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Student Name: ______________________________________________ Class: __________
Spanish I Mastery Checklist:
Preparing for the Midterm Exam (PE – 2B):
Use this checklist to narrow down what you
don’t know; mark off what you’ve already
mastered. 
Go back and review all of the vocab lists
(PE –I, II,III, 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B) until you feel
100% confident that you would recognize
those words/phrases in and out of context.
Review the speaking prompts/chapter
questions – do you know how to respond?
Be prepared for the writing section – you
will be writing a minimum of 10
SENTENCES… The focus will be on the
last two chapters (2A/2B); how could you
combine those topics?
You can easily find the material that you
need for each chapter all in one place – the
Chapter Resource link.
Para empezar:
 Extra Spanish alphabet letters
 Counting from 1-20
 Counting by 10s to 100
 Combined # forms
 Asking how someone is (formal/informal)
 Responding to how you are
 Stating name / asking someone for theirs
 Greetings when you first meet someone
 Saying goodbye - general and 4 “hasta”
 Asking what time it is
 Two ways to respond to time
 Time is always masc. or fem.?
 Verb that is always used with time
 Word used to + minutes / word used to minutes
 ¼ past, ½ past, ¼ till
 Identify basic parts of the body
 General calendar vocabulary: day, week,
month, year
How to write a date in Spanish
Days of the week/months
Days of the week and the months should
always be written in…
Spanish calendar typically starts on a
Basic classroom objects: book, folder, desk,
pencil, pen, notebook
Basic colors & asking what color it is
Asking about the weather
7 weather terms
4 seasons w/articles
Difference between tú and usted
Spanish/English subject pronouns
1st, 2nd, 3rd person
How to properly abbreviate usted and
What extra subject pronouns exist in
Spanish that we do not have in English?
The subject pronoun for “you all” that is
used primarily in Spain
Which subject pronoun does the rest of the
Spanish-speaking world use for informal
“you all” instead of vosotros/as?
Ask someone what they like to do
How to say: I like, I like it a lot, I like it
How to say: I don’t like, I don’t like it at all,
I don’t like neither/nor
How to agree with a positive statement
How to agree with a negative statement
What happens if you like something and I
don’t agree with you?
How do we make a statement negative/
cancel out a verb?
Besides the obvious, the word “no” also
means ______, ______ and ______ in
Where does the “no” have to be placed in
order to cancel out the verb?
What does "no, no” mean?
When is it okay to answer with a double no
or with a sí,?
Why don’t we need to have a double yes
when answering a question in the positive?
Definition of a subject
Definition of an infinitive
3 infinitive endings in Spanish
What an infinitive looks like in English
What does an infinitive lack?
All nouns in Spanish are either _______or
_______. This is known as _____________.
What 2 acronyms do we use to help us
figure out what the gender of most nouns is?
The two things you should look at to know
what the gender of a noun is; which of those
trumps the other?
What is an “exception” word?
Name the exception words that you have
learned this year
Say what you are like (personality)
Ask someone what they are like
What verb do you use to describe yourself
and others?
What are the 4 definite articles and what do
they all mean?
What are the 4 indefinite articles and what
do they all mean?
What is the only part of speech that will
have an article in front of it?
Definition and example of adjective
6 most common masculine, feminine and
neutral adjective endings
Where are the majority of descriptive
adjectives placed in Spanish?
Present tense conjugation endings for
regular –AR verbs
What does it mean for a verb to be regular?
Definition of verb tense
Difference between an infinitive and a
conjugated verb
Show the steps of how to conjugate a regular
Do you know the conjugation tricks on how
to identify the subject ? y = ?, comma = ?, a
formal title (with or without a comma) = ?,
we love plurals because…?
What conjugation ending should you use for
a who (quién/quiénes)?
What is subject-verb agreement?
Can we use the –AR conjugation endings
with –ER / -IR infinitives? Why or why not?
Do you always have to add the subject
pronoun in front of a conjugated verb? For
example “yo bailo” as opposed to just
When is it a good idea to always add the
subject pronoun?
What are the 3 regular comparatives?
Ordinal numbers 1-10
Which two ordinal numbers change to a
shorter form when used in front of a
masculine, singular noun?
Which two ordinal numbers have accents?
Make sure you know the subject pronoun
chart – Spanish & English translation
Which two subject pronouns move down to
3rd person?
Why do those two subject pronouns have to
move down?
Definition of a conjugated verb
Preposition dance
Karate chop
The 4 ways to say “of the”
Which “of the” is a contraction?
3 plural noun & adjective rules
Infinitive definition of estar and what it
translates into
Conjugations of the irregular verb estar
What does it mean for a verb to be
Where are the accents on the verb estar?
Why can’t we use the regular –AR
conjugations endings with the verb
What does TFCL stand for?
Preparing for the Final Exam:
Use this checklist to narrow down what you
don’t know; mark off what you’ve already
mastered. 
Go back and review all of the vocab lists
(3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B) until you feel
100% confident that you would recognize
those words/phrases in and out of context.
Be prepared for the writing section – you
will be writing a minimum of 10
SENTENCES on your family or on a
conversation between you and a waiter. The
focus will be on the last two chapters
(5A/5B); how could you combine those
You can easily find the material that you
need for each chapter all in one place – the
Chapter Resource link.
The Final Exam Review packet is great for
reviewing VOCAB; it will be optional and
you can find it on the End of Year
Information and/or Homework links.
Meaning of me gusta / me encanta
What are the only two forms of gustar and
encantar that you’ll be using?
Gustar and encantar are verbs that only work
if they have what directly in front of them?
What is an indirect object pronoun?
When to use me gusta/encanta vs me
What must ALWAYS come before a noun
when using me gusta(n)/encanta(n)?
Regular, -ER/-IR present tense conjugation
What is the difference between the –AR and
–ER conjugation endings?
What is the difference between the –ER and
–IR conjugation endings?
10. 3 plural adjective rules
11. Adjective agreement is important! Have you
figured it out yet?
12. Where do most adjectives go in Spanish?
13. Why would you find the word “de” in
between two nouns such as “yogur de
14. Infinitive definition of ser and what it
translates into
15. Conjugations of the irregular verb ser –
Does it have accents?
16. What does PNPPPTRO stand for?
17. Definition of a –GO verb and some
18. The 4 ways to say “to the”
19. Which “to the” is a contraction?
20. Conjugations and meaning of the irregular
verb ir
21. What word will usually follow the verb ir?
22. Formula when you’re on your way to a place
23. The 11 interrogatives (question words)
24. What 2 things must Spanish question words
always have?
25. What conjugation ending would you use for
quién (es) (who)?
26. When would it be okay for a question word
to be written without an accent?
27. Simple future formula for when you’re on
your way to do an activity (verb)
28. When two verbs are back to back and
they’re not separated by commas or the
word “and” – why is only the first verb
conjugated and the second one not? For
example: Necesito comer.
29. What is a stem-changing verb and how is it
different from a regular verb conjugation?
30. Where is the stem of a verb always located?
31. What two verb conjugations can we NEVER
do a stem change in?
32. Stem-changing verbs are also known as…
33. What is the purpose of drawing that shape in
a stem-changing verb?
34. Conjugations and meaning of the stemchanging verb jugar
35. What stem-change does jugar have?
36. What word needs to follow the verb jugar
when someone is playing a sport?
37. How to say “at” a certain time
38. The equivalent of A.M. & P.M.
39. Conjugations and meaning of the irregular
verb tener
40. Tener is also a _____ verb (in the yo form)
and stem-changer (e to ie).
41. Tener is NOT a boot verb it is a _________
42. What does tener followed by the word que
43. Other idiomatic expressions with the verb
44. Telling and asking someone’s age
45. Possessive adjectives and their meanings
46. Besides a possessive adjective, what is the
only other way that we indicate possession
in Spanish?
47. What’s something that we use in English to
show possession that we can NEVER use in
48. Possessive adjectives come _______ the
49. The possessive adjective should agree/match
the thing being possessed, not the
50. Possessive adjectives must agree in _______
and _______ with the nouns that they
modify (like any other adjective!).
51. Which two possessive adjectives are the
only ones that we need to worry about
number AND gender?
52. The four irregular comparative forms and
what they mean
53. How do irregular comparatives differ from
regular ones?
54. What are the plural forms of the four
irregular comparatives?
55. What words should never come in front of
an irregular comparative?
56. Diminutive endings and when to use them
57. Conjugations and meaning of the irregular
verb venir
58. Venir is a ______ stem-changing verb and
it’s also a ______ verb (yo form).
59. We use venir to say that we’re coming ____
(a la(s)) a certain time or ____ (de) a certain
60. Conjugations and meaning of the stemchanging verbs poder and dormir
61. What stem-change do poder and dormir
62. What are the four superlatives?
63. Superlatives are also known as…
64. What part of speech needs to come in front
of a superlative?
65. Ser vs Estar
a. What do they have in common?
b. When do we use estar?
c. When do we use ser?
d. Estar: TFCL