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Theme 12: the Origin, essence and
Islam doctrines.
1. Islam occurrence. Its doctrine and the
basic essence.
2. A life and Mohammed's activity. The
beginning of its prophetical activity. The
Mecca and Meccanian periods in Islam.
3. The basic directions and Islam
4. The basic sources of Islam. The Koran
and Hadisses.
Islam - monotheistic, the third and the latest date for the
emergence of a world religion
The word "Islam" has several meanings,
literally translated as "submission" laws of
Allah, "acceptance" teachings of the Prophet
Muhammad (SAS).
In the terminology of Islamic sharia - is a
complete, absolute monotheism, submission to
Allah, to his orders and prohibitions, removal of
polytheism (shirk).
Adherents of Islam are called Muslims.
Muslim communities exist in more than 120
countries, according to various sources are from
1.2 to 1.5 billion people (more than 18% of the
world population). In the 35 countries of the
Muslims is a large part of the population, and in
29 countries, the followers of Islam are a powerful
minority. In 28 countries, Islam is recognized state
or official religion.
It is expected that by 2025, Muslims will make
up 31%.
Islam is the second largest religion in the world
(after Christianity).
Muslim population by percentage worldwide
Arabia is far from Europe, just as between Asia and Africa. While
neighbors - Persia, Byzantium and Egypt had glimpses of civilization and
Arabia stood in isolation, cut off the desert.
In Mecca, the religious center was formed of all the Arabs: in
particular the Kaba shrine sacred images were collected, and ritual
objects of different Arab tribes.
The Arabs were energetic and courageous people who have all the
humane qualities of people, intact social progress of time. They were
bold and fearless, loved freedom and political independence.
for the birth of
Along with this, there are also negative aspects of their life murders and robberies were
part of everyday life, and depravity knew no bounds.
In the IV century in Arabia began the decline of caravan trade, as trade routes shifted
to the east in Tasmanian Iran. It has violated the economic balance, holding eyelids.
Increased need for land, intensified clashes between tribes. Began to feel the need for
Islam originated in Arabia in the VII
century BC
Muhammad (SAS)
about 570 a year - June 8, 632
The last messenger of God, after the
envoys will not be until the Last
Muhammad (SAS) was born in 570 in Mecca
Of the tribe of Qurush
sheltered Abdulmuttalib
After the death of parents
Sheltered Abdulmuttalib
Then his uncle Abu Talib
Young Muhammad (SAS) was different from an
early age perilous and honesty. When he began
to deal in, the people loved him, and out of
respect for piety, honesty, justice, and judgment
bestowed the honorary name of Al-Amin
(trustworthy). At 16, he became a member of the
establishment in Mecca "Union honest" whose
aim was to protect the rights of merchants.
Prophet Muhammad (SAS)
Joined the work sooner
First, sheep, and braid the Meccans
Later engaged in trade
In 40 years at Mount Hire to the Prophet Muhammad
Came An
angel Jabrail
He began to choke
him and say: "Read!"
"Read! In the name of thy Lord who created man
from a clot. Read! And thy Lord is generous, who
taught Kalama has taught man that which he did
not know "
"O Muhammad, you are the Messenger of Allah,
and I Hebraic!"
First, students and followers of Muhammad
His wife
Freedman Zeid ibn alHarith
The need to help
On the necessity of
obedience to God
On the omnipotence
of God
The closeness of the Day of
Judgment, to which we must have
time to be cleansed of sin
Muhammad (SAS)
When the number of followers of Muhammad
(SAS) has reached 40, he decided to start a
public sermon, called Quraish and said that is
the messenger of Allah and invites all to worship
the one God. Although Allah belongs to the
pantheon of Arabian gods, the Quraish did not
believe Muhammad (SAS) and followed him. The
people of Mecca reacted to his new work is
negative and even tried to kill him, believing
dangerous rebel
Start public sermon referred to as 610, The
Muslim historical tradition preserved the story of
how a few notable Quraish invited Muhammad
(SAS) and invited him to become the leader of
all the tribes of Arabia, if he wants power, and
promises him riches if he wants it. After the
rejection of Muhammad (SAS) perturbed
Quraish demanded visible proof of his
prophethood. They wished that he covered
Arabia midst of the stall, held by her rivers, like
the waters of Syria and Iraq. But Muhammad
(SAS) said that miracles are only the power of
God, and he is only the messenger.
