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Marketing Management: CB Questions
1. According to our discussion in class, marketing is defined as:
a) a process of free exchange b) a study of consumer needs c) a study of decision
c) a method of influencing people
2. According to our discussion in class, consumer behavior is defined as:
a) arranging buyers and sellers b) a study of decision making units c) a study of how people behave
d) a method of influencing people
3. Free exchanges will create?
a) income b) unhappy customers
c) wealth
d) advertising opportunities
4. What specifically does the “marketing concept say that makes CB necessary?”
5. What two things does marketing do that no other business function does?
1. Perception is always created by:
a) reality b) receptors c) sensations
2. Vision occurs in the:
a) the optic nerve b) the pons
d) the mind
c) the occipital lobe
d) the eye
3. In class, it was explained that the mind creates a perception much the same way that a ______ creates a picture.
a) television b) camera
c) piece of film
d) hologram
4. What is a sensation?
a) a perception b) a stimulus
c) a feeling
d) a neural code
5. Jean Piaget’s theory would tell marketers to:
a) avoid cognitive dissonance b) always produce quality services
d) treat children with respect
c) match consumers’ world views
6. Why did men think that women are more attractive if the pupils of their eyes dilate?
7. According to Weber’s Law, what would happen to the perception of a light that was made 100 times brighter.
8. Explain what the perceptual hypothesis is, how it works, and what it does.
9. All perception is created by:
a) sensations b) the mind c) attention
d) memory
10. Why is it said that subliminal ads both work and not work?
11. Which of the following does cognitive dissonance not apply to? The balance of:
a) thoughts… emotions b) beliefs… behaviors c) intentions… thoughts d) it applies to all these
Learning and Memory
1. What is the function of the SIS?
2. What is the primary differences between learning as outlined by Pavlov, Skinner, and Kohler?
3. When is a negative stimuli felt as a reinforcer?
a) when it increases the probability of the behavior that came before
c) only in classical conditioning can this happen d) none of these
b) when a person is mentally ill
4. Which of the following is the most true of long term memory, which is not true of short term memory?
a) both are temporary b) a permanent physical structural change takes place in the mind
c) that is an electrical activity in the process d) the only difference is how long it lasts
5. What would you have to do with a learning curve to make it a forgetting curve?
a) nothing, they are both the same b) simply flip it over c) it depends on what is being learned
d) it depends only on what is being forgotten
1. What is a valence?
Valence is the positive or negative attraction (feeling, attraction, etc.) for some object or thing.
2. What is a person most likely to do if he has two options and both are negative?
a) try to escape b) vacillate c) find saliency d) get angry
3. What part of Maslow’s theory is most suspect?
4. What is Humanism?
5. How is McClelland findings related to entrepreneurship?
Motivation Extras
6. What is the difference between obese and normal people that is explained by “priming?”
a) the type of food preferred b) how fast a person eats c) internal vs. external motivation
d) the need/want difference
7. People will many times use a coupon for 20% off on a product before they will use a coupon for 100% off for the
same product. The explanation for this is:
a) hedonic orientation b) psychological reactance c) priming
d) ego defense
8. What is “psychological reactance?”
a) people’s reaction to advertising when threatened b) a term used in explain how people react to pain
c) a person’s reaction to a perceived threat of the removal of freedom
d) a person’s reaction to finding that he or she has been manipulated by the market
9. Which of the following best explains what “attribution theory” refers to?
a) How people explain their own personalities. b) How people avoid risk.
c) How people think about politics.
d) How people explain motivation.
Attribution theory tries to explain how people explain things, i.e., what they “attribute” things to. It is an entire
course in itself.
10. Which of the following is not considered a part of emotions?
a) physical changes in the body b) motivation c) behavior d) thought
1. Which of the following is false? Personality is:
a) a characteristic of a person b) permanent c) not accurate in predicting buying behavior
d) a pattern of behavior
2. According to Freud, the Id never forgets and never ______.
a) forgives
b) cares c) forgoes d) fears
3. Which of the following is LEAST genetic?
a) intelligence
b) height
c) attractiveness
d) introversion
Only one theory (of many) of attractiveness is related to genetics. It is a powerful theory, but it could be entirely
false and we would still have good theories of attractiveness.
