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This course follows the guidelines of the College Board AP Spanish Literature and Culture course. It is designed to present students with the rich cultural Hispanic tradition through literary works from the required AP list, the literary movements throughout history, and other cultural manifestations (art, photographs, sculptures, films, music, etc.) The AP Spanish Literature and Culture course is conducted exclusively in Spanish. The course follows the guidelines of the College Board AP Spanish Literature and Culture course.  It is designed to present students with the rich cultural Hispanic tradition through literary works from the required AP list and other cultural manifestations of the times (art, photographs, sculptures, films, music, etc.).  It provides opportunities for students to demonstrate an understanding of the literary works as historical‐cultural manifestations of the times.  To teach students how to write well‐organized literary essays, without grammatical or spelling errors.  Familiarize students with the special literary terminology required to analyze literature.  Familiarize students with the historical cultural movements of the era affecting literature.  To have students practice interpersonal communication.  To have students practice making presentations in Spanish in front of a group.  To teach students to compare and contrast what they learn and read in the class with works they have read in other classes.  The teacher uses the target language exclusively in class and requires students to do likewise.  The course prepares students to use the target language in real‐life  Students are provided with a wide‐range of opportunities to engage in real‐life activities in and outside the classroom to enrich their Spanish language and culture experiences. Options include but are not limited to: attending an art exhibit, musical, dance show or play, and listening to authentic resources. When communicating, students in the AP Spanish Literature and Culture course demonstrate an understanding of the various events affecting culture and literature through history; understand how the past affects the present (connections), make comparisons between literature throughout the centuries (comparisons); and can discuss cause and effect in historical context. Objectives
This course is divided into thematic units following the six themes required by the College Board. Students are required to discuss connections and comparisons made between the new and previous works read, as required by the questions which appear in the College Board exam. The majority of the literary selections contain sections that are linked to the various themes of the course. Activities, such as discussion of art works, music, videos, etc., are directed with those themes in mind. It is assumed that students have previously been exposed to advance language structures in the courses leading up to the AP Spanish Literature and Culture course; however, literary terms are introduced and discussed as they appear in the works and how those terms enhance the particular work being read. Through the study of the following AP themes, students build the necessary skills to reach the assessment objectives through the expansion of their receptive, productive, and interactive skills. AP themes to be covered include: Multi‐cultural interactions (Las sociedades en contacto) Time and Space (El tiempo y el espacio) Duality of being (La dualidad del ser) The construction of gender (La construcción del género) Interpersonal relationships (Las relaciones interpersonales) Literary creation (La creación literaria) Textbooks Abriendo puertas, Ampliando perspectivas Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013 Bowen & Bowen Azulejo – 2nd Edition Wayside Publishing, 2012 Colbert, Kanter, Ryan, Sugano Momentos cumbers de las literatures hispánicas Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004 Rodríguez, Rodney T. Abriendo Paso Gramática Pearson Education, 2014 Websites‐1.htmlñol www.Romance del rey moro www.La web de Films Alatriste para mostrar el Siglo de Oro, Quevedo, Góngora…
Death in Granada para mostrar la vida de García Lorca…
Diarios de Motocicleta el “Che” – para mostrar Nuestra América, “A
Roosevelt”, comunismo, Cuba, Fidel Castro, “Mujer negra”, etc…
El viaje de Carol-Spanish Civil War- la guardia civil – “Prendimiento de
Antoñito”, La Iglesia Católica, “San Manuel Bueno, mártir”, “La Casa de
Bernarda Alba”…
Pan’s Labyrinth para mostrar la época de la Guerra Civil en España…
ASSESSMENT/GRADING Since the primary focus of the AP literature class is the AP Literature exam, students will primarily be evaluated using exercises simulating the AP exam. The AP rubrics, TJ or class specific rubrics, as well as Fairfax County rubrics may be used. Daily assignments and class participation comprise a wide range of activities and are an integral part of the grade. During any 3‐4 week period, AP Spanish Literature students will be evaluated based on several or all of the following skills/content. Since synthesis of ideas and integration of skills is a primary focus of the exam, students will often be assessed on multiple skills concurrently.  Listening comprehension  Writing  Reading comprehension  Literary Grammatical function & usage  Thematic vocabulary development  Oral Presentations