The action started in the past and still happening or has just stopped.
( He - She - It ) + Has + Been +Verb +ing
( I - We - You - They ) +Have +Been + Verb +Ing
I am doing
I have been doing
‫ الحدث ما زال مستمر‬Now
‫الحدث أنتهي قبل النالم مباشرة‬
‫الحظ أي الحدث استمر من الماضي و حتى قبل هاا التفقيت و هف حدث أخر من هاا النفع‬
1- Can = Be able to ( Can not = Be not able to ) … Express Ability
Ex. Can Howard repair cars ? yes , he can fix cars as well as trucks .
2- Can , May ( Formal than can ) … used to give an request permission .
Can I , May I (Formal than Can I ) … both used to request permission .
3– Could , would , will … used to make polite request
( Could .. has slight meaning of possibility )
4- May , Might ( maybe , perhaps ) Both express possibility , May express more certainty than might .
5- Should , Had better , Ought to : used to give advice , recommend OR remind someone of something
important . For ( -ve ) and ( ? ) we used should and had better
6- Should , Ought to : Used to express expectation .
7- Must = Have to = Has to : Used to express necessity ( Must stronger than have to , has to )
8- Must not : something is not allowed or against the law Or regulations . Or warning.
Not have to , Not has to : Something is not necessary Or required .
9- Must: Express probability Or conclusion about something based upon information we have.
10- Used to = would / Ought to = had to
Past Modals :
1- Could have : to say that we had the opportunity to do something , but we didn’t do it .
2- Could have , May have , Might have : to say that something was possible in the past
( -ve , could not have , may not have , might not have )
3- Should have , ought to have : give advice after something has happened to say that someone did
the wrong thing .
4- Must have : to make conclusions or deductions about the past .
 Should / ought to / should have :
 Should / ought to : ( used to express what we suppose is happening nor OR will probably
happen in the future ) Ex. 1-I mailed the package yesterday . you should get it tomorrow.
2- We order dinner 20 minutes ago . The waiter ought to be bringing our food soon .
 Should have: ( used to express expectations about actions or conditions in the past )
Ex. The flight left Miami on schedule , it should have already landed in new York .
 Question Techniques :
 1- Yes / No question [ rising intonation ] ( Is there a pay phone in this building ? /
Do you need a passport to travel to Mexico ? )
 2- Question word questions [ falling intonation ] ( where can I cash a check on base )
 3- Tag Questions ( The lab is open , isn’t it )
 4-Special expressions
( Do you know …? / I was working … / Can you tell me …? /
Could you tell me …? / Can I ask if ..? / Could I ask if ..? / I wonder if you could tell me … /
This may be a stupid question , but…? / This may be a dumb question , but …? )
 5- Intonation [ rising intonation that makes a Yes / No question ] ( you are leaving at noon ? /
they are serving steak for dinner ? )
 Tag Questions : )1‫ ورفعه في‬-2‫إذا كانت الجملة مثبتة فأن السؤال يكون منفي و العكس صحيح ( خفض الصوت‬
( Is a short questions – Question can have a rising intonation or falling intonation)
 Ex.1-the speaker is not certain about the information ( Rising intonation )
2-the speaker is certain about the information and wants you to agree with him (Falling
 Embedded Question :
1- noun clause + Question word + sub. + verb. ( aux. + main ) + . Ex I don’t know how he did it .
2- noun clause + if + sub. + verb. ( aux. + main ) + ? Ex. Do you know if he is going ?
3- Used a noun clause as a subject . Ex. How he got there is not important .
4- Use “ I don’t know “ + “ I wonder “ to make an embedded question .
5- Examples : I don’t know what I can do . / I wonder if he’s coming today . / I don‘t understand
what he is saying . / can you tell me which bus goes to town ? / do you know whether or
not class is over ?
 Changing Embedded Question to inf. :
Main clause … I don’t know – I know – I wonder – can you tell me – Do you know – how can I .
1- Main clause + embedded clause ( noun clause ) /
Ex. Can you tell me Where I can wrap this package ? / I don’t know Where I can find that book ?
2- Main clause + Question word + To-inf.
Ex. Can you tell me where to find this book ? / I don’t know where to find this book ?
 If clause :
1- If ( present simple )
present simple / future
Real condition
2- If (past simple )
sub. + would + inf.
Unreal condition
3- If ( had + P.P )
sub. + would + have + P.P.
Past Unreal Condition
4- I wish I had ( I wish = if )
sub + would + have + P.P. past unreal condition
 Passive and active :
We use active verb to say what happens to the subject , We use a passive verb to say what happens to
the subject .
Present simple
Past simple
Perfect infinitive
Clean (s)
To do / will clean
Have done / should
have done
Present perfect
Has / have done
Past perfect
Had done
Present continuous
Am / is / are doing
Past continuous
Was / were doing
I don’t like people telling me what to do .
Am / is / are + p.p.
Am / is / are cleaned
Was / were + p.p.
Was / were cleaned
To / will + be + p.p.
To / will be cleaned
Have / should have + been +
Have been done / should
have been done
Has / have + been + p.p.
Has / have been done
Had + been + p.p.
Had been done
Am / is /are / + being + p.p.
Am / is / are being done
Was / were + being + p.p.
Was / were being done
I don’t like being told what to do
 Direct and indirect speech :
He said , “ I write a letter every day “
He said , “ I’m writing a letter
He said , “ I have written a letter “
He said , “ I wrote a letter “
He said , “ I will write a letter “
He said , “ I’m going to write a letter “
He said , “ I can write a letter “
He said , “ I may write a letter “
He said , “ I must write a letter “
He said , “ I have to write a letter “
He asked , “ do you want to write letters”
He asked , “ when do you usually write
He asked , “ where is the letter ? “
He said (that) he wrote a letter every day .
He said (that) he was writing a letter .
He said (that) he had written a letter .
He said (that) he had written a letter .
He said (that) he would write a letter .
He said (that) he was going to write a letter .
He said (that) he could write a letter .
He said (that) he might write a letter .
He said (that) he had to write a letter .
He said (that) he had to write a letter .
He asked me if / whether I wanted to write a
He asked me when I usually wrote letters .
He asked where the letter was .
 Comparisons :
1- Regular
Comparative : ( - er ) And Superlative : ( -est )
2 ‫مقارنة بين‬
Adjective …. Old – older than – the oldest / young – younger than – the youngest
Adverb …….. late – later than – the latest / early- earlier than – the earliest
2- Irregular
Comparative : ( more / less ) And Superlative : ( the most / the least )
Ex. Comparative Adjective … careful - more careful than – less careful than
Beautiful – more beautiful than – less beautiful than
Adverb …. Beautifully – more beautifully than – less beautifully than
Adjective … Careful – the most careful – the least careful
Adverb ….. beautifully – the most beautifully – the least beautifully
Some irregular adjective and adverb ….. ( bad – worse – the worst / badly – worse – the worst /
Far – farther “further” – the farther “further” / good “well” – better – the best )
 Adjectives :
1- ( -ing ) , tells us about job / Ex .My job is tiring .
