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Final review outline
Unit 0 scientific method/experiment
1. Be able to identify dependent variable, independent variable, and control variable
2. Know how to write a hypothesis (If… then… because…)
Unit 1
1. Atom structure: electron, proton, and neutron, atomic number, atomic mass. (Charges,
2. Chemical bond: covalent bond, ionic bond, and hydrogen bond (How to form certain bonds).
Polar and non-polar covalent bond
3. Bohr and Lewis diagram
4. Properties of water
5. Organic and inorganic molecules: the differences
Functional groups (5 types, structure and name)
6. Biomolecules (monomer, dimer, hydrolysis, and dehydration reaction)
Carbohydrate: basic chemical formula, functions
Structure of glucose
Three different types of polysaccharides: their structure and differences
Lipid: functions and properties of lipid
a. Fatty acid: saturated and unsaturated fatty acid
b. Triglycerides (structure of Glycerol): functions
c. Phospholipids: function
d. Steroids: basic structure, and examples of steroids
Protein: structure of amino acid, function of protein, peptide bond
Different level structure of protein
Protein synthesis: transcription and translation
Enzyme: function of enzyme, how does the enzyme work, examples of how enzyme do in
Nucleic acid: two different types, and the functions, structure of Nucleotides
Structure of DNA (base pairing and antiparallel)
Unit 2
1. Characteristic of living things and cell theory
2. Cell structure: all the cell organelles’ functions and structures
3. Cellular respiration: three steps of cellular (input and output of the three steps), the chemical
equation of the cellular respiration
Aerobic and anaerobic
4. Mitosis: interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis (what happened for each phase), the relationship
between mitosis and cancer, check points
5. Cell transports: structure of cell membrane, function of cell membrane, what is homeostasis.
Passive transport: the name of the three types passive transport, the similarities and
differences between those three transports, and how do they work
Active transport: the name of the three types active transport, be able to describe how do
they work.
Know the different between active and passive transport.
Unit 3
1. Photosynthesis:
The chemical equation of the photosynthesis
Be able to describe what happen during each step of the photosynthesis (input and
Why most plants are green?
Why photosynthesis is important?
2. Plant structure
Level of organizations (9 levels)
Two parts of the plant: root system and shoots system
Root system: two different types of root system, functions of the root
Stem: the definition and functions of stem, be able to identify node, internode, and bud.
Leaves: function of leaf, five basic parts of the leaves (Cuticle, Epidermis, Mesophyll
(palisade and spongy), Stomates, Veins)
Special tissue:
o Epidermal/dermal tissue, functions
o Vascular tissue
o Ground Tissue
Flower structure: male and female reproduction organ (name for each part)
3. Gas exchange
Which part of the leaf will affect the gas exchange?
How the water and nutrient transport in plant? Be able to explain how the water or
nutrients moves
How geotropism and Phototropism affect the plant growth
Know the different between Monocots VS. Dicots