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Chapter 5 Lesson 1 Notes: The Gift of the Nile
Geography of Ancient Egypt
The Longest River
• The ______________ River is 4,160 miles long
- is the world’s longest river
- begins near equator in Africa
- flows north to Mediterranean Sea
• South has __________________ which are waterfalls
• A __________________ is an area near river’s mouth
- Water leaves _______________ which is fine soil
• Heavy rains flooded Nile every summer
- Soil left on shores was ___________________ and was good for growing crops
Red Land, Black Land
• Ancient ______________________ lived in narrow land on sides of Nile
- called this region the ____________________ land because of fertile soil
- _____________________ land was desert beyond fertile region
• _________________ months of year were sunny, hot
- four months of winter were sunny, cooler
• ______________ inch of rain a year in most of region
• Desert acted as barrier to ________________________
• Sea coast was _____________________ with no good harbors
• Early Egyptians stayed close to home
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Land of Plenty
Agricultural Techniques
• Egyptians watched for ____________________ to determine flood, planting
• By about ________________ B.C., farmers used technology to expand
- dug ___________________ canals to carry water to dry areas
- Used ______________________ - bucket on a lever - to spread water
across fields
Egyptian Crops
• Grew vegetables, fruits; were the first to grind wheat into ________________
- mixed flour with yeast and water to make _______________________
• Wove flax plant fibers into linen which is a lightweight cloth
- wore clothing made from linen
Egyptian Houses
• Houses were built with bricks of mixed _________________ and straw
- Narrow windows, white walls reduced sunlight, heat
- Sticks, palm trees woven into roof; reed mats covered floor
• _________________________ had fancy homes, courtyards, pools
• Poor people cooled off on roof; cooked, ate, slept outside
Geography Shapes Egyptian Life
• ____________________ was used for tools, weapons as early as 6000 B.C.
- Egyptians later sought iron, which was stronger than copper
• Africa’s richest gold mines were located in the __________________ Nile in
an area called Nubia
• Mining minerals was difficult in the hot _________________ Peninsula east of
- Chipped rock to get at hidden mountain veins
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• Mined precious stones such as __________________________, lapis lazuli
Fishing and Hunting
• Reed rafts were used for river travel; caught _______________ with nets and
• Some hunters speared hippopotamuses and ___________________
• Hunted quail and duck with nets and ________________________
Transportation and Trade
• Later used sails to let wind carry boats south on Nile
- When following current north, used oars, paddles for speed
• Began to ____________________ or trade goods with no exchange of money
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Chapter 5 Lesson 2 Notes: Life in Ancient Egypt
Work and Family Life
Specialized Jobs
• Food ____________________ let people do jobs other than farm
• _____________________ wrote and kept records
• Some artisans built stone and brick houses and _____________________
- Others made pottery, furniture, clothing, jewelry
• Some Egyptians ________________ with other Africans on upper Nile
- scrolls, linen, gold, jewelry traded for woods, skins, animals
Rulers and Priests
• Government divided empire into 42 provinces, created army
• ______________ was one of highest jobs—performed rituals, cared for temples
• Together priests and the ruler held ceremonies to please the ______________
- believed if gods happy, Nile would _________________, crops would grow
• Slaves were at _________________ of society but generally treated well
- except slaves working in mines, who often ________________ from labor
• People enslaved if had ______________, committed crime, were captured in war
- usually ________________ after time
Life for Women
• Women had almost ________________ rights, could own property
• Most cared for children, home; others wove cloth, worked in fields
- some rose to ________________________ positions
• Children had ____________, board games, marbles; played ball games
• Children of wealthy went to _______________; most learned parents’ jobs
- almost all married in their early _________________
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Considered a
________ by the
Cared for the
___________ and held
ceremonies to keep the
Trained in the art
gods happy
of ___________
and record keeping
The bottom two tiers made up the largest
segment of the population.
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Expanding Knowledge
• Priests studied world to find ways to please gods
- Some advances came from practical discoveries
• Priests studied __________ for religious reasons
• Used __________-day cycle of star to create first practical _________________
- Star used now called Sirius
• Surveyors used knotted ____________ to mark boundaries washed out by floods
• Geometric shapes were sacred, used in design of _______________, monuments
• Doctors prepared bodies for ___________________, knew body parts
- performed some of first ___________________
- Some specialized in herbal medicines
• Believed that ____________ controlled thought, _____________ circulated blood
• Hieroglyphs—____________________ that stand for different words, sounds
• In use from 3000 B.C., writing system started with 700 characters
- grew to include over 6,000 symbols
• ____________________—paper-like material from papyrus reed
- pressed, rolled into scrolls; light, easy to carry
- used to create some of the first _______________
Beliefs and Religion
Life After Death
• Egyptians along the Nile had ___________________ view of life
- Nile’s _________________ land provided for most of their needs
• Egyptians believed gods favored them, believed in happy afterlife
- Afterlife—life believed to follow __________________
• Other cultures, such as ___________________, thought afterlife was miserable
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Many Gods
• _______________________—belief in many gods
• Egyptian gods included those of afterlife, nature
- ___________ was sun god, later called Amon-Re
- __________________ was a god who judged Egyptians after death
- _________________ was a fertility goddess, Osiris’ wife
- ________________ was a god of the dead
Making Mummies
• Dead bodies __________________ so people would have their bodies in afterlife
- embalm—to preserve a body after death
• Removed all organs but ________________, filled body with salt, herbs
- created mummy—a body dried so it won’t ________________
• Dried body wrapped in ________________ strips; process took about 70 days
• Put in coffin in tomb with every day __________________ for use in afterlife
(You will insert a page here later on about Egyptian Afterlife)
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Famous Places in Egypt
(Part 2 of Lesson 2 Notes)
1. Step Pyramid of Djoser (Zoser)
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2. The Pyramids of Giza
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3. The Great Sphinx of Giza
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4. The Temple of Hatshepsut
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5. Temple of Ramses II
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6. Tomb of King Tutankhamen
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Chapter 5 Lesson 3 Notes - The Pyramid Builders
The Old Kingdom
The First Dynasty
• Legend says a king, Narmer, united _______________________ and
_________________ Egypt
- Some historians believe several rulers united Egypt
• Ruler of united Egypt wore the _________________________ crown
• First dynasty—line of rulers from same family—about 2925 B.C.