2- ( -ed ) tells us how somebody feels / Ex. I’m always tired when I finished work .
3- Fact adjectives : give us factual information about work , size , color ,…
4- Opinion adjectives : tells us what somebody thinks of something Or somebody ( Ex. interesting )
5- Adverb : tell us about adverb , how somebody does something Or how something happen
Ex. Quickly – seriously – quietly – badly – heavily well )
6- Adjectives : tell us about nouns , we use adjectives before nouns and after some verbs .
7- we use adverbs before adjectives and other adverb . ( terribly sorry – reasonably cheap )
8- ( Fast – Hard – Late ) can use adjectives Or adverb .
9- Can / could hardly do something = it’s almost impossible for me to do .
 Progressives :
1- present :a – express an action or event taking place ( happened ) , the time of speaking
Ex . we are reviewing progressives.
B- Express an action Or event happening at present and lasting an extended period of time
Ex. His family is living in California .
C- Express a future action . Ex. They’re leaving Florida tomorrow .
2- Past : express an action Or event in progress Or taking place at some past time .
Ex. I was studying when you called.
3- Future : express an action Or event that will be in progress Or will continue in progress in a future
time period.
Ex. He’ll be working on this assignment for the next week .
4- present perfect : a- express an action Or event that began in the past and has just recently stopped .
Ex. I’ve been watching TV .
B – express an action Or event that began in the past and still happening ( period of time Or
repeated over a period of time ) Ex.Tom’s been talking on the phone for over two hours.
5- Past perfect : Express an action Or event that was in progress at the past time and continued
until something else happened to interrupt the first action .
Ex. He had been smoking for 25 years when he finally quit .
 H , Th , Ou : ‫ المفجفدة بالجملة‬Pronoun + possessive ‫في النالم الغير رسمي يتم حاف الحروف السابقة المفجفدة في‬
Ex . Will you go to his home ? / you’ll see them later .
 No , not , never , barely , hardly , scarcely , seldom , rarely : these words are negative adverbs
and are not used with negative verbs . they must be used with affirmative verbs.
Ex. They never clean up the kitchen .
 Adverbial connective ( Express contrast – Ex. However / although / though / even though /
even if / but / despite / in spite of / no matter / regardless / nevertheless )
Ex. 1- Ali is looking for a new job ; [ even so / however / nevertheless / nonetheless / on the other
hand / regardless of that ] , he has not resigned from his old one yet .
2- Ali is looking for a new job . [ Even so / However / Nevertheless / Nonetheless / On the other
hand / Regardless of that ] , he has not resigned from his old one yet
3- She will never accept [ despite / in spite of / no matter / regardless ] How much it costs .
4 – [ despite / in spite of / regardless ] The fact ( that ) it’s been raining all week , the graduation
ceremony will still be held out doors .
5- [ despite / in spite of / no matter / regardless ] What he’s done in the past , the jury should
consider only the fact of this case .
 Note the use of adverbs : ( never – seldom – rarely – hardly – scarcely )
1- She will seldom eat dessert.
2- He never brings his own cigarettes.
 Passive and perfect forms of ( inf. And gerund ) :
Passive inf. (To Be + Verb.Ed) Ex . I didn’t expect to be invited to his party.
Passive gerund (Being + Verb.Ed) Ex. I appreciated being invited to your home.
Perfect infinitive ( To have + Verb.Ed ) Ex. The rain seems/seemed to have stopped.
Perfect gerund (Having + Verb.Ed)
Ex. I appreciate / appreciated having had the opportunity to meet the king.
Perfect passive inf. (To have been +Verb.Ed) Ex. Jane is fortunate to have been given a scholarship.
Perfect passive gerund. (Having been + Verb.Ed) Ex. I appreciate having been told the news.
 Adjective Quantifiers :
Used with 1- Count nouns : many – several – A few – few.
2- noncount nouns : much – a little – little .
3 – Both count and noncount nouns: some – any – more – most – enough – all – a lot of
- lots of – plenty of .
 Possessive Nouns:
( ‘s ) add to singular / plural noun or irregular plural noun to show that people own.
When the final sound is voiced ( end letter M,N,B,V,Y,L,R,G,A) we pronounce (‘s) as /Z/ .
When the final sound is voiceless ( end letter T,P,F,K ) we pronounce (‘s) as /S/ .
When the final sound in letters (S,SH,CH,GE,X,Z) we pronounce (‘s) as /AZ/ .
When we have a plural noun , we add only the apostrophe (‘) after the final (s) .
Men’s – Women’s – Lieutenant’s – les’s –Student’ – Employees’
Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns Possessive adjectives
Possessive pronouns
Pronunciation of (ED) :
If the word ended (T,D)
(ED) is pronounced with extra syllable ( EX. Wanted – ended )
If a word doesn’t end with ( T-D)
(ED) is pronounced either like the sound (T) .
the word not pronounced with an extra syllable . ( Ex . asked – loved –used – showed – closed )
Could not have + P.P :
Used to express logical impossibility about past action.
Ex. 1- Mark couldn’t have quit the job. I saw him at work just this morning.
2- George couldn’t have been in school the 25 Th. . It was a Sunday.
Could have + P.P :
Used to express past unfulfilled ability
Ex. Molly could have been a supervisor , but she turned down the offer.
 Conditional sentence :
If + Sub. + Had + P.P.
Sub. + would / could + Have + P.P. ………
If we had left earlier , we could have been on time .
Sub. + could / might + have + P.P.
If + sub. + had + P.P. …..
Edward could have passed if he had studied harder.
If + Sub. + had + P.P.
Q.M. ( what ) + could + sub. + have + P.P. ….
If you had had more , what would you have done ?
Could + Sub. + have / has + P.P
If + sub. + had + P.P …..
Could you have gone if you had finished your work ?
 In case , In the event , If :
In case = in the event
) %70 ‫عندما نكون متوقعين حدوث الفعل ( احتمالية حدوث الحدث عالية تصل إلى‬
Ex .
Bring your keys in case / in the event the door is looked .
If = in the event
% 40 ‫عندما يكون احتمالية وقوع الحدث تصل إلى‬
If / in the event it rains , the party will be held in doors .
If = in case = in the event
‫يكون ذلك علي حسب معني الجملة‬
( In case of / in the event of ) + noun / Gerund OR ( in case / in the event ) + Clause .
‫عند السؤال بأداة االستفهام أو الجمل الخبرية العادية ال يتم رفع الصوت في المقطع األخير‬
Ex . Their work is done ? / Where did you see him ?
