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Scanning jet nanolithograph
and the operation method thereof
The invention relates to a scanning jet nanolithograph and to the operation
method thereof comprising one or several nozzles used for producing one or
several jets of a chemically or physically active agent which forms an image on a
substrate or carries out the profile cutting of a processed material. A nozzle is
embodied in the form of an optical resonator and is made of an optically
transparent nanometer-sized capillary, into wall of which a narrow band light
radiation is introduced via a convergent light guide. The inventive method
consists in producing a heterogeneous light pressure of one or several light
sources on a jet with the aid of light pressure electrical modulation, thereby
enabling said jet to carry out a three-dimensional scanning thorough the
substrate whose size ranges from 1 to 10 cm 2. The light radiation interruption
interrupts the jet. A topological image application process is controllable directly
in a real-time mode of a production process by using a wide aperture optical
system for collecting the light radiation obtained by the contact of the jet with an
object and by converting said light radiation into a computer-processable
electrical signal. The time for applying a one-layer image to 1 cm2 with a
resolving capacity of 7.25x14.5 nm is equal to 1.5 min.
Field of the invention.
The invention relates to the field of manufacturing
equipment for electronic industry and can be used in production of integrated
circuits with nanoscaled elements, and can simultaneously realize operation of
control of nanolithography process and contour cutting of materials forming
atomic smooth surfaces.
Background of the invention. Today lithographic installations with resolution
65-100 nm are known to be used in electronic industry for mainstream production
of planar very large-scale integration having 107-108 active elements (transistors)
per crystal. Such resolution is obtained due to using excimer laser ArF with
wavelength 193 nm, phase-contrast transparent patterns and special
photoresists [1]. Wave nature of processes and possibility of parallel transfer of
the whole figure of integrated circuit or its part leads to fact that photolithography
will be used until exhausting of its potentialities. Further decreasing of laser
wavelength meets with problem of existence in nature necessary optically
transparent materials for photomasks. That fact force one to change the
refracting optics to reflecting one, and instead of sources of electromagnetic
radiation use electron or ion beams.
Today there are four ways to obtain integrated circuits with resolution less
than 65 nm. They are extreme ultra violet lithography (EUVL), electron projection
lithography (SCALPEL), Х-ray lithography and ion beam lithography. Attempts to
improve serial near ultraviolet 193 nm lithography by immersion method allowed
to reach fundamental limit for this technology, namely 45 nm (“ASML”
TWINSCAN XT:1700i). X-ray lithography uses electrons with high energy more
than 100 eV that decreases the resolution because of high-energy secondary
electrons. For the time present only EUVL is considered to be suitable for serial
production with resolution equal 6.5 – 35 nm. But EUVL has very high energy
losses, because of low efficiency of transformation of electrical energy in extreme
ultraviolet and high losses in reflection optics system. Other causes of energy
losses are presented in table 1.
Table 1. Levels of electrical and optical power in different units EUVL
nanolithography at productivity corresponding to one of modern scanner/stepper
ASML (TWINSCAN AT:1200 B) and to resist sensitivity 5mJ/cm2 [1].
Exposure power
100 substrate/h
(300nm), W
power at a
surface, W
power from a
2M 9.8
4M 23
6M 55 4341027
8M 130
power** kW
Total electrical
*Loss of time between exposures is 50%, all power values increase in 10 times
because loss of time at scanning,** conversion ratio =2%,, ***laser efficiency
Parallel projecting lithography technologies such as electron and ion beam
lithography with use of wide beam face the difficulties with emissive or
transparent pattern that is practically cannot be solve at manufacture level. Such
a pattern contains small figure (fragment) and allows transferring it at a time.
