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ISSN : 0974 - 7435
An Indian Journal
Volume 10 Issue 14
BTAIJ, 10(14), 2014 [7957-7962]
Application of artificial intelligence technology in
distance education system
Hongyan Zhang, Qinghong Liu
Jilin Province Economic Management Cadre College, Jilin Changchun 130012
This article against the application of artificial intelligence technology in distance
education system to make a thorough study, including a basic introduction to artificial
intelligence, effects of artificial intelligence technology for distance education system,
problems of distance education system and applications of artificial intelligence in the
remote education system. We aim to be able to bring some of the views of a reference to
Artificial intelligence technology; Remote; Education system.
© Trade Science Inc.
Application of artificial intelligence technology in distance education system
BTAIJ, 10(14) 2014
By the advent of artificial intelligence technology, it has made more outstanding achievements in various fields; this
new technology can be used to simulate the human brain via computer terminals, so as to help people take more complex and
tedious calculation purposes. And with a wide range of computer and network popularity, artificial intelligence technology is
no longer confined to being used by research institutions; it has entered into more people's family and life. With this change,
a more convenient and efficient way of education came into being, but because of this remote education system is not perfect,
so that there are still some various types of problems in practice.
First, a basic introduction to artificial intelligence technology
There are many research fields of artificial intelligence technology; the more common are anthropomorphic robots,
electronic terminal intelligent systems, voice recognition and intelligent dialogue and IntelliSense system of computer.
Through these researches, it is not difficult to find that artificial intelligence techniques can be defined as a branch of
computer science. So, what can by artificial intelligence techniques to achieve? Some popular interpretation is that it can
make the computer to mimic the human brain's cognitive system and analysis and feedback for the received data. The
creative process is not very complicated; it collect and aggregate through the human sensory perception and response to
unexpected performance of various events, this information will be digitized, which were entered into the computer through
the program. When a computer or other electronic terminals have been given artificial intelligence technology, it will make
more close to human handling in the face of questions.
The concept of artificial intelligence was proposed as early as 1956, since the advent of so far, it already has made
impressive achievements in various fields and industries, we look at their entire development process, and the main content
of artificial intelligence technology can be divided into five areas:
Machine thinking
The machine thinking is the most important technology of whole artificial link, through which a variety of external
information and work instructions from computer itself can be integrated and tasks with the above assign can be accurate
Machine perception
Machine perception is naturally not the same with the human perception system, because it does not have touch and
the sense of smell, it can only perceive the outside with the "eyes" and "ears." So, if you want to implement artificial
intelligence system on the computer terminal, you must have the device with an audio output and input function, image.
Machine Learning
The approach of machine learning is almost similar to human learning, grasp new knowledge and understanding by
reading all outside information. However, today's machine learning also rose to a new level with respect to the human brain,
which can really achieve "never forget", by setting various types of instruction knowledge and information can be stored and
absorbed completely learning to break the limitations of the human brain.
Machine behaviors
There are a lot of human performance, which when in contact with the outside world is the need to have the ability
to read and write, graphics capabilities, and the ability to tell. The computer through AI technology can have very good
performance ability of these several human behavior.
Construction techniques of intelligent systems and intelligent computer
If you want to make artificial intelligence technology combined with the computer together more harmonious,
related researchers must further take the optimized for the system and intelligence computer terminal itself to ensure that
artificial intelligence techniques can be effectively carried out on electronic devices applications.
Artificial intelligence is through a computer terminal to show human simulation results, through this form of
expression that allows the computer to complete similar to the human thought process. This highly intelligent high-tech
discipline will bring enormous changes in the field of science.
