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From last time…
• Hydrogen atom
• Multi-electron atoms
This week’s honors lecture:
Prof. Brad Christian, “Positron Emission Tomography”
Course evaluations next week
Tues. Prof Montaruli
Thurs. Prof. Rzchowski
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Atomic Quantum number summary
• Hydrogen atom states n, , m , ms 
– n: principle quantum number
• Determines energy
• (n=1, 2, 3…)
– ℓ: orbital quantum
• Magnitude of orbital angular momentum L 
• ℓ=0, 1, 2, … n-1
– mℓ: orbital magnetic quantum number
• Orientation of L Lz  m 
• mℓ = - ℓ, - ℓ + 1, … 0, … ℓ - 1, + ℓ
– ms: spin quantum number
• Orientation
  of S Sz  ms 
• ms=-1/2, +1/2
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Elements in same
column have similar
chemical properties
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Na Optical spectrum
– Ne core = 1s2 2s2 2p6
(closed shell)
– 1 electron outside
closed shell
Na = [Ne]3s1
• Outside (11th) electron
easily excited to other
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
589 nm, 3p -> 3s
• 11 electrons
How do atomic transitions occur?
• How does electron in excited
state decide to make a
• One possibility: spontaneous
• Electron ‘spontaneously’
drops from excited state
– Photon is emitted
‘lifetime’ characterizes average
time for emitting photon.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Another possibility:
Stimulated emission
• Atom in excited state.
• Photon of energy hf=E ‘stimulates’ electron to drop.
Additional photon is emitted,
Same frequency,
in-phase with stimulating photon
One photon in,
two photons out:
light has been amplified
If excited state is ‘metastable’ (long lifetime for spontaneous
emission) stimulated emission dominates
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Light Amplification by
Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Atoms ‘prepared’ in metastable excited states
…waiting for stimulated emission
Called ‘population inversion’
(atoms normally in ground state)
Excited states stimulated to emit photon from a spontaneous
Two photons out, these stimulate other atoms to emit.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Ruby Laser
• Ruby crystal has the atoms which will emit photons
• Flashtube provides energy to put atoms in excited state.
• Spontaneous emission creates photon of correct frequency,
amplified by stimulated emission of excited atoms.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Ruby laser operation
Relaxation to
metastable state
(no photon emission)
3 eV
2 eV
1 eV
Metastable state
Transition by stimulated
emission of photon
Ground state
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Good description of atom
• Hydrogen atom: single electron orbiting
around single positively-charged proton
• Hydrogen atom can be in different quantum
states, corresponding classically to different
• Can also have more than one electron
orbiting around the nucleus.
• # of electrons determines the chemical
properties, and hence the element.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Chap 42: Nuclear Physics
• Nucleus consists of protons and neutrons densely
combined in a small space (~10-14 m)
– Protons have a positive electrical charge
– Neutrons have zero electrical charge (are neutral)
– Neutrons & protons generically called ‘nucleons’
• Spacing between these nucleons is ~ 10-15 m
• Size of electron orbit is 5x10-11 m
• Nucleus is 5,000 times smaller
than the atom!
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Neutrons and Protons
Neutron: zero charge (neutral)
Proton: positive charge
(equal and opposite to electron)
• Zero net charge ->
# protons in nucleus = # electrons orbiting.
• The number of electrons determines which element.
– 1 electron  Hydrogen
– 2 electrons  Helium
– 6 electrons  Carbon
• How many neutrons?
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
# protons
Total # nucleons
• Carbon has
6 protons, 6 electrons (Z=6):
this is what makes it carbon.
• Most common form of carbon has 6 neutrons
in the nucleus. Called 12C
Another form of carbon has
6 protons, 8 neutrons in the nucleus. This is
This is a different ‘isotope’ of carbon
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Hydrogen is the element with one electron.
Which of the following is NOT the nucleus of
an isotope of hydrogen?
A. One proton
B. One proton and one neutron
C. Two protons and one neutron
of hydrogen
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
One proton
Phy208 Lecture 27
One proton
one neutron
One proton
two neutrons
• Isotopes: Nuclei with
– same # protons, but
– different # neutrons
have same chemical properties.
