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WHI Ancient Greece lesson
World History; Voorhees
Ancient Greece and Western Civilization notes
Where Western Civilization began!
► Greek culture is part of Western Civilization today
 the concept of “hero”
 mythology
 Olympics
 Democracy =political system in which the people of a country rule through
any form of government they choose to establish
Development and expansion of Greece
 Mountainous rocky land
► trade and colonization
► individual city-states
► Economic and social development:
► Not a lot of farmable land
► Greek economy relied heavily on trade
 Export olive oil and wine
 Import wheat
► Colonization for resources
 Greek civilization expanded
 Hellenic culture spread
 Shift from bartering to money system
► Political development:
► Mountainous terrain
 Good for city-states
► individually strong- designed to promote civic and commercial life
 Bad for city states
► not unified with each other/ separate
 Colonization
► Overpopulation
Greek mythology
► Based on polytheistic religion
► Explanations of natural phenomena, human qualities, and life events
► Symbols and images in Western literature, art, and architecture
► Zeus
 Ruler of the sky and thunder
 “Father of the gods”
► Hera
 Goddess of the hearth and motherhood
 Wife of Zeus
► Apollo
 God of music and light
World History
 Son of Zeus (but not Hera)
 Associated with the sun
► Artemis
 Goddess of the hunt and nature
 Twin sister of Apollo
 Associated with the moon
► Athena
 Goddess of wisdom, war, and useful arts
► Aphrodite
 Goddess of love
 Infamous for meddling in the affairs of men and gods
Athens and Sparta
► Contrasting philosophies of government
► Athens
 Citizens= free adult males
 Women and foreigners had no political rights
 Slaves had no political rights
 Descendents of the Mycenaean people
 Athens= origin of democracy
 Democratic principles:
► direct democracy
► public debate
► duties of the citizen
 Stages in evolution of
Athenian government:
► Monarchy
► Aristocracy
► Tyranny
► Democracy
 2 tyrants who worked for reform:
► Draco Strict Code of Law
 (“harsh guy”)
► Solon Organized, stable government
 Set the stage for democracy
 (“good guy”)
► Pericles
 statesman
 took control of Athens in 461 BC, was responsible for making
Athens most prominent among the Greek city-states
► Sparta
 Oligarchy (rule by a small group)
 Rigid social structure
 The citizens only function was to serve in the military
 Militaristic and aggressive society
World History
Descended from Dorian invaders
formed after bloody slave rebellions
► king
► Spartan hero
Greek Culture, Wars, and Contributions
► The Persian Wars
 Greeks v. Persians= Athens and Sparta united; strengthening of Greek
power and culture
► Golden age of Pericles
 between the Persian and the Peloponnesian Wars
 extended democracy to most adult males
 had Athens rebuilt after destruction in Persian Wars, including the
► Hellenic
 Classical Greek Culture
 Formal, ordered, and “simple”
► Drama; comedy and tragedy
 Aeschylus
 Sophocles
► Poetry
 Homer
► History
 Herodotus
 Thucydides
► Sculpture
 Phidias
► Science
 Archimedes
 Hippocrates
► Mathematics
 Euclid
 Pythagoras
► Philosophy
 “The Sophists”:
 Ancient Greek Philosophers
► Socrates
 “Father of Philosophy”
 Socratic Method: Use questions to get students to analyze
their own beliefs
 Executed for “Corrupting the Youth of Athens”
► Plato
 Student of Socrates
 Believed the “real” world was a reflection of the “true”
World History
 Wrote The Republic
 Founded The Academy
► Aristotle
 Student of Plato
 Believed the universe could only be understood through
observation and logic
 Taught Alexander the Great
► Architecture
 “The Golden Mean”
► Types of Columns
 Doric
o earliest
o simplest in design
o Ex: Parthenon
 Ionic
o more ornate
o developed later than the Doric
 Corinthian
o most elaborate
o used mostly during the Hellenistic Era
► Peloponnesian War
 Sparta v. Athens= weakening of Greek power and culture
 Athens and the Delian League versus Sparta and the Peloponnesian
Macedonian Conquest
► Phillip II, King of Macedon:
 Conquered most of Greece
 Developed new military tactics
 Professional soldiers
 Phalanx
 Took advantage of disunity among the Greeks after the Peloponnesian
► The Hellenistic World
 Alexander the Great adopted Greek culture and spread Hellenistic
influences throughout his vast empire
 after the decline of Athens and Sparta
 modeled after Hellenic forms but more elaborate and with more
foreign (Asian) influence
► Alexander the Great
 United the Greeks by waging war on the Persian Empire
 Conquered Persia and Egypt
 After his death Alexander’s generals divided his empire
► Political unity ended but Greek culture and trade continued to spread
World History