Since the artificial intelligence technology to carry out in the field of distance education, the number of the
associated remote expert education has sharp rise, and also makes more and more ordinary people joined the ranks, so that
students and teacher with a real zero distance contact. Today, in the whole distance education systems, including not only the
daily need of teachers teaching tool, but also includes management system of part-time work of students, so that classroom
management is not limited to the campus. Many people set their sights on the economic benefits of artificial intelligence
technology can bring, indeed, this way can make the teaching content, learning focus, after-school tutoring and other
exercises as well as classified information altogether integrated into the system. It can process such information and
effectively extract feature with the purpose. Relevant actors will be able to easily classify the content of these teaching
through the identification results, which were assigned to go to a variety of different fields of study.
BTAIJ, 10(14) 2014
Hongyan Zhang and Qinghong Liu
Artificial intelligence technology has a very large energy, it can change human primitive cognitive styles and modes
of thinking, through constant development of technology, and artificial intelligence is very likely to replace the previous
traditional education methods, let the educational field with tremendous change.
Firstly, we take a look at the content of distance education system. For example, education site, a sound and capable
of normal operation of distance education website should contain three aspects of distance learning, expert online Q & A and
databases. The core meaning of distance learning is to produce the effect of a constraint for students, to ensure their effective
grasp the knowledge points in the learning process; online Q & A allows students to communicate in real time with the
teachers and narrow the distance between teachers and students; content of database should be very comprehensive, which
can enable students to understand the full range of knowledge and inquiry, to help them carry out independent thinking and
problem solving. Development of distance education system has been maturing, but in terms of the details, there are still
some problems, the author picked two aspects of the more prominent to analyze.
Content of knowledge is too monotonous
The author visited a lot of distance education sites and found that their content of knowledge is generally copied into
the network from the teaching textbooks. People did not feel new, but just read the electronic version of the textbook. It lost
the meaning of existence distance education system fundamentally, although the issue and pictures into the information, but
did not have a valid smart technology into them, unable to arouse students' desire to learn.
Way of the expert Q &A is too simple
Expert Q & A platform for today's educational websites are using nothing more than the following categories:
forums, email, and various chat tool. First, through the forum for answering words are unable to allow students and teachers
to take "face to face" communication, it will exist a certain time difference, often occur in cases where a student has already
completed exercises after the teacher answer; email form can only communicate one to one, which increased the workload of
teachers in a lot of intangibles; although the application of chat tools can improve the timeliness of answering, but there are
also thinking a short time, not comprehensive analysis of the problem. So, if educational website want more proper solution
of answering questions of experts, it is necessary to combine the relevant scientific and technological means to come up with
a more flexible and practical Q & A platform.
Intelligent network teaching platform for distance education
Intelligent agent technology allows computers to take autonomous adaptation for new things and environmental, and
take the process and integration of information and make effective completion a series of actions in the instruction. And by
setting multiple intelligent agent systems in the computer will have more high-end processing capabilities, through mutual
cooperation between the various subsystems will greatly reduce the time information processing. Thereby it can improve the
timeliness of the entire education system.
The actions brought by the intelligent agent technology in distance education network are following points,
including real-time tracking of feedback information; state analysis of the teachers and students; teaching information
retrieval and intelligent recommendation from system. These smart tools allow students to conduct independent study in the
educational system, and the system is also capable of learning conditions and learning outcomes for accurate analysis, the
analysis report timely feedback to teachers can help train the learning initiative of students. At the same time, adding of
intelligent suggestion also reduces the manual workload of teachers; do not go wrong in many ways for learners to
Figure1: Simulation of tutorial education intelligent network teaching platform
Application of artificial intelligence technology in distance education system
BTAIJ, 10(14) 2014
The Figure 1 presented the intelligent agent technology distance education platform simulation map. By the
simulating graph, we can clearly understand that the popularity of intelligent agent technology can solve some of the
problems fundamentally by distance education platform, and effective gradually merged education groups and student
groups, to become the true sense the two learning groups of complement each other and common development.