Drop in voice level .
‫ ال فأننا نرفع الصوت في المقطع األخير‬/ ‫عند السؤال ب نعم‬
Ex . Do you like coffee ?
Rise in voice level .
 Tenses indicating future :
1- will ….( when we certain about future actions )
2- Be going to ….( when we certain about future actions )
3- Present simple tense …..( often accompany these last tense to clarify time )
4- Present progressive tense ….( often accompany these last tense to clarify time )
Ex . the train ( will depart – is going to depart – departs – is departing ) at 2:30 P.M.
 Past perfect and past perfect progressive in indirect speech :
Tense doesn’t change , “That” may be added (Optional ) , Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives
change ( your ….. my / you ….. me ) , In questions the word order change from question to
statement ( verb / subject order ) , For “yes / no” question add “if” or “weather” .
Ex. Direct : 1- I’d worked in a bank I came to this job.
2- I’d been swimming before Sam called .
3- where had Kim studied English before she came here ?
4- had you met Mr. Wong before ?
Indirect : 1- Ed said ( that ) he’d worked in a bank before he came to this job .
2- Ann said she’d been swimming before Sam called .
3- Ron asked where Kim had studied English before she came here .
4- Pam asked me if / weather I had met Mr. Wong before .
 Anticipatory it + Gerund : It + Be + noun / adjective + Gerund phrase .
It’s + adjectives + subjective noun clause ( that I be on time )
Ex. 1- It was a good choice going to the game instead of the movie .
2- it’s better that you do the work.
3- it’s mandatory that we report to the chief.
It + (amaze-annoy-bother-hurt-shock-disturb-surprise) + someone + (That) +
Noun clause ( s+v+o).
It is + ( essential-necessary-mandatory-compulsory) + That + s. ‫عند النفي يتم وضع أداة النفي أمام الفعل‬
Direct object + P.P. / Passive inf. :
When we have someone else perform a job for us .Use ( want – like – need - - expect ) followed
by a direct object + P.P. / Passive inf.
Ex .
1- I would like the oil changed this morning.
2- The librarian wants the books to be returned in good condition .
Note : Expect … is usually followed by a passive inf.
Ex. The boss expects this job to be done today.
 Adjective clause reduction ( to-inf.)
‫عند عمل االختصار للجملة عن طريق‬
( To + Inf. ) OR ( For + noun / Pronoun )
Ex. 1- Roger has a lot (that) he must learn.
Roger has a lot to learn
2- I bought some snacks (that) we can eat later.
I bought some snacks for us to eat later .
3- Do you know a place (where) I can buy batteries?
Do you know a place to buy batteries?
4-I know of a good place (where) you can meet me.
I know of a good place for you
to meet me.
 Present progressive / Present simple :
 1- Present progressive: used to talk a bout something that is happening now.
Ex… Look ! it’s snowing.
 2- Present simple : used to talk a bout something that is happens all at time .
Ex. It usually snows here in the winter.
 Adverb Clause of time :
1- while I was swimming in the lake , I saw a large fish jump .
While swimming in the lake , I saw a large fish jump .
2- Robert always reads the newspaper While he eats breakfast .
Robert always reads the newspaper While eating breakfast .
3- The driver , while he was racing to the hospital , ran several stop signs .
The driver , While racing to the hospital , ran several stop signs .
 Restrictive adjective clause :
‫عندما نعطي معني ضروري للجملة فأننا ال نضع أي كومة‬
Ex. The boy who waved to us is my brother .
 Non Restrictive adjective clause : ‫عندما نعطي معني ليس ضروري ال يؤثر علي معني الجملة و يتم استخدام الكومة‬
Ex. Mr. Smith , who lives next door , is moving to Ohio .
 Causative ( Have – Make – Get ) :
 Have someone do something / Have something done ( passive ) .
 Make someone do something / Make something done ( passive ) .
 Get someone To do something / Get something done ( passive ) .
 Time Expression :
All the time expression answer the question [ when …? / how often .. ? / how long … ? ]
 1- Time adverbial expression A definite time , the answer of the question [ where …? ]
 Ex.( Now– again – just – recently –yesterday –tomorrow –last week –next year –Monday evening –
in the morning – on Saturday – then – at night – three weeks ago – the day after tomorrow )
 2- Time adverbial expression Duration of time , they answer the question [ how long …? ]
 EX. ( for – since )
 3- Time adverbial expression Frequency , they answer the question [ how often … ? ]
Ex. ( daily – weekly – every day – every week end – once a year – twice a week – always –
sometimes – often – never – usually – frequently )
 Showing Effect OR Result :
 Mr. Green lost his job (as a result, / thus, / therefore, / consequently,) he can’t buy a new car.
 Mr. Green lost his job (As a result, /Thus, / Therefore,/ Consequently,)he can’t buy a new car.
 Nouns clause after certain verbs.
 Noun clause can be used after certain verbs that express necessity and requesting (advise –
ask – command – recommend – request – suggest – insist – order – urge )
 Ex. His mother insisted ( that ) he be home at eight .
 I suggested to john ( that ) he study for the test .
 Gerund and to-inf. After Be :
 Ex. 1- his favorite sport is swimming.
2- her biggest problem is doing her homework .
3- his advice was not to fly in this weather.
4- Jim’s goal is to learn Russian.
 Fixed prepositional phrase :
( Go to / Come to ) bed = to sleep . ( Be in / Stay in ) bed = for rest
Get out of bed = After resting / sleeping .
( Go to / Come to ) school = to study .
Be at breakfast / at dinner / at the table = Having a meal .
Be in class = attending or teaching a class.
Go to / be at church = for worship .
Be at / go home = in one’s own house.
Go to / be at the university = for study .
Go into / be in the hospital = for medical treatment.
 Pronouns :
 Someone ,something ,somebody ,anything ,anyone ,anybody (used in question –indefinite pronouns )
 Someone , something , somebody , anything , anyone , anybody , nothing , nobody , no one ( used in
affirmative sentence – indefinite pronouns)
 anything , anyone , anybody ( used in negative sentence – indefinite pronouns )
 Someplace ,somewhere , anywhere , anyplace ( used in question – indefinite adverb )
 Someplace ,somewhere ,anywhere ,anyplace ,no place ,nowhere (used in question –indefinite adverb )
 Anyplace , anywhere ( used in negative sentence – infinite adverb )
 Prepositions :
1- At …Used for the time of day ( at … 5 o’clock –11.45 –midnight –the same time –the moment –
home – work – school –university –college – sea –a party –a conference –the station –the airport )
2- On … Used for days and dates ( On … Friday – 12 March 1992 – my birthday – chrisms day – a
bus – a train – a ship – a bicycle – a horse – TV – a motorcycle – the radio – a trip – business )
3- In … Used for longer periods ( In … October – 1984 – the past – the 1990 – the middle agesA
few minutes – six months - a time in the future –bed –hospital –prison –the sea –a car – a taxi )
4-Don’t use ( At – On – In ) before … Last – next – this – every
5- At the end = at the time when something ends . //
In the end = finally .
