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Geosphere Project
Objective: Complete the project to demonstrate a deeper understanding of how the Earth
changes over time. This will be done through researching your notes and creating a model as
further evidence for understanding the processes explained below.
Standard: Evidence from deep probes and seismic waves, reconstructions of historical changes in
Earth’s surface and its magnetic field, and an understanding of physical and chemical processes lead to a
model of Earth with a hot but solid inner core, a liquid outer core, a solid mantle and crust. Motions of
the mantle and its plates occur primarily through thermal convection, which involves the cycling of
matter due to the outward flow of energy from Earth’s interior and gravitational movement of denser
materials toward the interior.
Directions: Read the Rubric below to plan how your group will approach creating your model. You
must use the row ESS2-1 to develop your model. The other two rows ESS2-2 and ESS1-5 are
Extra Credit. They will be graded the same way as ESS2-1. The model that group makes can be
in the form of a poster or a 3-D model of building blocks. Carefully read the requirements for
the information to include in your report. You must use your notebooks, activity worksheets and
handouts to fulfill the requirements. Each person in the group is responsible for knowing all the
requirements written portion. However, you will be qualified on one requirement during the
presentation of your project. Your grade will be given based off of this performance.
Written Presentation Requirements:
1. Evidence of Convergent Boundary Movements must include the claim of how the plates move
and evidence that has been collected in you notes and activities to support your claim. Part of
your evidence must be a 3-D model or diagram of the process being discussed.
2. Evidence of Divergent Boundary Movements must include the claim of how the plates move
and evidence that has been collected in you notes and activities to support your claim. Part of
your evidence must be a 3-D model or diagram of the process being discussed.
3. Evidence of composition through earthquakes must include the claim of how the plates move
and evidence that has been collected in you notes and activities to support your claim. Part of
your evidence must be a 3-D model or diagram of the process being discussed.
4. Evidence of composition through volcanism must include the claim of how the plates move and
evidence that has been collected in you notes and activities to support your claim. Part of your
evidence must be a 3-D model or diagram of the process being discussed.
Written Presentation
Convergent Boundary
Claim: Convergent boundaries move...
They move this way because...
The evidence for this comes from...
Concept Map: Create a concept map of the sequence of events described above. This is just to
get you started. You may add more boxes and you do not need to use all of them.
Convergent boundaries move...
They move this way because...
Divergent Boundary
Claim: Divergent boundaries move...
They move this way because...
The evidence for this comes from...
Concept Map: Create a concept map of the sequence of events described above. This is just to
get you started. You may add more boxes and you do not need to use all of them.
Divergent boundaries move...
They move this way because...
Claim: Earthquakes demonstrate the relationship between plate tectonics and volcanoes by...
The evidence for this comes from...
Concept Map: Create a concept map of the sequence of events described above. This is just to
get you started. You may add more boxes and you do not need to use all of them.
Earthquakes demonstrate the relationship between plate tectonics and volcanoes by...
Claim: Volcanoes are formed through plate tectonics by...
The evidence for this comes from...
Concept Map: Create a concept map of the sequence of events described above. This is just to
get you started. You may add more boxes and you do not need to use all of them.
Volcanoes are formed through plate tectonics by...
Rubric/Scoring Guide
ESS2-1:Develop a model
to illustrate how Earth’s
internal and surface
processes operate at
different spatial and
temporal scales to form
continental and oceanfloor features.
Connections between
Plate Tectonics,
Earthquakes and
The model
structures, such
as, scale/sizes of
continents and
the sea floor.
Few connections
are made to
demonstrate the
relationship of
volcanism and
tectonic plates,
tectonic plates,
such as
convergent and
boundaries and
how they relate
to earthquakes
and volcanoes.
has many errors.
The model
some geographic
structures, such
as, scale/sizes of
continents and
the sea floor.
The model
most geographic
structures, such
as, scale/sizes
of continents
and the sea
Connections are
made to
demonstrate the
tectonic plates,
such as
convergent and
boundaries and
how they relate
to earthquakes
and volcanoes.
has 1 - 2 errors.
The model
demonstrates all
structures, such
as, scale/sizes of
continents and
the sea floor.
connections are
made to
demonstrate the
relationship of
tectonic plates,
such as
convergent and
boundaries and
how they relate
to earthquakes
and volcanoes.
has zero errors.
Connections are
made to
demonstrate the
tectonic plates,
tectonic plates,
such as
convergent and
boundaries and
how they relate
to earthquakes
and volcanoes.
has 2-3 errors.
Convergent Boundary:
1. Convergent boundaries move toward each other.
2. The lithosphere moves over the asthenosphere.
3. An example of this is subduction.
4. The heat from the core heats the mantle causing convection currents
5. These convection currents move the lithosphere over the asthenosphere.
Divergent Boundary:
1. Divergent boundaries move away each other.
2. The lithosphere moves over the asthenosphere.
3. An example of this is sea floor spreading.
4. The heat from the core heats the mantle causing convection currents
5. These convection currents move the lithosphere over the asthenosphere.
6. New crust forms from the material in the mantle/asthenosphere.
1. Earthquakes take place at convergent boundaries.
2. Convergent boundaries are where two plates come together to form a fault.
3. These two plates are under stress.
4. When one plate moves under another, it causes an earthquake.
5. The plate that moves, the lithosphere moves under the asthenosphere of the other plate.
6. The lithosphere gets melted by the mantle/asthenosphere.
7. This material moves up to the surface of the crust.
8. This creates a volcano.
1. Volcanoes are founded near or at convergent boundaries.
2. The lithosphere of one side moves under the lithosphere of the other.
3. The material from the lithosphere is melted by the mantle/asthenosphere.
4. The material rises to the surface and creates a volcano in the crust.
5. The material that is ejected gives scientists a clue as to the composition of the Earth's