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Enabling environments for technology
transfer under the UNFCCC
Daniele Violetti
Programme Officer, Technology
Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC)
UNFCCC workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer
Centre for Sustainable Development, Ghent University, 9 April 2003
Outline of the Presentation
• Enabling environments in the FCCC process
• Enabling environments in decision 4/CP.7
• Past activities in the FCCC process
• Enabling environments in the National
Communications of Annex II Parties
• The EGTT Programme of work
Enabling environments in the FCCC process
• SBSTA 5 took note of a list of topics that could be addressed
by the secretariat in a series of papers. These included
activities undertaken by governments to facilitate the
introduction and use of ESTs (FCCC/SB/1997/1);
• Decision 9/CP.3 requested the secretariat “to consider
specific case studies,…with the aim of evaluating barriers to
the introduction and implementation of ESTs”.
• Decision 4/CP.4 requested the Chairman of SBSTA to
establish a consultative process…”to achieve agreement on a
framework for meaningful and effective actions to enhance
implementation of Article 4.5 of the Convention.”
Enabling environments in the FCCC process
• Three regional workshops (Tanzania, Philippines, El Salvador),
provided bottom-up contributions and set the basis for the
Technology framework.
• Decision 4/CP.7 included enabling environments among the key
themes of the technology transfer framework.
• SBSTA 16 approved the EGTT programme of work for the years
2002/2003 including activities on enabling environments.
• SBSTA 17 requested the secretariat to prepare a technical paper
on enabling environments for technology transfer.
Enabling environments in decision 4/CP.7
The enabling environments component of the framework focuses on
government actions, such as fair trade policies, removal of technical,
legal and administrative barriers to technology transfer, to technology
transfer, sound economic policy, regulatory frameworks and
transparency all of which create an environment conducive to private
and public sector technology transfer.
To improve the effectiveness of the transfer of environmentally sound
technologies by identifying and analyzing ways of facilitating the
transfer of environmentally sound technologies, including the
identification and removal of barriers at each stage of the process.
Results of the survey of experiences, needs
and opportunities (FCCC/SBSTA/1998/INF.5)
In 1997 the secretariat with the cooperation of the UoA conducted a
survey requesting non-Annex I and EITs Parties to provide details on
measures adopted by their governments to facilitate the transfer and
implementation of ESTs, a few categories were identified:
• Creating awareness (31 Parties)
• Disseminating information (19 Parties)
• Providing technical assistance (10 Parties)
• Creating a fiscal environment (7 Parties)
• Removing trade barriers (5 Parties)
Results of the survey of experiences, needs
and opportunities (FCCC/SBSTA/1998/INF.5)
In the same survey Parties were requested to list, based on past
experiences, the barriers encountered in formulating and implementing
technology transfer projects. A few categories were identified:
• Financial (7 Parties)
• Economic (4 Parties)
• Technological (4 Parties)
• Institutional (5 Parties)
• Cultural (1 Party)
Barriers and opportunities related to TT
• Institutional: lack of legal and regulatory frameworks
• Political: interventions in domestic markets (i.e. subsidies)
• Technological: lack of infrastructure and technical standards
• Economic: instability, inflation, poor macroeconomic conditions
• Information: lack of technical and financial information
• Financial: lack of investment capital and financing instruments
• Cultural: consumer preferences and social biases
• General: intellectual property protection
Barriers and opportunities related to TT
(FCCC/TP/1998/1) cont.d
• Developing legal instruments and tax regimes that reward technology
• Public/private partnerships to support the import/export of ESTs
• Tax refunds or subsidies for the import and implementation of ESTs
• Dissemination of information on government programmes
• Economic instruments and environmental standards
Case studies suggested that no single policy is sufficient, and a
combination of instruments is likely to be needed
Enabling environments in Annex II Parties NC
According to UNFCCC guidelines for the preparation of NC, Annex
II Parties are to provide details of measures taken to give effect to
their commitments under Article 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 of the Convention.
The compilation and synthesis of national communications provide
for wide range of information and examples on activities undertaken
by Annex II Parties.
The forthcoming compilation and synthesis of the 3rd national
communications of Annex I Parties can be found in document
FCCC/SBI/2003/7 and Addendum. A significant improvement was
recorded both in the quality and the quantity of information provided
by Annex II Parties in NC3 comparing to NC1 and NC2.
Enabling environments in Annex II Parties NC
A few examples of relevant activities reported:
• The establishment of climate change funds and programmes to help
developing countries move towards less carbon intensive economic
• The concept of green certificates allowing tax exemptions for
companies investing in a green project elsewhere;
• The introduction of new technologies, by Annex II small and
medium sized companies, in developing countries, via targeted loans;
• Facilitation of information sharing and personal contacts between
technology producers and potential users of these technologies such
as web based database and information clearing houses;
The EGTT Programme of work
Two main activities are envisaged for the enabling environments area
of the EGTT programme of work for the year 2003:
• Prepare a technical paper on enabling environments drawing on
FCCC/TP/1998/1, the IPCC Special Report on Methodological
and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer, the Third
Assessment Report and other relevant reports;
• Organize a workshop on enabling environments in April 2003 to
seek inputs for the technical paper and as a key part of the process
to provide the SBSTA with recommendations on next steps on the