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1) Cross-Cultural Psychology 2) This journal is a forum (interdisciplinary) which addresses cultural differences and cross-cultural issues. 3) Since 1970. 4) Thousand Oaks, CA., USA 5) The intended audience appears to be educators, sociologists, psychologists and any other scholar interested in cross-cultural issues. 6) Sage publications.. 7) In Vol. 39, No. 4, there are 13 contributions, three of which are book reviews. 8) It contains abstracts, brief reports, book reviews and commentaries.. 9) Cost is between $29, for individual and $153 for institutional subscription. 10) Individual is $133, and institutional is $832. 11) Yes, both.. 12) No free online contents other than abstracts. 13) It is published every other month. 14) It may be peer reviewed, but only one editor, David R. Matsumoto, is listed as the Sr. editor. 15) Submission guidelines are to follow APA’s guidelines, and submit electronically, or send in manuscript. 16) 1) Emotions in everyday social encounters: Correspondence between culture and self-construal. 2) War exposure, attachment style and moral reasoning. 3) Radius of trust: Social capital in relation to familism and institutional collectivism. 4) Ethnic group differences in affective, behavioral, and cognitive markers of anxiety. 17) This journal appears to be very academically oriented, yet reader friendly. Manuscript submission is easy to understand and uncomplicated—along the lines of most journals that are affiliated with Sage. Most cultural and cross-cultural themes and issues we address at Pacifica would probable be considered—if it was main stream. The journal doesn’t seen to be geared much toward the field of psychotherapy, more directed toward the academic realm.