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By signing my name, I affirm that this is my own work. I did not copy from anyone, and I did not let anyone copy
from me.
1. Acropolis means _________ ____________ in Greece.
2. The Acropolis in Athens was the location of the __________________, the famous temple of Athena.
3. The ________________ games, a festival in honor of Athena, were held on the Athenian acropolis.
1. This story is narrated by P_________________, leading statesman in Athens in 450BC
2. Every year, Athens honored Athens on her b____________, Every 4 years there was a special festival in her honor called
the P___________ which included a procession. Athens gave the goddess a new r___________.
3. This procession is depicted, carved in stone, in the carvings of the Parthenon f___________.
4. (note) P__________ (who tells what is in the note) gave his artist friend P______________ the job of designing the
5. Look through all sides of the frieze. Choose 3 scenes you think are interesting or important. Either draw them, or describe
them in words. If you use words, use complete sentences.
1. In 480BC, the P__________ destroyed the buildings on top of the Athenian acropolis. Under the leadership of
P__________________, the Athenians decided to rebuild the buildings on the acropolis.
2. click on PARTHENON
a. This was the most important building on the acropolis, a temple built between ____BC & ____BC
dedicated to A_________ P_____________
c. Inside it had a statue of Athena made of i________ and g___________.
d. It had ___ columns on the front and back and _____ columns along each side.
3. Click on the building on the north east. This is the temple of Pandion and Z______ Polieus. It may have been used as a barn
for keeping the sacred _____________ which were to be sacrificed.
4. Click on the Erechtheion. This temple was dedicated to A_________P___________ and P_____________E_______________. It contained the ancient wooden statue of _________________________________ .
It did not follow the usual rules of Greek architecture and it was not s_______________________.
The south wall has special pillars called the Caryatids. What are
5. Click on the Propylaia. The Propylaia was the e____________ to the acropolis and acted as a gateway between the land of
_____________ and the land of ___________________________________.
6. Click on the Bauroneion. This was the temple of A__________ Bauronia. Here A____________ was celebrated as the
protector of p_____________ women. Women brought offering such as
Click on Acropolis-CHALLENGE-build a temple.
1. The “classical period” was ___________ -____________ (click on the note).
2. Greek temples are grouped into two main categories: D_____________ and I________________, recognizable by the
style of their columns. There was one more type of column, called Corinthian, not mentioned here. It had leaves on top.
It was used in Corinth, and later used by the Romans.
Which style of columns did you choose?___________________
How tall were your columns?_______________________
How many columns along the ends and sides?___________________
Building material of main structure?___________________
Building material of the roof?___________________________
How was your temple decorated:______________________________
Pediments (the triangle area on the end):_________________________
Akroteria (decorations on the roof):____________________________
Do you want to carve a new statue of Athena?___________
What materials will your statue be made of?__________________________________
1. Festivals included a p__________, s_____________, and competitions.
2. What types of competitions were there?
3. What type of competition did the festival of Dionysus involve?
1. Outline the program of events of each day of the ancient Olympics. Each day, choose one event from the program of the day
and describe it in more detail.
Program of events
Description of your chosen event:
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4.
Festivals – EXPLORE
1. What were the 3 types of plays?
2. Explain what each of the following was:
VIP seating area
Festivals: CHALLENGE
1. Match each god with his festival. Name and describe the festival
1) Dionysus
2) Zeus
3) Poseidon
4) Athena
5) Apollo
6) Artemis
7) Hera
Go to Story
1. Read through this story several times. This diagram may help you. Go to (good explanation) or (very funny version) if you want to watch something.
Where are the prisoners?
What do they think they are looking at?
What are they really looking at?
What is the meaning of the Allegory of the Cave? How does this allegory relate to Plato’s Theory of Forms? Use
complete sentences.
*** Who am I
1) I questioned people to find the holes or contradictions in their thinking:
2) I am one of the oldest Greek poets. I wrote “The Works and Days” which gives advise for living:
3) Many people believe I was blind:
4) I was the first mathematician to investigate “geometry”:
5) I was a great playwright who is said to have died when an eagle dropped a tortoise on my head.
6) I was the teacher of Alexander the Great:
7) I was a sculptor who wrote a book in which I described the human body:
8) I was a great poet from the island of Lesbos:
9) I wrote fables (stories) with animal characters:
10) I designed the Parthenon and a sanctuary for Demeter:
11) I gave my name to a formula used to calculate the sides of a right triangle:
12) I believed that illnesses were the result of imbalances in the 4 humors:
13) I wrote comedies that poked fun at the Athenian way of life:
14) I was sentenced to death for corrupting the youth and drank hemlock
15) I wrote the “Republic”, in which I described the ideal society:
16) I helped design the Parthenon and the temple of Athena Nike:
17) I wrote 120 plays and won 18 victories at the City Dionysia:
18) I am the sculptor who carved the huge statue of Athena in the Parthenon.
19) I am known as the “father of History”:
20) I was called the most tragic of all playwrights, and wrote plays with very strong female characters:
21) I was a general in the Athenian navy and I wrote a history of the Peloponnesian War.