4. According to Freud, the part of the mind that operates on the reality principle is the:
a) id
b) ego
c) superego
d) persona
5. According to the discussion in class, the Playboy logo should appeal to whom? A person with:
a) a phallic personality b) an Oedipus Complex c) an innovator d) someone who is neurotic
6. Why do marketing researchers most often use a trait theory?
It is easy to measure.
1. What is an attitude?
2. An attitude is the link between ___ and ___.
a) knowledge, action b) perception, memory c) predispositions, perception
3. What type of message is most likely to create a “contrast effect?”
a) a likeable source b) a source similar to yourself c) two-sided
4. According to Heider, competing attitudes must:
a) allow a person to think they are free b) balance each other
d) have more intensity than valence
d) perception, behavior
d) vivid
c) reduce cognitive dissonance
5. What makes the “sleeper effect” work?
6. The likeability of a source will be increased most of the time if:
a) the source is dissimilar to the receiver b) the source speaks rapidly
c) a visual medium is used d) the source makes no errors
7. Which type of advertisement would create the most “inoculation?”
a) two-sided ads over one-sided ads b) ads with words rather than pictures
c) ads that are repeated often d) comparative ads
8. When would it be better to use a vivid message over an abstract message?
a) when a message is true
b) with the message is high involvement
c) when the customers have high self esteem d) when cathexis is not involved
9. Both Trump and Hillary use lots of negatives to describe each other. Why?
a) people like negative politics b) the valence-framing effect c) the heiarchy of motivation
d) the approach-avoidance conflict
10. According to the peak-end rule the beginning of a message should be:
a) as pleasant as possible b) where negative things are gotten rid of c) neutral
d) it doesn’t matter what comes first in this rule
Look this one up… it is important to all negotiations and sales.
Decision Making
1. Which would not be an example of the evoked set?
a) all the products that you could think of b) the products that you could think of in a product category
c) the advertisements that you could not remember from watching TV last night
d) a list of products you would not buy
2. What percent of purchases will be made from an evoked set?
a) about 25% b) about 40% c) about 60% d) over 80%
3. If involvement is high and decision complexity is high, customers are most likely to make:
a) impulse buying decisions b) complex decisions c) inertia decisions d) brand loyal decisions
4. What is the “ignorance paradox?”
People will seek more information if they already know more.
5. What other term would be most like “spurious loyalty?”
a) reactive formation b) motivation c) Oedipus complex
d) halo effect
6. Which decision evaluation model would require you to rank-order characteristics?
a) compensatory b) conjunctive c) lexicographic d) EBA
7. Most people would use what method to select a university to attend?
a) a compensatory model b) a heuristic c) a lexicographic model d) a two-stage model
8. Hunter will only consider buying a watch that has certain features. He is using what decision rule?
a) lexicographic b) conjunctive c) compensatory rules d) rational appeals
9. Equity theory is based on:
a) sums b) ratios
c) averages
d) summed differences
10. What hierarchy of effect would best show how people buy low-involvement products?
a) safety… belonging… self-esteem b) behavior… affect… cognition c) belief… reaction… NAch
d) affect… cognition… behavior
Group Membership
1. What will idiosyncratic credit allow a person to do?
a) be persuasive even with low credibility b) it will overcome the effects of propinquity
c) it allows a shy person to act like an extrovert d) it allows a person to be less conforming
2. Bigotry would best be explained by theories related to:
a) motivation b) perception c) attractiveness d) personality
3. What type of power has the least negative consequences?
Reference power, i.e., you have power because people like you.
4. Why do most people conform?
Primarily, because we want to conform.
Social Class and Culture
1. Which of the 4-Ps is not influenced by social class?
a) price b) distribution c) promotion d) they are all influenced by social class
2. Use Hofstede’s theory of culture, what aspect of culture makes upper Midwest subculture different from a Pacific
a) collectivism b) power distance c) uncertainty avoidance d) harmony with nature
3. Of all the following, social class stratifies which the most?
a) income b) privilege
c) products purchased
d) taxes paid
4. Which of the following is NOT considered a cause of birth rates?
a) geological position b) religion c) social class
d) income
5. How many children does the average woman have to have to maintain a static population?
a) less than one b) between one and two c) between two and three
d) no one really knows
6. Which of the following is seen differently in different cultures?
a) the individual’s relationship with nature b) what it means to be feminine c) the concept of time