Thus the pattern has to be transparent for electron or ion beam. There are
extremely complicated and expensive devices and technologies today (for
example, SCALPEL, the width of transparent electron pattern is about 100 nm)
that can exposure more or less modern super large scale integration circuit in
acceptable time. Sequential electron and ion beam lithography with use of narrow
scanning beam is good only for forming master pattern for EUVL because of low
Thus, without creation of a cheap powerful ultraviolet radiation source in
wavelength range 13.5 nm a solution of a problem of serial EUVL production with
reasonable productivity is impossible. According to the forecasts, in the whole
firm operating such work cycle, can cost tens billions of dollars. All this pushes to
look for new ways and methods of nanolithography
One of the ways is the proposal of the HP corporation to use not photo
methods, but imprint lithography methods with the help of nanomatrix [2]. Both
photo methods and the imprint methods are parallel ones of storage and transfer
of a giga- or terabit amounts of information. There was no alternative before
appearance of powerful computers that can store the same amounts of
information in the form of topology of an integrated circuit. At the same time the
problem of defects of an “electronic mask” and its impurity during technological
operations is completely eliminated. At that the prime cost of manufacturing of
electronic masks itself falls a million times and is commensurable with the cost of
DVD matrix. The computer plays a role of virtual absolutely clean rooms. It also
reduces the cost of a technological route by the cost of creation of clean rooms of
the high class.
Consider the sequential nanolithography methods suitable for producing of
quantum size electronic devises with extreme achievable operating parameters.
Take into account that developing of lithographic technology with resolution less
than 7.25 nm has no physical sense, since in work [3] was shown that in order to
obtain low voltage (0.2-0.3 V) single-electron transistors the distance between
conductors should be not less than 7.25 nm.
The main unit of sequential nanotechnological apparatuses is nanoreactor
where the local physicochemical processes in nanometer range under influence
of probe energy take place. The probe itself scans sequentially (line by line) a
surface. The scanning is realized by either magnetic field in the case of utilizing
of nanometer electronic or ion beams or mechanically as scanning microscopes
STM, AFM, or as a scanning optical nearfield microscope (SNOM).
Utilizing of electronic or ion beams for scanning allows to obtain a large field
of view up to square centimeters. Theoretically the resolution of such beam is
determined by a de Broigle wavelength of particle. For example, the 150 eV
electron gives 0.1 nm resolution. But in practice the achieved by scanning
electron microscopy resolution is only 5-10 nm and is reached at electron beam
energy 100 keV. It is due to that electronic and the ion beams represent
“gaseous” jets with high Coulomb repulsive forces, that do not allow to achieve
high density of a beam. The difficulty of such beams focusing results in
impossibility to create a high current in beam (that is low brightness), and
therefore low efficiency takes place. Besides that because of a carrier’s
accumulation the activity with them needs an electro-conductive substrate. Thus,
because of low efficiency, more than hour, the scanning with the help electronic
and ion beams in nanolithography can be used only for manufacturing of master
templates. Moreover, the high energy of focused electrons leads to considerable
destruction of used materials that limits spatial resolution of method. Advantage
is the capability of direct observation and control the process of manufacturing of
template in different power ranges with the help of secondary electrons or
Usage of methods of a scanning tunnel microscopy for nanolithography
allows receiving bright enough (high-current) electron sources for realizing of
local chemical reactions and for receiving high resolution less than 0.1 nm. But
here there are other problems. In essence, the chemical reactions performs
sequentially with separate atoms or molecules and the time of each reacting is
10-8 –10-9 seconds. And the creation of one pixel of a figure with the size
14.5×14.5 nm takes 210-4 seconds. Then the process of scanning only 1 cm 2
with number of pixels 4.71011 takes some months of continuous work. Because
of usage of mechanical systems of scanning on piezoceramic the view area is
measured only in 10-100 µm2. Besides because of a mechanical hysteresis of
piezoceramic it is impossible to return a probe needle of a microscope to original
point, that causes a problem of adjustment. The similar problems have AFM and
SNOM. Moreover the control in these systems is realized after manufacturing of
a topological figure, that considerably complicates and elongates all process.
As it follows from said above, there is a number of problems for sequential
ways of a nanolithography, which should be solved to make possible the creation
of the serial apparatus.
In this invention conjugation of wide known principles of operation of
following devices is used as prototypes: jet printer, that forms the figure with the
help of ink drops while scanning the page, scanning electron microscope, that
scans by narrow electron beam along large area, the device for electrical control
of spatial structure of narrow-band light beams. But these devices are not
suitable for nanolithography.
Summary of the Invention. The aim of scanning jet nanolithography invention is
the increase of scanning area up to 1-10 cm2 with increase of productivity to 1-10
min per producing of one topological figure layer of integrated circuit with
resolution no less than 7.25 nm and realization of observing and control of
manufacture process in real time during manufacturing.
One possible solution is using liquid jets of a few nanometers in
diameter [4-5]. However numerical calculation of nanojet motion in the work
[5] shows that jets at their way out from capillary widen and break along the
distance, that makes their use being difficult at long distance. Moreover it is
difficult to form nanojet consisting of chemically active substance preventing
walls of nozzle from chemical reactions. Covering with aurum does not give
proper efficiency [5].
To form non-breaking at 10 cm distance from nozzle liquid nanojet and able
to scan an area of 1-10 cm2 one should take into consideration all factors that
affect a nanojet at its motion in capillary and exit to vacuum [6].
Under atmosphere pressure a nano-scale bubbles appear in liquid [7]. They
are called “bubbles stabilized by ions” or bubstone, and have diameter 3-10 nm
and concentration 1012 per cm3. Motion of bubbles can cause non-stationary
effects, namely jet decay and cavitational processes on the substrate surface at
jet hitting point. That can result in uncontrolled processes and defects while
creating topological figure. Capillary pressure in bubstone is defined by
relationship P   / 2 rb , where  is surface tension coefficient and rb is a
bubstone radius. For example, for water under normal conditions this pressure
equals P= 1.57 MPa, and then at increasing of external pressure to about 1.6
MPa the bubstones disappears. Therefore to form homogeneous jet it is
necessary to apply correspondence pressure that is enough for bubstones to be
eliminated [8].
The stability condition of a jet at an exit of a capillary can be derived from
ratio of surface tension coefficient  to dynamical viscosity . The critical speed
of dielectric liquid when its flow is still laminar does not exceed v cr   /  . It
equals for water 72 m/s. Experiments show that it is possible to form long stable
jet only with speed below critical one [9]. In work [4] the jet speed under
consideration was 400 m/s that greater that critical speed. That is the main
reason that the jet was unstable.
The process of topological figure creating implies either application of a
substance on a substrate or etching the substrate itself. And for drawing a pattern
is a need to wide class of material, for example, conductors, semiconductors,
dielectrics. For etching one should use chemically active substances that are
special for each substrate material. Thus it is necessary to find a way to prevent
chemically active substance from touching a capillary walls.
Taking into account factors described above that affect the nanojet while it
moves in capillary and at the exit to vacuum we propose the following method of
nanojet creation [6].
The liquid under pressure when said bubstones collapse is injected into
hollow core convergent fiber made from melted quartz glass. The convergent
fiber allows light energy to be concentrated in a zone of liquid activation
namely in capillary nozzle. The laser light is introduced into the glass core of
fiber and creates radiation pressure on liquid substance preventing it from
contacting the walls. In work [10] the ways of formation of laser beams with
given spatial and phase structure are shown.
The fiber is covered with aluminum film in order to confine the light in
the fiber. Radiation pressure is determined by absorption of atoms of resonance
photons and can be estimated as momentum transferred from photons flux with
density N in unit time to atoms: F  Nk , where k  2  /  is one photon
momentum,    is resonance photon absorption cross section,  is light
wavelength. At saturation the radiation pressure force does not depend on
intensity and determined by spontaneous decay rate. For typical values of
spontaneous decay rate about 10-8
value is F  5 10-3 eV/cm. For standing wave the radiation pressure is due to
interaction between spatial inhomogeneous light field and induced atomic dipole
momentum. Maximal force value is F  Ekd , where d is atomic dipole moment.
Fore values of d1 D, 0,6µm, E106 V/cm, the force is reach very high value F
 5 102 eV/cm. Therefore using dipole-radiation force is more convenient. If one
exited in resonator two or more standing waves with detuning, by changing this
detuning one can control atom motion direction. That allows the jet to be able to
scan a substrate.