22) I was elected “strategos” in Athens many times & wanted to make Athens the most impressive city in the world:
1. What were the symptoms of this disease?
2. Briefly explain the diagnosis of each person (they are in order)
Woman with
Man with
Man who
Faith in the gods: man:
used to be
a crook:
1. In what ways were the Greek gods and goddesses like humans?
Woman who
has had
enough of
Old manfollower of
2. Who was the King of the Greek gods?
3. Where did the Greek gods live?
4. What did the Greeks do to honor their gods?
1. We are looking into a large painted bowl that tells the story of a sacrifice. Draw the general shapes you
see inside the bowl. You don’t have to draw every scene. Pick at least one scene in the story and draw it on
the back.
2. Read the story and click on the notes and read them as well.
What was the main thing that happened at a sacrifice?
How did a sacrifice begin?
What did the people wear at the sacrifice?
3. What animals were commonly sacrificed?
How were the animals decorated?
4. What 3 musical instruments are mentioned?
5. What was done with the water in the water jugs brought to the sacrifice?
6. What was the most noble sacrificial animal?
What was the most common sacrificial animal?
7. What is in the basket carried by the story-teller’s aunt? What is hidden in the basket?
Where is the bull led to?
What lay in the center of the altar (not)?
10. What does the priest do with the burning piece of wood from the altar?
What do the people take the nodding of the bull’s head to mean (note)?
12. What do the people do with their handful of grain?
13. What does the priest now do to the bull?
14. What parts of the animal are offered to the goddess?
15. What part of the sacrifice were the gods thought to especially enjoy (note)?
16. What was done with the meat from the animal?
17. According to the story of Prometheus (2nd note), Prometheus made two piles from the sacrificed animal: One pile of
______________ covered by _________________ and one pile of _______________ covered by
_______________________. Zeus who was tricked by Prometheus, chose the _____________________. What
does this tell us about the Greeks and how they viewed their gods, even their chief god Zeus?
Gods and &Goddesses-Explore:
1. _______________: King of the Gods. His symbol was a t__________________. When he was born, his
mother Rhea gave his father Cronus a ____________instead of the baby to swallow. He was raised in a
cave in a mountain on the island of ________________. The ___________ Games were dedicated to him.
2. ________________________: Queen of the Gods. She was the goddess of _________________. One
of her symbols was a __________________. She was very j____________ of the affair of her husband
and took revenge on his g_______ f______________. Soon after Heracles was born, she put
______________ in his crib, but he strangled them. The H______________ was a festival in her
honor, that involved athletic competitions in which only w_________________ were allowed to compete.
3. ____________________: Goddess of war and cunning-wisdom. She is usually shown wearing
a____________. She is associated with the o________(a bird). According to myth, her father Zeus
swallowed her mother, M________, and Athena emerged from her father’s h__________ ! According to
another myth, her gift to the city of Athens was the o____________ tree. The P_________________
was a festival in Athens in her honor.
4. ____________________was the god of the sun, music, poetry, etc. In war, he carried a _________; in
peace he carried a _________. According to one story, the nymph D___________ ran from him, and her
father turned her into a L__________ tree. He and his sister were born on the island of D___________,
The P________ games held at Delphi were in his honor.
5. __________________ was the goddess of fertility and agriculture. According to an important myth, her
daughter P_____________ was kidnapped by Hades and taken to the underworld. The E___________
M___________ were religious rites held in honor, but we don’t know much about them because they were
secret. The T___________ was a festival in her honor that only women could attend.
6. ________________: God of the sea. He carried a t_________, a 3-pronged spear. The I____________
games were athletic competitions in his honor, second only in importance to the Olympic games.
7._________________: Goddess of love. She is often shown with birds, and with E________ the little god of love.
She was born from the s__________ near Cyprus. The A_________ was a festival in honor of her lover Adonis.
8. ______________: god of travelers, etc. He wears a t_________ had, carried a s___________, and
wear’s winged s___________. On the day he was born, he stole Apollo’s c____________. On the third day
of the A_______________, a meal was offered in his honor.
9. ___________________: goddess of hunting. She is also associated with pregnancy and
c_________b_________ even though she had no children of her own. The great temple to her at
E_____________ was one of the 7 wonders of the Ancient World. At the festival of B___________,
young girls dressed up like bears.
10. _________________: god of war. Zeus said he was the most h________ of all his children. Accordin
to myths, he was the lover of A___________. There are few temples of festivals in his honor.
11.________________: god of fire, volcanoes, and metal working. He had a t_________ foot. His mother
H_________ threw him from Mount Olympus because she was disgusted at his imperfection.
12.______________________: god of high spirits, emotions and wine. He was associated with the t________________.
According to a myth, he was captured by p_________, filled their ship with v_______________, and finally turned the
p___________ into d_____________. The Great D_________________ was a festival in his honor in Athens, at which
there was theatre competition among different playwrights.
Gods and Goddesses CHALLENGE-play the game
Draw the symbol associated with each god or goddess: