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Electricity vs. Magnetism
+ and Electric field, E caused
by electric charges,
stationary or in motion
Like charges repel;
unlike charges attract
Electric charges can be
North and South
Magnetic field, B
caused by electric
charges in motion
Like poles repel; unlike
poles attract
Magnetic poles cannot
be isolated
Magnetic field lines
Draw magnetic field lines around a
Outside the magnet: mfl move from the north
pole to the south pole.
Inside the magnet: mfl move from the south
pole to the north pole.
• Electric current produces magnetic field. An
electromagnet is a current-carrying coil of
wire with many loops
The Right-Hand Rule
If the wire is grasped
in the right hand
with the thumb in
the direction of the
current, the fingers
will curl in the
direction of magnetic
A currentcarrying coil of
wire with many
loops is an
Magnetic Field due to the electric
Magnetic Field due to the electric
Magnetic Field inside a Solenoid
A coil of several closely spaced loops is called
a solenoid.
• Electromagnetism
• Materials list: D-cell battery, insulated wire,
nail, compass
• Use the compass to determine whether the
nail is magnetized.
• Next, flip the battery so that the direction of
the current is reversed.
• Again bring the compass toward the same
part of the nail.
symbols of magnetic field
A currentcarrying coil of
wire with many
loops is an
Right-hand rule practice
Electric Field
Magnetic force (Fmagnetic)
• A charge moving through a magnetic field
experiences a force.
• Fmagnetic = qvB
q is the magnitude of charge. (C)
v is the speed of charge. (m/s)
B is the strength of magnetic field. Tesla (T)
1 T is the magnetic field strength in which a charge of 1 C experiences
1 N of force when it moves at the speed of 1 m/s.
direction of magnetic force
• To determine the direction of the
force, use the right-hand rule.
• Place your fingers in the direction of
B with your thumb pointing in the
direction of v.
• The magnetic force on a positive
charge is directed out of the palm of
your hand.
Right-hand rule practice
A charge moving
through a magnetic
field follows a circular
• An electron moving north at 4.5 x 104 m/s
enters a 1.0 mT magnetic filed pointed
• a. what is the magnitude and direction of the
force exerted on the electron?
• b. what would the force be if the particle were
a proton?
• c. what would the force be if the particle were
a neutron?
• a. 7.2 x 10-18 N west
• b. 7.2 x 10-18 N east
• c. 0.0 N
• A proton moves perpendicularly to a magnetic
field that has a magnitude of 4.20 x 10-2 T.
What is the speed of the particle if the
magnitude of the magnetic force on it is 2.40 x
10-14 N?
• 3.57 x 106 m/s
Force on a current-carrying
conductor perpendicular to
a magnetic field is
proportional to magnetic
field, current and length of
F magnetic = BIl
B is the strength of magnetic field. Tesla (T)
I is the current. (A)
l is the length of the wire (m)
• A 4.5 m wire carries a current of 12.5 A from
north to south. If the magnetic force on the
wire due to a uniform magnetic field is 1.1 x
103 N downward, what is the magnitude and
direction of the magnetic field?
• 2.0 x 101 T, to the west
• Pages 782 and 783
• Questions 26, 30, 33, 34 and 41.