– Both have 6 protons/6 electrons, same outer electron
– So both called carbon
• But have different number of neutrons.
has 12-6 = 6 neutrons
has 14-6 = 8 neutrons
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Heavy Water: deuterium oxide
D2O: two 2H, one 16O bonded together
How much heavier is D2O than H2O?
A. 5 %
$15 / cube!
B. 10%
C. 15%
D. 50%
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Nuclear Force
• So what holds the nucleus together?
• Coulomb force? Gravity?
• Coulomb force only acts on
charged particles
– Repulsive between protons,
and doesn’t affect neutrons at all.
• Gravitational force is much too weak.
Showed before that gravitational force is
much weaker than Coulomb force.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
The Strong Nuclear Force
• New attractive force.
• Dramatically stronger than Coulomb force at
short distances.
• Doesn’t depend on sign of charge.
• This is the ‘strong interaction’, one of the four
fundamental interactions:
electromagnetic interaction
strong interaction
weak interaction
gravitational interaction
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Estimating the strong force
The Coulomb attraction energy (~10 eV) binds the hydrogen
atom together.
Protons in nucleus are 50,000 times closer together than
electron and proton in hydrogen atom.
(Hint: Coulomb energy ~ 1/separation)
Attractive energy must be larger than the Coulomb repulsion,
so nuclear binding energies are at least
A. 5000 eV
B. 500,000 eV
C. 5,000,000 eV
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
This is lower limit.
Experimental binding energy
~ 8 MeV/nucleon
Phy208 Lecture 27
Nuclear masses
• Nuclear masses very accurately measured.
• New unit of measurement
Atomic Mass Unit: 1 u = 1.6605x10-27kg
– Defined so that mass of
is exactly 1 u.
Proton mass
mp =1.0073u
Neutron mass
mN=(1.6749x10-27kg) )(1u/1.6605x10-27kg
mN =1.0087u
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Nuclear masses
protons & neutrons
1.0073 u
Protons & neutrons
bound in He nucleus
1.0073 u
1.0087 u
1.0087 u
4.0320 u
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
4.0015 u
Phy208 Lecture 27
0.0305 u
Binding energy
• Only difference is interaction (strong force)
• Work required to separate the nucleons
E  mc 2
 0.0305 u1.6611027 kg/uc 2 
 0.0305 u931.494 MeV /u
 28.41 MeV  7.1 MeV /nucleon
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Binding energy
• Calculate binding energy from masses
E binding  Zmp  NmN  mnucleusc 2
E binding  ZmH  NmN  matom c 2
Mass of
Hydrogen atom
(1.0078 u)
Mass of atom with
Z protons, N neutrons
Atomic masses well-known-> easier to use
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Ebinding/nucleon ( MeV )
Binding energy/nucleon
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Fission and fusion
• Schematic view of
previous diagram
is most stable
• Move toward lower
energies by fission or
• Energy released
related to difference
in binding energy.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Nuclear fusion
5.06x10-29 kg of mass released as energy when protons
& neutrons combined to form Helium nucleus.
This is the ‘binding’ energy of the nucleus.
E = mc2 = (5.06x10-29 kg)x(3x108 m/s)2 = 4.55x10-12 J
= 28 MeV = 28 million electron volts!
Binding energy/nucleon = 28 MeV / 4 = 7 MeV
Principle of nuclear fusion:
Energy released when ‘manufacturing’ light elements.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
What about different isotopes?
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Stability of nuclei
• Dots are naturally
occurring isotopes.
• Blue shaded region is
isotopes created in the
• Observed nuclei
have ~ N=Z
• Slightly fewer protons
because they cost
Coulomb repulsion
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Radioactive nuclei
~ equal #
neutrons and
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Nuclear spin
• Since nucleus is made of protons and neutrons,
and each has spin, the nucleus also has a spin
(magnetic moment).
• Can be very large.
• Turns out to have a biological application.
• Water is ubiquitous in body,
and hydrogen is major element of water (H2O)
• Nucleus of hydrogen is a single proton.