d) all of
7. What culture was used in class as an example of procedural time?
a) the U.S. b) Native American c) Japanese
d) Nigeria
8. Personal space is influenced by culture. List two other factors the influence it.
a) status and income b) power and personal height c) income and gender d) cleanliness and social status
9. African American constitute about ___ percent of the population.
a) 5% b) 13% c) 24% d) 36%
10. Which group has the highest average income?
a) African American b) Hispanic c) Asian d) mature consumers
11. The “mature consumer” has lots of political power because:
a) they have high income b) they have experience c) they vote d) actually they don’t have much political power
12. As an individual’s cost of membership in a group increases:
a) group influence increases b) the group becomes less attractive
c) both a and b
d) neither a or b
13. How should education be segmented by social class?
Working class: to get a job; Middle class: to be educated; Upper class: to create connections.
14. The idea of “cultural lag” is used to explain the impact of ____ on cultures.
a) environment b) products
c) rituals
d) myths
15. According to Murray, the upper class is more likely than the lower class to be:
a) attending church b) buying public luxuries c) giving less to charities
d) Murray never addressed this issue
16. Which of the following is true of “myths?”
a) a myth is an untrue story believed by a culture b) it is something that makes religion possible
c) it is a story that expresses some type of truth for a culture or group
d) it is a story that some people believe individually, but which is not true
17. According to modern social class instruments, having a friend who was an evangelical Christian would:
a) raise your social class b) not change your social class c) lower your social class
d) raise your social class if the religion was mainstream
Personal Characteristics
1. How do “agentic” and “communal” languages differ?
In our culture, men speak “agentic.” Its primary goal is to get things done (it is an agent). “Communal” is spoken
by women (especially to other women). Its primary goal is to build community. If I wanted you to drive me to work,
I could say, “Would you take me to work?” Or, I could ask, “Could you take me to work?” Note that only one letter
is different. The correct answer to the second question is “yes” or “no.” The answer to the first question could be
an entire book. The first question is in “communal” and the second is in “agentic.”
2. What physical characteristics influence a person’s future success?
Attractiveness, height, intelligence…
3. Juries relate to attractive persons differently than unattractive ones. When would attractiveness be a negative
rather than a plus?
If attractiveness was part of the crime, it becomes a negative.
4. What does the symbolic self-completion theory say a person will do?
Select product to define or complete their image of themselves.
5. Which is the best example of the effects of the “halo effect?”
a) A person who likes to be very conscientious. b) A person with religious tendencies.
c) A person who likes to be the center of attention when they are at a party.
d) A person who likes thin people better than obese people
6. What is the “kernel of truth hypothesis?”
1. T/F Philosophies of science rarely influence what happens to average people.
2. T/F Statistics allow good bets to be made about individuals.
3. T/F Shoppers would save a lot of money if marketing did not exist.
4. T/F The Stroop Effect shows how sound and vision interact to create a new perception.
5. T/F Sensation can exist without perception.
6. T/F Multitasking is improved with practice.
7. T/F A person’s attitudes influence the gestalt principles used to organize perception.
8. T/F Although latent learning is interesting, it is hardly ever a factor in marketing ads.
9. T/F STM is the work site of memory.
10. T/F Brains are necessary for learning to take place.
11. T/F Items are stored in long term memory by short term memory.
12. T/F Customers buy products for what they are rather than what they do.
13. T/F Products factors will produce satisfaction and dissatisfaction that are symmetrical.
14. T/F Most people will agree on who is attractive.
15. T/F Customers will actually perceive a product as better than it really is if you promote it that way.
16. T/F What a person does after they buy something is not of much interest to marketers.
17. T/F It is easier to propagandize educated people than less educated people.
18. T/F Promotion is more likely to create an opportunity rather than a need.
19. T/F Most people conform because they want to conform.
20. T/F According to Sherif, as attitudes get stronger, perceptual distortion is reduced.
21. T/F Gender is not considered to be a subculture.
22. T/F Income is the most important attribute in determining social class.
Income is not a cause of social class… social class creates income.
23. T/F The combination of minorities in the U.S. actually sum up to over half the population.
24. T/F On average, getting married will make a person wealthier in the long run than going to college.
This may sound odd, but it’s true. Perhaps we haven’t thought much about it because it is one of those issues that
the media ignores. Think of the statistics of children raised by single parents and this becomes a bit more obvious.