6- Use ( In – At ) for Buildings and Towns .
7- Go / come / travel To a place or event .
Get / arrive To a place .
8- Shout at = when you are angry .
Shout to = so that they can hear you .
 Relative clause :
 Tells us which person Or thing the speaker mean . Ex. The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
 We use Who / That / Which / Whose / Whom / Where .
 We use (,) in the clause when the relative clause give us extra information about
the person Or thing .
 We don’t use (,) when the relative clause tells we which person Or thing the speaker mean.
 Pronoun agreement :
Possess adjective
Possess pronoun
 Coordinating conjunctions : ( parallel structure )
And … used to indicate addition EX. 1- Bob and mike are studding math . 2- they like to eat and coffee.
Or … used to indicate a choice of two items . Ex. Ahmed or Ali will take you to airport
But … show contrast between two items . Ex. The team tried to score a goal but failed.
Not … show an acceptance of one and rejection of another . Ex. The dog not the cat eats the most.
 Correlative conjunction :
 Both…and: show addition of two or more (stronger than and) Ex. Both Ali and khalid can play the
 Not only …but also: similar to (both…and) .Ex. her husband not only cooks but also cleans.
 Either…or: indicate choice between two items or persons.
Ex. Either Ali or Wilson will take to us today.
 Neither…nor: negative of (either. or),never used with negative verb.
Ex. Betty is neither kind nor helpful.
 Rather Than ( = instead of ) : Indicates preference Or alternative . Ex. Martha likes working in the
garden Rather than in the kitchen. / We will walk rather than take a taxi .
 As well As ( = Beside ) : indicates addition Ex. Sally swims as well as skis .
 But Not : indicates contrast Ex. The curtains fit the windows in length , but not width .
 Adverb of time :
 Yet : expect some action to take in the future , the action is not completed and has not happened
before the present time , used in yes/no question and (-ve) statements ,At the end of sentence.
Have you finished yet?
No, I have received the letter yet.
 Already : expected activity has happened (finished action – the action is completed ) ,
used in questions and affirmative statements, in the middle of sentence.
Ex. Have you already mailed the package ? Dinner has already been served.
 Still : the situation continues form past to present, used in questions, in the middle of sentences,
carry (-ve) meaning. Ex. Does he still live in Los Anglos ? yes, he still lives in Los Anglos.
 Anymore : past situation is over and doesn’t continue exist, used in yes/no questions and (-ve )
sentence, at the end of sentence . Ex. I don’t go to the gym anymore , but I still exercise every day.
 Adverbial connectives of addition :
; ( also-besides-furthermore-in addition-moreover) ,
. ( Also-Besides-Furthermore-In addition-Moreover) ,
 Reduction an adverb clause of time a modifying phrase :
( Adverb such as : after – before – since – until – when – whenever – while )
Ex. 1- I feel sleepy whenever I study after dinner .
I feel sleepy wherever studying after dinner .
2- Before we opened the door ,we heard a loud noise . Before opening the door ,we heard
a loud noise .
3- Could you walk after you fell off the horse ?
Could you walk after falling off the horse?
 Coordinating conjunctions :
So : Used to express result . Ex . I had a bad toothache , so I went to the dentist .
Yet : Used to express contrast similar to (But) . Ex. She didn’t study for the test , yet she passed it .
Nor : Used to indicate the addition of (-ve) idea . Ex. John can’t swim , nor can his brother ( swim ) .
 So + adjective + clause :
Ex . I didn’t read the story , it was so dull .
 Such + adjective + noun + clause :
Ex. I didn’t read the story , it was such a dull story .
 ( In spite / Despite ) + noun
( Although / Even though ) + sub. + verb. + object
 As well As : Ex . Ali as well as his friends is
 In addition to : Ex. Ali in addition to his friends are
 Perfect gerund and perfect inf.
1- perfect gerund : ( active voice = having + p.p. / passive voice = having been + p.p. )
Ex. Having studied all night ,Ahmed was ready for the exam . / having been accused of robbery ,
Sam had to hire a lawyer .
2- perfect inf. : ( active voice = to have + p.p. / passive voice = to have been + p.p. )
Ex. The all night study session proved to have been a mistake for Ahmed . / today the accusations
against Sam appear to have been dropped .
 That-noun clause sentence :
That … noun clause + verb + complement / It + verb + complement + that-noun clause /
Noun phrase + verb + optional that + noun clause .
1-That you were not killed is a wonder .
2- It is a wonder that you were not killed .
3- the fact is that you were late !
 Adjective and preposition combinations :
 Absent from – accustomed to – afraid of – angry at / with – appropriate for – Aware of – bad for –
bored with –capable of –clear to –conscious of –critical of –crowded with –dedicated to–different
from – difficult for – disappointed in / with – doubtful about – enthusiastic about –equal to –excited
about – exhausted from – faithful to – familiar with – famous for – fond of – friendly to / with –
frightened of – full of – glad about – hungry for – incapable of – innocent of – interested in –
involved in – kind to – know for – loyal to – mad at – married to – nice to – patient with –
polite to –proud of – prepared for – qualified for – ready for related to – responsible for –
satisfied with – scared of – similar to – successful in – sure about – terrified of – thirsty for –
tired from / of – tolerant of – upset about – worried about .
 Collective nouns :
The committee has a tremendous job before it .
( Correct )
The committee have a tremendous job before them .
( Correct )
The committee has a tremendous job before them .
( Incorrect )
 Sequence adverbs in final position :
Sub + Verb + complement + Adverb ( place + manner + time )
Ex. The children are at home alone tonight . / Alec plans to travel to Alex by train next week .
 Gerund and inf. As subjects :
1- sub. + complement + verb + complement / Ex. Driving across the city takes about an hour .
2- Sub. + complement + verb + sub. + complement / Ex. To leave now would be rude .
3- An-it + verb + complement+sub.+complement / Ex. It takes about an hour to leave across
the city .
4- An-it + verb + complement + sub + complement / Ex. It was wonderful to see Maria again .
 Modifier + noun :
1- compound noun ( Ex. Drinking water ‫ مياه الشرب‬- ‫) الصفت مرتفع علي النلمة اوولى‬
2- Verb + noun ( drinking Water ‫ يشرب مياه‬- ‫) الصفت مرتفع على النلمة الثانية‬
 Wherever = Anywhere : ( Whoever = anyone / whomever = anyone / whatever = anything /
wherever = anywhere / whenever = anytime / whichever = any car )
 In the front of / In front of : In the front / bake of ….. inside something – object comes after it .
In front / bake it … outside something – no object comes after it .
 Emphatic DO :
When we want to stress or emphasize an action we can use do , does or did before the verb.
Did you met my niece last night ? no, but I did meet your nephew.
 Preposition indicate place or location :
At – above – among –behind –below –beneath –beside –between – in -in back of –in front of – inside
– near – next to – on – on top of – opposite – over – through out – under – underneath .
 Preposition indicate direction of movement :
Around – as far as - away from – down – in – into – from – off – on – onto – out of – past –
up – to
– through – toward (s) .
 Would :
Would = used when we imagine a situation or action or when we talk about things that happened
regular in the past.
Would have done = Imagine situation or action in the past .
I wish … would = use when we want something to happen or want somebody to
do something , For action and changes not for situation.
I wish … would not = To complain about things people do repeatedly .
Had better :
Had Better = Is advisable to do it ,If I don’t there will be a problem or danger .
Had better = Use only for a particular situation .
I had better = should = ought to .
 Should = Used to give advice or to give an opinion or to expect something to happen .
 Should do = A good thing to do OR the right thing to do .
 Should not do = Is not good thing to do .
 Should have done = Did not do it but it would have been the right thing to do .
 Should = Not strong as must . Used with ( suggest – propose – demand – recommend – insist
o think – I don’t know – Do you think …)
 Need not do …= Is not necessary.
 Need not have done = Do the action but it was not necessary .
 Did not need to do = Was not necessary for me to …
 Need not have done = Did something but now I know that it was not necessary .
Must = Have to =Has to :
( Necessary to do something )
Must = personal , we use when we give our personal feeling. ( used with ..present, future )
Has to / Have to = Impersonal , use for facts ( used with … present , past , future )
Must not do = Necessary that you don’t do it .
Don’t have to do = Don’t need to do it .
May / Might :
Used to say something is possible or happening in the future .
May / Might
Be + Verb. + ing.
( For possible planes )
May / Might + not have + ( Been + Verb. OR P . P . )
Must / Can :
Must = To say we feel sure something is true.
Can’t = To say we feel sure something is not true.
Must / can’t
( Inf. OR Be. + Verb. + Ing. )
Must / can’t + Have
( P. P. OR Been + Verb. + Ing. )
Can / could / would you …? = Used for ( Request , Offers , Permission , Invitations )
Can = Used to say something is possible or someone has the ability to do .
Can = Be able to But Can is more usual .
Could = Used for general ability or possibility , Less sure than Can .
Could = Used with ( see , hear , smell , taste , feel , remember , understand )
Be able to = When we talking about what happen in particular situation .
Could have done = For things which were possible but did not happen .
Could have done = Would have been able to do .
Will = Used to say ( offering to do something , Agreeing to do something ,promising to do
something ,Asking someone to do something )
I will = Used when we decide to do something at the time of speaking , Don’t use will to talk about
What you have already decided to do .
Will not = Refuse to do something ( will not = won’t )
Will = Used often with ( probably , I’m sure , I expect , I think , I wonder , I don’t think )
Will be doing (future continuos ) = talk about complete action in the future and we are in the middle
of doing something .
Will have done ( future perfect ) = something will already be completed .
Shall = Mostly used in question to ask somebody opinion ( Especially in offers or suggestions )
 Few / little + A few / A little :
Few / little … used as adjectives and as pronouns , with count nouns, used in negative way
( the absence of nearly all quantity , - ve )
A few / a little … used with noncount nouns. Used in a positive way ( the presence of nearly all
quantity , + ve ).
 Bring / Take :
Bring = used for movement toward the speaker . ( Ex. Bring me that paper )
Take = used for movement a way from the speaker.(Ex. Take this message to col. Khalid office)
 Mind / Object :
Mind + Verb. + Ing.
BUT Object + to + Inf.
 Borrow / Lend :
Borrow from
Lend to
 Good / Well :
Good at
( adjective Or adverb )
 Raise / Rise :
Raise + object
Rise = go up = ascend ( don’t take object )
Wish : ( past unreal situation)
Wish + (that) noun clause ( containing past perfect verb ) to express regret about a past situation
I wish (that) I had become a doctor instead of a lawyer
 Too / Very: ( Placed before adjective or adverb )
Very = a lot = much = to great degree
Too = more than enough ,used to express excessiveness , used too implies a negative result.
Too … to ( somebody / something ) // too … to
do something .
Beside / Besides :
Beside = Next to = By the side of ( Ex. Khalid sits beside major Kent in the classroom.)
Besides = in addition = further more = in addition to = other than
Ex. Besides English , I also study science at the university.
Need :
Usually followed by ( To + Inf.) Ex. I need to borrow some money.
Sometimes we use Gerund ( Verb. + Ing. ) Ex.
The house needs painting OR to be painted.
 Who / Whom :
Whom is normally used in formal English ,the proposition usually comes before whom when
question is asked. Ex. To whom are you giving your book ? My teacher.
Who is often used instead of whom in informal speech . the preposition placed at the end of sentence.
Ex. Who are you speaking to ? - Who are you reading about ?
 Elder – eldest / older – oldest :
 Elder – Eldest … can only be used to imply seniority with in a family or social group , can’t use
THAN after it .
EX. Frank is my elder brother / His eldest son came to visit him.
 Older – Oldest … to compare , used THAN after it EX. Frank is older than I’m .
 So …. That / Such …. That :
So … that :used with Adjectives –adverbs –noun phrases (the phrases may have much , many )
Such … that : used only with noun phrases ( the phrases never have much , many )
Ex. Jim is so tall ( such a tall man ) that he has to bend to enter .
 Else : used as
1- Question word
Ex. Who else will be at the party ?
2 – Pronouns
Ex. Do you know whom else she spoke to?
3- Adverbs
Ex. Can you tell me how else I can do it ?
A / An :
A … used before singular count noun that begins with constant sound ( a book – a guard ).
An … used before singular count noun that begins with a vowel sound ( a – o – e – I – h )
Ex.… an example – an actress – an inch – an onion – an hour .
A / An … Not used before plural count nouns . ( Actors – horses – jackets – keys )
 Too + adverb + to + inf. :
Ex .
this city grows too rapidly for me to keep up with it .
 There + be + gerund :
Ex. There is no smoking in this building . / there will be celebrating after the graduation .
 As if / As though :
 Preferred in formal speech to introduce an adverb clause of manner ( Express how someone or
something looks , sound , smells ,….) . we use like.
 Ex. It smells ( As if / as though / like ) something is burning. Ex. Bob always act as if he’s mad.
 Use ( as if / as though ) to show how someone does something.
 Either…or / Neither….nor :
 Ex.
1- Either my sister or my brother is going to visit him.
2- Either my brother or my sister are going to visit him.
3- Neither john nor his friends were there.