One may use any hydrocarbon as operating substance. By breaking the
chemical C—H bond one forms radicals that are very chemically active. The
breaking of this bond needs 4.28 eV per a bond, with the radiation of 289 nm
wavelength. One can use as light source a semiconductor laser with second
harmonic generation or regime of two-photon molecule excitation to reduce a
device cost. Such radiation serves namely to repel a molecule from the wall
and to create radicals. It is better to localize such process at the narrow end
of the fiber. The speed of the jet should be selected in such a way that
molecules have time to absorb the photon, but can not react with other
molecules. For absorption time 10 -9 to 10-8 sec of order and for presented
configuration the jet speed equals 10 to 100 m/sec but it should not exceed
the critical velocity when the flow stops to be laminar. The laser light power
enough to break most of C—H bonds can reach 10 6 – 10 7 W/cm 2. The
pressure of such radiation equals 5 GPa and does not exceed the fiber
breaking strength at stretching.
At exit of nanojet from the nozzle the surface tension and possibly together
with radial force due to recoil momentums of photons, reradiated by molecules,
create spatially steady jet. The time control of jet can be performed by changing
duration of a laser pulse. The natural gate executes a capillary pressure of a
liquid drop at the exit of the nozzle Ps  2 / rs , where rs is radius of the nozzle.
For example, for water assuming rs=7.25 nm the capillary pressure on the edge
of the nozzle is Ps20 MPa.
The field in near wave band at the exit of the fiber will prevent the
divergence of nanojet. To realize the spatial scanning a substrate by nanojet it is
necessary to use two or four lasers with small frequency detuning. Thanks to
phase and amplitude modulation it is possible to form nonsymmetrical field
deflecting the jet.
The essence of the invention is the following. According to one variant
of invention Scanning jet nanolithograph comprises electrically controlled narrow
band sources of optical radiation and one ore more nozzles for creation of
controlled jet from chemically and/or physically active substance. The jet forms a
figure on a substrate and/or realize profile cutting of processed material. Nozzle
is optical resonator. It is made from optically transparent capillary, walls of which
are provided for introducing an electrically controlled narrow band optical
radiation. Nozzle length is divisible by half wavelength of optical radiation, and
wavelength value should provide maximally symmetrical and/or nonsymmetrical
radiation pressure on flushed through capillary substance. External size of a
nozzle is not less than wavelength of used radiation.
In this invention flushed through capillary substance can be in gas, liquid,
radical, plasma state or its combination. Inner profile of nozzle capillary has
adjusted form or in the simplest case is realized with inner diameter no less than
5 nm.
Capillary is convergent to nozzle and is coated by light reflecting coating
except inner part of nozzle that is optical resonator. Interaction between optical
radiation and substance takes place within nozzle (resonator).
In order to realize technological operations the possibility for relative
displacement at least one nozzle and substrate is provided in nanolithograph.
Method of operation of scanning jet nanolithograph is spatial control of jet,
that is realized with the help of radiation pressure on a jet within a capillary of
nozzle. That results in given jet deflection from central axis at the exit of capillary
of nozzle. Interruption of the radiation pressure in time it is possible to set jet
length and make it in the form of drops. It increase stability of jet in the near of
critical speeds.
One of method of operating the scanning nanolithograph is that nonhomogenous radiation pressure on jet in capillary is formed due to spatial phase
and amplitude modulation of optical radiation from at least one electrically
controlled narrow band source.
Other method of operating the scanning nanolithograph comprise in
possibility of by breaking of jet by switching off radiation pressure in time. In order
to prevent a capillary from blocking by cluster formation of liquid (bubstones) the
pressure of introduced in capillary liquid should exceed pressure of bubstone
formation for the liquid. But liquid pressure should be lower than capillary
pressure at the exit of the nozzle, in order to the jet motion be interrupted when
optical radiation is switched off.
One more method of operating the scanning nanolithograph is that that at
cutting of processed material spatial control of a process is realized at least both
by optical control of a jet or jets, and by mechanical displacement of processed
material and/or nozzle or nozzles.
Different variant of invention the nanolithograph is that the additional wideangle optical system with detectors for collecting of optical radiation within the
range from infrared to ultraviolet originated in zone of contact between a jet and
an object is built-in in device.
