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Disease Review
Each review should address the following questions, should have 3 links/reviews to legitimate sources that
you used and have 3 pictures. Save this file as a PDF and post it into your blog.
Disease Name: West Nile
Disease Origin and History: The disease started in Uganda in 1937 when a woman was tested to
see if she had a sleeping sickness. This was in the West Nile district of Uganda.
Describe the symptoms and what it might be like to have the disease: Some symptoms would
include; fever, headache, body aches, fatigue (sleepiness), skin rash (occasionally), swollen lymph
glands (occasionally), stiff neck, lack of coordination, and eye pain. If a person had this disease
they would be in severe pain. The most common symptoms they will receive are high fever and
severe headaches.
Describe how the disease spreads among people: The disease is spread through mosquitoes.
Describe the population that is most susceptible: The elderly and young are most susceptible to
the West Nile disease.
Describe past efforts to fight the disease, why have these efforts been successful or unsuccessful:
The FDA has started tests in New York with the drug interferon. However, no cure has been found
yet. Although, many scientists are working on this issue. They hope that a vaccine will become
available in the next few years.
Describe the reasons why the disease has not been eradicated: The disease has not been
eradicated because there is no proper technology. Doctors are having a hard time finding the
Describe some programs that will prevent infection in the future: The CDC is working on finding a
cure and raising awareness about West Nile.
Please use at least one old and one new media site and use these forms to review them.
P.O.W.E.R. Article Review
Title: Any Prime-Boost
Source: National
Date of Article: Aug, 16,2011
Mix of Injected or Spray Institute of Allergy and
Flu Vaccine Shields
Infectious Diseases.
Topic: West Nile
List at least three issues/problems raised in the article1. Complications in Vaccines are very harmful to young children.
2. Children don’t have enough T- Cells
3. Doctors usually give young children two matching vaccines,
State the underlying problem or issue raised in the article- Young children are more at risk for
getting West Nile, and creating a vaccine that makes them at least some what immune is difficult.
List any or proposed solutions to the issues raised above1. One dose of the LAIV nasal spray vaccine made more immune T cells.
2. Experiment showed that children are better protected by LAIV than TIV (the original Vaccine)
3. Giving children 1 vaccine instead of 2.
Things you liked about the article? I liked that the
article had lots of information and studies.
Things that you would like to change about
the article? The article had a lack of
explaining what’s different about the original
drug and the new one.
Website Research Review
Name of Web site
URL Address
Who runs the web
Who pays for the
web site?
When was the
website last
Is the web page
useful or well
designed? Why?
Why not?
List 4 pieces of
information the Web
page gives you.
CDC: Safer Healthier People.
Office of the Associate Director for Communication, Division of News and
Electronic Media
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
September, 13,2011
The web page was very useful and well designed. It was very useful
because it had a lot of helpful information. I thought it was also well
designed because there are different categories and stories about my
disease laid out in an easy way to find.
1. It gives a fact sheet about West Nile.
2. Maps of Cases of West Nile
3. Guidelines for Surveillance, Prevention and Control.
4. An overview of West Nile.
What is the original
source if any?
How will you use the
information for your