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APS Science Curriculum Unit Planner
Grade Level/Subject
Grade 8 Physical Science-Unit 5
Stage 1: Desired Results
Enduring Understanding
The smallest unique particle of matter is an atom and atoms can combine physically and
Unifying Understanding
Our perception of the modern model of the atom has developed
over time and allows us to make predictions about how chemicals
will act when combined.
PS 3, PS 5c
NSES (grade level)
AAAS Atlas
Essential Questions
How did we find out the structure of the atom if it is so small?
What are the parts of the atom?
What parts of the atom are important in combining of atoms?
What rules govern how atoms combine into compounds?
How are nuclear reactions different from chemical reactions?
What products are formed in nuclear reactions?
What are uses of nuclear reactions?
Knowledge and Skills
Students should know:
History of development of model of atom from Democritus to modern model
Definition of atom and characteristics of its parts
Difference between an electrically neutral atom and a stable atom
How atoms gain, lose and share electrons to become stable
How the law of conservation of mass is important in chemical reactions.
Students should be able to:
Describe the development of the modern atomic model as evidence of scientific ideas
changing over time.
Use the periodic table to predict the number of valence electrons in an atom.
Use the periodic table to state the number of protons and electrons in a neutral atom.
Use the periodic table to predict the way an atom will bond with another atom.
Describe the pros and cons of using nuclear energy.
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Prior Knowledge and Skills
Knowledge of basic atomic structure.
Formative Assessment
Atom drawings
Summative Assessment
Unit test
Stage 3: Learning Plan
References to Adopted Materials
Holt Physical Science CH 11, CH 16
Concepts and Challenges in Physical Science CH 14
Suggested Investigations
Outdoor Education Applications
Web Sites
Bill Nye-Atom
United Streaming
Field Trips
Other McDougall PhysicalScience CH 5 Section 1