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Тема: «Outer Space»
1.Создать условия для развития интеллектуальных и творческих
2. Содействовать развитию коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.
3. Пробудить познавательный интерес к изучаемому материалу
4. Помочь активно воспринимать изучаемый материал
План урока:
Оргмомент. Приветствие.
Учитель приветствует учащихся. Учащиеся отвечают на приветствие учителя.
1) Учитель предлагает учащимся догадаться, о чём они будут говорить на
уроке (тему урока), предоставив им стихотворение:
I look up from Earth and try to see
The planets looking back at me.
I gaze at bright and distant stars
And search for Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
I squint at the Milky Way up high
And look for Jupiter in the sky.
Where are Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune?
They're far away, high like the Moon.
A telescope would be the best
For spotting Pluto and the rest.
I look for planets in the sky!
Дети угадывают, и на слайде появляется слово Space. (слайд 1)
Учитель предлагает найти названия планет в стихотворении. Дети называют
планеты (названия появляются на слайде 2).
2) Фонетическая зарядка
Идет фонетическая отработка названия планет.
The Earth Uranus Moon Neptune Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn
3. Осмысление
1). Активизация лексики в речи обучающихся.
Учитель предлагает детям подставить слова - названия планет по смыслу в
песню The Family of the Sun:
The family of the Sun,
The family of the Sun,
Here are nine planets in
The family of the Sun.
Great…. is big.
We've studied it a lot.
We found it has 16 moons
And a big red spot.
…. is hot,
And…. is small.
…. has no atmosphere.
It's just a rocky ball.
….. has great rings.
We wondered what they were,
Now we know they're icy rocks
Which we saw as a blur.
Venus has thick clouds,
That hide what is below.
The air is foul, the ground is hot,
It rotates very slow.
…. and …. (2 planets)
We don't know much about.
Maybe you will study them
And then we'll all find out.
We love the …., our home,
Its oceans and its trees,
We eat its food, we breathe its air,
So no pollution, please.
….'s last in line.
It's farthest from the Sun.
It's small and cold and icy, too.
To land there won't be fun.
…. is very red.
It's also dry and cold.
Someday you might visit ….
If you are really bold.
The family of the Sun,
The family of the Sun,
There are nine planets and
Now our journey's done.
Текст для самоконтроля
The Family of the Sun
The family of the Sun,
The family of the Sun,
Here are nine planets in
The family of the Sun.
Mercury is hot,
And Mercury is small.
Mercury has no atmosphere.
It's just a rocky ball.
Venus has thick clouds,
That hide what is below.
The air is foul, the ground is hot,
It rotates very slow.
We love the Earth, our home,
Its oceans and its trees,
We eat its food, we breathe its air,
So no pollution, please.
Mars is very red.
It's also dry and cold.
Someday you might visit Mars
If you are really bold.
Great Jupiter is big.
We've studied it a lot.
We found it has 16 moons
And a big red spot.
Saturn has great rings.
We wondered what they were,
Now we know they're icy rocks
Which we saw as a blur.
Uranus and Neptune
We don't know much about.
Maybe you will study them
And then we'll all find out.(Chorus)
Uranus and Neptune
We don't know much about.
Maybe you will study them
And then we'll all find out.
Pluto's last in line.
It's farthest from the Sun.
It's small and cold and icy, too.
To land there won't be fun.
The family of the Sun,
The family of the Sun,
There are nine planets and
Now our journey's done.
2).Учитель предлагает детям выполнить задание «yes/no», ответив на
Is it true that…. astronaut is a space traveller?
2. a comet is a small body of ice and
dust in orbit around the Sun? ( Yes )
10. The Moon - The moon is Earth's
artificial satellite. It takes the moon 31
days to circle the Earth.
3. Corona is the Sun's outer fire?
(No, it`s the Sun's outer atmosphere).
(No, the moon is Earth's natural
satellite. It takes the moon 27 days
and 8 hours to circle the Earth).
4. a crater is a hole caused by a
meteorite crashing into the moon's
surface or by a volcano exploding?
5. The Earth is the fifth largest planet of
the solar system. It is the fifth planet
from the Sun.
(No,the fifth largest planet of the
solar system. It is the third planet
from the Sun ).
5. The Galaxy is the sky?
(No, one of the vast number of
systems containing stars, star
11. Neptune takes 165 years to go
around the sun? is the seventh
planet?...Neptune has 3 known
(No, it takes 165 years to go around
the sun. It is the eighth planet. Of the
four giant planets, it is farthest away
from the sun. Neptune has 3 known
12. Saturn has no rings? It is the sixth
planet from the sun
9No, Saturn isn't the only planet with
rings. It is the sixth planet from the
13. The Sun is a planet?
7, Jupiter is the fifth planet from the
Sun? ... Jupiter has a Great Red Spot?
... it the largest of all the planets? (Yes)
(No, it is a star).
8. Mars is called the Red Planet
because its soil is red? (Yes)
(No,this planet was discovered 200
years ago. It is our seventh planet. It
is a small giant-only four times bigger
than Earth. It has rings).
9. Meteors are the junk of the Solar
system? (Yes)
14. Uranus is smaller than our planet?
15. Venus is called the Evening Star?
16. an astronomer is someone who
studies the heavenly bodies? (Yes)
3. Рефлексия
Учитель спрашивает, что нового дети узнали на уроке.
Учитель предлагает сочинить хайку по теме «Космос».
Дети зачитывают свои стихи.
I want to fly to Mars soon,
Mars is a red planet,
But it is very cold there.
3)Домашнее задание: детям предлагается составить загадки про космос.