Periods of Islam
Mecca period
Medina period
Periods of Islam
Mecca period
610 Muhammad (SAS) has begun the
opening sermon
At the end of the year more than 615 100
Muslims went to Ethiopia
In Mecca, was declared a boycott of
the entire family to Muhammad Hashemites lasted 2-3 years
Medina Period
In 619 g uncle Abu Talib
died, then his wife Khadija
The head of the genus naufal
announced that Muhammad
took under his wing
September 24 622
Muhammad (SAS) and his
followers migrated to Yathrib
Medina period
In 622 g of place Hijra
Mr. Yathrib became
known as Madinat al-nabi
"city of the Prophet"
Here was built the first
mosque (Juma)
Muhammad (SAS) is recognized spiritual leader,
the deputy of Allah
Al-Masjid al-Nabawi (the Mosque of the Prophet) in Medina,
Saudi Arabia, is the 2nd most sacred Mosque in Islam.
The struggle for Islam
Battle of the
Hip (March 624
The Battle of
Uhud (March
Battle of the
Ditch (March
Medina period
Set Hudeybiyskoe 10-year truce between
the Muslims and the Meccans
Muslims were allowed for the next year to
visit Mecca as pilgrims
Arabian tribes related to Mecca, were
allowed to enter into an alliance with
Muhammad. The Meccans were able to
smooth trade with Syria.
Medina period
In December, 629 in Mecca, an
agreement has been violated ceasefire
and non-aggression, when the Quraish
attacked Medina allied with the tribe.
January 12, troops of 630 Muslims
went to Mecca without hindrance.
After the conquest of
Mecca was conquered
The main business of the life of Muhammad - the
creation of new, original religion. All his preaching
activity was aimed at this objective. According to
Muslim tradition, he receives revelation came from
God, and often God spoke to him from his face,
and then Muhammad conveyed these words to
Muhammad's contemporaries claimed that he led
a modest life, content with only the most
necessary, fair, gentle, forgiving, patient,
characterized by unparalleled generosity and
magnanimity, courage and bravery.
Islam - (from Arabic) "submission",
"obedience", "submission", "obedience."
The very notion of Islam in Arabic
means entrusting themselves to God,
ie, the total submission to the will of
Allah. God - in Arabic God, the Creator,
the Creator and organizer of all things.
According to the precepts of Islam, the
nature of God is incomprehensible to the
human mind. Iman Porokhova in comments
to the canonical Qur'an describes Allah
"starting element of all things, the primary
source of all life and in His absolute
perfection has no substance ...". Allah has
made all things out of nothing and gave it a
But Allah, the other gods do not exist, and
the only object in the service and worship is
only one. Allah forbids serving false gods.
Serving God elevates man, freeing him from
the bondage and worship of mythical
images, nature or other people. Paganism,
superstition, worship elements and mythical
characters - the gravest sins to God, he
forgives only with sincere repentance.
The concept of "Islam" is closely intertwined
and inextricably linked to the concept of
"faith" (iman). Under the general name
"Pillars of Faith" means the ideological
foundations of religion. In Islamic doctrine,
there are six basic postulates
Pillars of Faith:
1. Belief in God - God the creator of all things.
2. Belief in angels
a) Gabriel - the angel of revelation.
b) Israfil - Angel who blow the day of resurrection.
c) Malik guardian angel of Hell.
d) Munkar and Nakeer - 2 angels who will ask questions
of each person after death.
e) Harut and Marut - the angels message to the people of
Babylon, to test them for Veri.
e) Israel - guardian angel of death paradise.
g) Iblis - Angel disobey Allah.
The belief in the scriptures.
Sacred scripture Allah hath revealed:
a). Zabur (Psalms) - Daud (David).
b). Tauro (Torah) - Moussa (Moiseyu).
a.) Injil (Evagelie) - 'Eesa (Jesus).
g). Karan - Muhammad (SAS).
