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What are we learning?
Classification of animals
Characteristics of animals
The major animal groups
Why are we learning this?
The study of animals is essential to the understanding of life on Earth. Animals are one of
the many branches of earth’s life.
Classification: The tree of life
There are 3 domains of life on Earth: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya (Eukaryotes)
Which domain is the animal kingdom in?
What other kingdoms are also in this domain?
Plants, Fungi - and some other groups that are not plants, fungus or animals.
Animals include mammals, insects, birds, fish and more.
Characteristics of animals. They are
● Multicellular – animals are made of many cells.
● Differentiated, by having cells turn into separate tissues.
* except for the simplest animals, e.g. sea sponges.
Images from
● Eukaryotic – cells have a nucleus and many organelles.
Each organelle has its own job.
● Animals cells have flexible membranes (lipid bilayers)
(only plants and bacteria have rigid cell walls)
● Have a body plan that becomes
fixed as they develop.
● Are motile – they can move, as
opposed to plants, which can’t move.
● Heterotrophs – they must eat other organisms for sustenance.
(contrast with autotrophs, which make their own food)
Classification of animals into groups
Vertebrates: animals with a backbone
Includes birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles (*), fish.
Invertebrates: animals without a backbone
Coelenterata – comb jellies, coral animals, true jellies (“jellyfish),
sea anemones, etc.
Flatworms – Planarians, flukes and tapeworms
Annelids – over 17,000 species including ragworms, earthworms, and leeches.
Mollusks – clams, oysters, octopuses, squid, snails
Arthropods – millipedes, centipedes, insects, spiders, scorpions, crabs,
lobsters, shrimp
Arachnids – 100,000 species of spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, etc.
Crustacean – 17,000 species of crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill and
Insects – over a million different species!
Myriapoda – Over 13,000 species of centipedes and millipedes
Sea sponges (not shown on the diagram above)
What are we learning?
______________________________ of animals
______________________________ of animals
The major animal groups
Why are we learning this?
The study of animals is essential to the understanding of life on Earth. Animals are one of
the many branches of earth’s life.
Classification: The tree of life
There are _______________________on Earth: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya
Which domain is the animal kingdom in?
What other kingdoms are also in this domain? ____________________________
Animals include mammals, _______________________________________
Characteristics of animals. They are
● ___________________________ – animals are made of many cells.
● ________________________, by having cells turn into separate tissues.
* except for the simplest animals, e.g. sea sponges.
Images from
● _______________________ – cells have a nucleus and many organelles.
Each _________________ has its own job.
● Animals cells have __________________________ (lipid bilayers)
(only ___________________________________ have rigid cell walls)
● Have a body plan
_ as they develop.
● Are ______________ – they can
move, as opposed to plants, which
can’t move.
● ________________________ – they must eat other organisms for sustenance.
(contrast with autotrophs, which make their own __________)
Classification of animals into groups
___________________: animals with a backbone
Includes birds, mammals, amphibians, _____________________
_____________________: animals without a backbone
Coelenterata – comb jellies, coral animals, __________________(“jellyfish),
sea _________________, etc.
Flatworms – Planarians, flukes and __________________
Annelids – 17,000 species including ragworms, ________________ and leeches.
Mollusks – clams, oysters, octopuses, __________________________
Arthropods – millipedes, _______________________________, scorpions,
crabs, lobsters, shrimp
Arachnids – 100,000 species of spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, etc.
_________________ – 17,000 species of crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill
and barnacles.
Insects – over a million different species!
Myriapoda – Over 13,000 species of centipedes and millipedes
_________________ (not shown on the diagram above)
Learning Standards
Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework
Life Science (Biology), Grades 6–8.
Classify organisms into the currently recognized kingdoms according to characteristics that
they share. Be familiar with organisms from each kingdom.
Biology, High School
5.2 Describe species as reproductively distinct groups of organisms. Recognize that species
are further classified into a hierarchical taxonomic system (kingdom, phylum, class, order,
family, genus, species) based on morphological, behavioral, and molecular similarities.
Benchmarks for Science Literacy, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Students should begin to extend their attention from external anatomy to internal structures
and functions. Patterns of development may be brought in to further illustrate similarities and
differences among organisms. Also, they should move from their invented classification
systems to those used in modern biology… A classification system is a framework created by
scientists for describing the vast diversity of organisms, indicating the degree of relatedness
between organisms, and framing research questions.
SAT Biology Subject Area Test
Evolution and diversity: Origin of life, evidence of evolution, patterns of evolution, natural
selection, speciation, classification and diversity of organisms.
Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science, National Academy Press (1998)
Biological classifications are based on how organisms are related. Organisms are classified
into a hierarchy of groups and subgroups based on similarities which reflect their evolutionary
relationships. Species is the most fundamental unit of classification.