4- Neither you nor your friend was helpful.
 Lay / lie :
Lay : = to place = to put ( use when something is happening to a person or a thing )
Ex. Stan laid his hand on his son’s shoulder.
Lie : = to rest = to remain in a certain position ( use when there is no person or thing
receiving the action of the verb.) Ex. The patient lay in his hospital bed for two weeks.
 Borrow / Lend :
Borrow something From someone . / Lend something To someone
 While : while + subject + verb .
 In case : to say why somebody does something ( in case of = if there is )
 Have : used with …breakfast – dinner – a cup of tea – a cigarette – a bath – a shower – a swim –
a rest – a party – a holiday – a nice time – an accident – an experience – a dream – difficult – fun –
trouble .
 Army – News – United sates … + Is ‫هاه اوسماء مفرده و ليس جمع‬
/ Police + are ‫جمع و ليس مفرد‬
 Let / permit / allow : let + verb BUT allow / permit + to + infinitive .
 Sub. + verb + ( mandatory / advisable / best / better ) + that + sub + infinitive + complement .
Ex. It’s mandatory that every pilot wear his helmet .
 Go …… ( Go + to
place / Go + Gerund )
 Sub. + Be permitted to / Allowed to + Verb. :
They will be permitted to / allowed to bring 2 suitcases .
 Lots of and a lot :
( the same meaning and use )
used with …….. ( much – many –
countable nouns – uncountable nouns – affirmative – negative – Questions )
 Same , Similar , Alike , and Different : Used to express difference or similarity .
Ex. ( Be different from … , Be alike … , Be similar to … , Be similar .. , Be the same as … )
 Adverbial connectives used to shorten statements …….( All in all – consequently – in all – in
conclusion – to conclude – in summary –in other words – to summarize – in short –to put it briefly )
 Talk about difference : Used ….. ( Different from – not at all “ alike / the same “
– not the same as – many difference between – considerable difference in )
 Quite a few :
Used with countable nouns , affirmative and questions ( -ve. Question )
 A greet deal of : used with uncountable nouns , affirmative , negative statements and questions .
 Be to :
used to express necessity or obligation or future time .
 Say :
( when you are repeating what you or someone has said / say + direct object /
say + to + indirect object )
 Tell :
( when you give facts or information to someone or when you give relating
a conversation to someone / tell + indirect object + direct object )
 By : Used to show A means of transportation Or communication ( By + [ noun / verb + ing. ] )
 With / Without :
Used to express how something is done when an instrument
Or part of the body is used ( with hammer – with his shovel – with her knee )
 Advice / Advise :
 Advice (n) = recommendation = opinion BUT Advise (v) = give a device
 Be about to :
Used for very immediate future . Ex. I think I’m about to faint .
Used with time clause beginning with (when) Ex. I was about to start dinner when the phone rang .
 Verb. + Object +preposition + (Verb. + Ing. ) .
Congratulate on – accuse of – suspect of – prevent from – stop from – thank for –
forgive for Warn against.
 Verb. + preposition + (Verb + Ing) .
Talk about – apologies for – succeed in – insist on – think of – feel like – decide against
Approve of – dream of – look forward to.
 Verb. + (To + Inf.)
Decide – offer – hope – deserve – attempt – promise – threaten – mange – afford – aim –plan
Appear – Ask – Beg – Care - Consent – Demand – Expect – Need – Hesitate – Mean – wait
Prepare – Pretend – regret – remember – swear – struggle – volunteer – want – wish - claim.
Agree – refuse – arrange – learn – forget – fail – seem – tend – pretend – begin – bother –
choose – continue – determine – happen – hate – hope – intend – like – love – need – neglect –
offer – prefer – proceed – start – try – threaten  Verb. (Verb. + Ing.) Or Verb. (Noun. + Verb. + Ing ).
Enjoy – mind – suggest – stop – delay – fancy – consider – admit – miss – involve –
finish –postpone
Imagine – avoid – deny – risk – practice – allow – give up – put off – carry on – go on – keep on
Advise – Anticipate – Appreciate – Complete – Discuss – Can’t help – mention – Quit – Recall –
Recommend - Regret – Remember – represent – resist – Tolerate – Understand – Continue –
Escape – like - Permit – Report – Start .
 Verb. + Question word + (To + Inf. )
Ask - decide - Know - remember - forget - explain - learn - understand - wonder .
 Verb. + object / pronoun + ( to + inf. )
Tell – remind – force – enable – teach – order – warn – invite – persuade – get – Advise – allow
- ask – beg – cause – challenge – convince – dare – encourage – expect – forbid – hire – instructneed – permit – require – urge – want – warn .
 Verb. + object + ( To + Inf. ) OR Verb. + ( To + Inf. )
Want – ask – help – would like – would prefer – expect – beg – mean – would love – would hate.
 Verb. + object + ( To + Inf. ) OR Verb. + ( Verb. + Ing. )
Advise – recommend – encourage – allow – permit – forbid.
 Verb. + ( verb. + ing. ) OR Verb. + ( to + inf. )
Begin – start – intend – continue – bother – love – hate – can’t bear – Attempt – forget – like – mean
– need – neglect – plan – prefer – remember – regret – try.
 Verb + (that) – Noun clause:
Verbs followed by noun clause
( Agree – believe – decide – discover – doubt – feel – hope – figure out – find out – forget –
guess – hear – imagine – indicate – know – learn – notice – observe – predict – read – realize
– regret – remember – say – tell – think – understand.)
Verb + Object + ( present simple / present participle ) :
 Some verbs followed by object + ( present simple … emphasize completion of the action /present
participle …. Emphasize the duration of the action ) { feel – hear – listen to – look at – notice –
observe – see – smell – watch. }
Ex. I didn’t hear bill knock / knocking at the door .
 Expression + verb + ing. : ( have fun / have a good time / have trouble / have difficulty / have
a hard time / have a difficult time ) + verb + ing.
Spend / Waste + Expression of time + verb + ing.
Ex. Spend a year studding .
Sit / Stand / Lie + Expression of place + verb + ing.
Ex. Sit at the computer working.
 Kind of suffix :
1- noun suffix . 2- verb suffix .
3- adjectives suffix .
 Suffix ( -able / -ible )
Add to certain nouns and verbs to make adjectives ( Ex. Accept / acceptable – love / lovable
- wash / washable – permit / permissible )
 Suffix ( -ent / -ant ) :
Add to some verbs to make adjectives these express “that has, shows, does” …….(Absorb/absorbent –
converge/convergent – depend / dependent – excel / excellent – differ / different – neglect / negligent –
insist / insistent – observe observant – please / pleasant – rely / reliant – tolerate / tolerant.)