– Proton has spin 1/2
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Magnetic resonance imaging
80% of the body's atoms are hydrogen atoms,
Once excited by the RF signal, the hydrogens will tend to return to their lower state in a process
called "relaxation" and will re-emit RF radiation at their Larmor frequency. This signal is detected
as a function of time, and then is converted to signal strength as a function of frequency by means
of a Fourier transformation.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Magnetic resonance imaging
MRI detects photon resonance emission and
absorption by the proton spins.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
• Most stable nuclei have about same number of
protons as neutrons.
• If the energy gets too high, nucleus will
spontaneously try to change to lower energy
• Does this by changing nucleons inside the nucleus.
• These nuclear are unstable, and are said to decay.
• They are called radioactive nuclei.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Particles in the nucleus
Can still, however,
get an approximate
description of nucleus
with protons and
• Proton
– Charge +e
– Mass
1.6726x10-27 kg
– Spin 1/2
• Neutron
– Charge 0
– Mass
1.6749x10-27 kg
– Spin 1/2
Both are spin 1/2 particles -> obey Pauli exclusion principle
One particle per quantum state
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Putting nucleons in the nucleus
• proton and neutron states in the nucleus are
quantized. Certain discrete energy levels
available (particle in box)
• Neutrons and protons are Fermions
– 2 protons cannot be in same quantum state
– 2 neutrons cannot be in same quantum state
• But neutron and proton are distinguishable, so
proton and neutron can be in same quantum
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Proton and Neutron states
• Quantum states for nucleons in the nucleus
– Particles in a box
• Proton and neutron can be in the same state
Nucleon quantum states
in the nucleus
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Schematic indicating
neutron & proton can
occupy same state
Populating nucleon states
• Various quantum states for nucleons in the nucleus
• Similar to the hydrogen atom:
one electron in each quantum state.
• Two states at each energy (spin up & spin down)
This is 4He, with
2 neutrons and
2 protons
in the nucleus
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Other helium isotopes
Too few neutrons, ->
protons too close together.
High Coulomb repulsion energy
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Too many neutrons, requires
higher energy states.
Phy208 Lecture 27
Radioactive decay
• Decay usually involves emitting some
particle from the nucleus.
• Generically refer to this as radiation.
• Not necessarily electromagnetic radiation,
but in some cases it can be.
• The radiation often has enough energy to
strip electrons from atoms, or to sometimes
break apart chemical bonds in living cells.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Discovery of radioactivity
• Accidental discovery in 1896
• Henri Becquerel was trying to investigate
x-rays (discovered in 1895 by Roentgen).
• Exposed uranium compound to sunlight, then
placed it on photographic plates
• Believed uranium absorbed sun’s energy
and then emitted it as x-rays.
• On the 26th-27th February, experiment "failed"
because it was overcast in Paris.
• Becquerel developed plates anyway,
finding strong images,
• Proved uranium emitted radiation without an
external source of energy.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Detecting radiation
• A Geiger counter
• Radiation ionizes (removes electrons) atoms
in the counter
Leaves negative
electrons and
positive ions.
Ions attracted to
current flow is
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Radioactive tracers
Worked on radioactivity
as student with Ernest Rutherford.
Lodged in nearby boarding home.
Suspected his landlady was serving meals later in the
week ‘recycled’ from the Sunday meat pie. His
landlady denied this!
deHevesy described his first foray
into nuclear medicine:
“The coming Sunday in an unguarded moment I
added some radioactive deposit [lead-212] to the
freshly prepared pie and on the following Wednesday,
with the aid of an electroscope, I demonstrated to the
landlady the presence of the active deposit in the soufflé.”
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
George de Hevesy
Energy of nucleus
• Nucleons attracted by nuclear force,
so more nucleons give more attractive force.
– This lowers the energy.
• But more nucleons mean occupying higher
quantum states, so higher energy required.
• Tradeoff gives observed nuclear
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Stable and Unstable Isotopes
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
• The nucleus of a helium atom consists of two
protons and two neutrons.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Different nuclear configurations
Lower energy
Higher energy
Tendency toward
equal #
protons & neutrons
Nucleus with only protons:
high energy states
must be occupied.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Nucleus with protons and neutrons:
don’t need to occupy higher
energy states
Phy208 Lecture 27
Comparing the ‘old’ and ‘new’
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
What is this nuclear force?
