* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
ABCS 207: PRINCIPLES OF EVOLUTION COURSE GOALS • To explain the principles of evolution and give students a good foundation in understanding biological phenomena and the application of evolutionary theory to economic development LEARNING OUTCOMES • At the end of the course students would have received adequate knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts that would enable them to interpret biological data and observations and reasoning in biology. Reading List • Ridley, M. (1993). Evolution. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc. • Futuyma, D. J. (1986). Evolutionary Biology. 2nd Ed. Sinauer Associates, Inc • Keeton, W. T. and Gould, J. L. (1993). Biological Science. 5th Ed. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc • Gould, S. J. (2002). The Structure of Evolutionary Theory. Belknap Harvard • Newson, L. and Richerson, P. (2021). A Story of Us: A New Look at Human Evolution. Oxford University Press. LECTURE SCHEDULE Week Topic Comments DR MILLICENT COBBLAH 1 Introduction and Pre-course assessment To shape future lectures 2 Terms, definitions, terminologies and the concept of life To enable understanding of terms during the course 3 Pre-Darwinian evolution and Darwin's Theory of Evolution Quiz 4 • Revision of Darwin's Theory - Synthetic Theory of Evolution. • • • Species concepts Provide factual basis of evolution. To understand the importance of species in biodiversity conservation. 5 Processes and patterns of evolution To explain where life’s diversity come from 6 Documentary on Charles Darwin: The tree of life It summarises the course so far 7 Interim Assessment To assess students understanding of course so far 8 PROF. ROSINA KYEREMATEN Evolution - The Evidence Demonstrate the available data in support of evolution 9 Application of evolutionary principles in agriculture Importance of understanding the principles for development 10 Application evolutionary principles in health & conservation & other areas Importance of understanding the principles for development 11 Introduction to human evolution &Strategies for adaptation and survival in humans 12 Strategies for adaptation and survival in non-humans 13 Interim assessment Final test as part of continuous assessment as required EVOLUTION • Evolution in the broadest sense means change – galaxies, languages, political systems all change/evolve • Biological/Organic Evolution Genetic change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcends the lifetime of a single individual • Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations EVOLUTION • Individual organisms do not evolve • The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are inheritable • Biological evolution may be slight or substantial • Evolution is an ‘unrolling’ i.e. species change with time • Evolution can occur through emigration or immigration Creationism • This is the religious belief that nature, and aspects such as the universe, Earth, life, and humans, originated with supernatural acts of divine creation. • In its broadest sense, creationism includes a continuum of religious views, which vary in their acceptance or rejection of scientific explanations such as evolution that describe the origin and development of natural phenomena Humanity Biological species Young Earth creationism Directly created by God. Intelligent design Theistic evolution (evolutionary creationism Age of Universe Less than 10,000 years old. Reshaped by global flood. Less than 10,000 years old, but some hold this view only for our Solar System. Scientifically accepted age. Reshaped by global flood. Scientifically accepted age. Scientifically accepted age. Directly created by God. Macroevolution does not occur. Gap creationism Progressive creationism Earth Directly created by God, based on primate anatomy. Direct creation + evolution. No single common ancestor. Scientifically accepted age. No global flood. Proponents hold various beliefs. Divine intervention at some point in the past, as evidenced by what intelligent-design creationists call "irreducible complexity." Some adherents accept common descent, others do not. Some claim the existence of Earth is the result of divine Scientifically accepted age. intervention. Evolution from primates. Evolution from single common ancestor. Scientifically accepted age. No global flood. Scientifically accepted age. EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE All organisms have descended with modification from common ancestors Evident in: • fossil records • geographical distribution of species, • comparative anatomy and embryology • vestigial structures • modification of domesticated organisms EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE The Fossil Record • The only direct evidence of evolutionary history • Shows ancestral intermediates • Specimens are usually considered to be fossils if they are over 10,000 years old. • The oldest fossils are around 3.48 billion years old to 4.1 billion years old. EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE The Fossil Record • Fossil remains found in the sedimentary rocks deposited in ages past give glimpses of the ancestry of living organisms • The earliest archaeological record of human agriculture eg. is about 12,000 years old – <1/8000 of the time since Tyrannosaurus rex, though in the time frame of evolution T. rex was a late comer EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE The Fossil Record • Whole communities of organisms quite different from those of today have arisen and perished since the days of the dinosaurs: • • • • continents have moved, sea levels have risen and dropped, climates have changed, glaciers have scoured the continents etc. • The enormous changes in both the physical and biotic environment have occurred continually for billions of years EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE • Organisms are fossilized only under exceptionally favorable conditions, or unless they occupy habitats such as swamps or estuaries where their remains can be buried in sediments • Sediments become compacted into rock and persist without metamorphosis or erosion for millions of years. • Strata can be assigned to geological periods or stages within periods on the basis of their fossil content. • Radioactive decay has made it possible to obtain absolute ages of rocks EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE • Radioactive dating is based on the constant rate of decay of unstable parent nuclides into daughter nuclides • Eg. half the potassium-40 nuclides incorporated into a rock during its formation will decay to argon-40 in 1300 million years – the ratio of parent to daughter nuclides measures the age of the rock – estimation procedure has an error of a few percent • The oldest rocks on earth have been radiometrically dated at 3.8 billion years EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE • The earliest fossil indication of life is in South African rocks dated at 3.4 - 3.1 billion years old • – contains forms that resemble bacteria including Cyanobacteria (blue-green bacteria or “algae”) and Stromatolites (mound-like structures still formed by cyanobacteria in Australia) • The first complex, multicellular animals known as the Ediacaran fauna are dated at about 640Myr B.P. • – included traces of burrows and tracks and a number of softbodied animals (annelid worms, coelenterates and soft –bodies arthropods) EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE • The environment in which organisms have evolved has undergone vast changes – astronomical influences, dynamics of the earth itself and the activities of organisms have all played a role • The arrangement of the seas and land masses have changed over time due to plate tectonics FOSSILS FOSSILS – 130my dinasaur FOSSILS FOSSILS Fossils – 518my Sea Creature Fossils – Phytosaur: 200my EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE Geographical Distribution of Species –Biogeography • Explains how species and higher taxa are distributed as they are and why the biota varies from one region to another • Although a few species are virtually cosmopolitan, the geographic range of every species is limited to varying degrees – most higher taxa are endemic or restricted to particular geographic regions. Eg. Polar bear EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE Biogeography • Biogeography is important as a branch of geography that sheds light on the natural habitats around the world. • It is also essential in understanding why species are in their present locations and in developing and protecting the world's natural habitats. EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE Historical Biogeography • Distribution of species is the consequence of past events such as continental drift – explains why some groups and not others occur in a certain geoegraphical area/region • Also known as paleobiogeography - studies the past distributions of species. EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE Historical Biogeography • It looks at their evolutionary history and past climate change for eg. to determine why a certain species may have developed in a particular area. • Eg. the historical approach would say there are more species in the tropics than at high latitudes because the tropics experienced less severe climate change during glacial periods • led to fewer extinctions and more stable populations over time. EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE Historical Biogeography • Paleobiogeography includes plate tectonics. This type of research uses fossils to show the movement of species across space via moving continental plates. • Paleobiogeography also takes varying climate as a result of the physical land being in different places into account for the presence of different plants and animals. EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE Ecological Biogeography • Ecological biogeography looks at the current /contemporary factors responsible for the distribution of plants and animals. • The most common fields of research within ecological biogeography are climatic equability, primary productivity, and habitat heterogeneity (distribution of habitats). • It explains the local distribution of groups in a geographical area/region EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE Ecological Biogeography • Climatic equability looks at the variation between daily and annual temperatures. • It is harder to survive in areas with high variation between day and night and seasonal temperatures. • Because of this, there are fewer species at high latitudes because more adaptations are needed to be able to survive there. EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE Ecological Biogeography • In contrast, the tropics have a steadier climate with fewer variations in temperature. • This means plants eg. do not