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Name ____________________________________________ Date ______ Period _____
Topic _______________________________________________ CH 6 SEC 2
1. What kinds of changes did Rome experience after the Punic Wars?
2. What types of problems did small farmers have?
3. The urban poor made up a group that totaled about _______ of Roman Society.
4. While wealthy Romans became corrupted by ____________ and
______________, discontent arose among the ____________.
5. What was a latifundia? _______________________________________________
6. Who were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus?
7. Some senators felt _____________________ by the bill.
8. How did Tiberius die?
9. Who took Tiberius’ place in the Roman Senate? ___________________________
Reforms for the poor
10. What was Gaius most visionary piece of legislation?
11. Gaius Gracchus' supporters held an angry mass ____________________.
12. The consul Lucius Opimius (Gracchus biggest _________) proceeded to
Aventine Hill to restore ____________.
13. Why did Lucius attack Gracchus’ supporters?
Death of Gaius
14. What were Tiberius and his brother known for?
15. _________________ in the army had led to the rise of politically powerful
__________________ leaders.
16. It now was possible for a ________________ supported by his own troops to take
over by ____________.
17. Supporters fought a bloody _________________ that lasted _____years.
18. The war ended with __________ being named _________________.
19. Who was Julius Caesar?
20. What was the Triumvirate? ___________________________________________
21. Where is ancient Gaul? ______________________________________________
22. Caesar’s ____________ in Gaul made him very _______________ with the
people of Rome.
23. Who was Caesar’s rival? _____________________________________________
24. Caesar’s troops ________________ Pompey’s armies in Greece, Asia, Spain, and
25. Julius Caesar was name _______________________________.
26. What were the changes Caesar made as the dictator of Rome?
27. Why did the senators dislike Caesar?
28. Why did Calpurnia not want her husband to go the Senate?
29. How did Caesar die?
30. What were Caesar’s famous last words? _________________________________
31. Who became ruler of Julius Caesar? ____________________________________
32. Who was Cicero? ___________________________________________________
33. What happened with the second Triumvirate?
34. Who were Mark Antony and Cleopatra?
35. What did Octavian accuse Mark Antony of?
Mark Antony and Cleopatra Die
36. What did Octavian change his name to and what does it mean?
37. What was the Pax Romana? __________________________________________
38. How big was the Roman Empire? ____________________________________
39. Why was the ‘denarius’ successful?
40. What was the Silk Road?
41. What was one way that Roman culture spread?
42. How is Augustus remembered?
43. What did he do to his daughter, Julia? ___________________________________
44. Even though some of the following rulers were crazy and unstable (Caligula and
Nero), the _______________ set up by Augustus proved to be _______________.
45. Crisis or ______________________was always a possibility when an emperor
46. What problem did the 5 good emperors solve?
47. Whose death marked the end of the Pax Romana?