4. The belief in the prophets. In all there are 124
000 messengers, although the Qur'an mentions
only 28.
9 prophets are considered "persistent: Nuh
(Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Dawood (Dawood),
Yaqub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Ayub (Job),
Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus), Muhammad (SAS) the last prophet, the "seal of the prophets" which Allah revealed the Quran.
Prophecy is a blessing of Allah and His mercy,
that He may have who will. The study of the lives
of various messengers suggests three signs by
which you can learn blemish:
1. He is the best in their community for their moral
and intellectual qualities.
2. In order to prove that he is not an impostor, he
assisted in the form of various miracles.
3. Every prophet states clearly that all perceive
them is not its own, and comes from God and is
for the benefit of mankind.
1. Formula confession - Shahada (Arabic certificate) There is no God but Allah, and
Muhammad - the Messenger of Allah (La ilaha illa
l-crystals, Muhammadur rasullulah).
Hadith of Anas ibn Malik says:
"What would be the servant of God nor testified
that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah
and that Muhammad - the Messenger of Allah, do it
with sincerity in my heart, the Lord will surely
remove him from Hell."
2. Prayer (in Arabic - al-salad, Persian. Namaz) - awareness of God and
communion with him.
"Read what you brought home from the
Scriptures, and to pray. Verily, prayer
prevents from filth and reprehensible. But
remember God - is much more important,
and Allah knows what you do. "(Surah 29.
Spider, verse 45.).
For every person who converted to Islam, the
prayer is obligatory if he is healthy and able to
make it. Prayer - Prayer is the main ritual by which
God will judge the piety of his work after the
Prayer in Islam is divided into:
1. Obligatory (Fard and vozhib)
2. Endorses (sunna)
3. Additional (nafilya)
Mandatory conditions for prayer:
1. Ritual purity - if the person is in the desecration;
2. Clean place;
3. Qibla - the person should face towards Makkah
(the Kaaba);
4. Intention - a person must be the intention to
5. Clothing - people should be dressed in clean
clothes, which corresponds to the Sharia.
6. Sobriety (though prayer man used the haram is
not accepted, it is not exempt from the prayer).
3. Payment cleaning donations - Zakat
Zakat - obligatory annual tax to the poor, the needy, and
the development of projects that contribute to the spread
of Islam and the true knowledge of it, etc.
Once a year, a wealthy Muslim must pay cleansing
donation, the amount of which is determined by the type
of property and the amount of his income.
With incomes paid zakat of 2.5%.
With gold and silver paid 2.5%, if the weight of gold
reached 84.8 g, and silver 591
4. Fasting in the month of Ramadan - Eid
"Fasting is prescribed to you as it was
prescribed for those who were before you" (Sura
2, "Al-Baqarah", 183)
Every Muslim is required once a year for 30 days
in a month to keep the post, which is to refrain
from eating, drinking, sexual intercourse, and
anything that may violate godly behavior. Fasting
is from the rising of the dawn till sunset.
5. Pilgrimage to the Kaba - Hajj
"Those people who have the ability, for the sake
of Allah must make a pilgrimage to the main
temple" (Sura 3, "Al - Imran ', 97)
Allah ordered Muslims once in a lifetime
pilgrimage to the main temple of God in Mecca.
Make it in the first decade of the last month of the
Muslim calendar - Dhul-Hijjah. Since not every
person in physical or material state can perform
the Hajj, it is not strictly necessary for all.
The Kaaba during Hajj
These five pillars are the foundation on which to build a life
of Muslims.
Islam seeks to create a virtuous person, healthy family and
harmonious society.
Every Muslim must always be cleaned and improve
spiritually, morally and physically, striving to become a
perfect person. Muslims should refrain from actions that
could corrupt and destroy a person. Even during hours
when the religious ceremonies, the followers of Islam
should avoid anything that may cause damage to the body
and soul: a bad (in terms of Sharia) of food, drinks or bad
habits. Is excluded from the use of tobacco, alcohol and
other drugs. Prohibited from gambling.
Moral norms prescribed by Islam, are very
numerous. The following is a list of some of the
norms of morality that Muslims should be
- Truth (al-Sidky).
- Reliability and loyalty (Al Amana).