• When a king died, he was usually replaced by one of his
- _________________________—order in which royal family members inherit
a throne
• Historians divided dynasties into Old, _____________________, and New
- Old Kingdom began around 2575 B.C. as empire gained strength
Pharaohs Rule
• King of Egypt became known as pharaoh, which means
- The pharaoh ruled from capital city of _______________________________
• Egyptians believed pharaoh was a god, blamed him for hard times
- in such times, a rival might replace pharaoh, start new dynasty
• Since pharaoh seen as god, government and religion not separate
- priests had much power, were often high officials in
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Khufu’s Great Pyramid
Early Pyramids
• First rulers were buried in _______________________ tombs, topped with bricks
• Later the tombs were replaced bricks with small _____________________
- pyramid is a triangle-shaped structure with four sides that meet at a point
• King ________________________ built larger pyramid over his tomb around
2630 B.C.
- it was called a ___________________ pyramid because the sides rise in series
of big steps
- it is the oldest-known large stone structure in world
The Great Pyramid
• 80 years later, pharaoh ____________________ wanted to show world his
- he ordered construction of largest pyramid ever, with 760-foot sides
- 2.3 million stone blocks cut, pulled up _________________, dragged into
• Farmers worked during Nile’s flood season, others worked all year
• Took an estimated ________________________ people almost 20 years to build
- city of ______________________ was built for the workers who were
building the Great Pyramid
Grave Robbers
• Egyptians later stopped building pyramids, in part due to robbery
- grave robbers often stole the tombs’ treasures, even the
• Egyptians believed robbery kept the buried from a ___________________
• Pharaohs built secret tombs in the _____________________________________
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- built during ________________________ Kingdom to protect treasures,
- burial chambers were hidden in mountains near Nile
Inside the Tombs
• Several passageways led to different rooms to confuse robbers
- ________________________ and other relatives were sometimes buried in
other rooms of the pyramids
• Tomb was palace of pharaoh’s ___________________. It was filled with food
and furniture and other things they would need during their afterlife
• Wall paintings and _________________________glorified the dead person, the
- the paintings showed head, arms, legs from side, and body from front
- showed pharaohs enjoying themselves and sometimes fighting battles
Middle Kingdom
• By _____________________ B.C., kings began to lose power to local province
- weak central government held Egypt together for 500 more years
- this period known as the _______________________ Kingdom
• Nomadic Hyksos invaded from northeast with ________________________and
better weapons
- after 100 years, Egyptians drove out ____________________, began New
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Chapter 5 Lesson 4 - The New Kingdom
A Woman Pharaoh
Taking Power
• Powerful New Kingdom rulers set up the new capital at
• Queen ________________________ was the first woman pharaoh. She was the
wife of pharaoh who died and she ruled with her stepson
-She became the sole ruler in ______________ B.C.
Trade Grows
• Hatshepsut expanded Egypt through ______________________ as well as war
• Brought Egypt riches with trade expeditions. Her biggest expedition crossed
the desert to the _______________________ where large ships sailed south to
an African land called _____________________.
Hatshepsut’s Monuments
• She built ________________________ which were four-sided shafts with
pyramid-shaped tops
-All of them were carved from red granite; hieroglyphs describe her deeds on
Mysterious End
• Hatshepsut ruled for 15 years, then mysteriously
- may have died peacefully or been killed by
• Thutmose became pharaoh, tried to destroy all records of Hatshepsut
- Archaeologists restored her damaged temple and tomb
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A Reforming Pharaoh
A New Belief
• ___________________________________ became pharaoh in 1353 B.C.
• Raised sun god _________________ to highest status, closed other gods’
- For first time in Egypt’s history, Egyptians worshiped ______________ god
• Priests serving other gods lost power, became ___________________
- To avoid conflict, Akhenaton moved capital 200 miles away to a city called
Realistic Art
• Under Akhenaton, art showed realistic pharaohs, not “perfect”
Reform Ends
• Akhenaton’s new religion didn’t last long after his death
• Three years later, young ________________________ became pharaoh in 1333
- The young king had _____________________ to help him rule Egypt who
convinced him to reject new religion and worship the old gods
A Powerful Pharaoh
• _________________________ ruled in 1279 B.C., 44 years after Tutankhamen
• Also called ______________________________________________
Empire Builder
• Wanted to make Egypt powerful through war
- extended territory south into _________________________ and to eastern
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Military Leader
• Ramses led army against old Egyptian enemies, the
- Nobody won battle, but Ramses claimed victory
- negotiated first-known peace treaty with Hittites
Ramses’ Reign
• Built city called ___________________________ with four 66-foot statues of
- wanted to appear godlike
• Reigned until age ________________, 1213 B.C.
- 66-year reign was among history’s longest, stabilized government
• Reign was time of __________________—no enemies after Hittite treaty
• Nile flooding was predictable during reign, crops were plentiful
Egypt’s Decline
• Following Ramses’ death, the central government weakened
• After about 1070 B.C., a series of foreign powers ruled Egypt
• _______________________________________of Macedonia conquered Egypt
- ______________________________ ruled after Alexander’s death
- Last Macedonian ruler was queen _______________________________
• Eventually Roman Empire conquered Egypt
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