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The Periodic Table and Elements Review
1.) What did Mendeleev organize elements primarily by when he made his
periodic table?
2.) Potassium, K, has a mass of 39.096 and Argon, Ar, has a mass of 39.944,
which would indicate that that K would become before Ar. However,
Mendeleev switched these around. Why did he do this?
3.) Today, what is used to organize the periodic table?
4.) Why did atomic mass work for most of the elements?
5.) What is the periodic law (given on page 163)?
6.) What are groups or families?
7.) What are periods?
8.) Two approximate diagrams of periodic tables are shown below. Provide
the letter that best describes each statement below:
Metals ________
Nonmetals _________
Metalloids _____
s-block ________
p-block ________
d-block ______
9.) As one goes across a period, does atomic the radius increase or decrease,
and why?
10.) As one goes down the periodic table, does the atomic radius increase or
decrease, and why?
11.) What is meant by ionization energy?
12.) Does ionization energy increase or decrease across a period and why?
13.) Does ionization increase or decrease down a group and why?
14.) Is the second ionization energy higher or lower than the first ionization
15.) The first, second, third, and fourth ionization energies are 578, 1817, 2745,
and 11,577 kJ/mol, respectively. What is probably the charge of an ion of
this element, and why?
16.) What is electron affinity?
17.) What are the alkali metals, what is the charge for them, and why are they
so reactive?
18.) In one of labs we looked investigated the reactivity of aluminum,
magnesium, and calcium by immersing them in water.
What was the order from most to least reactive?
Chemically, how can you explain this order?
19.) What is an alloy?
20.) What is an important advantage of chromium?
21.) What alloy is formed from a mixture of chromium, iron, and nickel?
22.) Chromium comes from the Greek work for color. Because of this, what
material is chromium often used for?
23.) What is iron alloyed with to make steel?
24.) What is a disadvantage of iron?
25.) What is a major use for copper?
26.) There are two important alloys that have copper.
a.) What is formed from the alloy of copper and tin?
b.) What is formed from an alloy of copper and zinc?
27.) Economically, what is the most important element of the Boron group, and
what are some major benefits of this element?
28.) What are two reasons why carbon is very important?
29.) Why is silicon an important element?
30.) What element is most abundant in the air we breathe?
31.) What two elements are important for the bones in our bodies?
32.) What element is the most abundant on Earth?
33.) What is the charge for halogen elements?
34.) What is most noteworthy about the Noble Gases?
35.) What element is most abundant in the universe, and why is it not the most
abundant element on earth?
36.) We performed a lab where we created hydrogen gas. What is an important
property of hydrogen gas?
37.) With the exception of hydrogen and helium, where have most of the
elements formed?
38.) In large stars, elements up to iron, Fe, are formed during the “peaceful” life
of the star. Why do elements more massive than iron not form during this
39.) What is a Type II Supernova?
40.) What are two important things that result from a Type II Supernova?