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The Life of Muhammad (the Prophet)
Research the life of Muhammad. Give a detailed account of Muhammad’s life for the following stages. Use the internet
to find information. Wikipedia is not a credible website so do not use it! Suggestions for good websites are the following:
Early life: Describe Muhammad’s life from childhood to early adulthood. What was his family life like? What was his
socioeconomic status? What did he do for work? (5 sentences minimum)
Family life: Describe Muhammad’s marriage to Khadijah? Why did their marriage make sense from a business
standpoint? What did he give her as a dowry? What happened to all their children with the exception of Fatima? (5
sentences minimum)
Revelations: When did Muhammad first begin to have revelations? According to Muslim belief, whose voice was he
hearing? What was the voice telling him? (5 sentences minimum)
The Hijrah: What was the Hijrah? What was its importance?
Return to Mecca: Describe what happens when Muhammad returns to Mecca in 630 A.D. How long after his return
does Muhammad die?
The 5 Pillars of Islam
Research the 5 pillars of Islam along with other Muslim beliefs and practices.
Part 1 - List and describe each of the 5 pillars of Islam.
Part 2 – Sources of Authority – Research the following questions:
1. What is the holy book for Muslims?
2. What does Sunnah mean in the Islamic religion?
3. What is the shari’a?
4. What is the Dome of the Rock and what is its significance?
5. What is the Ka’aba and what is its significance?
Part 3 – Similarities to Other Major Religions
List 2 ways Islam is similar to Christianity?
List 2 ways Islam is similar to Judaism?
The Spread of Islam
1. What is a caliph?
2. Who were the four rightly guided caliphs and what was their significance?
3. What were the TWO main reasons for the rapid spread of Islam?
A Split in Islam
What causes a split in the Muslim religion?
What are the TWO major branches of Islam?
List two major differences between these branches?
Which branch has the most follower?