Expert system
Through technical means to learn an expert way of thinking and problem-solving skills, and instead of experts to
answer questions raised by the students. After the emergence of expert systems for remote education system, it saved funds
largely of educational website, summary and analysis the knowledge and experience of experts in different fields, allowing
the computer to understand the experts of thinking and teaching methods, to achieve the realization of the ultimate goal with
"a machine with numbers". Since the advent of expert systems, the major educational website has established the database of
various fields, have basic knowledge to ensure online access to a variety of difficult and Q & A which will effectively
improve the efficiency and quality. The general structure of education transfer system is shown as Figure 2.
Figure 2: The general structure of education transfer system
Intelligent retrieval system of distance education teaching resources
The advantage of remote teaching methods possess is very obvious, it can without geographical and time constraints
to customize learn the various fields of knowledge. And knowledge of information and knowledge category are very large.
We take an ordinary distance education site as the example, the type of teaching resources contained in it should have the
following several formats: video images, audio, text, RTF and HTML and so on. These teaching resources in different
formats should effectively classify, and can ensure that users and learners accurately find them, and that means artificial
intelligence to build a retrieval system needs.
Figure3: Architecture diagram of intelligent resource retrieval based on XML and natural language processing
BTAIJ, 10(14) 2014
Hongyan Zhang and Qinghong Liu
In today's educational system, the commonly used method of knowledge management methods is a tree structure,
this way of teaching resources can indeed be classified, but it also has some limitations. Since the tree structure law is too
simple and not clear enough, so that only some categories of resources and less able, use a small amount of information in the
knowledge database. So this way is only a temporary solution and cannot make the education system as the main retrieval
Figure 3 shows structure diagram of intelligent resource retrieval based on XML and natural language processing to
everyone. We can see through the structure, the entire intelligent retrieval system mainly consists of two major aspects,
namely resource retrieval subsystems and resources pretreatment subsystem. Retrieval subsystem primarily through analysis
of user needs to take integration of cable thesaurus, dictionary thesaurus and related thesaurus, which will completed the
intelligent retrieval; while resources pretreatment subsystem is able to integrate and describe a variety of resources and
information to present index results to the inquirer through intelligent indexing technique. Establishment of such intelligent
retrieval systems not only has an accurate segmentation technology, but also allows users to perform fuzzy query by
keyword, which can greatly improve the retrieval accuracy and timeliness.
Experiment teaching system of remote intelligent simulation
Any success is to be done through continuous experimentation, so the experimental teaching for students is
important. But now, the distance education system has virtually no presence of such a simulation teaching sector, which is
largely restricted to move forward from the education system and the practical performance of the user. Through distance
education system to complete the simulation experiment is more difficult, due to the many limitations of time, space, and
equipment, etc., that allow users and implementers cannot understand the true state of both parties. So, can intelligent
simulation system effectively addressed dilemma I mentioned?
Intelligent simulation system is a product of the high-tech era, and its emergence have been completely broken the
manufacturing methods of traditional model. The electronic information way instead the past modeling methods which were
monotony and lack of innovative. Intelligent simulation technology mainly created a policy modeling software and language
technology through calculated simulation model generation and analysis of database integration. And it can ensure the
authenticity and fun of simulation. This intelligent system can completely replace the work of experts, manipulate and
manage the whole experiment, and help the experimenter to effectively analyze experimental results.
The Figure 4 shows the physical structure of the robot remote control experimental system, we can see in the figure,
the computer control the entire operation of the platform through remotely via the internet as well as locally. Three machines
can guarantee the web site landing, exchange between users, video and normal operation of the robot and other functions.
Figure 4: Physical structure of the robot remote control experiment system
Today, the popularity of distance education system has become increasingly high, and the intervention of artificial
intelligence technology has also allowed a more heavy competition chips. As distance education is just emerging, when it is
not getting widespread attention, which is mainly because it does not have a good learning environment, and many books
contents are in accordance with the above materials copied down, and did not let the learners have more convenient and
efficient learning experience. Although our technology in this field is still a middle position, but I believe in the near future,
we will let distance education play a more light and heat to increase the strength for China's educational undertakings.
Application of artificial intelligence technology in distance education system
BTAIJ, 10(14) 2014
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