need to spend their energy on being dormant and then regenerating their leaves and/or flowers, they do not need a flowering season, and they do not need to adapt to extreme hot or cold conditions. Tree in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE Ecological Biogeography • Habitat heterogeneity leads to the presence of more biodiversity (a greater number of species present). Conservation Biogeography • This is the protection and/or restoration of nature and its flora and fauna. EVOLUTION – THE EVIDENCE • Environment cannot account for either similarity or dissimilarity, since similar environments can harbor entirely different species groups • "Affinity" (=similarity) of groups on the same continent (or sea) is closer than between continents (or seas) • Geographical barriers usually divide these different groups, and there is a correlation between degree of difference and rate of migration or ability to disperse across the barriers –mountain ranges, edges of deserts Evolution – The Evidence • Disjunct locations/distribution for the same extant species: Good evidence for creation? (Evolution proposes Single Centers for the origins of species, so Discontinuous Distributions need to be explained) Eg. Africa, Australia and South America all have lungfishes and ratite birds • Many difficulties remain to be solved, esp. the very distinct, but distantly related forms in the Southern hemisphere (e.g., marsupial versus placental mammals) Evolution – The Evidence Disjunct locations/distribution for the same extant species: The Mammal Placentals and Their Related Marsupials The Tapir Tapirus terrestris (South American) and Tapirus indicus (Malayan ) Evolution – The Evidence • Four species of Tapir are sparse and extremely fragmented with most distribution in southern America (3 species) and one species in Malaya and Sumatra. • Malayan tapir: Malaya and Sumatra (Formerly: Burma and parts of Thailand) • Baird's tapir: Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, southern Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Republic of Panama • Lowland tapir: Broadest range of the 4 species: Most South American rain forests • Mountain tapir: High elevations in Andean regions of Columbia, Ecuador and Peru Evolution – The Evidence • Fresh water distributions Because freshwater is isolated, one might expect restricted ranges; but this is not the case (in fact, they often have distributions even broader than terrestrials): How is this explained? 1. Distribution of Fish 2. Distribution of Shellfish (molluscs) 3. Distribution of Plants (often very wide ranges) Evolution – The Evidence Evolution – The Evidence Evolution – The Evidence • Distribution of species on oceanic islands Darwin considered this evidence as especially strong in its support of descent with modification A. The total number of species on oceanic islands is small compared to the number on an equal area of continent B. Proportion of endemic species is very high C. Endemic species often possess characters that are adaptive elsewhere, but are useless characters on the island D. Endemic species often show (new) adaptive traits not possessed by any of their relatives Zoogeographic Regions Causes of Geographical Distributions • Dispersal – a taxon’s distribution and present range can be achieved by dispersal from the region from which it originally evolved • Vicariance – the existing distribution of a taxon or group may arise from a formerly continuous distribution that has become fragmented by some external factor such as the separation of one landmass or body of water into two, such that members of this biota become separated and evolve differently Evolution – The Evidence Comparative Anatomy and Embryology • Early evolutionist such as Lamarck used comparative anatomy to determine relationships between species. • Organisms with similar structures, they argued, must have acquired these traits from a common ancestor. • Today, comparative anatomy can serve as the first line of reasoning in determining the relatedness of species. • However, there are many hidden dangers that make it necessary to support evidence from comparative anatomy with evidence from other fields of study. Evolution – The Evidence • A major problem in determining evolutionary relationships based on comparative anatomy can be seen when we look at a commonly found structure: the wing. • Wings are present in a number of very different groups of organisms - birds, bats and insects all have wings, but what does this say about how closely related the three groups are? • It is tempting to say that the three groups must have had a common winged ancestor. Evolution – The Evidence • This is however not true - the wings of bats and birds are both derived from the forelimb of a common, probably wingless, ancestor. • Both have wings with bone structures similar to the forelimbs of ancestral and current tetrapod or fourlegged, animals. • Such traits that are derived from a trait found in a common ancestor are called homologous traits. Evolution – The Evidence • All tetrapods have a pentadactyle (5-digit) limb structure. The fore limb of a bird, human, whale and bats are all constructed from the same bones even though they perform different functions Evolution – The Evidence • Structurally speaking, though, the wings of bats and birds have little in common with those of insects. • Bird wings and insect wings are an analogous trait, or a trait that has developed