The method of operating the device is that the wide-angle optical system
with detectors for collecting of optical radiation within the range from infrared to
ultraviolet originated in zone of contact between a jet and an object with posterior
conversion of it into electrical signal for computer processing is used for control
the process of formation of topological figure on a substrate or the process of
cutting of processed material.
The list of figures specified on the drawings
Fig.1. Scheme of scanning jet nanolithograph.
Fig.2. Structure of capillary nozzle.
Fig.3. Scheme of cutting of silicon boule with nanojets.
Fig.4. Scheme of atomic grinding and drawing of monolayers at creation of
ultraviolet reflective optics with nanojets.
Brief description of the drawings
On Fig.1 the scheme of scanning jet nanolithograph is represented. Here
1 - reservoir with liquid under pressure. The liquid comes through convergent
fiber 2 to nozzle, that forms nanoscaled jet 3. At the same time two optical
signals, formed by electrically controlled narrow-band source of radiation 6,7 are
supplied to the nozzle by waveguides 4,5. By electrical modulation of optical
signals from sources 6,7 the spatially non-homogenous electromagnetic field is
formed at the end of nozzle, that realize precise spatial scan of the jet 3 in xy
plane along a substrate. The substrate is placed on mechanically movable table
9 that realize less accurate displacement in the plane xy. The jet 3 realize etching
and/or drawing of a lithographic figure on the substrate 8. Lithographic process
control is realized in different spectral range of secondary electromagnetic and
acoustic radiation. The signal appears in zone of contact between the substrate
and the jet as the result of mechanical impact and passing of chemical reactions.
The optical signal within the range from infrared to ultraviolet is detected by
reflective optics 10 and corresponding to this range detector 11 or in optical
range by wide-angle optical system 12 and corresponding detector 13. To detect
acoustic signal one use acoustic converter 14 acoustically joined with the
substrate, signal of which is detected by acoustic detector 15. Information from
detectors is processed by computer and displayed on monitor.
On Fig.2 the structure of capillary nozzle is represented. Here the
formation of the jet 16 in zone of capillary of the nozzle 17 is shown. Nozzle 17 is
optical resonator, which length is divisible by half wavelength of optical radiation
introduced in the walls of capillary. Optical radiation put uniform radiation
pressure on the jet 16 that moves the substance of jet away from walls of the
nozzle 17 and forms an insulating from the walls gap 18. Convergent optically
transparent capillary 19 is coated by metallic reflecting coating that at the same
tome realize chemical protection of capillary. Modulated optical radiation 21,22
and active substance under pressure 23 are introduced into the capillary.
On Fig.3 scheme of cutting of silicon boule with nanojets is represented.
Here jets from active substance are directed on processed material 26 with the
help of parallel set of capillary nozzles 24. Silicon boule, glass etc. can serve as
processed material. The substance of the jet is chosen to realize etching of the
processed material forming only gaseous waste. For elimination of vibrations the
processed material 26 is placed on gas blanket 28 at special profile table 27. Gas
blanket 28 is produce driving torque.
On Fig.4. scheme of atomic grinding and drawing of monolayers at
creation of ultraviolet reflective optics with nanojets is represented. Here with the
help of a set of nozzles 29 the jets from different active substances are
consequently supplied for profile processing of the substrate 30. First one
realizes the etching, then of atomic grinding and drawing of atomic layers.
Embodiment of the invention. The claimed invention opens a prospect an
opportunity of increasing of scan area to 1-10 cm2 with increasing the productivity
of producing of one layer of topological figure with extreme resolution 5-7 nm to
1-10 min. At the same time there is a possibility for observing and control the
manufacture process in real time.
Bur there is the question whether present technologies can be used for
production of offered jet nanolithograph and whether it will be profitable for
mainstream production of integrated circuits with extreme resolution 5-7 nm.
Consider possibilities of technical realization.
Let us calculate the possible productivity of nanojet nanolithography
apparatus. Let us set jet speed to be 50 m/s, its diameter – 14.5 nm, distance
between elements of topological figure equal 7.25 nm. The topological figure is
represent lines of 1 cm in length and 14.5 nm in width and distance between lines
of 7.25 nm. Then the maximum density of pixels of 14.5 nm in size is 3.171011
per cm2. Maximum modulation frequency of a jet is 3.45109 Hz, maximum
frequency of lines in frame 4,6105 Hz. Time of drawing is 1.5 min per cm2. Then
a silicon plate with diameter 30 cm will be treated during 17 hours.