Suffix ( -ive / -tive / -ative )
Add to verb. Or noun to make adjective (create/ creative - defense / defensive – produce / productive –
talk / talkative )
Suffix ( -y / -ty / -ity / -ility )
Add to adjectives to form abstract nouns . ( honest / honesty – certain / certainty – real / reality
- creative / creativity – visible / visibility )
 Suffix ( -ness )
Add to adjective to make nouns which express ( the quality or state of being )
Ex. Dark / Darkness – dizzy / dizziness – eager / eagerness – sick / sickness.
 Suffix ( Un- ) :
Give the opposite meaning of the word ( Ex. Reliable / unreliable )
 Suffix ( -like ) :
Add to nouns to make adjectives . express the idea of resembling or having the characteristic of something
. ( Ex. Child / childlike – lady / ladylike )
 Suffix ( -er / -or ) :
Add to some verbs to make nouns ( Ex. Teach / teacher – collect / collector )
Suffix ( -ion / -ation / -tion / -sion )
Add to verbs to make nouns ( Ex. Instruct / instruction – observe / observation – intend / intention –
decide / decision )
 Suffix ( -al / -ance / -ment / -y )
Add to verbs to make nouns ( Ex. Approve / approval – refer /reference –allow / allowance –employ /
employment – recover / recovery )
 Suffix ( -al / -ial )
Add to nouns to form adjectives .
( addition / additional – commerce / commercial
accident / accidental – manager / managerial )
 Suffix ( -ize ) :
Add to various adjectives to make verbs , means “ to cause Or to be “ .
Ex. Equal / equalize – modern / modernize .
 Suffix ( -ful / -less )
Add to some nouns to make adjectives . they have opposite meanings ( -ful … means full of OR Having /
-less… means without OR not enough )
Ex. ( Powerful - careful – powerless – careless - …………….. )
 Suffix ( -ward ) : used to form adjectives and adverbs which indicate a direction in time or space.
Ex. ( Northward – southward –eastward – westward – upwards – downwards – backwards )
Suffix ( -ern ) : Add to nouns to form adjectives , indicate something occurs in or is situated
in certain direction .
Ex. ( northern – southern – eastern - western )
 Suffix ( -fy / -ify )
Add to some nouns and adjectives to make verbs. ( Beauty / Beautify –false /falsify – just / justify –
person / personify – simple / simplify – terror / terrify – class / classify– electric / electrify – glory /
glorify – liquid / liquefy – pure / purify – solid / solidify )
 Suffix ( -ic / -ical ) :
Add to nouns to make adjectives . Ex.(atom / atomic – method / methodical – economy / economic –
comic / comical )
Suffix ( -en ) :
Add to nouns and adjectives to form Verbs ( wide / widen – deep / deepen – length / lengthen )
 Suffix ( -ly ) :
Add to adjectives to form adverbs , describe the action of the adverb
answer the question “ how ? “ , Ex….. Slow / Slowly .
 Prefix ( Re- ):
Meaning is again / make it again. Ex. Remarried – rewrite – reconsider.
Prefix ( mal / mis ) :
means bad Or wrong
Add to words to indicate that action , condition Or thing is not good Or not right ( maladjusted /
miscounted / misdirected )
 Prefix (Co- ) :
Has the meaning of “joint“ and “together with“ , sometimes ( Co- appears as [Com- , Con- , Col-] )
Ex. Compress – contain – collect
Making request :
I hope you don’t mind my asking , but could you
Do ( inf. ) me a favor ?
Could you possibly
Do you think you could
Would you be willing to
Would you
Could you
Will you
Can you
Would you mind
Informal How about
 If no one is listening request : formal
 Agree to request :
Very informal
Of course.
By all means.
I’d be glad to .
Yes , I will / can .
All right .
Okay .
By happy to .
No problem .
You bet .
No sweat .
Do (inf. ) me a favor ?
Doing ( verb + ing ) me a favor ?
Doing ( verb + ing. ) me a favor
excuse me. / informal
I’m terribly sorry , but ….
I’m sorry , but ……..
I’d like to , but ……..
I wish I could , but ……
No , I won’t / can’t .
Sorry , but ……
I’m possible .
Wish I could .
No way .
Forget it .
Not a chance .
Obligation ( Duty , Responsibility , Requirement )
Used ( Be to , must , should , need to , have to , promise , have got to , be required to ,
be supposed to )
Express an obligation :
I told him I’d … / he has a commitment to …
/ they are responsible for … / she said that she’d … / we are committed to …
/ it is my responsibility to … / he has an obligation to … / I’m under an obligation to …
Express no obligation :
you don’t need to … / No one expects you to …
/ they have not made any promises . / that is not your responsibility . / I’m under no obligation to …
/ I never told him that I’d … / that is really not her job . / I did not want to commit myself .
 How to make Reservation :
I ( want / need / would like / ‘d like ) to reserve ( a room … / a car … / a seat … / a table … )
I ( want / need would like / ‘d like ) to make ( a reservation / Reservations ) for ( the concert /
five people / six 0’clock / December 31 )
 Asking for and giving sequence instructions :
 1- How to do something
( would you explain how …? / how should I …? / how do you …?
/ what should I do first … ? / what is the best way to … ? )
 2-How to confirm that person understand what we say
( did you understand what I said ? /
have you got all that ? / are you following me ? / any question ? / got it ? / okay ? / remember to … /
be sure to … )
 3- We not understand Or confused of something
( would you repeat that ? /
I didn’t catch that last part / I’m not sure I understand / what was that ? / hold it / wait a minute /
you just lost me / I missed that last part / run that by again , please )
 4- We understand something and we need more information about it
( what should I do now ? / now what ? /Is this right ? / Is this okay ? / How is this ? / like this ? /
then what ? / any thing else ? / what is next ? )
 5- We understand something and can follow then
( that does not sound too hard / that does not sound too difficult / that seems simple enough /
that seems easy enough / I think I’ve got it / I understand / So far , so good )
 Asking for instructions : ( what should I do first ? / what do I do after that ?/I think I understand /
what do you mean /then what ? /what next ? /now what ? /would you explain ..?/you just lost me )
 Giving instructions :
( To begin with .. / first … / first of all … / next … / then … / after that
… / be sure to … / okay / have you got all that ? )
 Expression used to delay answering : ( Let me see … /well , now …/ let me think for a minute … /
I’m not sure , but I think ….)
 Expression used to a void answering : ( I really don’t know . / I have no idea . / sorry , I can’t
answer that one . / that’s something I don’t care to discuss . /I really don’t want to talk about that . /
I’d rather not answer that . )
 Expression show our appreciation by thanking them :
Thanks a lot / thanks very much / thanks so much / thank you very much / thanks a million /
thanks a bunch / many thanks / I owe you one / I appreciate it / I appreciate your help /
you shouldn’t have / I’m very grateful / thanks for the complement / I’m in your debt /
I can not ever enough / how can I ever thank you ?