• Modern view is that all forces arise from an
exchange of particles.
• Coulomb force is the
exchange of photons that have zero mass
• Strong nuclear force is the
exchange of a particle with mass.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
EM force and Strong Force
Electromagnetic force
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Strong nuclear force
(approximate view)
Phy208 Lecture 27
Nucleons are not fundamental
• We now know that
protons and neutrons
are not fundamental
• They are composed
of quarks, which
interact by
exchanging gluons.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
The ‘new’ nuclear force
• Strong force is actually between
quarks in the nucleons.
• Quarks exchange gluons.
• Most of the strong force glues
quarks into protons and neutrons.
• But a fraction of this force leaks
out, binding protons and neutrons
into atomic nuclei
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
What makes a nucleus stable?
• A nucleus with lower energy is more stable.
• This is a general physical principle,
that systems tend to their lowest energy
– e.g. water flows downhill
– Ball drops to the ground
– Hydrogen atom will be in its ground state
• Same is true of nucleus
• Observed internal configuration
is that with the lowest energy.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
• Stable nuclei have about the same
number of protons and neutrons.
Neutrons are somewhat favored
because of the electric repulsion
between protons.
• If the ratio of protons to neutrons
gets too far off-balance, a nucleus
will spontaneously transform itself
into another nucleus with a better
balanced ratio by emitting , , 
particles (2p2n, electrons, photons).
Marie Curie,
Nobel prizes in
physics, chemistry
Stability of nuclei
• Dots are naturally occurring
• Blue shaded region is isotopes
created in the laboratory.
• Observed nuclei
have ~ N=Z
• Slightly fewer protons because
they cost Coulomb repulsion
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Stable and Unstable Isotopes
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Binding energy of different nuclei
Fusion vs. fission 1)
• Schematic view of
previous diagram
is most stable
• Move toward lower
energies by fission or
a nucleus
A nucleon made up of
interacting quarks.
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
A nucleus of several nucleons,
with their interacting quarks
Phy208 Lecture 27
Four fundamental forces
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Nucleus bound very tightly
• To change properties of nucleus, need much
larger energies than to change electronic states.
• Properties of nucleus that might change are
– Exciting nucleus to higher internal energy state
– Breaking nuclei apart
– Fusing nuclei together.
• Required high energies
provided by impact of high-energy…
…protons, electrons, photons, other nuclei
• High energies produced in an accelerator facility
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Nuclear Binding Energy
• Mass of nucleus is less than
mass of isolated constituents!
• Helium nucleus energy < energy isolated nucleons.
• Energy difference is
binding energy.
2 protons &
2 neutrons
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Nuclear binding energy
has a mass of 12.00000 u (1 u = 1.661x10-27 kg)
‘Missing mass’ in He case is
4.0320 u
 4.0015 u
0.0305 u = 5.06x10-29 kg
The corresponding energy is
E  mc 2
 0.0305 u1.6611027 kg/uc 2 
 0.0305 u931.494 MeV /u
 28.41 MeV  7.1 MeV /nucleon
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Nucleus properties
• Experimentally,
– radius of nucleus r = roA1/3 (A=mass # = # nucleons)
– says that volume V proportional to A.
– says that nucleon density is constant
• Nuclear matter is ~ incompressible
– More nucleons -> larger nucleus
– Nucleons ~ same distance apart in all nuclei
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Tritum is an isotope of hydrogen with three
total nucleons: two neutrons and one
proton. How many electrons does it have?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
One electron
One proton
two neutrons
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27
Even stronger
• Electron / nucleus bound by Coulomb attraction.
Strength ~10 eV.
• Protons in nucleus 50,000 times nearer.
Coulomb repulsion ~500,000 eV = 0.5 MeV
• Nuclear force must be much stronger than this.
• Experimentally,
nucleons bound by ~ 8 MeV / nucleon
(8,000,000 eV / nucleon)
Thur. Dec 6, 2007
Phy208 Lecture 27