The processing rate for existing serial apparatus of 65 nm lithography
Twinscan XT:1250 is 114 plates per hour.
Taking into account that our resolution is ten times higher, the density of
elements is hundred times higher. If one compare the number of elements on a
surface the productivity of our apparatus in 20 times lower. The number of
processing plate decreased in about 2000 times. But the prime cost of apparatus
is in 20-100 times lower than of today ones.
Advantages of offered nanolithograph:
 Absence of photo-template, the template is saved in computer memory.
 Reducing of the number of technological operations of putting a
photoresist on a substrate.
 Reducing of the number of control operations at technological route.
 Reducing of human element because of reducing of route length.
 Reducing of area of ultra-pure room.
 Reducing of the number of layers on a substrate by simplifying the
elements base.
 Great reducing of prime cost of apparatus in comparison with EUVL
 Possibility of creating of master template for EUVL apparatus.
 Possibility of creating of master template for imprint lithography.
 Possibility of using apparatus as high resolution microscope for observing
dielectric and conductive objects without their destruction.
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1. Scanning jet nanolithograph comprising electrically controlled narrow band
sources of optical radiation and one ore more nozzles for creation of
controlled jet from chemically and/or physically active substance forming a
figure on a substrate and/or realizing profile cutting of processed material
characterised in that nozzle is optical resonator and is made from optically
transparent capillary, walls of which are provided for introducing electrically
controlled narrow band optical radiation, and the nozzle length is divisible by
half wavelength of optical radiation, and wavelength value should provide
maximally symmetrical and/or nonsymmetrical radiation pressure on flushed
through capillary substance, external size of a nozzle is not less than
wavelength of used radiation.
2. The device according to claim 1, characterised in that substance flushed
through capillary can be in gas, liquid, radical, plasma state or its
3. The device according to claim 1, characterised in that inner profile of nozzle
capillary has adjusted form.
4. The device according to any claims 1-3, characterised in that optically
transparent capillary is realized with inner diameter no less than 5 nm.
5. The device according to any claims 1-4, characterised in that optically
transparent capillary is convergent to a nozzle and is coated by light reflecting
coating except inner part of a capillary of the nozzle.
6. The device according to any claims 1-5, characterised in that the device is
realized with possibility of relative displacement of at least one nozzle and
7. The method of operating the device according to any claims 1-7,
characterised in that spatial control of a jet is realized by creation in a capillary
of the nozzle of a non-homogenous radiation pressure on a jet, resulting in
given deflection of the jet from the central axis at the exit of capillary of the
nozzle and/or by interruption of radiation pressure in time.
8. The method of operating the device according to claim 7, characterised in that
non-homogenous radiation pressure on a jet in a capillary is created due to
spatial phase or amplitude shift of optical radiation from at least one
electrically controlled narrow band source.
9. The method for operating the device according to any claims 7,8,
characterised in that spatial breaking of a jet is realized by switching off the
optical radiation.
10. The method for operating the device according to any claims 7-9,
characterised in that pressure of introducing in a capillary liquid is chosen to
be greater than pressure of bubstone formation for the liquid but lower than
capillary pressure at the exit of the nozzle.
11. The method for operating the device according to any claims 7-10,
characterised in that at cutting of processed material spatial control of a
process is realized at least both by optical control of a jet or jets, and by
mechanical displacement of processed material and/or nozzle or nozzles.
12. The device according to any claims 1-6, characterised in comprising
additional wide-angle optical system with detectors for collecting of optical
radiation within the range from infrared to ultraviolet emitted from a zone of
contact between a jet and an object.
13. The method for operating the device according to any claims 7-10 and 12,
characterised in that the wide-angle optical system with detectors for
collecting of optical radiation within the range from infrared to ultraviolet
emitted from a zone of contact between a jet and an object with posterior
conversion of it into electrical signal for computer processing is used for
control the process of formation of topological figure on a substrate or the
process of cutting of processed material.