 When someone expresses gratitude for something :
You are welcome /you are very welcome /you are more than welcome /you don’t have to thank me /
think nothing of it / do not mention it / don’t worry about it / never mind / it was no trouble /
any time / it was nothing / forget it / it was no problem / it was my pleasure .
 Expressions:
 Suggest ( when we sure what should be done ) : I think that you should … / I would suggest that … /
my suggestion would be to … / the best thing to do would be to … / your best option would be to … /
the best course of action would be to … / I believe you ought to … .
 suggest ( we uncertain about something / used in formal settings ) : it seems to me that perhaps … /
you might want to … / have you considered … /we have considered …/has …ever been considered …
/ I think it might be a good idea … /one idea would be to … / may be you ought to … / I would appear
that your best course of action would be to … .
 Suggestion (with close friends / less formal ) : I think you’d better … / let’s …/ why don’t you
…/you might want to … / you should … / it maybe a good idea to … / you probably should … / you
ought to … / may be you’d better …/ if I were you , I’d … / what you need to do is … / take my
advice and … /do yourself a favor and …/if you want my opinion …/you might want to think about …
/ maybe you should think about … .
 Expression of sorry : I’m sorry about … / I was sorry to hear about … / I’m sorry that … / I’m so
sorry to hear about … /I’m mny76so sorry that … /I was should to shocking to hear about … /I want
you to know how sorry I’m about … /I’m really sorry to hear … /I can’t tell you how sorry I’m that …
 When we understand someone experiencing: I know your feelings / I understand how you feel /
I understand what you are going through /I know how you feel…/
I understand how angry you must feel
 Offer assistance : Is there anything I can do for you ? / please let me know if there is anything I can
do /I’ll be more than glad to help you /please call if you need me /I’ll be hero if you need me /please
don’t hesitate to call on me if there is something I can do / If I can help you in any way , let me know .
 Agreeing : certainly / sure / I agree with you / I couldn’t agree more.
 Disagreeing :
I don’t think so ,… / I agree with you , but … / the way I see it is different … /
what are you suggesting is not true . / as fast as I know , this is … /
what your saying is quite
the opposite of my opinion .
 Asking permission :
 Can … ? / may … ? / are we permitted … ? / would you mind if …? /I wonder if I could … ?
/ Could … ? /are we allowed … ? / is it okay if … ? / do you mind if … ?
 Giving permission :
 Sure , go ahead / Sure , no problem / yes , of course / yes , you can /yes , you may / sure ,
it’s okay / no, I don’t mind at all / of course / Certainly .
 Denying permission :
Sorry / sorry , I can’t / please don’t / I’m afraid not / I’m sorry but … / I wish you wouldn’t /
sorry , it is not allowed ( permitted ) .
 Word connective :
used to indicate a time sequence
( first – second – third – at first –
then – later – before that – eventually – next – following this – after this – afterward – in the
beginning – first of all – last of all – at the start – mean while – in the mean time – to start with –
after that – initial – following – final – last )
Used to +Inf. = something happen regularly in the past but no longer happens.( Past ended action )
Used to = something that was true in the past but is not true anymore .
I am doing = we say that we have already decided and arranged to do these things.
I am going to = when we have already decided to do something or when we intend to do it
( But perhaps not arranged to do it )
Be going to = I intend or planned to do it but did not do it .
Go + verb + ing. ( to form certain expression . Ex. Go swimming – Go fishing – Go shopping )
I am used to (doing) something = Something is not strange or new for me . ( Still doing the action )
I am used to do something = I did something regularly in the past but not longer do it .
Use (A / An ) with singular countable nouns.
Do not use singular countable nouns alone (without a , an ,the , ...)
Do not use ( A / An ) with uncountable nouns .
Use ( many / few ) or ( some / any ) with plural countable nouns .
Use ( much / little ) or ( some / any ) with uncountable nouns .
Coffee , tea , beer , juice , … etc. are normally uncountable .
( News , Athletics , gymnastics , Mathematics , math’s , Physics , Electronics , Politics )
Uncountable , not plural .
( The )
used for specially , (A / An )
used for general.
( The + adjective ) to talk about group of people.
(The + nationality ) to mean “ The people of the country “
Do not use “ the “ with names of people .
( ’S ) We normally use for people or animals can also with time expressions.
Afraid to do something = I do not want to do something because it is dangerous
or the result could be bad.
Afraid of something happening = it is possible that something bad will happen .
Interested in doing something = I am thinking of doing it , I would like to do it .
See somebody do something .
‫شاهد الحدث كله من أوله إلى أخره‬
See somebody doing something .
‫شاهد جنء من الحدث فقط‬
Sorry to + inf. But
Sorry for + Verb. + Ing.
( it’s no use – it’s no good – there’s no point in – a waste of money – it’s not worth – have difficultya waste of time ) + Verb + Ing.
 Need to do something = It is necessary for me to do it .
 Something needs doing = something needs to be done .
 It is the time you did something = You should have done it already or started it .
 I would like …= Is a polite way of saying what we want.
 Won’t +verb … used to express refusal in the present or future.
 Would not + verb … used to express past refusal.
 Will + verb (inf.) / Be + willing + to + inf. ….. used to express present or future willingness .
 I hope = generally use the present simple tense.
 Every, All, Whole …
Used with time words.
 Every = used for people OR things, But Every one = used only for people.
 Each = Used when we think of things as a group, usual used for a small number, used for two
 Every = Used when we think of things as a group, usual used for a large number, used to say how
often something happen.
 Everybody, Everyone, everything ,…… Are singular not plural.
 ( Much + Little ) = used with singular nouns, BUT (Many + Few) = used with plural nouns.
 ( Only a little + Only a few ) = Have a negative meaning.
 ( A lot of / Lots of / Plenty of = more than enough ) = Used with singular and plural nouns.
 Transitive verb. (v.t): Requires an object to complete the meaning.
Object: Who received the action OR who affected by the action.
Intransitive verb. (v.i): Doesn’t need an object.
Don’t use (TO) with “home – downtown “ Ex. He left home when he was a child.
Clause: Is a group of words that has sub. + Verb. And used as apart of a sentence.
Accept / Except: (Accept =to take =to receive/ Except =to leave out =but =excluding =not including
Gerund: Can be used as the subject of sentence, it can be made negative be placing Not before
gerund, May be used as the object of a preposition.
Ex. 1-Thank you for being my friend.
2- We were happy about not having homework.
‫ ( …………… أفعال الحواس يأتي بعدها صفة‬Feel – look – listen – hear )
Unless = If … not
For ….. Show duration of time.
In …… Show how long it takes to do something.
Give a ring ……. Call on the telephone.
Clause : Is a complete sentence ( verb + sub + complement )
Phrase : is a complement ( don’t contain Verb + sub )