- Sincerity (al-Ikhlas).
- Politeness, courtesy and other rules of
conversation and argument (adab al-hadith).
- Expulsion of anger, hatred, envy, and other
vices of the heart (salyamat al-Sadr).
Moral and physical strength (al-kuvva).
- Tolerance and forgiveness (al-Hilmi and alsafh).
- Modesty (al-Haya).
- The dignity and self-esteem (because of al-).
- Search for wisdom and knowledge, the desire
for self-education and intellectual self (al-'ilm).
- The desire to devote all his time and his life to
good deeds (Al-Hirsi ala al-VAKT).
- Bounty (Al-Jude wal-karam).
- Patience (as-sabr).
- Prudent management of your assets (alIqtisadi).
- Communication, kindness to others (attaaruf).
- A passion for cleanliness and beauty (annazafa vattadzhmmul).
- Aversion to evil and sin (tadzhannub al
aatam wal shubuhat).
Koran - the holy book of Islam. According to the
teachings of Islam, the Quran is the direct, eternal
and uncreated word of God. The Quran was
revealed by God to the seventh heaven, the angel
Gabriel and then transferred it to the Prophet
Muhammad through the parts of Revelation in the
past 23 years of his prophetic activity (oyaty first
opened about the year 610, and the final
revelation is dated AD 632 - the last year of the
life of the Prophet). Quran is Amanat for all
The word "Quran" comes from the Arabic Kyra
("read aloud by heart"). The Quran consists of
114 surahs (chapters) and 6616 verses (verses).
Qur'an was revealed not only the Arabs, but the
rest of humanity - "We have sent you,
Muhammad, the messenger but as a mercy to all
peoples of all worlds."
In size verses are very different from each
other, ranging from the longest - Sura 2,
verse 282 in which, to the shortest 103rd,
108th, 110th, each of which has only three
A major exception to this principle is the
opening sura Fatiha, which contains seven
poems and an introduction to the entire text
of revelation:
Initially, the Qur'an memorized by heart.
After the battle of Al-Yamamy in 633, and
his tragic death in her many companions of
the Prophet Omar ibn al-Khattab, who later
became the second caliph, Abu Bakr said,
that there is a real danger of losing the text
of the Holy Quran, which is stored in the
memory of faithful Muslims only scattered
and fragmentary fragments.
Abu Bakr recognized hazard, and
entrusted the task of collecting the
revelations to Zayd ibn Tabitha, who, as
the chief scribe of the Prophet
Muhammad frequently dictated the
revelation in her lifetime. In the time of
the third Caliph Uthman training last
authenticity of the text of the Qur'an was
completed in 651. Since then, it remains
Quran - a religious book that provides the basis of
Muslim law, both religious and civil.
The Qur'an encourages people to equality,
brotherhood, peace, good works.
Particular focus is paid to the generosity,
hospitality, courage, patience, kindness, breadth
of soul, humanity, generosity, forgiveness,
honesty, loyalty and devotion to the people
The first translation of the Koran into Latin was
made on behalf of the abbot of the monastery
Ktyuni Peter the Venerable (1092 - 1165). Another
early Latin translation, associated with the name
Mark of Toledo, was performed at the beginning of
the XIII century. Overall, early Latin translations
were the arrangements of the Qur'anic text, and
the main task of the authors was to refute the
claims of adherents of Islam in the possession of
God sent down the Scripture.
In general, the priority in the study of the Qur'anic text in
the XIX century. owned by German Orientalists. In the
70-ies. XIX c. saw the light of the first Russian
translation of the Quran, made from the original sourceD. H. Boguslawski (1871) and GS Sabdukova (1878). At
the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Prominent Russian
Arabists - VV Bartold, A. Schmidt, RF Girgas, AE
Crimea - worked fruitfully in koranistiki. A novel
approach to the translation of the Quran related to the
name of academician IJKrachkovsky, who made a
rough translation in the 20's. XX c., And finished the
comments to it until his death.
President R.Uz. Islam Karimov, "I
believe that Islam is not a fanatical
religion. A person familiar with the
Koran, he knows that in this divine
book preached humanism, peace,
calm, courteous attitude to other
religions ... I am sure that Islam frees
man from sin ... "
Other religious book of Muslims is Sunnah.