independently in two groups of organisms from unrelated ancestral traits. Convergence Evolution – The Evidence Embryology • Another difficulty in comparing traits between species rests on the fact that homologous structures not present in the adult organism often do appear in some stage of embryonic development. • In this way, the embryo serves as a microcosm for evolution, passing through many of the stages of evolution to produce the current state of the organism. • Species that bear little resemblance in their adult form may have strikingly similar embryonic stages. Evolution – The Evidence • For example, in humans, the embryo passes through a stage in which it has gill structures like those of the fish from which all terrestrial animals evolved. • For a large portion of its development the human embryo also possesses a tail, much like those of our close primate relatives. Vestigial Structures • Structures and characteristics found in existing species that have no known function • Provide evidence of common ancestry • As species evolve, their structures change • The structure/organ is adapted for a new use eg. Penguins • The structure/organ will no longer have a use eg. Whale pelvis/snake feet Vestigial Structures Amphiuma Evolution – The Evidence • This tail is usually reabsorbed before birth, but occasionally children are born with the ancestral structure intact. • Tails and even gills could be considered homologous traits between humans and primates or humans and fish, even though they are not present in the adult organism. IMPORTANCE OF EVOLUTION • Evolution plays an important role not only for present day humans but all living things today. • To understand the importance of evolution, we must gather some understanding of the meaning of evolution. Application Of Evolutionary Principles To Agriculture • Through genetic engineering and artificial selection, the principles of evolution are used in agriculture for breeding crops and animals with desirable features to help solve the problem of food security Application Of Evolutionary Principles To Agriculture • As agriculture developed, the environment of the agricultural field has become increasingly differentiated from that of the natural environments in which plants and animals originally evolved. Application Of Evolutionary Principles To Agriculture Similarly for animals: • domestication created a more predictable environment with increased resource availability during harsh times and • protection from predators, • but increased threats from contagious diseases, • all subtly influencing the evolutionary make-up of our livestock. Application Of Evolutionary Principles To Agriculture • Over the last few thousand years, domestication, selection and hybridisation, both unconscious and conscious, have also led to significant changes in the appearance of plants and animals and their nutritional value. • Examples are seen in virtually all plant and animal species that are farmed. (A)The tomato self pruning (sp) mutant (right) has a compact ‘determinate’ growth habit with a burst of flowering and fruit production (inset) compared to the continuous ‘indeterminate’ vine-like growth of classical cultivars (left) and their wild ancestors (B) Similar benefits for soybean came from mutations in the orthologous gene (determinate stem, dt1) (C) The cotton sp mutant (Gbsp) has determinate shoots that result in the ‘clustered boll’ trait. All three mutants provide shorter stature with multiple agronomic adaptations. Application Of Evolutionary Principles To Agriculture • Extensive selection in farmyard fowls (chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys), and in pigs, sheep and cattle have given rise to very many distinctive breeds that differ in milk production, flesh texture and flavour, and obvious appearance, as well as in less obvious traits, such as patterns of social behaviour. Belgian Blue Cow Application Of Evolutionary Principles To Agriculture • In horticulture, this diversity is often highly prized in the form of different varieties that are preserved for subtle variations in flavour, texture or simply appearance • Eg. in potato, tomato, apple Application Of Evolutionary Principles To Agriculture • Extensive agriculture has also seen similar major changes that have resulted in significant increases in yield and productivity. • The emergence of modern high-yielding hybrid maize from its close relative teosinte, and the subsequent application of a number of induced mutations and the introduction of an F1 hybrid system. Discovery of new stem cell pathway indicates route to much higher yields The two maize varieties on the left combine to produce a high-yielding hybrid, center (B73/W22); hybrids grown from "weak alleles" of the FEA3 gene yield ears with significantly higher yields (the two ears on the right). Application Of Evolutionary Principles To Agriculture Application Of Evolutionary Principles To Agriculture Biotechnology • Biotechnology has progressed to creating things that do not exist in nature. • However, even these advances have some connection with evolutionary biology. • An example is the use of the most profuse tools in biotechnology— using enzymes to splice pieces of DNA at particular locations. Application Of Evolutionary Principles To Agriculture • These are the basis for what has been made possible through molecular evolution through the second half of the 20th century. • These enzymes used to splice DNA for our own purposes actually evolved in bacteria to protect them from attacks by viruses. Application Of Evolutionary Principles To Agriculture • Splicing enzymes—enzymes that cut DNA in particular places—are formidable weapons that natural selection evolved in bacteria to protect them from viral attacks. • Work very nicely because those enzymes can recognize the viral host DNA as distinct from bacterial DNA. • Molecular biologists have discovered this little class of enzymes, and are now using them for all sorts of interesting science Application Of Evolutionary Principles To Medicine Medicine • Rapid evolution of viruses has led to emerging diseases like H1N1 "swine flu" and HIV AIDS and the novelle SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19) that threaten human health. • Evolution has also led to antibiotic resistance in some bacteria. • Knowledge in evolution has helped scientists identify lifesaving drugs. Importance of Evolution • For instance, the Pacific Yew tree was once the only source of taxol, a remarkable drug used to fight cancers of the lung, ovaries and breast. • This endangered tree grows very slowly - 4 to 6 trees would be destroyed to produce just one dose of taxol. • The evolutionary history of the Yew tree was used to trace other trees in its family line, discovering taxol-like compounds in more common trees. • This helped scientists find a replacement to the tree, thus increasing the supply of taxol to cancer patients. Importance of Evolution Education • The study of evolution helps to make teaching in certain areas/fields of science such as embryology and genetics easier and less difficult. • It also helps to make understanding of these subject areas easier. Other areas • Software engineering basically uses genetic algorithms (simple codes which evolve by mutating themselves), this process was borrowed from evolutionary biologists. • Forensics interprets and analyse DNA evidence in forensic cases and this depends on the principles of evolution. HUMAN EVOLUTION • This is the process by which human beings developed on Earth from now-extinct primates. • Zoologically, humans are Homo sapiens, a culturebearing, upright-walking species that lives on the ground and very likely first evolved in Africa about 315,000 years ago. HUMAN EVOLUTION • We are now the only living members of what many zoologists refer to as the human tribe Hominini • There is abundant fossil evidence to indicate that we were preceded for millions of years by other hominins, such as Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, and other species of Homo, and that our species also lived for a time contemporaneously with at least one other member of our genus, H. neanderthalensis (the Neanderthals). HUMAN EVOLUTION • We and our predecessors have always shared Earth with other ape-like primates, from the modernday gorilla to the long-extinct Dryopithecus. • That we and the extinct hominins are somehow related and that we and the apes, both living and extinct, are also somehow related is accepted by anthropologists and biologists everywhere. • Yet the exact nature of our evolutionary relationships has been the subject of debate and investigation since the great British naturalist Charles Darwin published his monumental books On the Origin of Species (1859) and The Descent of Man (1871). HUMAN EVOLUTION • Darwin never claimed, that “man was descended from the apes,” and modern scientists would view such a statement as a useless simplification—just as they would dismiss any popular notions that a certain extinct species is the “missing link” between humans and the apes. • There is theoretically, however, a common ancestor that existed millions of years ago. HUMAN EVOLUTION • This ancestral species does not constitute a “missing link” along a lineage but rather a node for divergence into separate lineages. • This ancient primate has not been identified and may never be known with certainty, because fossil relationships are unclear even within the human lineage, which is more recent. HUMAN EVOLUTION • The human “family tree” may be better described as a “family bush,” within which it is impossible to connect a full chronological series of species, leading to Homo sapiens, that experts can agree upon. HUMAN EVOLUTION HUMAN EVOLUTION • The trove of fossils from Africa and Eurasia indicates that, unlike today, more than one species of our family has lived at the same time for most of human history. • The nature of specific fossil specimens and species can be accurately described, as can the location where they were found and the period of time when they lived; • But questions of how species lived and why they might have either died out or evolved into other species can only be addressed by formulating scenarios, albeit scientifically informed ones. HUMAN EVOLUTION • These scenarios are based on contextual information gleaned from localities where the fossils were collected. • In devising such scenarios and filling in the human family bush, researchers must consult a large and diverse array of fossils, • They must also employ refined excavation methods and records, geochemical dating techniques, and data from other specialized fields such as genetics, ecology and paleoecology, and ethology (animal behaviour) — in short, all the tools of the multidisciplinary science of paleoanthropology. HUMAN EVOLUTION HUMAN EVOLUTION • It is generally agreed that the taproot of the human family shrub is to be found among apelike species of the Middle Miocene Epoch (roughly 16–11.6 mya) or Late Miocene Epoch (11.6–5.3 mya). • Genetic data based on molecular clock estimates support a Late Miocene ancestry. • Various Eurasian and African Miocene primates have been advocated as possible ancestors to the early hominins, which came on the scene during the Pliocene Epoch (5.3– 2.6 mya). HUMAN EVOLUTION Though there is no consensus among experts, the primates suggested include: • Kenyapithecus, • Griphopithecus, • Dryopithecus, • Graecopithecus (Ouranopithecus), • Samburupithecus, • Sahelanthropus, and Orrorin. HUMAN EVOLUTION • Kenyapithecus inhabited Kenya and Griphopithecus lived in central Europe and Turkey from about 16– 14 mya. • Dryopithecus is best known from western and central Europe, where it lived from 13 to possibly 8 mya. • Graecopithecus lived in northern and southern Greece about 9 mya, at roughly the same time as Samburupithecus in northern Kenya. HUMAN EVOLUTION • Sahelanthropus inhabited Chad between 7 and 6 million years ago. • Orrorin was from central Kenya 6 mya. • Among these, the most likely ancestor of great apes and humans may be either Kenyapithecus or Griphopithecus. The Divergence of Humans and Great Apes from a Common Ancestor. HUMAN EVOLUTION • Results of some molecular studies, show chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans to be more closely related to one another than any of them is to gorillas • Orangutans (Pongo) are more distantly related. HUMAN EVOLUTION • The Miocene Epoch was characterized by major global climatic changes that led to more seasonal conditions with increasingly colder winters north of the Equator. • By the Late Miocene, in many regions inhabited by apelike primates, evergreen broad-leaved forests were replaced by open woodlands, shrublands, grasslands, and mosaic habitats, sometimes with denser-canopied forests bordering lakes, rivers, and streams. HUMAN EVOLUTION • Such diverse environments stimulated novel adaptations involving locomotion in many types of animals, including primates. • In addition, there were a larger variety and greater numbers of antelope, pigs, monkeys, giraffes, elephants, and other animals for adventurous hominins to scavenge and perhaps kill. HUMAN EVOLUTION • But large cats, dogs, and hyenas also flourished in the new environments; they not only would provide meat for scavenging hominins but also would compete with and probably prey upon them. • Ancestors of humans were not strictly or even heavily carnivorous. • Their diet relied on tough, abrasive vegetation, including seeds, stems, nuts, fruits, leaves, and tubers, evidenced by primate remains bearing large premolar and molar teeth with thick enamel. HUMAN EVOLUTION • Behaviour and morphology associated with locomotion also responded to the shift from arboreal to terrestrial life. • The development of bipedalism enabled hominins to establish new niches in forests, closed woodlands, open woodlands, and even more open areas over a span of at least 4.5 million years. • Indeed, obligate terrestrial bipedalism (that is, the ability and necessity of walking only on the lower limbs) is the defining trait required for classification in the human tribe, Hominini. HUMAN EVOLUTION • Bipedalism is not unique to humans, though our particular form of it is. • Whereas most other mammalian bipeds hop or waddle, we stride. • H. sapiens is the only mammal that is adapted exclusively to bipedal striding. HUMAN EVOLUTION • Unlike most other mammalian orders, the primates have hind-limb-dominated locomotion. • Accordingly, human bipedalism is a natural development from the basic arboreal primate body plan, in which the hind limbs are used to move about and sitting upright is common during feeding and rest. HUMAN EVOLUTION • Human feet are distinct from those of apes and monkeys. • This is not surprising, since in humans the feet must support and propel the entire body on their own instead of sharing the load with the forelimbs. • In humans the heel is very robust, and the great toe is permanently aligned with the four diminutive lateral toes. HUMAN EVOLUTION • Unlike other primate feet, which have a mobile midfoot, the human foot possesses (if not requires) a stable arch to give it strength. • Accordingly, human footprints are unique and are readily distinguished from those of other animals. The Fossil Evidence • By 3.5 million years ago at least one hominin species, Au. afarensis, was an adept walker. • In addition to anatomic evidence from this time, there is also a 27.5-metre (90-foot) trackway produced by three individuals who walked at a leisurely pace on moist volcanic ash at Laetoli in northern Tanzania. The Fossil Evidence • In all observable features of foot shape and walking pattern, they are astonishingly similar to those of habitually barefoot people who live in the tropics today. • Nevertheless, although the feet of the Laetoli hominins appear to be strikingly human, one should not assume that other parts of their bodies were as similar to ours. A trail of footprints, probably left by Australopithecus afarensis individuals some 3.5 million years ago, at Laetoli, northern Tanzania. Hominid Fossil Excavation Sites Australopith Fossil Locations Approximate time ranges of sites yielding australopith fossils. Cranial Capacity of Members of the Human Lineage Relative Cranial Capacity Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis) Hominid Evolution