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Portsmouth Physical Society
Neutrinos – the Ghosts of
Physicist of the Year
Dec. 9th, 2011
Prof. Dave Wark, FRS
Imperial College London
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
What are neutrinos, anyway?
• The black sheep of
the building blocks
of matter.
• There are three of
• They interact only
weakly with normal
Let’s not forget the Higgs…
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
Surface: 2 km
1000 tonnes D2O
Phototube Support
Structure (PSUP)
Acrylic Vessel
104 8” PMTs
6500 tonnes H2O
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
The Universe passed through
a period of the very high
energy density early in the
Big Bang
Matter was produced via
reactions like g+gp+p
According to the known laws
of physics, this should have
produced almost equal
quantities of matter and antimatter.
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
It didn’t….
Neutrino oscillations are one
place where these new laws
of physics could be seen.
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
F ebrua ry , 2004
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
The Super-Kamiokande
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Neutrino Oscillations
T2K ne Appearance Data Reduction
All cuts optimized for low statistics
and fixed before data taken.
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL
Portsmouth Physical Society
Dave Wark
Imperial College/RAL