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The Solar System
• The first and smallest planet in the solar system
• The surface temperature is 442.5 K
• Mercury is similar in appearance to the Moon
with mare-like plains and heavy cratering
• The second closest planet to the Sun
• Named after Venus the Roman goddess of love
• Has the densest atmosphere of all terrestrial planets mostly
of carbon dioxide
• The third planet from the sun and the largest terrestrial
planet in diameter, mass, and density
• The only place in the universe where life is known to
• About 71% of the ocean is covered with salt water
oceans and the rest with continents and islands
• The fourth planet from the Sun named after the Roman
god of war
• Has a red appearance because of iron oxide on its
• Has the highest known mountain in the Solar System,
Olympus Mons, and the largest canyon, Valles Marineris
• Fifth planet from the sun and the largest planet in the
Solar System
• Considered a gas giant planet
• Mostly made out of hydrogen and a little bit of helium
• Has a giant storm known as the Great Red Spot
• The sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest
planet in the Solar System
• Has a system of rings that are made of ice particles with
small amounts of rocky debris and dust
• 61 moons orbit Saturn
• The seventh planet from the Sun named after the Greek
deity of the sky Uranus
• Has the coldest planetary atmosphere of the Solar
System of 49 K
• Has a ring system, magnetosphere, and many moons
• The eighth planet from the Sun named after the Roman
god of the sea
• Discovered by mathematical prediction instead of by
empirical observation
• The inside of Neptune is made up of ices and rock
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