Sunnah - a collection of stories about the life of
Prophet Muhammad (SAS).
After the death of the Prophet Mohammad (SAS)
were oral traditions about his life and work Hadith. They formed the main content of the
Pillars of the Sunnah - Hadith (arnovost, news
story) is a message from the life of Prophet
Muhammad, the legend of his words or actions,
involving different religious and legal aspects of
the life of the Muslim community. Hadeeth
includes two parts: its isnaad (Arabian support) list of those who communicate to each other the
news of the Prophet until his written fixation and
badwords (Arabian text) that contains specific
information. According to Muslim tradition isnaad
is a proof of the truth of what happened to the
prophet Muhammad, as the reliance on tradition,
on the opinion of authority in Islam is leading.
Belief in Allah
Belief in angels
Belief in the Scriptures
Belief in the Prophets
(messengers) of God's
Belief in predestination
Belief in the Day of Judgment
"Pillars of Faith"
Prayer (Namaz)
Confession of Faith (Shahada)
Fasting (sawm)
«Pillars of
Belief in Allah
Muslim Holidays
Eid ul - Fitr holiday
Kurban Bairam, the great feast
of sacrifice
is a direct, eternal and uncreated
Word of God
holy book of Islam
bestowed by God on the
Seventh Heaven
angel Gabriel conveyed to the
Prophet Muhammad in
installments (CAC)
Amanat is for all Muslims
chronologically released
(90 verses)
focuses on the doctrines
of prophecy, eschatology,
spiritual, and ethical
(24 verses)
more space given to the
social, economic issues,
rights issues, family relations,
tells the story of the ancient
prophets, etc.
the brotherhood
the equality
to civilian life
The Qur'an encourages people
To good deeds
The second source of faith after the Quran
is Islam
Sunnah (Arabian custom,
example of a life's journey the Messenger of Allah
as a reference and guide for the life of the Muslim
community as a whole and every Muslim in
Abu Muhammad ibn Ismail
Abdullo al-Bukhari (194 (810) 256 (870)).
Imam Muslim ibn al-Hazhzhozh
(206 (819) -261 (874)).
Iso Imam Muhammad ibn alTermizi Iso (206 (824) -279
Imam Ahmad al-Naso (215 (830)
-303 (915)).
Imam Abu Dovud Sulaimon
Sizhistoni (202 (817) Imam Abu Muhammad ibn
Abdullo Mozhzha
(209 (824) -273 (886)).
Currents in Islam
The Sunnis
The Shiites
Sunni Islam - the main branch of Islam,
which arose in the 8-12 centuries in the
UAE. Sunni Islam rejects the idea of a
special nature, Ali (Ali himself denied it
too), and his right to the Imamate, and
the idea of ​mediation between God and
Sunnis - "men of truth."
Sunnis recognize the first four caliphs - Abu Bakr,
Umar, Uthman and Ali legitimate successors of
Muhammad (SAS).
Recognize along with the Koran many traditions
(Sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad (SAS)
(Hadith al-Bukhari and Muslim).
1. Hanafis. * Appeared in the century in
Iran. Founder - Muslim theologian Abu
Hanifa, Ibn Nu'mon Sobit (699-767).
2. Maliki - madhhab based Malik ibn Anas
(713-795). This madhhab preferred
standards of early Islam.
3. Shafi - the followers of Muhammad ibn
Idris al-Shafi'i (767-820).
4. Hanbalis - the followers of Imam Ahmad
ibn Hanbal (780-833).
Shiites (Arabic band side) - those who hold
toward Ali, son in law of the Prophet
Muhammad. She appeared in the middle of the
7th century.
Shiism being dogmatic religious doctrine,
fought against the power of the caliphs.
Shiites recognize the authority of Ali and the 12
imams of his generation.
Many Muslim women do not show
their hair in public.
The interior of the Great Mosque of Córdoba,
one of the finest examples of Ummayad
architecture in Spain.
The Taj Mahal was built by Muslim rulers of the
Mughal Empire in Agra, India.
The Sultan Ahmet Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey