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Science 10 - Ecosystems
Ecosystem – includes all the organisms in
an area that interact with each other and
with their non-living environment.
ex. Ocean Ecosystem
Rain Forest
Factors Affecting Ecosystems
1) Biotic Factors – living things.
ex. Organisms
2. Abiotic Factors – non-living
eg. Sunlight, wind, temperature, etc.
Biome – a large geographic area with a
characteristic climate (ex. tropical rain
Biosphere – 3 regions on earth in which all
life exists.
a. Lithosphere – solid portion of earth’s
b. Hydrosphere – layer of water which
covers ¾ of earth’s surface.
c. Atmosphere – mass of air surrounding the
Cycles of Life
 All life requires nutrients and nutrients are
continuously recycled…if they were not,
they would become used up and life on
Earth would cease to exist.
Carbon Cycle
 Photosynthesis and cellular respiration
make up the stages of the carbon cycle.
 Carbon is absorbed by plants (as CO2)
which then release O2 back into the
atmosphere. This CO2 is converted into
chemical energy [carbohydrates (sugars 
 Animals eat the plants and these
sugars/starches are used to provide
energy. The product released back to the
atmosphere is CO2 and the cycle is
 Carbon is still present in the bodies of
plants and animals and will be recycled by
decomposers, which also use O2 and
return Carbon into the atmosphere in the
form of CO2.
 This cycle has become unbalanced due to the burning of
fossil fuels.
During the Carboniferous Period (a. 300mya) large
amounts of Carbon (in the tissues of plant matter) was
trapped under ground.
Because of lack of oxygen and tremendous pressure,
the plant matter was compressed into fossil fuels (coal,
natural gas, and oil)
Burning these for energy releases CO2 into the
atmosphere; too much for plants to use…causing an
unbalanced C-cycle.
Large amounts of the carbon cycle takes place in Earth’s
oceans but if the temperature of the oceans increases,
more CO2 will escape back into the atmosphere
(increase in temp. = decrease in solubility of a gas =
Nitrogen Cycle
 Plants use N, P, & K for growth and
development (these are the main
ingredients in fertilizers).
 Nitrogen gas makes up about 80% of
Earth’s atmosphere but most organisms
cannot absorb nitrogen directly.
 Nitrogen fixation – is when nitrogen gas is
converted into compounds (NH4+ & NO3-) that
can be used by plants. Animals get Nitrogen
by eating the plants.
 Nitrogen fixing bacteria – are some of the
few species that convert nitrogen into
useable compounds
 Nitrogen in these compounds will pass
through the plants to the animals then to
the soil and water through wastes and dead
 These compounds can reenter plants before
going back to the atmosphere, creating a cycle
within a cycle
 Decomposers (bacteria) will break down the
wastes/dead organisms and produce Ammonia
which is converted back into Nitrates for use by
the plants by Nitrifying bacteria.
 This process is called nitrification.
Denitrifying bacteria – convert nitrates in
the soil or water back into nitrogen gas =
 This cycle can also be altered by humans. E.g.
Adding too much fertilizers to soils causes root
damage, stunts growth, and increases soil
 The build up of nitrogen and other nutrients in
aquatic ecosystems is called eutrophication –
this increases plant growth at the water’s
surface, not allowing sunlight to get to deeper
waters and therefore “strangles” plants and
animals because photosynthesis cannot take
place in the deeper waters.
Water Cycle
Assignment: Define the following.
a) Evaporation
b) Transpiration
c) Condensation
d) Precipitation
e) Surface Runoff
f) Percolation
g) Ground Water
h) Water Table
i) Respiration
How Energy is Transferred in an Ecosystem
1. Producers (Autotrophs) – green plants
that convert radiant energy into chemical
energy (photosynthesis).
2. Consumers (Heterotrophs) – consume
other organisms.
a) Primary Consumer (Herbivore) –
animals that eat plants.
b) Secondary Consumer (Carnivore) –
animals that feed on plant eaters.
c) Decomposers – organisms (generally
fungus and bacteria) that obtain energy
from breaking down remains or wastes of
other organisms.
Green plants produce more energy per unit of land area
and only a portion of this energy is passed on to
consumers that eat plants.
Thus animals and animal products contain less energy
than plants on the same amount of land.
Feeding Levels
- Food chains are made up of several
feeding (energy) levels we call Trophic
1st Trophic Level
Primary Consumer
2nd Trophic Level
Secondary Consumer
3rd Trophic Level
Tertiary Consumer
Top Carnivore
Quaternary …
4th Trophic Level
Detritivores and Decomposers
 only 5-20% of energy is passed from one
trophic level to another.
Most of the usable energy at each level is
converted to thermal (heat) energy and
waste matter.
Energy remains in the tissues of dead
organisms which is used by detritivores
and scavengers.
Detritivores – feed on
bodies of smaller dead
animals. Dead plant
matter, and animal dung.
ex. Crabs, earthworms,
wood beetles, ants
Decomposers – bacteria and fungi which
break down the cells and extract the last
remaining energy.
FOOD CHAIN - an autotroph is producer is eaten by a primary
consumer and its food energy is transferred to a secondary
consumer who is gobbled up by a tertiary consumer and
eventually its energy is transferred to the top consumer of this
food chain. This is only a small part of a food web within the
ecosystem. P. 829
** arrows go from food to eater (don’t draw animal pictures.)
eg. shrub  rabbits  cougar
BIOLOGICAL MAGNIFICATION = increasing amounts of toxins like
DDT or mercury as you follow a food chain from producer to top consumer.
Video Energy Flow in the Ecosystem
FOOD CHAIN - an autotroph or producer is eaten by a primary
consumer and its food energy is transferred to a secondary
consumer who is gobbled up by a tertiary consumer and
eventually its energy is transferred to the top consumer of this
food chain. This is only a small part of a food web within the
ecosystem. P. 829
** arrows go from food to eater (don’t draw animal pictures.)
eg. shrub  rabbits  cougar
BIOLOGICAL MAGNIFICATION = increasing amounts of toxins like
DDT or mercury as you follow a food chain from producer to top consumer.
Video Energy Flow in the Ecosystem
FOOD CHAIN - an autotroph or producer is eaten by a primary
consumer and its food energy is transferred to a secondary
consumer who is gobbled up by a tertiary consumer and
eventually its energy is transferred to the top consumer of this
food chain. This is only a small part of a food web within the
ecosystem. P. 829
** arrows go from food to eater (don’t draw animal pictures.)
eg. shrub  rabbits  cougar
BIOLOGICAL MAGNIFICATION = increasing amounts of toxins like
DDT or mercury as you follow a food chain from producer to top consumer.
Video Energy Flow in the Ecosystem
FOOD CHAIN - an autotroph is producer is eaten by a primary
consumer and its food energy is transferred to a secondary
consumer who is gobbled up by a tertiary consumer and
eventually its energy is transferred to the top consumer of this
food chain. This is only a small part of a food web within the
ecosystem. P. 829
** arrows go from food to eater (don’t draw animal pictures.)
eg. shrub  rabbits  cougar
BIOLOGICAL MAGNIFICATION = increasing amounts of toxins like
DDT or mercury as you follow a food chain from producer to top consumer.
Video Energy Flow in the Ecosystem
FOOD CHAIN - an autotroph is producer is eaten by a primary
consumer and its food energy is transferred to a secondary
consumer who is gobbled up by a tertiary consumer and
eventually its energy is transferred to the top consumer of this
food chain. This is only a small part of a food web within the
** arrows go from food to eater (don’t draw animal pictures.)
eg. shrub  rabbits  cougar
BIOLOGICAL MAGNIFICATION = increasing amounts of toxins like
DDT or mercury as you follow a food chain from producer to top consumer.
Video Energy Flow in the Ecosystem
Food Web
FOOD CHAIN - an autotroph is producer is eaten by a primary
consumer and its food energy is transferred to a secondary
consumer who is gobbled up by a tertiary consumer and
eventually its energy is transferred to the top consumer of this
food chain. This is only a small part of a food web within the
** arrows go from food to eater (don’t draw animal pictures.)
eg. shrub  rabbits  cougar
BIOLOGICAL MAGNIFICATION = increasing amounts of toxins like
DDT or mercury as you follow a food chain from producer to top consumer.
Video Energy Flow in the Ecosystem
BIOLOGICAL MAGNIFICATION = increasing amounts of toxins
like DDT or mercury as you follow a food chain from producer to
top consumer
-the base if the pyramid is the first trophic level (always a produce
-the trophic levels above continue to be numbered
upwards (Handout has ______ trophic levels)
-there are energy pyramids which represent the transfers of
energy in a food chain and there are pyramids of biomass.
(=2 kinds of pyramids)
-biomass = the mass of all organisms in a trophic level that
compete for the same food.
-competition = organisms can compete in the communities for
food, habitat space, and other resources. No two populations
can occupy the same niche (ones got to go) = competitive
exclusion principle
-the base of the pyramid is the first trophic level (always a producer)
-the trophic levels above continue to be numbered
upwards (Handout has ______ trophic levels)
-there are energy pyramids which represent the transfers of
energy in a food chain and there are pyramids of biomass.
(=2 kinds of pyramids)
-biomass = the mass of all organisms in a trophic level that
compete for the same food.
-competition = organisms can compete in the communities for
food, habitat space, and other resources. No two populations
can occupy the same niche (ones got to go) = competitive
exclusion principle
-the base if the pyramid is the first trophic level (always a producer)
-the trophic levels above continue to be numbered
upwards (Handout has ______ trophic levels)
-there are energy pyramids which represent the transfers of
energy in a food chain and there are pyramids of biomass.
(=2 kinds of pyramids)
-biomass = the mass of all organisms in a trophic level that
compete for the same food.
-competition = organisms can compete in the communities for
food, habitat space, and other resources. No two populations
can occupy the same niche (ones got to go) = competitive
exclusion principle
-the base if the pyramid is the first trophic level (always a producer)
-the trophic levels above continue to be numbered
upwards (Handout has ______ trophic levels)
-there are energy pyramids which represent the transfers of
energy in a food chain . There are pyramids of biomass & numbers.
(=2 kinds of pyramids)
-biomass = the mass of all organisms in a trophic level that
compete for the same food.
-competition = organisms can compete in the communities for
food, habitat space, and other resources. No two populations
can occupy the same niche (ones got to go) = competitive
exclusion principle
What two ecosystems in the world
have the greatest biomass ?
-the base if the pyramid is the first trophic level (always a producer)
-the trophic levels above continue to be numbered
upwards (Handout has ______ trophic levels)
-there are energy pyramids which represent the transfers of
energy in a food chain . There are pyramids of biomass & numbers.
(=3 kinds of pyramids)
-biomass = the mass of all organisms in a trophic level that
compete for the same food.
-competition = organisms can compete in the communities for
food, habitat space, and other resources. No two populations
can occupy the same niche (ones got to go) = competitive
exclusion principle
-the base if the pyramid is the first trophic level (always a producer)
-the trophic levels above continue to be numbered
upwards (Handout has ______ trophic levels)
-there are energy pyramids which represent the transfers of
energy in a food chain . There are pyramids of biomass & numbers.
(=3 kinds of pyramids)
-biomass = the mass of all organisms in a trophic level that
compete for the same food.
-competition = organisms can compete in the communities for
food, habitat space, and other resources. No two populations
can occupy the same niche (ones got to go) = competitive
exclusion principle
-the base if the pyramid is the first trophic level (always a produce
-the trophic levels above continue to be numbered
upwards (Handout has ______ trophic levels)
-there are energy pyramids which represent the transfers of
energy in a food chain . There are pyramids of biomass and numb
(=3 kinds of pyramids)
-biomass = the mass of all organisms in a trophic level that
compete for the same food.
-competition = organisms can compete in the communities for
food, habitat space, and other resources. No two populations
can occupy the same niche (ones got to go) = competitive
exclusion principle
Releases toxins
Into the soil to
Prevent other
plant growth =
-the base if the pyramid is the first trophic level (always a produce
-the trophic levels above continue to be numbered
upwards (Handout has ______ trophic levels)
-there are energy pyramids which represent the transfers of
energy in a food chain . There are pyramids of biomass and numb
(=3 kinds of pyramids)
-biomass = the mass of all organisms in a trophic level that
compete for the same food.
-competition = organisms can compete in the communities for
food, habitat space, and other resources. No two populations
can occupy the same niche (one’s got to go) = competitive
exclusion principle
10% energy passed to next level
Energy and
Biomass decrease
As you go up
A food
10% energy passed to next level
Energy and
Biomass decrease
As you go up
A food
10% energy passed to next level
so it can support less biomass
Biomagnification of
DDT or mercury are
NOT illustrated by
this pyramid, because they
increase as you go
up the food chain
Energy and
Biomass decrease
As you go up
A food
10% energy passed to next level
so it can support less biomass
Pyramid of Numbers
 Counting organisms in
an ecosystem.
 This type of pyramid
does not take into
account the sizes of
individual organisms.
 For example many
insects can feed off of
one tree, so the
bottom of the pyramid
could be very small.
Pyramid of Biomass
 Measured in grams per
square meter.
 Shows biomass
decreases from each
trophic level.
 Disadvantage: the
biomass of the
herbivores may be
much greater then the
producers causing the
pyramid to look inverted.
Pyramid of Energy
 Measures the
total chemical
energy that flows
through each
trophic level.
 The best pyramid
because it
eliminates the
exceptions in the
other pyramids.
 There is always
less energy
available for each
trophic level.
Activity : Questions
1. Give an example of an organism in the
second trophic level of an ecosystem.
2. Why are there rarely more than four
links in a food chain?
3. What is a pyramid of numbers?
4. Which would you expect to have the
greatest biomass, a population of rabbits
or a population of foxes living in the
same ecosystem? Explain.
Biological Communities:
living associations of different species (members of differen
species do not interbreed) in which one organism benefits fro
the relationship. There are three kinds:
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
3.helped nor harmed
4.parasitism = one organism benefits while the other harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use,
2. while the legume plant provides protection/home for bacter
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduce
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
Biological Communities:
living associations of different species (members of differen
species do not interbreed) in which one organism benefits fro
the relationship. There are three kinds:
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
3.helped nor harmed
4.parasitism = one organism benefits while the other harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use,
2. while the legume plant provides protection/home for bacter
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduce
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
 A community is all the populations of
organisms living together and potentially
interacting in a particular area
 Communities are made up of many
different kinds of relationships:
producer/consumer, predator/prey, and
symbiotic relationships
Predator – living things that catch, kill, and eat
other living things.
Prey – The organisms that are eaten.
- predation plays an important role in
shaping communities.
- help to control the size of prey
- maintain diversity in an ecosystem.
Biological Communities:
living associations of different species (members of different
species do not interbreed) in which one organism benefits from
the relationship. There are three kinds:
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
3.helped nor harmed
4.parasitism = one organism benefits while the other harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use,
2. while the legume plant provides protection/home for bacteria.
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduces
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
Biological Communities:
living associations of different species (members of differen
species do not interbreed) in which one organism benefits fro
the relationship. There are three kinds:
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
3.helped nor harmed
4.parasitism = one organism benefits while the other harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use,
2. while the legume plant provides protection/home for bacter
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduce
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
Biological Communities:
living associations of different species (members of different
species do not interbreed) in which one organism benefits from
the relationship. There are three kinds:
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
helped nor harmed
1.parasitism = one organism benefits while the other harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use,
2. while the legume plant provides protection/home for bacteria.
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduces
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
Biological Communities:
living associations of different species (members of different
species do not interbreed) in which one organism benefits from
the relationship. There are three kinds:
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
helped nor harmed
3.parasitism = one organism benefits while the other is harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use,
2. while the legume plant provides protection/home for bacteria.
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduces
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
Biological Communities:
living associations of different species (members of different
species do not interbreed) in which one organism benefits from
the relationship. There are three kinds:
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
helped nor harmed
3.parasitism = one organism benefits while the other harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use,
while the legume plant provides protection/home for bacteria.
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduces
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
weakened target for predators. It is
Biological Communities:
living associations of different species (members of different
species do not interbreed) in which one organism benefits from
the relationship. There are three kinds:
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
helped nor harmed
3. parasitism = one organism benefits while the other harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use,
while the legume plant provides protection/home for bacteria.
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduces
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
weakened target for predators. It is
Biological Communities:
SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPS = close living associations of
different species (members of different species do not interbreed)
in which one organism benefits from the relationship. Three kinds:
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
helped nor harmed
3.parasitism = one organism benefits while the other harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use,
while the legume plant provides protection/home for bacteria.
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduces
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
weakened target for predators. It is
Biological Communities:
SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPS = close living associations of d
species (members of different species do not interbreed) in
which one organism benefits from the relationship. Three kind
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
helped nor harmed
3. parasitism = one organism benefits while the other harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use,
while the legume plant provides protection/home for bacteria.
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduces
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
weakened target for predators. It is
Biological Communities:
SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPS = close living associations of d
species (members of different species do not interbreed) in
which one organism benefits from the relationship. Three kind
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
helped nor harmed
3.parasitism = one organism benefits while the other harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use,
while the legume plant provides protection/home for bacteria.
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduces
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
weakened target for predators. It is
Biological Communities:
SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPS = close living associations of
species (members of different species do not interbreed) in
which one organism benefits from the relationship. Three kinds:
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
helped nor harmed
3.parasitism = one organism benefits while the other harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use, while the
legume plant provides protection/home for bacteria.
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduces
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
weakened target for predators. It is
3. Vultures do not affect the wolves that ate this deer.
This is _____________________.
Biological Communities:
SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPS = close living associations of
species (members of different species do not interbreed) in
which one organism benefits from the relationship. Three kinds:
1.mutualism = a relationship in which organisms both benefits
2.commensalism = one organism benefits but the other is not
helped nor harmed
3.parasitism = one organism benefits while the other harmed
1. Nodule bacteria provide nitrogen in a form plants can use, while the
legume plant provides protection/home for bacteria.
This is
2. Intestinal worms absorb nutrients from deer, and reproduces
inside. With heavy infestations the deer can be a
weakened target for predators. It is
3. Vultures do not affect the wolves that ate this deer.
This is _______commensalism__.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
eg. #1. PRIMARY SUCCESSION: (P.836, P. 839)
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
eg. #1. PRIMARY SUCCESSION: (P.836, P. 839)
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen/poplar trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen/poplar trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen/poplar trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen/poplar trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Natural Communities Change Over Time (Sask.)
Succession = the long process of ecological change of communities.
bare rock
lichens (break it down to form soil)
weeds = pioneer plants
meadow ecosystem (this is what end climax community would be in SW Sask.)
brush (brushes & low trees)
forest ( aspen/poplar trees)
Coniferous forest (evergreens, spruce , fir)
Climax Community = the end of succession where the community can no
longer change due to limits of climate and soil. P.836, p.853, p.839
*** succession can end anyplace in this chain above
* Animal populations change accordingly.
Secondary Succession (occurs after a forest fire, or a
farmer clears land. It’s different from primary succession because
it occurs where there used to be an established community)
Eg. #2
silt settles on bottom P. 839
Coniferous forest
***** succession ends when climate and soil limits the climax community
Secondary Succession (occurs after a forest fire, or a
farmer clears land. It’s different from primary succession because
it occurs where there used to be an established community)
Eg. #2
silt settles on bottom P. 839
Coniferous forest
***** succession ends when climate and soil limits the climax community
Secondary Succession (occurs after a forest fire, or a
farmer clears land. It’s different from primary succession because
it occurs where there used to be an established community)
Eg. #2
silt settles on bottom P. 839
Coniferous forest
***** succession ends when climate and soil limits the climax community
Secondary Succession (occurs after a forest fire, or a
farmer clears land. It’s different from primary succession because
it occurs where there used to be an established community)
Eg. #2
silt settles on bottom
Coniferous forest
***** succession ends when climate and soil limits the climax community
Secondary Succession (occurs after a forest fire, or a
farmer clears land. It’s different from primary succession because
it occurs where there used to be an established community)
Eg. #2
silt settles on bottom P. 839
Coniferous forest
***** succession ends when climate and soil limits the climax community
Secondary Succession (occurs after a forest fire, or a
farmer clears land. It’s different from primary succession because
it occurs where there used to be an established community)
Eg. #2
silt settles on bottom
Coniferous forest
***** succession ends when climate and soil limits the climax community
Secondary Succession (occurs after a forest fire, or a
farmer clears land. It’s different from primary succession because
it occurs where there used to be an established community)
Eg. #2
silt settles on bottom
Coniferous forest
***** succession ends when climate and soil limits the climax community
Secondary Succession (occurs after a forest fire, or a
farmer clears land. It’s different from primary succession because
it occurs where there used to be an established community)
Eg. #2
silt settles on bottom
Coniferous forest
***** succession ends when climate and soil limits the climax community
Secondary Succession (occurs after a forest fire, or a
farmer clears land. It’s different from primary succession because
it occurs where there used to be an established community)
Eg. #2
silt settles on bottom
Coniferous forest
***** succession ends when climate and soil limits the climax community
Secondary Succession (occurs after a forest fire, or a
farmer clears land. It’s different from primary succession because
it occurs where there used to be an established community)
Eg. #2
silt settles on bottom
Coniferous forest
***** succession ends when climate and soil limits the climax community
Habitat – the place in an organisms life.
Niche – the role an organism plays in an
environment. (ex. The place it lives, the
food it eats, the organisms that feed on it
and interact with it, the amount of light and
humidity required, etc.)
Carrying Capacity – the largest population
of a species that an environment can
Four Factors that Limit Carrying
1. Materials and Energy – sun, water,
2. Food Chains – populations are limited by
their food supply.
3. Competition – the demand for resources
such as food, water, mates, and space.
a) Intraspecific – among members of the
same species.
b) Interspecific – between different
4. Density – dependant on size, environment,
and way of life.
Population Density – how many individuals
can live in an area at one
Density Dependant Factors – factors that
increase in significance as a population
grows (overcrowding).
Density Independent Factors – factors that
do not depend on the size of the population
(forest fires).
 Symbiotic relationship – an interaction
between two or more species where one
species lives in or on another species
 There are 3 main types: parasitism,
commensalisms, and mutualism
 Parasitism (para = near; sitos = food) is a predatorprey relationship where one organism (the parasite)
derives its food at the expense of its host
E.g. Tapeworms living inside larger animals
absorbing nutrients from its host; mistletoe or rusts on
plants; and lungworms in the air passages of white
tailed deer
Tape worms in a horse
Mistletoe on a tree
 Commensalism (com = together, mensa = table) is a
relationship where one partner benefits without
significantly affecting the other. Few cases of absolute
commensalisms probably exist because it is unlikely that
one of the partners will be completely unaffected
 Commensal relationships sometimes involve one
species obtaining food that is inadvertently exposed by
 E.g. Several kinds of birds feed on insects flushed out of
the grass by grazing cattle
Robin nest in a
Hydrangea tree
 Mutualism (mutualis = reciprocal) is a relationship
that benefits both partners in the relationship.
E.g. Legume plants with their nitrogen-fixing
bacteria; the interactions between flowering plants
and their pollinators